Demon King Dad

Vol 2 Chapter 101: ,monster

The thin "monster" spoke for a while, but it was obvious that he didn't seem to convince the big man. After the negotiation, he seemed a little dissatisfied and murmured a few times. These sounds naturally spread into the ears of the big "monster", and in an instant, the eyes of the hunter immediately emitted a cruel and cold light.

Orc language)............"

The thin "monster" seemed to notice the look in the big "monster"'s eyes and said something quickly. It seems to be distinguishing, and it seems to be begging for mercy. However, this big "monster" brushed the tail and stretched out the rough and strong palm.

Pointing to...the idiot's seat.

Orc language)…………………………,……………….”

The voice is still hoarse, it sounds, and there is a natural majesty.

Of course the idiot didn't understand, but he looked at the monster's eyes, looked at his palm, and finally, looked at the seat he was sitting on. After reading all this, facing the sincere eyes on the opposite side, the idiot nodded slightly and moved in the dark direction.

"Ah You……"

An also couldn't understand, so when the idiot suddenly approached her, she instinctively shook. But the idiot didn't notice it. On the contrary, his hand went around from behind Duan, wrapped her waist, held her around her, and pushed her into the seat.


At this moment, An's body stiffened.

Her face flushed slightly, her body was numb, and she couldn't even speak.

She let the idiot hug her, pushed her deep into the seat, bowed her head, and said nothing. After giving way to such a large seat, the idiot turned his head and nodded to the thin "monster" holding the little "monster" next to him.

The thin "monster" hesitated, turned around and looked at the big "monster". After getting the big "monster" nod, he took a breath, pulled the luggage hanging on his shoulders and hugged it in his arms, while holding the two little "monsters" in his arms, sitting on his back On the seat.

The train is still moving.

After the sudden silence just now, the noise in the car began to rise again. The "monsters" talked to each other, making creepy sounds from time to time. Some "monsters" stared at the humans. While looking at them, they grabbed a handful of unseen bugs from the paper bag in their arms, stuffed them into their mouths, chewed them, and ate them with relish. Only the human beings in the car, in such an environment, no one dared to speak, even to breathe harder.

However, not all of these people keep silent because of fear.

An exception is Anomaly.

Probably because the "monster" sitting on the outermost side is holding a lot of luggage and two small "monsters" in his hands, so it occupies a much larger seat than expected. Therefore, the body of the idiot is naturally close to the dark. Such a close-skinned blind date has never been experienced before.

Among the various smells on the train, Antan seemed to be particularly sensitive to the smell of the idiot beside him. Blushing, she surreptitiously turned sideways, covering her chest with her hand, leaning against the window. But she turned sideways, the place was bigger, and the idiot was squeezed in by the "monster" again. In addition, due to the lack of space, the idiot's hand still went directly around Duan's waist, as if he was hugging her. This kind of contact made her even more at a loss as to what to do.


The tail of that big "monster" hit the table hard again. Hearing the sound, the thin "monster" who was preparing food for the two noisy little "monsters" was taken aback and looked up. After touching the gestured eyes of the big "monster", the thin "monster" noticed that he was "advancing" and couldn't help but move his tail and buttocks aside to make room for the idiot and the gloom.

Orc language)..."

The big "monster" said twice to the idiot. After listening, the idiot nodded at him. Seeing the idiot nodded, the big "monster" also nodded, the pair of yellow linear pupils slowly closed, extended his claws, pulled down the shabby top hat on his head, covered his eyes, closed his eyes and went to rest.

The place is a little empty, and the idiot naturally no longer suppresses the gloom. After the idiot's arms were also pulled out, his hands were crossed, and they were placed on the table, Anan coughed to restore himself to normal.

"Do you... understand orc language?"

"I don't understand."

The dark question was answered by the idiot in the most straightforward way.

"Then how do you...communicate?"


The idiot didn't answer, just exhaled and looked at the little girl who was sleeping beside the big "monster" crying in fear. For a long time, there was no response.

As the train ran, the surrounding mountains became denser and more steep. There are many small villages in front of Baleful Town, and the trains go and stop, and the flow of passengers up and down is also very cumbersome. However, the big "monster" remained motionless. And the nightmare of Little Bread naturally continued like this until...

The destination of this operation, Baleful Town.

Woo———————— Woo————————

Two long whistle sound, awaken the train under the moon night from sleep. Both humans and orcs know that this is the sound of the whistle that is about to reach the terminal

In an instant, those "monsters" began to pack their luggage on the luggage rack, either carrying it or carrying it. Lined up at the door, ready to get off. However, for the humans in the car, only after the behemoths are completely gone, can they be let down. So now, they can only take time to take a look at the outpost city of the Fang Empire, the scale of Baleful Town from the window.


At this moment, it is moonlight.

But under the moonlight, what I saw was a light in the canyon.

This is a huge city.

The steel gate seems to symbolize that no war can be burned behind this solid wall. The countless ballistas and patrolling orc soldiers on the gates also herald the coexistence of wildness and combat power.

After the train entered the city wall, what appeared in front of us was a triangular city with the city wall as the bottom line. The further you go to the top of the triangle, the higher the terrain seems. At that commanding height, there is a tall bunker, the mayor's mansion decorated with totems and fangs, overlooking the entire city.

Compared with many human cities, the various buildings in Baleful Town seem to be slightly rough and not so fine. But this does not hinder its grandeur and grandeur. Since the residents here are generally taller than humans, the buildings look surging, and ordinary people may even feel suffocated.

"The town of Balefulness is here, the town of Balefulness is here. Passengers who get off the bus, please wear their carry-on luggage. (Orcish)..."

The human language and the orc language were broadcast alternately, and the train slowly entered the huge station and stopped slowly.

The door opened, and the "monsters" began to get off one after another. The depressed humans in the carriage naturally breathed a sigh of relief, thanking that they still had their lives here.


Bun was also relieved and patted his little chest. But at this moment, the big "monster" suddenly turned his head and stared at her after taking his luggage. Afterwards, he fumbled around in his bag, took out something, and handed it to a small bread.

That's worm stem.

Although I don’t know what kind of insect it is, it’s obviously something made by drying some kind of insect.

Seeing this scene, An immediately wanted to say no, but the idiot quickly raised his hand and stopped her.


Little Bread looked suspiciously at the root worm, and hesitated. She held up the card--

"give me? 》

Although, this big "monster" cannot understand human language. But he still passed the worm stem in his hand forward. Bun hesitated slightly, look at the idiot. Seeing that the idiot didn't respond, after hesitating for a while, he finally took the worm stem from the rough hand covered with sharp claws.

After the big "monster" took the small bread, he took another one out of the bag, and then put it into his mouth under the windbreaker and chewed it. Little Bread looked at him, listening to the chewing sound coming from his mouth, and looked very hesitant. But, when such a big monster is staring at you, do you dare to disobey?

So, this little girl was cruel, closed her eyes, put the worm into her mouth, holding her mortal determination, took a bite



Bun opened his eyes and looked at the dried insect in his hand. After thinking for a while, she took another bite. After that, a happy expression immediately appeared on her face, she quickly took out a packet of chili powder from her arms, tore it apart, and sprinkled it completely on the insect stem, opened her mouth wide, and bit her eagerly.

Then, the face of this little girl immediately showed the extremely happy expression...

Orc language)..."

The big "monster" said a word, and there seemed to be a smile in the originally cruel yellow pupils. He turned around, took out two more worm stems, and handed them to Idiot and An. The two took it, and the idiot put it in his mouth and chewed. An was still somewhat resisted, and after a dry laugh at the big "monster", he said "I'll eat later" and put it down.

The big "monster" raised his paw, held the torn top hat on his head, and lifted it slightly at the idiot, as if to salute. After that, this behemoth took his luggage, followed the footsteps of other "monsters", and got out of the car slowly.

"Hell, I almost thought I would die, either by these monsters being eaten by corpses, or by them being crushed into pieces"

After the monsters got out of the car completely, the humans finally exhaled. Of course, a student's words express the aspirations of most people. Some people even begin to feel that they underestimate the danger, and they begin to wonder if they are correct in accepting such a task this time. Needless to say, the orcs in the car in the past few days are enough to drive some weaker people crazy.

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