Demon King Dad

Vol 2 Chapter 109: , The angel's error

Angel's mistake

The mayor chuckled and said, "What else can I do? Since I'm open to the princess, I'll just be sincere to the last minute. I need a voluntary experiment."


"Yes. This magical medicine should be successfully developed soon. Little princess, don't you want to see the light again? Don't you want to always have the same beautiful face as now? Even though you are called a devil Secret medicine, but in fact, how can this be called an angel’s gift? Are you interested in trying it?"

The students all around began to talk quietly. Immortality, although this is a problem that seems to be unsolvable for human beings. And many people will condemn it from a moral standpoint. However, if a real chance of immortality is placed in front of you, how many people... can withstand this temptation?

The idiot lowered his head and looked forward with narrow eyes. There, the little princess was silent.

What does she think?

She who lost her eyes because of the devil and lost her light forever, her desire for light is something people with bright eyes can never imagine. Now, the chance to restore her eyes is right before her eyes, will she accept it? Will it... promise?

(Hey, this is really interesting. It reminds me suddenly that if the mayor is not talking to this little princess, but to your little princess, saying something that can make her speak again... Hey, you Will it agree? Or not?)

Idiots don't know.

He could not make any comments on this matter. The matter of letting Little Bread speak has been entrenched in his heart for twelve years, and he will continue to do so in the future. If there was such an opportunity before him, he would not know how he would answer.

"Why... choose me."

"It's not why I chose you, but respect for your identity. I can actually choose anyone, but due to the scarcity of drugs, I hope to be able to complete a diplomacy in this way. If you disagree with the princess, then I will too Consider any member of your diplomatic corps. If you disagree, I will also choose among my citizens."

"How about? Lovely little princess, can you choose?"

"I......need to consider."

Finally, Xiao Xing gave the answer.

The mayor did not seem to show a disappointed expression. The corner of the mouth under the wolf's head smiled again, showing the fangs in his mouth, and said: "Of course it can. I understand that this requires psychological preparation. However, I hope you can decide as soon as possible, princess, so that our experiment can begin as soon as possible. It’s inconvenient to receive official business. I hope you can have a good time in Baleful Town. Hahahahaha”

The idiot watched all of this silently, and captured any small details. So far, he also slowly left the mayor's residence with the diplomatic mission. Go to the rest of the crowd and devour the hotel.


This is the second day in the hotel, and the place where the monsters are rampant outside is not a place that humans can visit.

Everyone, including the princess, is staying in their room now, silently waiting for the night to come.

However, idiots are an exception.

He sat alone in the corner of the hotel on the first floor, sitting silently. Eyes, stay within the door of the hotel for a moment.

Soon... the person he was waiting for came back.


The cheering sound of the orcs came from outside, and then, Bun and An, holding a lot of messy things in their hands, walked in from outside with a smile on their faces.


Orc language)...~~~"



The girl was surrounded by a large number of strangely-shaped orcs, and the two parties were talking at the same time things that the other party didn't understand, but they reached a wonderful communication. When they arrived at the door, the beasts with bandages on their hands, feet, waist and waist thanked the little girl for leaving. The little girl also narrowed her eyes with a smile, and nodded at the orcs who had left, looking very satisfied.


As soon as the bun turned his head, the frosty face of an idiot appeared before him. She was taken aback, her emerald eyes rolled, and she immediately lifted up the large pile of food and tooth necklaces and other decorations in her hand, and handed it to an idiot as if to please.

"Ah, Xiao Bai Xiaobang is not playing around, she is actually..."

"I know."

The idiot didn't wait for the Anan beside him to finish explaining, he turned around and looked at Anan beside him. An was a little dazed by his sudden stare, stepped back unconsciously, nervousness in his heart, and even tightened the spear behind him.


"Hate. I have something to say to you."

The little squirrel lying on the dark head was yawning. After the idiot spoke like this, it raised its eyes lazily and glanced at the idiot. After that, it let out a sneer and jumped off Duan's head easily.

"Okay, I also know that our scumbag must have a lot of questions to ask. It doesn't matter~~~ I will answer as many questions as you have. Go, go to your room."

The little squirrel jumped on the idiot's shoulder and rubbed his tail provocatively on the idiot's face. The idiot had a cold face, and did not respond to the squirrel's provocation, silently walked up the stairs and headed to his room.


The idiot's eyes were very serious, and he was a little worried, and said. But at this moment, Bun took her hand and shook his head slightly.

The moonlight tonight is still so cold.

The idiot slowly moved into this room, stretched out his hand, slowly closed the door, and closed the curtains.

The little squirrel jumped off the idiot's shoulder and lay on the table next to it. It quietly watched the idiot close the door and window, yawned, scratched its face with its tail, and helped the headset.

"Why? Close the door and the window. You know, common people do this kind of thing when they are in the same room with a lady, but it's easy to get misunderstood~~~"

The idiot made no sound. After pulling the curtains, he turned his head and slowly came to the little squirrel.

His eyes were cold, and his jet-black pupils exuded a kind of coldness that seemed to be the last day.

In the air, black snowflakes seemed to start to float...

Turning this unremarkable warm room into colder, like an ice cave...

"Huh, why..."


In an instant, a hand had pinched the body of this little squirrel, and pressed it firmly against the wall on the side. The owner of this hand looked cold, staring at the squirrel.

The little squirrel was slightly taken aback at first, but after a while, it simply stopped resisting, and its uncontrolled tail dangled leisurely. It looked at the idiot in front of him coldly and snorted coldly—

"What's the matter? The dignified Demon Lord, are you going to start cleaning up his men now?"

The idiot was silent, he organized his thoughts and words in his heart. After a long time, he finally spoke--

"Your purpose, say."

"Purpose? Haven't I already told you? What is the purpose?"

The power in the idiot's hand instantly intensified the little squirrel with a snort, still sneered at the corner of his mouth.

"You, from the Fang Empire."

"Tolan once said that you came to Fengchuansha to ask him for help."

"After you came, I went to the King of Bucks and talked to him."

"After you said it, it won't be long before the King of Bucks begins to prepare for this Operation Baleful Town."

"Now, we are here. As a result, we saw the eighth in the Demon Race, the forging demon that has not yet awakened, the treasure map Lancer."

"No matter how you look at it, it can't be accidental. And you...Of course, you hold the key."

The power in the idiot's hand increased slightly, and the little squirrel naturally experienced more and more pain. But even so, the squirrel still sneered and did not make any resistance.

"Hate me? Hate me for dragging you into the whirlpool of this conspiracy? Ha ha ha ha, hate me... I will be very loyal to hope that you will hate me. My purpose is to make people hate. Other people, even the Devil... can come to hate me."

The idiot stared at the squirrel coldly.

The little squirrel doesn't know how long this gaze has been going on. It only knows that the light transmitted through the curtains slowly deflects, from the east to the west.

Throughout the night, there was no coldness in this dark room with snow and ice. As if in an instant, indifference completely occupied this place, and everything...

All freeze.

For a long time, for a long time...

The idiot's hand finally let go.

The little squirrel slid off the wall and lay on the ground, breathing heavily. The demon raised his head, bright red eyes showing excitement. Staring at the idiot in front of him without admitting defeat...


Suddenly, the sound of a broken house came from the next room.

Under the cold moonlit night, the shattered sawdust, like slow motion, draws beautiful arcs in the sky.

This sound, of course, shocked many people, shouting what was going on in human language. There are also beasts that can be used to ask each other.

And in this, there is a unique voice, which is so obvious, so...

"Who is it? Put down the bread"

Let the idiot startle.


There was another sound of broken houses, only this time from the room where the idiot was.

Almost immediately following that shout, the idiot's body had smashed the wall heavily and rushed out. Because of the three rounds of moonlight, his black figure pulled out three gray reflections, and as he jumped out, it slowly elongated...


Idiot landed. At this time, the wood chips that sounded the first breaking sound had just landed. He raised his head and quickly looked in the direction of the sound. He saw that a white-clothed apricot sprang out from the hole while holding a rose while losing her eyes. She kept spinning around in place, frowning, looking very anxious. .

The idiot did not go to see Xiao Xing again, but immediately turned around. However, the sight he saw when he turned his head made his already worried heart grip tightly...


Is that the sound of wings flapping?

Under that sky, I saw a pair of silver wings against the moonlight, flying up and down under the three rounds of bright moon. But these wings belonged to a young girl in a cloak. In her arms, she held a small bread that was still struggling tightly. But no matter how she struggles, she can’t seem to escape the embrace of this cloaked girl

That is……

Lock the robe.

In an instant, the idiot's body moved.

Jet black lightning flashed across the night sky, and in every inch of space passed by, black snow flakes seemed to fly.

The blood-colored pupils at the hilt of the sword were completely widened. In the past few years, the chains that had been seldom used directly, but at this moment did not hesitate to shoot two of them directly into his wrist and shoulder.

The blood of the devil awakened, and the dark right eye turned into a bright red that the devil would have. His arms are no longer in human form, and the sword of the devil has become more stern and sprinting sharply, trailing towards the flying angel.

It was late at night and there was no one on the street.

The demon with the magic sword jumped on the roof, and instantly smashed the fragile wooden structure.

The silver-winged angel flew gracefully in the air, but the demon eagerly pursued it below.

This chase passed over the countless streets and countless buildings.

When the angel flew into the steep wolf howling mountain range around the town of Spite, the demon with the bright red right eye did not hesitate to climb the cliff, jumped up three or two, with a sword, splitting the tree that dared to block him, I dare not let the angel slip away from my eyes for a moment

——Hunting Angel——

Hate, once said this purpose.

At this moment, the devil's heart had completely understood the meaning of this sentence.

That robe...

That... the robe that once completely changed my life... changed the fate of myself and that little girl...

It doesn't matter if the girl is a **** or an angel. Just watching the scene where she left with that girl, the heart of the devil...will be involuntary...


It was a snowy night...

It was the night that changed his fate...

Even today, twelve years later, he is still vividly remembering everything that day, as if it happened yesterday.

The person wearing this robe easily killed the two people, looking for this little girl... They even abducted all the children in the entire Senna at that time, and they did not hesitate to block the road in order to find her.

right now……

But... now...


The silver-winged angel landed slowly.

The landing place was a quiet lake in the moonlight.

The calm lake water reflects the three bright moons in the sky, and the whole lake water is like a mirror, smooth and clean.

The angel did not notice the demon's trailing. She landed slowly, her wings flapping behind her, and her toes lightly touched the lake...

A circle of ripples spread, causing some waves. But soon, a piece of silver duckweed appeared under the angel's toes, slowly expanding. After the duckweed expanded to half a meter in diameter, the angel's feet finally stood firmly on the duckweed, raised his head and looked at the sky...

She, standing above the water.

Pulling down the cloak, the bright moonlight shone on her sixteen-year-old face, reflecting her so pale.

What is she thinking?

In the body of this angelic body, what on earth is...


The devil does not care about the angel's thoughts.

An idiot with half of his face completely demonized, holding a sword, standing on the edge of the lake.

Different from Jingyi here, black flames seemed to be burning under the feet of this demon. He opened his mouth and breathed slowly. With the entire face and body completely demonized, he was originally refreshing. On the lake in autumn day, but beginning to reflect the black snow symbolizing destruction... and cruelty.

The angel turned his head... it was an angel with glasses.

After seeing the demon in front of him, his slightly naive face showed some surprise in his eyes.

But she did not speak.

She doesn't need to speak either.

She knew that the war had already started long ago. Also know...

There are always things that are absolutely impossible to escape.

The bun was put down, no matter how she yelled, it seemed that she couldn't cut through the tranquility at the moment and the ice and snow in the sky.

The silver steel pillar rose from the duckweed, and imprisoned the little girl.

After finishing this, the angel wearing glasses turned his head silently, and the steel silver wings spread out, shaking slowly under the moonlight...

White feathers are flying.

Included in those black hexagonal crystals.

The devil glared his eyes, and his black and red pupils had firmly locked on his target.

With the slight trembling of his wings, the devil took his steps. His feet stepped on the lake water, and at that moment, the black ice surface swallowed the gleaming lake surface and accompanied that step...step...

The angel walking towards the center.

There was no expression on the face of the girl in glasses.

Maybe... Angel of Steel doesn't need an expression?

Watching the demon approach, the lake surface began to bulge slowly. When these water columns rise to a certain level, the roots of steel thorns appear under the moonlight.

The angel was silent, silent.

The devil stared and said nothing.

The steel thorns that surfaced began to rotate, slowly, all the spearheads were aimed at the demon king who stepped on step by step, and adjusted the direction with his footsteps...


On the steel thorn, a drop of water that was too late to fall caused a wave of waves on the calm lake...


The demon lord approached the angel, and the demon sword in his hand pierced her cloak, shoulders and the beautiful steel wings behind her with absolute speed.

And the countless steel thorns, there are also a few inserted into the back of the demon king, imposing sanctions from the Protoss A

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