Demon King Dad

Vol 2 Chapter 110: , Hymn


The black frozen pond.

The white steel pool.

This originally plain lake now assumes the responsibility of reflecting the world.

Bun was trapped in the white "castle", she kept calling out loudly, displaying many colorful energy **** in her hands to attack the wall.

However, this white castle is so strong that any attack from her will have no effect. After trying for a while, she began to desperately grasp the fence of the cage, shaking vigorously. At the same time, he raised the sign in his hand and kept writing something, shouting out.

What did she write?

What does she want to express now?

Why did she shout so loudly at the idiot?

Ah... must be calling for an idiot to come and save her...

What else can there be?

She was kidnapped by the organization that had been looking for her key twelve years ago. Now, besides calling the demon to hurry and save herself, what else would she write?


The black ice surface shattered, and the white steel column broke.

The battle has already begun, with scarlet dark crystals suspended in mid-air.

The silence of the devil and the silence of the angel are intertwined.

But the battle between the two is extremely fierce.

The broken steel thorns flew away and fell into the forest, running through several trees.

The dark sword was pulled through the air, and the sword wind rolled up a giant* on the lake.

The broken feathers of steel fluttered in the air. These feathers slowly fell after shaking off, but they were instantly penetrated by black light.

"Ah oh oh oh oh"

The cries of Bread continued.

But the devil did not look at her.

Now, it's a fierce battle.

Only the guy who really doesn't take his life as his life will be distracted in battle.

In this demon's mind, the world has turned into silence.

There is no mountain, no water, no moonlight, and no bread.

Now in his mind, what he sees and what he hears is all the figure of the enemy in front of him.

If you have anything, let's wait until after defeating this enemy.

wait until……

After killing this angel...

Say it again.


A steel thorn swept across, pulling a terrible wound on the devil's shoulder. Bright red blood splashed out, and the demon's movements became slightly dull at this moment.

The girl in the cloak will naturally not let go of this excellent opportunity. She stretched out her left hand, and in an instant, a white and silver steel spear appeared in her palm


There was a low groan from the devil’s throat, as if he had expected it long ago, and the sword of darkness swung down directly at the raised spear.

There was a bang, there was no extra sound. The white spear broke in two before it was pierced. But this does not mean the end of the attack, it just... proves the beginning of the attack


The girl in glasses was taken aback, the demon in front of her had disappeared.

No need to turn around, just from the tweet that pierced the sky, you can hear that the demon came to her right.



The sound that was pulled out was not only piercing at this moment, but also with a terrifying black flame. The sword was swung over like this, with the sound enough to pierce the eardrums of humans, from the angel that was always shrouded under the cloak. On the right...

White feathers fly.

Then, it fell quietly.

Bun grabbed the cage and looked at all the sights outside with tears streaming down his face.

In midair, the "right hand" that had been shrouded under the cloak, lifted up and waved...

In the palm of his hand, holding another white steel spear, penetrated out...


Devil, surprised.

He looked at the spear that pierced through his right chest, and his black and red eyes showed incredible surprise.

Does she... have a right hand?

Her right hand shouldn't be...

Under the three bright moons, the wings of the steel angel flapped slightly. Under the cloak, her right arm was holding the spear that penetrated the demon's right chest intact.

The next moment, these wings slapped slightly, and she immediately dashed towards the forest beside the demon. The devil hugged the spear in his chest tightly, and before he could pull it out with brute force, his back was hit heavily on the trunk of a century-old tree.

The luxuriant dark forest is not suitable for angels with wings. The girl with glasses lifted her foot directly and kicked him in the abdomen when the demon was nailed to the trunk.

The trunk behind the demon broke, and along with a cloud of smoke, he was completely blasted into the woods.

But this is not over yet...

The angel shook its wings and flew into the sky. In that moonlight, she...

Quietly, took a breath...

(Beware of the gun of Hilalil, the human boy)

Wings envelop this angel... anger

On the chest of the angel who originally had nothing, a white spear engraved with countless unreadable texts suddenly appeared

The girl with eyes let out a breath slowly. She stretched out her hands and held the spear silently. At the moment of gripping, the entire sky suddenly changed color, and countless steel spears replaced the stars, filling the sky.

The girl held the spear and slowly pointed to the forest below. In an instant, without warning, the spear from the sky fell like a meteor, crushing, tearing, and penetrating the dark forest.

The rain of guns has been falling, it has been falling...

I don't know how long it has been.

It seemed that until the entire forest was destroyed, white guns replaced the dense forest and stood on this no man's land.

Until I look around, I can't see any place to hide...

after that……

This shower is over.

The moonlight reflected on the white wings.

Although, this wing does not bring people warmth. Just like this angel, no matter how hot it used to be, what it brings to others now is the endless cold and rigidity...

She held the spear in her hand, opened her small mouth, and exhaled slowly.

The eyes behind those big glasses stared blankly at the forest of steel in front of them, looking at the forest that had turned into silence, a touch of peace of mind appeared in the corners of their eyes...

The right arm was penetrated by a spear.

Just before the peace of mind in the corner of her eyes has not disappeared...

The sudden white spear penetrated the girl’s delicate shoulders completely, and removed the right arm that had grown out for some reason.

The silver-white light shed softly from the sky, and a touch of movement appeared on the angel's face that never seemed to express any expression. She covered the wound on her right shoulder that had been removed, flapped her wings, and climbed quickly before she had time to look down...

The devil... is still alive.

He bared his mouth, his fangs still sharp.

A demon's horn above his head was knocked off, and the black body was also covered with wounds.

But at this moment, he still maintained the action of throwing out the spear, his eyes staring fiercely at the angel in the sky, which seemed out of reach...

The broken arm fell from the sky.

There was no blood spurting out of the fracture, and no soft muscles and bones flying away.

Under the moonlight, what flew from the broken arm was still dazzling, like a meteor, sliding down from the sky...

Screws, wires, nuts, and broken pieces.

The arm fell in front of the devil and twitched. Under the fake human skin, what was revealed was an extremely complex machine...

And steel.

The cries of the buns grew louder.

The devil stood up slowly, the sword of the Devil Emperor in his hand drawn an arc in the air.

There was no painful expression on the angel's face in midair. Her left hand slowly moved away from her right shoulder, once again, tightly holding the holy gun.

The confrontation... still continues.

On this beautiful night, on this beautiful mountain.

There is no extra noise, and there is no interference from others.

One to one

God vs. Demons

No matter what the reason is, no matter why the two appeared here.

As long as the Devil Emperor began to assume the posture before the launch of the Six Swords, as long as the angel raised the holy spear in his hand with one hand...

Everything is already clear.


"Princess, please lie down, the **** on your body has not disappeared"

An hastily held down Xiao Xing and covered her with a quilt. After all, the poison in this princess is too powerful. Although the onset time was somewhat delayed, once the onset occurred, not only was he standing, but even his tongue was paralyzed, and he was speechless.

Xiao Xing was struggling in bed, seeming to want to say something or do something. But now she can't say, can't do it, even that writing can't be done. As the only woman in the team, staying by the princess's bed was naturally anxious, but she was helpless.

"Squirrel, what should I do now? What happened?"

The little squirrel lay on Duan's head. It looked at the apricot on the bed. After thinking about it, he shook his head: "This...about this is beyond my calculations. To be honest, I don't know what happened. what's up."

"is it?"

He frowned, glanced at Xiao Xinghou who was twitching on the bed, came to the window and looked up.

"The sky tonight... it's strange."

Looking far away, above the wolf howling mountain range, a group of black clouds slowly gathered and revolved like a typhoon. Looking at the weather, he breathed out sadly, even though he was worried about the little bread and the idiot, I don't know where they went. But now, as a warrior of the Bucks Empire, sure enough... the most important thing is to stay beside the princess...

"Don't worry, that human being is not that easy to die."

"I know... Xiaobai is not like someone who would die casually... It's just..."

He gently covered his heart.

"Just... why..."

"Why... my heart hurts so much..."

"Why...tears...will...flow down unconsciously?"



For the people in Baleful Town, last night was definitely an abnormal night.

There was a dark wind blowing in the sky, and something seemed to be wailing in the whole world.

Although it was not strange that the snow fell on the night of early November, the dark snowflakes falling down the whole town made people feel the coldness far beyond November.

In the gladiator's dormitory, dullly raised his head slowly, put the rough hand out the window, and caught the black snow flakes. Something seemed to be seen in the yellow linear pupils.

The hatred lying on the dull head also raised his head and straightened his chest, his red eyes staring quietly at the snow flakes falling from the sky.

Above the bell tower of Baleful Town, a sixteen-year-old girl with a flower in her hand felt the black snow falling from the sky, and slowly raised her head. When the black snow flakes touched the flower in the hand, this delicate and unbearable flower naturally curled up its petals silently, and withered...


No matter how bad the weather is, it will eventually pass.

When the eastern sky showed the first white fish belly, the black wind and snow also disappeared silently.

The orcs and humans took to the street, surprised that the black snow of last night disappeared completely at this moment. The ground is as clean as ever. It looks like it has never snowed.

Is that... an illusion?

Ah, maybe, it is indeed an illusion...

Anan leaned against the wall, dozing off. After a few consecutive yawns, she couldn't sit still and fell from her chair. The fall also woke her up, the girl quickly rubbed the aching back of her head and stood up, but at first sight, she was standing in front of the window.

"Princess? You..."


Without waiting for An’s question, Xiao Bread’s call suddenly came from outside for a moment, but Xiao Xing’s reaction was even faster. The princess pulled up her skirt and quickly opened the door. Ran down the stairs quickly

"Ah princess wait a minute"

Hearing Duan's cry, the other humans on the second floor also woke up. They opened the door and saw the princess hurrying downstairs. Although hesitated, they rushed downstairs after An.

Then, what came into their sight was...

"This... scum?"

Before peeling the hotel alive, the bun was already crying into tears. There is an arm on her immature shoulder, and the owner of this arm is not an idiot, who else is it?

But now, the idiot is already unconscious. The clothes on his body were completely tattered, and his whole body was even more scarred. Without a piece of good flesh, everyone looked on the street, and saw a blood stream spreading directly from under the idiot to the end of the road.

"Xiao Bai? What's the matter? How could you get so badly hurt?"

"Big brother?... Bread?"

An and Xing came the fastest, and they squatted down at the same time, helping the exhausted Bun to support the unconscious idiot. After Xiao Bian saw that someone finally came to help, his tense spirit finally relaxed. When the person crooked, he fell like this...


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