Demon King Dad

Vol 2 Chapter 111: , The scheme of hatred

Hate tactics

How long has it been...?

Maybe...not long.

When I opened my eyes again, the afterglow of the setting sun had already shone through the window.

These rays of light projected onto the dark pupils, but could not illuminate them, instead, they were swallowed.

The idiot raised his hand and looked at the bandage wrapped around his arm. I also experience the pain and suffering in various parts of the body.

However, when he turned his head, he saw the little girl lying on the bedside, crying into tears, and falling asleep, the pain and suffering on his body seemed to disappear instantly, and it was no longer so uncomfortable...


Lifting up the right hand that has not been bandaged, the palm of the idiot pressed it against the head of the sleeping little girl and rubbed it gently.

It seemed that she felt something. The little girl in her sleep shed a few tears again, soaking the bed sheet.


"Are you awake?"

A dark voice came from the side.

The idiot raised his head slightly and saw that he was rubbing his eyes with dark circles on his face. But now he still looked at himself with a big smile.

"You can really sleep. I was in a coma for three days. It made me... We thought you would never wake up again."

He smirked and put the porridge in his hands on the bed.


"Ah, yes. We. After all, there are not many trustworthy humans in this city. Our diplomatic corps can be said to be one mind. Moreover, you have been so badly injured, of course everyone needs some preparation."

The idiot looked at An, and after seeing him staring at him, he quickly turned his head. He whispered in a voice that an idiot couldn't hear: "You woke's really... great..."

"Well, you have been in a coma for so many days, are you hungry? Would you like to eat something?"

An scooped out a small bowl from the bowl of porridge, scooped up a spoon with a spoon, and blew gently. Afterwards, she came to the bedside of the idiot stiffly, blushing, tilted her head, and said, "This...this is the food that the store manager heard that you were seriously injured and made it lighter. It... added. Lots of wild fruits and wild vegetables. You...try it..."

The idiot pondered for a while, then turned his head: "Can you help me, take out the box in my bag."


He froze for a while, but he put down the bowl in his hand and rummaged in the idiot's travel bag. After a while, she found a sealed tin box and came to the idiot.

"This one?"

"Well, in the order of front and back, push the lid to open it."

"Oh, it's the trap box sold by Xing Li? She really often sells some weird shapes."

An pushed the box in order, and soon the lid opened. When I opened it, I saw that there were a lot of emergency biscuits neatly placed inside, packed full, and even the cracks were filled with biscuits.

"Please, give me this."

"Huh? But...porridge..."

The idiot didn't say it a second time, he just turned his head and stared at An. She was stunned, but after a while, she was still obedient, took out a biscuit, pulled the corner, and put it into the mouth of the idiot.

The idiot was eating while thinking quietly. He thought about all the situations he encountered now, carefully analyzing the current situation.

Obviously, he has been targeted by someone.

So, is that person the mayor?

Maybe, maybe, he is just one of them.

Compared with the fact that oneself is stared at, there is another point that is very important.

Bread was also targeted.

How did the key organization know that this girl is the baby from twelve years ago?

Logically speaking, the only person in the world who knew that the "Holy Son" was bread should be the only one.

That being the case, how did the lock robe member, a member of the key organization, know the identity of Xiao Bao after twelve years? And thus abduct her?

The events of that year...were there any third parties witnessed it?

No, thinking about that snowy night carefully, there should be only oneself, bread, and bread's parents in that dirty alley. Later, Bread's parents both died, and no one in this world should know the existence of this girl.


Facts speak louder than words.

No matter how reasonable the analysis is, it is as fragile as a bubble in the face of hard facts.

The fact now is that Bread has been successfully kidnapped once, and... still kidnapped by someone from the key organization.

So... what should I do next?

Ok? Wait

Presumably based on the circumstances, Xiao Bread had had several contacts with the Key Organization before. In the past twelve years, this mysterious organization has always been entrenched on this continent like a ghost that cannot be removed.

Since there have been so many contacts before, why has the key organization noticed the existence of this girl until now?


Is it a feature that you don't know?

In this action, this girl exposed a certain characteristic that she couldn't notice, but was noticed by the key members, that echoed the "Holy Son" feature?

Well, let's leave these features alone. At present, there should be one more important thing to be solved.

The members of the key organization...especially the members of the lock robe. Based on past experience, these powerful members will never act alone. At least two or more people together. This also means...

In this Baleful Town, is there another member of the lock robe?

Moreover, since the girl with glasses knows the identity of Bun, she is very likely to tell another key member that if the lock robe member is not picked out as well, until the other party reports the existence of Bun to the organization...


In an instant, the idiot's mind appeared in the mind of many lock-robed members, surrounded by themselves and the bread. Among these lock-robed members, a leader wearing a cloak and playing with a skeleton in his hand, sneered and stared at himself...


"Huh? Xiaobai, what are you talking about?"

Hey, can I invite you, please bring the princess in. "

She froze for a moment, but finally she nodded and put down the cookie box. Less than ten minutes after she left, the stag princess, holding the little squirrel in her arms, had already appeared in the idiot's room.

The setting sun shines in from outside.

Xing faced the idiot, closed her eyes and said nothing. The idiot also looked at this little girl and the little squirrel in her hand.

The bun still snores.

An is a little nervous and don't know what to do.

"Norius, you go out first."

"Uh... Me?"

Anan pointed to his nose, a little strange. But she couldn't resist the princess's orders. After hesitating for a while, she finally nodded and left the room one step at a time.

Finally, only four people remained in the room.

Three demons, and a...sleeping bread.


Xiao Xing put down the little squirrel in her hand, took a big breath and exhaled it, waited until her mood stabilized a little, then began to say——

"Big brother, what do you want to say."

The idiot lying on the bed did not directly answer Xiao Xing's question, but directly turned his eyes to the little squirrel over there, hating it.

"Now, tell us why you brought us here."

The little squirrel snorted. It jumped to the side table, sniffed the bowl of porridge, randomly put on an expression of disgust, and covered its nose with its tail—

"Really, human craftsmanship is really terrible. It's because of that human woman who has cooked such a pot so hard. It seems that I can make her betray me in this respect?"

Say. "

The idiot coldly dropped a sentence to warn the little squirrel.

Hate snorted again, and it flicked its tail, and said, "Okay, okay, just say it. I have no objection at all. Actually, this is very simple, and I also said it at the beginning? The goal of this operation."


Hate jumped onto the idiot's bed, swept his chin with his tail, Mei smiled and said, "Yes, that's it."

"If this story is really to be told, it will be very long. So, I will pick the important points and tell it. For some reason, I found some angels wandering around in this world. That kind of thing is really It's very annoying, and just looking at it can make people sick."

The little squirrel hugged his tail, lay down on the idiot's chest with a sense of peace, yawned, and said, "It's a pity that these angels are lurking in the Fang Empire. Although my power may be able to kill one of them. Two, but if I do this, I cannot guarantee that the remaining angels will not awaken. Without assistance and help, I am afraid I will be killed again and sealed."

"This is not the answer I want. I am a martial artist, not a dead soldier. I don't want someone who is honorable to die. Therefore, I tried my best to escape from the Fang Empire, because I heard that there were dead soldiers in the Buck Empire. According to the rumors, I went to the Bucks to find the little death knight in this life."

"However, before leaving this Baleful Town, I did something. That is... Hey, I told the mayor some ‘magic’."

"Humans are really incredible creatures. Just tell them that they can live forever and cure all diseases, no matter how holy they are, they will be tempted to concentrate on making magic medicine. Hehehe, it's stupid, exactly according to My prediction is in action." A

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