Demon King Dad

Vol 2 Chapter 117: , Piaoxue


But at this moment, the sound of the small bread shook the crossbow violently. It turned away, and the crossbow and the four eyes on the arrow were aimed at the little girl with emerald eyes. The string pulled apart suddenly, popping out mercilessly

The black arrow pierces the bread like lightning


At the moment, the idiot's eyes immediately lost focus. There was no expression on his face, the Dimie in his right hand turned, stretched, and pointed to the ground...

The sword of darkness drew a darker luster in the air.

There was no sound, and the next second, the idiot had appeared behind the crossbow. The flying flying arrow was divided into two halves and passed over the two sides of the bread. And the crossbow, on the path of the black luster, turned into two halves.

"Ah, save... save me"

The focus of the idiot's eyes converged again, and a cry for help came from the side. The idiot turned his head to look, only to see a college student looking at his sword, cheering and running from there. But before the smile on his face converged more brilliantly, a huge hammer suddenly fell from the sky, smashing his whole person into meat sauce.

"...Bread, go."

The idiot put away the dark, clutching the pain in his chest, pulling the bun to act again. He needs to find a safe place, and then... do his best to rest. If the mayor really wants the life of Bread... Then he absolutely doesn't mind, use his hands again, Seal the so-called "companion" him

the other side……


Anan held the sunlight in his hand, swept away the red light-emitting gun, and cut off a sword of darkness. Together with Xiao Xing and many other warriors, she built a protective wall in the center of the town to protect the humans and orcs in it and resist the seemingly endless supply of weapons.

"Hey little squirrel, if you are really strong, come and help too."

An squeezed the spear in his hand tightly, and carried the Demon Soul Shot to the fullest. The spear was invincible wherever it went, and there was no weapon that could resist it, and it was crushed. But even so, she was so busy that she almost missed the other several times.

"Huh? Why? I'm a demon. I'm the great squirrel devil, who wants to override human beings. Why should I save these humble humans?"

The little squirrel yawned, raised his tail, and covered his mouth very ladylikely, and said.

An inverted his spear into the ground, and the "Dreamwalking in Wonderland" hit by the Demon Soul was ready to go. Facing the weapons that surged like water, she yelled, her red hair raised, and the mad force was launched, rushing straight and rushing back after shredding those weapons, as if on a battlefield, invincible. Fierce general

"Really, you really like to protect others. The more you use your power, the more the protective power in your body will naturally be consumed. In fact, if you want to protect yourself, it doesn't matter. But now , But you are using your own life to protect these people who have nothing to do with you. You are really boring."

"I... don't know what you are talking about"

Duan’s cheek was swiped by a bow and a blood stain was drawn, but before the bow passed her and pierced the old, young woman and child who had no fighting power behind her, she immediately raised her hand, grabbed the bow abruptly, and threw it. Back.


A staff appeared in front of An, and the gems on the head of the staff began to gather, and the eyes on the staff seemed to laugh.

"If you don't fight... Then I will protect you... Then, we will go back together and invent things together. I will be the maid of your Squirrel Devil, help you comb your hair and feed you pine nuts."

The squirrel raised his head and looked at the stupid human girl under him with some incredible red eyes. When it was sluggish, the staff over there was already activated, and a violent shock wave rushed towards the dark.

"Ah hey humans"

"Devil Soul Strikes..."

As if to embolden herself, she gave a sullen cry, the spear in her hand was spinning quickly when the shock wave was about to swallow her, she roared, and the mad force was launched to the peak, and the spear in her hand blasted heavily on the shock wave.

"Magic Mirror"


There was a loud noise, and the huge shock wave was blasted back. The Demon Eye on the staff didn’t wait to be surprised. The huge energy had swallowed it, along with all the buildings within 100 meters of the straight line behind him. Weapons, all turned to ashes


With a blow, Anguish couldn't help kneeling down. She was gasping for breath, and her arms were a little numb. just……

When she was relaxed like this, a sickle had quietly floated on top of her head, and it was split head-on...

Two small paws, firmly catch the sickle.

When he raised his head in surprise, he saw the little squirrel leaping hard, kicking its hind paws heavily towards the center of the sickle, kicking it to pieces. After that, the little squirrel landed safely, turned his head, and gave a sad look.

"Cut, it's really a troublesome human being. Since you are the first maid I accept, I will help you. But remember, I only protect my maid and I don’t care about the life or death of others. do you know?"

"Hehe, yes"

Squirrel jumped back on top of An's head again and assumed the posture of a martial artist. And Ansha is once again confidently holding the sunlight in his hand, proudly blocking those weapons and injured orcs and humans, becoming one of the strongest barriers.


Yes, there is not just one barrier.

In addition to the darkness, the dullness over there is also dragging the exhausted body, trying to give full play to the strength in his hands. His guiding force bones are urged, and the power he needs is continuously extracted. The totem necklace hung around his neck even boosted his strength against the tide of weapons

On the other hand, the door Xiao Xing guarded didn't have many weapons. These weapons bypassed her one after another, seeming to want to attack the people behind. However, these weapons obviously underestimate Xiao Xing’s attack range. Yan Chen’s start-up style has been pulled up, and the grand roses began to bloom under her feet.

Not only that, but there were many orc warriors and human warriors who surrounded the protection circle to resist this tsunami-like reincarnation attack. No matter how severe the injury is, no matter how many times the body is cut, no one takes a step back, and this defensive circle has never been compressed.

This is a fierce battle zone.

The mayor squatted on the bell tower in the snow and looked at the scene in the fierce battle zone with interest.

He is happy to see these people resisting here, and he also wants to see resistance. It is not his goal to kill the enemy immediately. What he needs is the will to fight, and the desire to survive until all this is stimulated is the best time to harvest.

Because of the existence of the fierce battle zone, all weapons rushed to the central square. The pressure elsewhere has plummeted. In the laneway where there were almost no enemies, the idiot made a slight estimate, then stepped forward again, rushing to his target location.


Little Bread is very strange, she doesn't understand why her babble still runs there at this time? So, she whimpered, hoping to get an answer.

Unfortunately, the idiot has no time to give her an answer now. Soon, the father and daughter arrived at the target building. The idiot didn't stop and ran in quickly.

Fifteen minutes later...

The idiot ran out again, holding the bun to the corner of the triangle in Baleful Town. There was a cliff, and the forest of the Wolf Howling Mountains looked down from above and looked at the idiot and the little bread.

However, it is obvious that this is the concealment point that idiots want most. The cliff can block the attack from behind, and he can also squat on the rock and watch the killing unfolding in the city.


"Baba, what should we do next? 》


After a long time, the idiot only gave such an answer.

"When will you wait?" 》

Little Bread was a little anxious, watching the fierce battle unfolding over there, she seemed to hear the constant wailing over there. Although she also understands that going to the war with the current body of an idiot, it is very likely that she will not become any combat power, but will become a drag on her own people. However, she was still very worried.

This time, the idiot did not directly answer the little girl.

Although the battle there can maintain a balanced state for a while, the power of the devil is definitely not something ordinary humans can resist for a long time. I believe that soon, the defenses composed of these humans will collapse, and then, what awaits everyone is the slaughter that cannot be expressed in words.

Look, the mayor squatting on the bell tower has raised his head. He raised the hand that had turned into sharp claws, grabbed the cross on his neck, pulled it off, and threw it away. When the dark cross landed slowly from the sky and landed on the ground covered with blood and snow, the lunatic spread his hands and took a big breath. Once again, he began to recite the devil made just now. The spell that was chanted when the fruit

The grievances of death began to float over the entire city, and a huge magic circle began to spread around the clock tower and continued throughout the city. On the chest of the dead corpse, the heart began to burst out of the cavity, slowly floating along with the unjust soul. At first glance, it looks like countless red lanterns suspended in this world full of red blood and white snow.

The idiot on the edge of the cliff, he was silent.

His gaze was looking ahead...but what he was looking at was not the death-filled soul and the red heart hanging like a lantern.

What he saw... is snow.

The white, pure, perpetual frozen crystal without the slightest filth...

Seeing these, he breathed out slowly. Then, reached out...

He caught a piece of falling snow, which was also in his palm...



At this moment, the idiot's fist was clenched.




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