Demon King Dad

Vol 2 Chapter 118: , Rival

For those defending soldiers, the scene that appeared before them has made them wonder why they are surprised. Of course they also know the seemingly invincible mayor on the clock tower. But just as their defense was about to collapse, a transparent crystal suddenly shot out from the sky

This crystal becomes a cone, and its speed is as fast as a shooting star

The mayor squatting on the clock tower did not expect this moment at all. At the last moment, he hurriedly jumped off the clock tower. The huge bell tower was instantly bombarded by crystals, and the whole quickly crystallized, cracking and breaking

Devil language) Gu... is it finally here... my old enemy"

The mayor, who turned over, gritted his teeth and held the shark-tooth double knives with both hands. The scarlet pupils became more hideous, but before he landed completely, a huge plant suddenly sprang out of the snow behind him. The raised vine steadily caught the mayor who had fallen from the sky and tightly bound it. he. In this cold winter, countless bright sunflowers bloomed on the plants, which seemed so out of place in this white world.


There was a loud noise in the sky shooting out of the clouds, and the next moment, something plunged from the clouds.

That thing has wings...

Almost all transparent wings. Every feather is frozen in extreme cold, without temperature and emotion.

She has long white hair, and her pale pupils are cold and ruthless. Her skin was white, and she was covered with a translucent ice skirt, which fully reflected her exquisite body curve.

But under this graceful figure, this "thing" is the mayor who coldly looked down at the mayor. She spread her hands, and the wings of Frost fully spread out, bringing the ultimate coldness to this world.

Devil language) Snow Angel... Flower Angel... Thousands of years ago... You sealed me... But after a thousand years, I will use your heart to formulate the most perfect demon fruit in the world. You... and Your helper... will be completely complete and become the dead soul of my sword"

The madman trapped in the vine roared loudly at words that others could not understand. But no matter how he struggled, he still couldn't break free of this sea of ​​flowers. The woman in mid-air looked at the madman indifferently, her hands gathered together, and an ice cone immediately appeared in the white palm, and with a bang, it pierced the madman.

Inevitably, the mayor's chest was pierced by ice cones. The splashing blood turned into ice before it was spilled, which also caused a painful roar in his mouth.


In the roar, the muscles of the mayor's arms slammed up and he rotated his body angrily, and the shark tooth knife directly crushed the vines and petals. At the moment he left, he slammed a knife at the plant behind and left immediately. The plant shrank quickly and transformed into a human form. A pair of petal-like wings stretched out from behind this small human figure, flapping and letting her fly into the air.

It was a little girl in colorful clothes, she couldn't see her hair at all, and all kinds of flowers and plants stretched out from the top of her head. There was an unnatural smile on her face, and red and green eyes were staring at the mayor below. Both hands were divided, a hammer and a sword decorated with petals had appeared in both hands. .

For ordinary humans, the scene before them is a recurrence that can only be seen after a thousand years. But the result of slightly differentiating the gods is that those weapons took advantage of the emptiness and washed away the protective layer.


A dull claw crushed a hammer, he turned to look at the collapsed protective layer over there, and immediately roared. Then he took the lead and rushed forward. When the other orcs heard his roar, they immediately followed, and the whole team began to move the target again... It was the apex of the triangle, the direction of the former mayor’s residence.

Devil language) Hey...two...really?"

The mayor gritted his teeth and pulled out the ice cone from his chest. He clenched the shark-tooth knives in his hands and rubbed each other, creating more weapons around his body.

Mozu language) Is there another one? Are you not all so mean? Use more to less... Only in this way can I be sealed a thousand years ago, right?"

The Flower Angel and Snow Angel in mid-air did not answer. They lowered their heads and looked at the dead and wounded in the city, smelling the pungent smell of blood, and staring at the heart and soul floating in the air. After that, the eyes of the two angels were staring at the guilty mayor.

Devil language) Ha... There are only two, right? Since there are only two this time, then you absolutely cannot be my opponent angel... Today will be the day of the demon hunting. I will use you Heart to refine the medicine of immortality"

The wolf head on the mayor's forehead burst sharply, and two demon horns protruded from it. His face became extremely majestic, the upper and lower four fangs had grown his lips. He squatted down, and a pair of black bone wings burst forth in an instant, leading him directly to the sky, hunting an angel.

The idiot held the small bread and continued to lean on the cliff.

His eyes were cold, silently watching what was happening in front of him, watching the fierce battle between the two angels and the madman in the sky.

His eyes are quiet...

It's like the tranquility that has already seen everything. It seems that nothing in front of him can interfere with him anymore. The only thing he needs to do now is to sit here quietly and watch the battle.

(Snow Angel, Flower Angel. Trash angels of sequence thirty and thirty-four. They are synonymous with trash and despicable. They act together to see who is alone, and to see who is beaten when they can’t fight back. Come out for a sneak attack. In the last era, together with another angel, they sealed him by sneak attack. So, this guy must hate them very much.)

Dimie Hehe sneered, with a confident tone.

(………………You, don't you persuade me to help out.)

The idiot said coldly.

(Ha, help out? Just kidding, do you think the Demon of Sequence 8 is so rubbish? Faced with two non-combat angels, will you need other people to help? By the way, the hatred of being a combat demon and the jealousy of a support type are also They are sealed. But now, that little squirrel has not decided to jump up and get revenge, it has fully demonstrated that it also respects the "forging" will.)


(Speaking of which, these angels are really wretched enough. They knew that they were not a combat type, so they encouraged others to fight, and then attacked behind them. They sealed the hatred and jealousy of the two sisters, but I didn’t expect them at the time. Even forging can be sealed together. Should I have told you? The top ten demons are all the main combat power. They were sealed by three garbage angels for no reason. Do you think I am annoyed?)

The idiot looked up, watching the fierce battle in mid-air. The black demon wings spread out, and with a wave, they swept through the bodies of Flower Angel and Snow Angel, knocking them away. The mayor sneered, holding a pair of knives upside down and passing between them, and the white feathers and colorful petals fell down suddenly.

(So, this time forging must be very hopeful of revenge, right? You see that he kills so hard, if it is not for respecting his will to kill the enemy, I also want to go up and kill it~~~ Oh, sorry , I forgot your body. Hahaha, with your garbage body, it is estimated that you went up to die? Hahahaha)

The idiot breathed out slowly, even though he didn't like Dim Mie very much, he nodded silently. He lowered his head and looked at the crowd of beasts constantly rushing towards the mayor's mansion, then raised his head and looked at the fierce battle in the sky.

"Yeah... he should be crazy now. Because of bloodthirsty... crazy."

"Ba Ba"

Just when the idiot made a judgment, the little bread that had been in her arms suddenly screamed.

This little guy, crying?

She was struggling in the idiot's arms, her two small fists kept hitting the idiot's chest, crying loudly. Whenever the fierce battle in the sky is fierce, she will beat the idiot more hard.

"Baba, he is not crazy, he is not a devil"

In the messy blizzard, Little Bread cried and blushed, and raised the sign--

"He is the same as Ba Ba, he is the same as Ba Ba, but why, Ba Ba wants to force him to this point? Why"

"No, bread, he is different. He wants to kill you to make medicine, and the two angels are probably the companions of the steel angel..."

"Silly beep, silly beep, silly beep, silly beep oh oh ah ah ah"

Bun struggling to jump out of the idiot's arms, she wiped her tears and ran toward the city again, crying. At this time, the idiot was really panicked, he could no longer sit still, and immediately jumped off the rock and chased him up.


"Ah woo"

Bun wiped his tears while running. She ignored the idiot's cry behind her, and instantly pulled down the ribbon on her head. Lightning formed, she jumped up, and in an instant she left the wounded idiot behind her, and rushed to the center of the city.



Little Bread was sitting in a lightning dash while wiping tears...


She rushed to the fierce battle area, spread her hands, and the gushing energy bombs directly smashed the shields on both sides in front of her and passed through.

This battle shouldn't happen at all...

Tears, mixed with snowflakes, ran across her cheek.

Please... don't fight anymore...

She raised her head and looked at the sky...

Don't... fight anymore——————


The mayor grinned, inserting both knives into Snow Angel’s chest, and slashing the flower angel’s shoulders. The two angels gritted their teeth. The ice cone and mallet also hit the mayor’s chest and back at the same time, and both suffered. V

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