Demon King Dad

Vol 2 Chapter 121: , The story now

Xiao Bao's handwriting is sonorous and powerful. Although she hasn't said a word from beginning to end, her eyes are unusually firm at the moment. From these eyes, An seemed to see a thick shadow of an idiot. Although it looks the same cruel, but it feels a little different...

"Ah, I can't tell you. Your father and daughter are all refined."

An An sighed, shook his head, and smiled bitterly. The naughty smile on Xiao Bread's face was restored, he patted the skirt, stood up, and said goodbye to Xiang An.

She walked out of the room and walked to her bedroom.

The little girl who obeyed the rules of nature patted the door of the idiot, but didn't get any response from inside.

She listened... after hearing the arguing between an idiot and a squirrel, she smiled slightly. Then, turned around and walked to Princess Xiao Xing's room...



Who made it?

In the dark, the eyes of the girl with glasses have become cold.

She silently watched the little girl with pink hair enter the princess's room, and watched her face continue to emit an innocent smile...

This is the rule...


This is the most difficult rule for her to accept.

The girl in glasses was silent.

She just stood outside the princess's room, listening to the little girl playing and laughing inside.

What a happy worries, no sadness.

As if at that moment, the real angel is in this room

And she...

And she...

It’s just a bunch of scrapped copper and iron

With a bang, the wings of steel pierced the gate and made a loud noise.

The pink-haired girl and the blind girl in the room hadn't noticed what had happened. The girl with glasses rushed up quickly, stretched out her hand, and threw all the powder in front of the invisible princess. Then, she hugged the pink-haired girl, broke the window, and flew out




The bright moonlight splashed on this world...

The wings of steel spread out, soaring freely under the starry sky...

Looking around, everything in front of me is so beautiful... so quiet...

The silver-white brilliance has become everything in this world, even the "shadow" will be completely illuminated at this moment...


The little girl with pink hair was struggling in her arms...

But when she saw who the girl holding her was, the little girl's face immediately showed a surprised expression.

The short surprise was fleeting, and then, she once again revealed the sophisticated and composure she had just now, her originally very cute emerald eyes turned into a pool of calm stagnant water at this moment, staring quietly. Holding her.

Does she know?

Maybe you know... Maybe you don't know...

But all this doesn't matter anymore. The only goal of the girl with glasses now is to hold her, fly with all her strength, and rush to the place where the "moon" is. Then...even if I will once again become a shadow, once again driven by the light to a place where he can't be seen, as long as he can be happy, then everything... doesn't matter...

The quiet lake surface is as smooth as a mirror.

The moon, reflected in the mirror-like lake, is cold and beautiful...

With wings flapping, the toes of the girl with glasses touched the smooth lake surface lightly, and as the ripples spread around, a duckweed emerged from it.

Next, let this pink-haired little girl treat the "moon" in the water. Even with persecution, even with threats, the shadow behind the moon recognized it. As long as he can make his face smile again, even if she is a villain, she will not hesitate


When she turned her head...

The demon holding a dark sword at one end and emitting flames all over his body, but also quietly, stood there...






The shark tooth knife was pulled out, tearing the flesh and blood from the two angels. The icy debris on Snow Angel’s chest flew like crystals, while the wound on Flower Angel’s shoulder was filled with countless red petals.

The powerful demon was attacked back and forth, but he was not afraid of the blood bursting out from the corner of his mouth, but he didn't even wipe it off, his feet arched and popped, and he stepped heavily on the chest of the two angels.

Two angels fell sharply from mid-air, smashed the building, and smashed two deep pits on the ground. The heavy injuries made them difficult to move, and they were even unable to stand up.

Devil language) Angel... die"

The demon in mid-air crossed its swords, and suddenly pulled the diffuse sparks and fell from the sky in an instant. If you wait for these sparks to land on the ground, those weapons are destined to climb up again, tearing the two angels that have been exhausted to pieces.


At this moment, a pink light suddenly slipped into the front of the two angels. The emerald pupils lifted up, and the two immature hands lifted up even more without fear

In an instant, a bowl-shaped golden shield appeared in mid-air, and the sparks were completely contained in it and the sparks fell into the golden bowl. In a moment, it lost its luster and disappeared without a trace.

Devil language) Humans, looking for death"

Bun withdrew his hand, just picked up the sign and wanted to write something, but before he could write, the demon with horns had already rushed in front of her and raised his two knives, and slashed at this little one without mercy. body of


At the moment of the moment, a chain suddenly shot out from the side, entangled the little girl's arm. The arm at the end of the chain slammed, pulling the bun out of the range of the double knife. With a scream, the blade fell, and a few strands of pink hair fluttered in the air.

Protoss language) Devil, you could not completely kill you thousands of years ago, today is your death date"

At the moment when the bun was pulled away, Snow Angel saw the opportunity and shouted. Her wings grew sharply, and she surrounded the mayor from behind and immediately wrapped him tightly.

Protoss language) take revenge"

Hearing the cry of Snow Angel, Hua Angel cheered up again, and the hammers in both hands immediately turned into wooden long swords. Her flying knife was directly above the Snow and Ice Autumn, and the wooden sword in her hands was heavily pierced into the snowball. The moment the wooden sword pierced, the opposite party immediately pierced a thick eye cone.

The Flower Angel kept flying around the snowball, and the wooden sword in his hand kept piercing out. In a blink of an eye, the snowball was covered with flowers and became a flower ball. But then, the snow angel gathered the snow flakes again and made the snow ball bigger. The flower angel’s wooden sword stabbed more and more frequently.

Constantly superimposed, constant puncture. The snowball is getting bigger and bigger, and the wooden cone pierced from the other side is getting sharper

Finally, this snowball full of flowers became almost the size of a small city. Under the control of the snow angel, it hangs in the midair of a blizzard like a sun that does not emit heat.

Protoss language) Today, devil, your fate has come to an end. You have to pay for the blood that you swallowed in your hands, and present a blood confession to the dead undead. We will seal you again and this time... will be forever-- ——"

The snow angel shouted loudly, her icy-white pupils furious, her hands and wings spread out to the fullest, and the surface of the snowball suspended in the air immediately began to crystallize and become thick.

Not only that, after the flower angel pierced the last two foils in his hand into the snowball, he quickly flew directly under the snowball. She squeezed her hands and slapped them on the ground. In an instant, a huge tree trunk rushed up from the ground and stretched out to the sky at an incredible speed. The rough tree trunk began to "swallow" the snowball, and finally, completely contained it in the trunk.




The battle... is over.

Snow Angel and Flower Angel both fell to the ground, their wings slumped, panting heavily.

However, they finally succeeded.

After a thousand years, they finally sealed this sinful demon again... and, forever...


Victory...should bring happiness... right?

But at this moment, the expressions of Snow Angel and Flower Angel did not show much smile.

They looked at each other, then at the towering tree, sad and lonely expressions gradually appeared on their faces...

(Hehehe, it's over?)

The idiot holding a small bread raised his head and looked at the big tree straight through the sky.

(If this is over, wouldn’t the eighth-ranked demon be too silly? Hehe...hehehehe, human kid...your interest is really bad...hahahahaha)

The idiot's eyes were cold. Except for the action of pulling the bread just now, his expression was still as cold as it is now. Just faintly, watching everything in front of me...


Things are just as he expected.

Thunder... Lol...

The seemingly sturdy tree trunk began to show cracks at this moment.

A red liquid began to flow out of those cracked gaps, which looked like iron juice beaten in a furnace. It's also like lava emerging from an erupting volcano

At last……


The clothes on the upper body were completely broken, and the scarred demon continued to flap the bone wings behind him, with a **** sneer at the corner of his mouth, among the bursting snowballs, looking at the two angels below with contempt. .

Devil language) Sure enough, there are only two, so the strength is only a little bit? The only fighting angel among the three angels is not there, and even the possibility of procrastinating with me is not so now..."

Shark-tooth knives, lifted, interlaced...

Mozu language) Since you have exhausted all your strength, then give your last life... obediently."

Pulling with two blades, the sky full of sparks once again spread across the city

Accompanied by the snow falling due to the explosion, it seems that the whole town of Spite is shrouded in hell

Mars landed and grew into an invincible weapon. After dullly pushing all the old and weak remnants into the gap at the apex of the triangle, they took the lead and stood on the hole, and together with the other fighters, they blocked the bloodthirsty weapon that came.

But in comparison, more weapons were born beside the two angels. The eyes on these weapons were grinning, exuding a red sheen of hatred. The terrifying demon hovered in the sky, the evil smile at the corner of his mouth was even more majestic, and he waved his right hand--

Mozu language) But don’t kill them. Slowly tear them to pieces. Slowly refine their fearful and warlike heart. I want to condense these two medicinal materials into the world’s most The perfect medicine leads to refine the world's most perfect immortal medicine"

With the mayor’s roar, those sharp blades rushed towards the angels for a while, blood began to splash, and countless sharp blades kept cutting the two angels’ bodies, tearing their wings and feathers to their bodies. It was shredded by countless sharp blades, skin was cut, muscles were torn apart, and bones were chopped. The **** slaughter is taking angels as bait at this moment, performing the most beautiful interpretation

The mayor in midair, smiling.

He laughed wildly.

Along with his laughter, those originally suspended hearts and souls began to float again. As the mayor began to silently recite mantras, the filthy things began to gather and merge in front of him. This demon is also rare to put away its double knives, spread its claws, smile and joy, ready to welcome the immortal medicine that is about to take shape.

at last……

Mozu language) Time is up, come on"

With a roar of the devil, two long swords with eyes immediately pierced the chests of the two angels, and with one pull, they dug out a frozen heart and a colorful heart. These two hearts flew directly into the hands of the demon and plunged into the center of smelting

"Hahahahahaha ———————————"

everything is over.

The crazy laughter of demons fills the world

everything is over……


However, a slight noise came from the devil when he was most excited and relaxed.

He lowered his head, and what he could see was the sight of the Snow Angel and Flower Angel, whose bodies were broken and uneven, waving their broken wings and hugging his legs. But at this moment, my legs are gradually covered by ice and petals...

Devil language) You don't hesitate to explode with your want to seal me?"

The demon's eyes showed the only panic in the battle. But before the panic turned into action, the frail Snow Angel and Flower Angel just glanced at each other and smiled sadly...



Little bread, crying loudly below.

Amidst her anxious cry, in midair... a cluster of strong snowflakes burst out, and the rain of flowers swayed...

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