Demon King Dad

Vol 2 Chapter 122: , Silent War

Silent War


The demon under the moon night roared wildly.

The black and red pupils exude a terrifying light, the bright red pupils at the hilt of the sword are angrily open, and the sword is burning with a black flame that is colder than the ice, passing the air and freezing everything. .

Moonlight...lightly sprinkled on the steel wings.

Under the huge wings, it turned into an endless shadow. Keep that girl out of any light...

She is a shadow...

Since it is a shadow, of course it cannot be born under the light.

But since it is a shadow, she will naturally live for the light.

in order to……


The spear in her hand turned, even though there was only one arm, this small arm flexibly drove the spear, which was almost twice her length, and the muzzle drew a circle in the air and aimed at the demon below.

--come on--

The mouth opens, there is no sound.

But she didn't need to remind her that the demon had jumped onto a spear next to him, and with one pressure and one shot, the whole person had already flew up and plunged directly at the girl in midair.


The devil looked a little anxious, and the sword of darkness in his hand swung with all his strength. But without wings in the air, his actions seemed too limited. The Angel of Steel fluttered her wings slightly and avoided it. While the demon was falling, she directly raised her spear and made a shot at the demon's scarred back.

No matter how hard the devil's skin was, it couldn't resist the continuous attacks of this holy spear. Blood splashed, and the demon who had lost a straight horn on his head fell from mid-air and fell directly into the deep lake. With a crash, many ice floes were broken.


The small bread in the cage shook the steel bar in front of him vigorously, hoping to break free from it. When she saw the demon falling into the water, she was very anxious, and she cried out anxiously.

The devil gritted his teeth. Although his body was almost too much to eat, the moment he entered the pool, he sprang out of the lake again.


The devil is faster, the angel is faster. The idiot had just rushed up from the water, and the angel was already carrying a spear. The holy spear radiating silver-white light aimed at the top of the devil’s head and pierced straight down

The devil was inevitable, and hurriedly raised the sword of darkness in his hand. When - there was a loud noise, the tip of the gun stabbed heavily on the blade, pressing the idiot into the lake again.

The huge force bombarded the water surface, forcing the weak liquid away. The steel angel directly pressed the demon to the bottom of the lake. When the demon's feet plunged into the mud in the lake, she immediately retracted the spear and flew slightly half a meter high, relying on the length of the holy spear to directly launch a stab.

A round of hand-to-hand combat started at the bottom of this lake, and the devil's feet were trapped, and there was no time to escape. He had to wield the hilt continuously to start a spark-splattering battle with the angel

The holy sword and the black sword kept colliding, emitting a deafening noise. The radiated power can even oppress the surrounding lake water, preventing them from falling

Beside the huge steel ball at the bottom of the lake, the weapons of demons and angels kept hitting. With adept skills and flexible movement, Steel Angel is constantly testing the boundaries of the devil. And the devil, relying on its unparalleled power, could not be killed immediately for a while.


Suddenly there was a sound in the devil's throat. He handed the hilt to his left hand, saw the stabbing spear and slammed it for a moment, then immediately stretched out his right hand, and a chain sprang directly from his right arm and pounced. The angel who can't hide in midair

The steel angel was startled and hurriedly flapped its wings. But her body avoided, the left wing did not. The lacquered black chain is directly wrapped around and pulled suddenly


The fallen angel lost his body, and when he fell, the devil’s fist was squeezed and hit the angel’s belly heavily.

With an extremely heavy blow, there was even the sound of something shattering from within this petite body. The feathers flew away, and the angel was blasted into the air. Due to the entanglement of the chains, the devil’s body was also pulled out abruptly, and the lake once again formed on the soles of both sides. The turbulent water surface could no longer reflect the bright moon in the sky, leaving only the ripples that could not be calmed for a long time. .

The demon clung to the chain in his hand, because this was the only way he could pull the distance between him and the angel. When he left the lake, he pulled the chain again, hoping to pull the angel out of the air.

There was no expression on the injured angel's face. It seems that the pain of the body can not make her have any expression at all. At this moment, facing the pulling of the devil, her figure tilted, and her wings entangled in black chains suddenly... spread out.

The demon lost its support and fell from the sky again. After the angel in mid-air untied the left wing, the right wing dispersed in the next moment. Those feathers fluttered for a while, then suddenly reorganized, scattered behind her to form two larger wings


While forming the huge wings, these feathers also began to fall one by one from under the huge wings... If this continues, I believe that within a minute, her wings will be completely lost.

what does this mean?

The devil doesn't know.

But the falling demon knows one thing. At the moment when these wings were recombined, the angel who was in the air itself accelerated in an instant. Moreover, even with his demon form, he can't see the speed...

The spear penetrated his abdomen.


The angel stabbed the demon to the ground, and the force of the fall was too great. The big one even shattered a small piece of mountain and flew into the air. A cloud of filth formed the moonlight. In the darkness, the devil could I saw the spear in my abdomen, and the angel at the end of the spear...

The steel angel released the holy spear in his hand.

The reorganized fantasy wings flapped and took her up in the air. The girl pulled off the lock robe cloak on her body, completely revealing the small body that seemed to be a little stunted. The wings of light radiated light, she raised her left hand and pointed it at the idiot...

At this moment, countless steel pillars began to emerge on the walls of the pothole.

Just like the Great Demon Sealing...

(Human kid seals, he wants to seal you human kid, human kid——————)

Don't the devil know? Look, those steel pillars have begun to wrap around his left hand and feet. Except for the right hand entangled in chains, his body is completely immobile. The holy spear that pierced his belly seems to be drawing away all of him. Vowed to completely block him

(Human kid don’t hesitate to open the fifth hell. She knows she can’t seal me, so she wants to seal you and cut off the connection between you and me. You have to avoid it, you must immediately... must be completely now Yes, accept my power)

The devil was struggling.

The scarlet in his right eye began to go wild, but his black left eye still refused to change into the color that the sword expected.

He gritted his teeth tightly, fighting with all his strength.

Just use the power of a human, use a human resist the angel’s seal


With human power, is it really possible...?

The mud and rocks in mid-air began to fall...

The dust is about to return to this huge pothole. Prepare to bury this demon under the steel and huge rocks of the Wolf Howling Mountains.

The seal, it seems that it will not be stopped...

But in the middle of the lake, the little girl, seeing the slowly falling mud and rocks in her emerald pupils, what would she think in her mind?


In the steel cage, a pair of emerald-colored illusory wings opened instantly. The steel cage that seemed unbreakable just now was like tofu at this moment, instantly swallowed by these wings, becoming nothing left. Not only that, these wings also began to "swallow" the big steel ball on the soles of her feet, seeming to be sucking, trying to digest the steel ball completely


The steel angel who was being sealed suddenly raised her head. The next moment, she threw down the half-sealed demon, and flew out of the huge pit in an instant. At this moment, her wings have been consumed almost half, but that is far faster than the speed of sound. In an instant, she was brought to the front of Little Bread.

Emerald wings?

In an instant, the angel seemed to think of many things in his mind. She remembered who exactly these wings belonged to... and also remembered the disasters that these wings can bring.

And now...that disaster is taking shape under her feet...


The huge steel ball is about to be swallowed by the Emerald Wings. This is something that the angels will never allow to happen. Until the woman's body can be completely cured, only this steel ball can delay her pain, and only this steel ball can delay her If his life is swallowed like this... if... just like this is swallowed

The expressionless angel didn’t wait any longer. As soon as she lifted her finger, a steel thorn was formed at the fingertip, and instantly shot towards the heart of the bread

The steel thorn... pierced the bread's chest.

But this blow did not bring any effect. The steel thorn seemed to melt into the girl's body, disappearing invisible.

At this moment, the emerald wings behind the little girl finally slowly disappeared, and suddenly she released a large amount of power to let her lose her strength and fainted directly on the remaining steel duckweed. Facing this now defenseless little girl, Steel Angel wanted to raise his left hand for a moment hesitated, and paused...

"Howl howl

Is it because of concern?

In the crimson right eye of the devil, a more intense red bloomed at this moment. A

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