Demon King Dad

Vol 2 Chapter 129: , The insidious plot

Insidious conspiracy


Bun stepped forward, holding his fingers. She tilted her head and looked a little greedily at the basket in Mia's hands, staring at the lava peppers inside.

The sky is very blue and very clear.

This little girl stared at the basket of peppers closely, stared at... stared at... stared at...

The saliva fell off.

"Ah, that, that... for you."

Mia quickly took out a bunch of peppers from the basket and handed it to the little girl. As soon as she took the chili, she immediately yelled, holding this bunch of red things, and ran to the pasture as if flying...

"It seems that I will be bothering for a while. Is that okay."

The idiot's face was cold, and although the words were asking for advice, the face didn't look like a disturbing expression at all. Mia looked at the idiot and seemed a little scared, she flinched back and looked at the idiot's eyes.


Perhaps because the idiot's eyes were too cold, the girl was suddenly frightened, and tears even overflowed from the corner of her eyes. She hurriedly bowed at the idiot, then turned around and ran away like flying.

Idiot, stand still.

He looked at the little girls running around on the lawn over there, and at the cows in groups over there, lowered his head and slowly walked towards the camping site for the past week.

(What's wrong? Human boy, don't you seem to be very happy?)

What is your purpose. )

(Huh? Purpose? What purpose can I have?)

The idiot came to the camp, took out the tent from the travel bag again, and set up next to the simple cowshed.

(Resting, anywhere is fine. But you are obsessed with being here. What purpose do you... have.)

Dimie chuckled, his red pupils opened, looking at Mia who ran into the cowshed with a milking machine. Because of running, her **** swayed from side to side during the run. Just one glance will tell that she is not wearing an ing mask.

(The purpose... Forget it, let me tell the truth. In fact, on the one hand, you are here to rest and recuperate. After all, the underground here is a volcanic mountain range and the climate is suitable. I don’t want you to toss. After returning to the wind and blowing the sand, I will help you recuperate for half a year.

(On the other hand...Since you have killed three angels before, do you mind getting one more?)

In an instant, the idiot's eyes dimmed. He directly raised his head and stared at the humming Mia who came out of the cowshed with the milk bucket, watching her sweat, put the bucket of milk on the ox cart pulled by peppers, and wiped off the sweat. Look like.

(Hey, you guessed right, it’s an angel.)

As soon as Dim Mie finished speaking, the idiot immediately stood up on the spot. He directly called the bread that was chewing chili peppers, and tiredly picked up the travel bag and turned to leave.

(Hey, what are you doing? What's the rush? I haven't finished speaking yet)

Is this still necessary? angel? A steel angel called the idiot a miserable person, and he almost was about to be sealed. Since he knew that he had just entered the wolf's den after he got out of the tiger's den, don't hurry up and wipe the soles of his feet. Waiting for this exhausted body to have another angel war?

(Don’t feed the scum impulsively. The impulse is the devil, hey hey, *** I ask you to calm down for me, can’t it work)

In an instant, the four weeks of time tended to stop. The sweat that Mia swung was solidified in midair, and everything was in a state that the idiot was so familiar with.

(Huh, human kid, it’s really difficult for you to stop. Will you listen to me first? It’s not as complicated as you think, but it’s actually very simple. You promise me first, and I must listen to me. Make a decision later, okay?)

(Say good? Then I will restore your time now, don't be impulsive... I am driving.)

After four weeks of resumption of operation, the idiot also regained control of the body. Mia wiped the sweat from her forehead, unbuttoned the shirt on her chest, revealing the temptation in it, and climbed onto Chili's back.

"Drive~~~ Chili, let's go to Uncle Tom to sell milk."


Chili screamed, stepped on his limbs, swayed the bell on his hoof, and walked slowly towards the market.

The idiot watched this person slowly disappear into the small forest on the other side of the ranch, then exhaled and said in his mind——

(Go ahead. I'm listening.)

Dim Mie also took a sigh of relief, that red pupil dilated, and looked at the idiot with a slightly evil look, and said--

(Did you see her breasts? It's big, right?)

(Oh, that’s really a man’s dream~~~ Swimming in the middle of that pair of breasts, for ordinary male humans, it must be a dream, right?)

(Well, although the students of the Bucks are pretty good, they are polite to her. However, they are all college students after all~~ They are also nobles, and they are knowledgeable and reasonable, and they will not mess around. But everyone sees it. The look in her eyes...hey, you know, right?)

(Talk about the key points.)

The idiot doesn't want to listen to the gibberish of this sword, just point it out.

(Well, well, let me say the point. Actually, as soon as I saw the surging breasts, I knew she was an angel. Moreover, she must be the 39th Protoss Sequence, a member of the Battle Angel.)

(Name-Sword of Healing)

(Abbreviation, Zhijian Angel.)

The idiot heard this and immediately began to pack things up, ready to run away.

(Hey, hey, I said I asked you to wait a while, why are you eager to go to the tube?)

The idiot's movements stopped again, and in his mind, he responded--

(She is a fighting angel...steel, and also a fighting angel. Escape...required.)

At this moment, Annihilated his anger. It roared and said--

(Human kid, I did say that she is a fighting angel, but I also said that you should listen to my words, right? I not only disobedient, but also confronted me everywhere. It's really bad luck for me to get around you for eight lifetimes. )

As time recovers, the idiot's actions also resume. He sighed, since Dim Mie said so, let's just listen to it.

(Call ...... call ...... call ...... you listen, she belongs to the Protoss sequence thirty-ninth, the name of the rule sword angel, no doubt, from what I categorize her, she belongs to the fighter angel. But the fact Above, she is not only good at fighting, but also very good at supporting. Moreover, her ability is also very troublesome. Just like the forty angel of doom you mentioned before, it is a very troublesome type.)

For you, angels are not troublesome. )

(Oh, that’s correct. But the troubles are also divided into types. Some troubles, such as the steel angels you kill, the **** angels you solve, although they are very powerful, but as long as you are stronger than them, you must kill them. It’s not a problem. Others, such as Flower Angel and Snow Angel, have insufficient combat power or even intelligence. You can make them die without knowing what happened.)

(However, some angels are different. Like the Angel of Doom in Sequence Forty, you can't kill him yet, and you have to do everything possible to make him happy, so that you can seal him. Well, the problem now is that the seal fails. And like This time, this swordsman angel, she is also such a troublesome member.)

The idiot lowered his head and thought for a while. Looking up, I saw that the small bread over there had been touched into the cowshed. When he came out, he was holding a bottle of milk in one hand and a chili in the other. Take a bite of the chili and drink a bite of milk. It is delicious.

(She... is very intelligent? She doesn't look like... So, she is a very good type of acting?)

(No, no, the angel’s wisdom is honest...not very good. If you ask me to say it, you can simply say that her mind is really funny and stupid. It is a light chest but no Brain, a foolish angel with big breasts.)


(I said that her trouble is with her ability. Why do you think she is called the Angel of Swordsman?)

(That's because she not only possesses the powerful combat power as a battle angel, but also has extremely terrifying self-recovery ability. Zhi, sword. These two words have fully explained her difficulty.)

(Imagine if you were a Xiaoqiang who was not as powerful as you, but couldn’t kill it anyway, what would you do? That’s how it is. The Sword Angel has the most terrifying self among all angels and demons. Recovery ability. As long as it is not "immediate death", she can recover to the most perfect state in the next instant.)

(What is instant death? Let me explain it for you. For example, you used me to penetrate her heart, or smashed her head, or chopped off her head directly in a certain sneak attack. For most people, this represents death. For some angels and demons, it also represents the end of the game and must exit. However, there may be a delay of a few seconds from the separation of the body to the soul leaving the body. )

(The moment the head leaves the body does not mean death. It will take a while for the brain waves to disappear completely. But just such a short while, it cannot meet the requirement of death.)

(I have hacked her and tried many ways to kill her. In the end, I finally determined that within 0.0024 seconds, she must be wounded, and the soul must be immediately stripped of her body, so that she can definitely die. .Otherwise, she would not die. If you want to kill her, you only have to seal it. But since her physical condition is always maintained at its best, it is even more difficult for you to seal her securely.)

The idiot thought for a while... Doesn't that mean completely invincible?

(She... invincible?)

(No. Although her abilities are abnormal and terrifying. But as a creator of the world, she left her with a big weakness when shaping her.)


(Stupid~~~ I said, she is a foolish angel. This angel can hardly think on her own, relying purely on the simplest conscious action. She is a real fool with **** and no brain)

(So, although she cannot be killed, it is difficult to seal her, but it does not mean that she is invincible. Many hosts before you have used abducting her as the primary goal of surrendering her)

Be clear. )

(In other words, because she is stupid, she is also easy to be deceived. As long as you can give full play to your masculine charm, trick her into bed, let her think that you really love her, like her. Wait until everything is born After the rice is cooked and cooked, the sword-controlling angel with a simple mind will fall to you.)

An Mie said this kind of words leisurely, and the idiot listened, pinched his chin extremely seriously, and started thinking.

(It's hard to be convinced if you...)

(Believe it or not)

(Have anyone in your host done this before.)

Having said this, Dim Mie couldn't help but sighed faintly, and said--

(Unfortunately... have you seen the ru room? I said that for men, the ru room is their fatal injury. I have told many hosts about this method before you and asked them to go there. Angels. But after they saw the baby face with a pair of big ru rooms, they all messed up, not paying attention to the sentiment)

(Ah...but I was wrong too. At that time, they all called kings and emperors, and ruled over. What kind of woman do you want a woman? It's too late for some women to give in, who is still in the mood Slow down the heat, and spend a lot of effort to please that little angel? Do you want a man who is accompanied by more than a dozen women every day to suddenly concentrate on a woman, and insist on one to prevent that woman from becoming jealous. Is it possible not to touch other women for two years?)

Well, there is no precedent for success...)

(No, there is a successful one. I told you before, the female elf host. She successfully surrendered the angel with singing. This is just one successful case, which almost made me think this angel It’s an angel that has to be ignored in every battle, and no one can deal with it except the female host.)

Well, now you want me to go to her. )

(Hey, because, I know your acting skills.) A

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