Demon King Dad

Vol 2 Chapter 130: , Protoss Sequence Thirty-Nine-Sword Angel

Protoss Sequence Thirty-Nine-Sword Angel

The corner of Dim's eyes showed a hint of insidiousness, and he sneered--

(You are a scum, a scum in society, and a scum. Being a scum may mean splashing in the eyes of ordinary people, but in the eyes of some pure-minded girls, you are the most perfect love in this world. St.)

(Now, that's an idiot angel. And you are a powerful actor. All you have to do is to perform a heartwarming love tragicomedy of a sentimental boy, and finally fascinate her, then put her in bed and play with it, then everything , Slap, it's all solved.)

Are you sure. In bed, it does not mean that a woman must be loyal to a man. )

(Human kid, don’t put the knowledge you learned in that kind of *** place on a good woman? I have said that her thinking is very simple, she is a fool. You should have seen it this week. Even if you haven't fully obtained her sincerity, even if you get on her in a state of semi-resistance, she will accept her fate and become your crotch minister wholeheartedly, do you understand?)

If you still don’t understand it, then there is really a problem with understanding.

Now that the explanation of Dim Mie is finished, what remains is the question of idiots. He needs some time to think and study the situation.

There are four objective conditions now-

First, there is an angel here.

Second, he was boarded by the magic sword.

Third, angels are more likely to be enemies than they are friends.

Fourth, in the case of ensuring safety, the first thing that should be done is to take advantage of it and kill the angel.

The above is an objective situation. In addition, there are some subjective situations——

First, Dimie said that this angel is a fool and has low wisdom. As long as he can act cautiously, he can easily deceive.

Second, once she gets on her and takes possession of her body, she will become her own. Its unique self-healing ability and fighting skills can be a great help for himself.

Third, even if it is not successful as a lover, there is no danger. Just like an ordinary man who fails to chase a woman, he will not be attacked by angels.

Based on the above situation, the objective situation is a fact that an idiot can determine now, there is no problem. The subjective situation is based on the unilateral rhetoric of the dark. Whether you can completely believe that this sword is originally a big problem, if you act based on these one-sided remarks, it will most likely lead to a final misstep.

So... what should we do now?

The wind is sunny and warm. While the idiot was thinking, the bells in the distance had rang again.

Mia sat down on Chili, holding her sister in her arms, teasing, and walking towards this side. There is no milk in the ox cart behind the chili, judging from the bulging purse on Mia's belt, it should have been sold.

"Ah... that... Mr. Scum... you... hello..."

When Mia came back, she was stunned to see the idiot still here. She has lived in this ranch since she was a child. Apart from her father, she rarely saw other men a year ago. If it was a large group of people before, it could be a little lively, but now that he is the only man standing here, the girl can't help but feel a little embarrassed.

Miss Mengyu. "

"Ah, call me... just call me Mia... Mom and Dad... are all called..."

Mia blushed and lowered her head, looking very unnatural.

Mia, my injury is not healed. Can I live here for a while? "

The idiot asked this sentence before, and now I ask it again, just to see her reaction.

The girl squeezed. After a while, she seemed to notice her chest, and subconsciously covered the opening of her chest with her hands, hesitatingly said--

" less than a month... it's going to be... Holy Eve... you... don't have to go home... reunite with your family?"

The idiot looked at the noisy bread over there, exhaled, and said, "I have no father and no mother just like you. Besides bread...I don't have any other relatives."

The idiot's expression dimmed, and he looked very sad. Mia was taken aback for a moment, only then realized that she had said something wrong, and quickly jumped off Chili and waved her hand repeatedly: "No, no, no, no, no, no, I didn’t mean to drive you away...that...that...I'm really sorry... …I don’t know... So you too are..."

The idiot shook his head, sighed sadly, and said, "It's nothing. I have had no father and no mother for more than ten years. My parents have passed away when I was very young."

While talking, the idiot stepped forward, helped untie the rein between the pull cart and the pepper, dragged it up, and moved aside.

"When I was young, although my life was very hard, my parents treated me very well. Our family lived very happily... but, I didn't expect... I didn't expect..."

Speaking of emotions, the idiot's eyes couldn't help but tears of nostalgia... However, the man had tears that didn't flick, he immediately wiped away the tears, put the bullock cart aside, clapped his hands, and said--

"But, it's okay. I've been here for so many years, and everything is fine now. All are fine..."


Chili yelled, and Mia looked at the man with a cold expression beside him, but now she showed a rare gentle expression of human nature, she couldn't help but froze. She took the reins of the pepper and walked into the cowshed with the idiot, sorting the forage in the trough, and said--

"So... Brother Scum, how have you lived so many years?"


The idiot picked up the dumplings and sorted out the fodder in the cow trough, and responded: "My parents died when they were ten years old. From that time on, I brought small bread and grew up with difficulty. I want to live. I have been in jail and stolen things. During the day, I was begging on the side of the street wrapped in straw mats. At night, I slept under the bridge east with a small bread. Slowly, I got through..."

Little Bread followed the idiot and walked in. After hearing the idiot's behavior at the moment, the little girl had a strange expression. But she didn't know what was going on, so naturally she didn't raise the placard, just eating chili.

Mia listened attentively to the idiot's story, and listened to him recounting the bitterness of nurturing the bread in the past ten years. Hearing the difficulties, the girl even couldn't help crying with tears in her eyes.

"Ah, I'm sorry... it reminds you of sadness."

The idiot lowered his head, the expression on his face was difficult and painful. But, perhaps to prevent Mia from feeling too painful, he stretched his brows hard, trying to liven up the atmosphere. But this stretched brow gives people the feeling that they are more aggressive and more difficult...

"No, no...Compared with you...Compared with you...I'm much happiness..."

Mia wiped her tears, took out her sister in the basket behind her, and said--

"I have a home...the ranch, the pepper garden...and the peppers. I don't eat and sleep in the air...and don't have to beg...just work hard...I have food...I should say sorry...actually It's me... Mr. Scum..."

She wiped her tears, and a touch of confidence appeared on the face of the baby that didn't match her body——

"I... When my parents passed away... I thought this world was over... Even recently... I have always felt that I was living very hard and powerless... But starting today, I finally know... ...Knowing that I am by no means the most painful person in this world...I still have a lot of happiness that others do not have to cherish...Thank you...Mr. Scum..."

"Ah, I'm sorry, I'm sorry...I'm not showing off, saying that I'm better off than you, definitely not the one...that...ah, if you don't have a place to go, you can live with me. Although my house is It’s small, but it’s okay to add more of your siblings. But please don’t mind the smell of the countryside..."

The idiot sighed, shook his head, and said, "There is a place to live, that is already very good. Compared with the place where I live, your place is simply heaven."

"Where do you... live?"

"In the tree hole. A big tree in a small bush, there is a tree hole."

Now, Mia's eye circles became even more red. This kind-hearted girl finally couldn't listen anymore. She covered her face, threw down the shackle, sobbed and said "I'm going to the pepper garden", and then ran out crying...

Inside the cowshed, only the mooing of the cows remained. The idiot held the dongzi in his hand, the original sadness on his face slowly disappeared, returning to the former coldness. The bun stuffed peppers in her mouth and looked at the idiot with a weird look. This little girl was probably also thinking about what happened to her babble.

If you continue at this speed, it is estimated that it will not take a month. If you relax a little, you can fix this woman in a week.

The idiot patted his sleeve and exhaled slowly. Afterwards, he slowly walked out of the cowshed and stood on the grass outside.

The people who come out of Sennag can do more than just a little bit. The things taught at the Social University can always surprise people with mystery and change. In fact, as long as you set up a few more good plots, you can help this girl who is lonely guarding the ranch to make dinner tonight, and then miss the past at dinner, and finally lie down in her arms and cry bitterly, it is estimated that you can go tonight Up.

But, obviously, this is not the purpose of an idiot.

After breathing a little fresh air, the idiot looked up at the blue sky and turned his head.

Behind him, the cow chili stood here, staring at him.


The cow stood up and waved its two front hooves to each side. In an instant, two Japanese knives protruded from its hooves and were caught by its hooves.

A pair of milky white wings stretched out from behind the cow in an instant, under the blue sky, slowly vibrating...

Angel language) Devil, you want to lie to Mia, but you definitely don’t want to lie to me"

An extremely pleasant voice came from the cow's mouth.

It is holding double knives and shaking its wings, its big face is facing the idiot, and it poses the most thorough...

Face-to-face attitude. A

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