Demon King Dad

Vol 2 Chapter 131: ,let the world full of love

The double knives are particularly dazzling in the sun.

The milky white wings flap slightly, and the feathers without the slightest motley look so soft and moving.

She was naked, and the big house was exposed to the idiot. With every slight movement of her, it will shake.


Exhale two blasts of air from the big nostrils.

This cow put on a confrontation posture like this, engrossed, facing the demon in front of him...

The breeze curls and the air is fresh.

The confrontation on the ranch continued like this.

The angel and the devil meet again, this time, it seems to be an endless ending...

"Do you speak human language? I don't understand your language."

The idiot is very calm with his hands on his back, without the slightest gesture of preparing to fight. After hearing these words, the cow in front of him was taken aback for a moment, and then said--

"I said, even if you can fool Mia, I will never be deceived by you. As long as I am here, you don't want to touch Mia a finger."

The idiot exhaled slowly and said, "So, do you want to kill me?"

"Huh, leave here now or else, don't blame me for being ruthless under the sword"

The cow yelled loudly, and his serious eyes were clearly determined. She knew what was in front of her, she could already see it from the cursed chain wrapped around her wrist.

Facing the cow's scolding, the idiot had a calm expression. It seems that in his eyes, he didn't even care about the sharp blade. The pair of milky wings could not give him any sense of oppression.

"Tell me to go? But, I was invited to live here by Miss Mia? Mengyu herself. As a cow, why should you drive me as a guest?"

"Because I am an angel and Xiao Mia is only a human being. She doesn't even know how terrifying you are. But she doesn't know how terrible you are, but I know that you are cursed and shouldn't exist. Death and being sealed are you most. Good home"

"Huh... the best destination?"

The idiot turned around in disdain, and simply turned his back to the cow. After taking a breath, he coldly turned his head, his cold eyes rested mercilessly on Chili.

"If you are talking about your fate, you are the last cow that shouldn't stay with Miss Mengyu. Can't you see this?"

The Angel of Zhijian was taken aback, and the hoofs holding the wadi shook slightly, and the bells jingled.

"I don't know how long you have been with Miss Mengyu, but judging from the angel's immortality, you should have been adopted by their family on this ranch when she was young?"

"Yes... so what?"

"How is it? Fortunately, you can still open this kind of mouth. As a cow, you have performed your duties well and milked every day. But, as an angel, you are a completely disqualified angel. "

The cow couldn't help taking a step back, and the expression on that big face showed a little surprise.

"Don't you see the pain of Miss Mengyu for so long? Can't you see the anxiety and sorrow caused by the loss of her parents and the need to raise a younger sister alone?"

"I... Of course I know"

"Since you know, what have you done?"

Suddenly, the idiot's voice became louder. He yelled aloud, and said sternly--

"Did you do anything? No, you didn't. The only thing you do for her is to milk her every day and let her sell it, serve as her mount, pull the cart, and raise other cows. To put it bluntly, you take care of her It's all financial help. You don't let her live too much in financial life, but in spiritual life, you don't mean to take care of her at all. Am I wrong?"

The cow gritted his teeth, waved both knives, took a step, and said loudly: "Why didn't I? Seeing Xiao Mia so sad, of course I care about her..."

"Then what do you care about? From the fact that I can open her heart in just a few words, she needs spiritual support so much. But what did you do? Why did you get along with her for so long? Can't open her heart?"

The idiot's question made Chili unable to answer for a while. After hesitating for a while, she shook her head quickly, her wings vibrated more violently, loudly—

"I'm worried about her but..."

"You are like a mother who only knows to spoil her children."

The idiot simply uttered cruel words and said--

"Your concern for her is entirely material. You only care if she eats well, wears well, whether life is difficult, and protect her from being hurt by the disciples. But other than that, you are completely Did not take care of her spiritual life. Did you play with her? Did you make a delicious dinner for her, eat with her, and tell her a story by her bed?"

"Feed you the cow to go to the kitchen and tell a story?"

"……………………Don't interrupt. Now is the time for me to find problems for you."

"Uh... yes..."

The idiot coughed, and continued to speak violently--

"It can be seen that you are too afraid that she will be hurt, so all the comfort for her stays on the surface. Women's psychology is very delicate. Especially for children, it must be strictly disciplined. Not only material. It’s the same psychologically. Well, it’s like my bread."

The idiot reached out and pointed to the bread next to him. The cow turned her head. At this moment, this little girl was full of chili seeds and opened the mouth of a cow, and forced the chilies in.



"Just like many children who grow up in good physical and mental health."

"Hey, you obviously changed the subject just now, right"

"The question now is how to cultivate the physical and mental health of young people so that they can learn to face the pain in front of them as they grow up. Only when they are fully faced with it, can they be regarded as real growth."

The cow couldn’t listen anymore. She grabbed the double knives and turned around. The blade cut the air. She once again assumed an absolute confrontation posture. She shouted, “I’ve heard enough of your fallacies. Not long ago, I felt the Orc City. The angelic breath and some extremely evil breaths that came from the town of Baleful Poison were you, right? Now that the angelic breath has disappeared, sealed the angel, right"

Chili’s questioning continued to intensify, and under such pressures, the idiot suddenly raised his head and stared at the cow in front of him with an absolutely stern look.

"What do you know……"


"I ask you... what do you know?"

"You... why are you suddenly angry..."

"Do angels and demons have to kill each other? This unstoppable curse began in ancient times but continues to the present. Why? Why does this curse spread to so many innocent people?"

Agitated, tears flowed from the idiot's eyes. His fists were clenched and his body trembled. Seeing this scene, the cow's original confrontation posture couldn't help but slowly resolve, his big face was full of surprise.

"It's not that I want to be entangled by the sword of the devil. I just want to live a peaceful life. Why is destiny so unfair to me? Cow, you probably always thought that what I said to Miss Mengyu was a lie, right? Do you really think that is a lie? Or do you think that I have been living a spoiled life since I was a child, and because I have nothing to do, I want to be a demon and rule the world?"

"I don't want... I don't want to fight... I don't want to fight... I want peace... and love peace... The curse of this battle should be cut off... I want to end this endless What’s wrong with the fate of hurting each other? It’s like now, you, the angel of the sword. Is the reason you hate me just because I am a demon? Besides the chain on my right hand, what can you say? Is there any sin that must be apologized with death?"

The two front limbs of the cow were slowly lowered. She looked at the tearful idiot in front of her, trying to say something, but she couldn't say anything, she could only lower her head...

"But... Baleful Town..."

"This is the answer you want."

After all, the idiot walked to his tent, took out the treasure map frozen by the cross from his travel bag, and placed it in front of the cow.

"This...this is"

"Demon, forge."

The idiot looked at the two sharktooth knives silently, sighed, and said, "If I want to hear it, I can tell you this sad story in its entirety. Yes, he did a lot of wrong things. , Killed a lot of people. Now, he also got the punishment he deserved. However, all of this could have been avoided... He just wanted to save his wife... He just wanted to be peaceful with his wife What happened after living? What did he get in the end? The things he wanted to protect were destroyed by his own hands? Do you think this result is good?"

The cow was completely speechless by the idiot, she stood blankly, her swords hanging on the ground. The idiot glanced at her, put the treasure map away, sighed again, and said--

"I want to stop this inexplicable war. But I can't do it alone. But I believe that as long as there is love and justice in this world, then the sad fate between angels and demons must be Can be cut off"

"Love...and justice?"

"Yes, love."

The idiot spread his hands. At this moment, a ray of sunlight just came out from behind the clouds and poured directly onto the vast expanse of the pasture, and sprinkled on this black-haired black pupil...

"As long as there is love, this world can escape from this twisted vortex of hatred. As long as we all know what is called *, this world can have real peace. Now, angel, I ask you. Do you know what * is called? "V

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