Demon King Dad

Vol 2 Chapter 132: , Fool angel

The cow was taken aback, suddenly snorted, raised his head, his ears moved, and said, "What is *?"

"Love... has many forms. Family love and romantic love are all called *. Love can save the world, love can end the dispute and hatred between us..."

"But...but...yes, but you actually said that to Xiao Mia to lie to her"

"Wrong, this is not called cheating, it is called pursuit"

"This is purely a man expressing his affection to the women he likes, and it is the simplest feeling. Is the love between men and women also a mistake in the eyes of an angel? This nature needs love and needs. Mutual attraction between opposite sexes is the simplest rule in the world. Has your angel's spiritual cleanliness reached the level that cannot tolerate the most basic mutual reproduction in nature?"


"No need to say anything. I like Miss Mia, I love her, that's why I pursued her. What's wrong with this? Is this the devil's behavior? In fact, this is also the process by which I need to learn love. I hope to be able to In Miss Mengyu's body, learn what is called *."

Chili's shoulders drooped completely. Even the wings behind her are slowly shrinking, no longer as angry as before. Having said that, the idiot shut up very simply, waiting for the cow to think for himself.

After a long time of thinking, Pepper seemed to finally understand, and slowly nodded, and said, "Learn I never thought about it turns out that love can end hatred...I thought...I still I think this fate of fighting each other... is forever..."

The idiot exhaled and walked slowly towards the cow. He raised his hand, patted the cow's shoulder lightly, sighed, and said--

"Look, you want Miss Mengyu to be happy. And I also want her to be happy. Although the form of love between us is different, you are the love of family, and I am the love of men and women. But these are all called *, not Is it? Because of this love, we reached a consensus. Moreover, we also lost the reason to fight, right?"

After tilting his head for a moment, the two knives on the cow's hooves slowly turned into feathers and dissipated. She lowered her head, looked at the idiot who was two heads shorter than herself, and nodded for a moment.

"Um...maybe, you are right. There really is no reason to fight between us. you really want to make Mia happy? She hasn't seen many men since she was a child, It's easy to be fooled by men."

"How could I lie to you? Why should I lie to you? Deception can only hurt each other, but can't achieve any love, can it?"

After thinking for a while, the cow patted his ears, and the black and white tail also flung. She smiled and nodded. The wings behind the angel's power also slowly disappeared at this moment, turning into nothingness...

"Then, I hope we can cooperate with each other to give Miss Mengyu happiness together."

"Well, I know so..."

"Mr. Scum, what do you want to eat tonight? It's still early, shall we go to the market?"

Over there, Mia had already walked out of the pepper garden. She blushed and said while picking the fresh peppers in the basket.

However, because her voice came so suddenly, the standing cow panicked and hurriedly wanted to get down on all fours. However, because she hadn't stood up for several years, she couldn't help but feel her two hind feet when she suddenly got down. One soft, one slippery, the whole body fell directly onto the idiot behind

The idiot was taken aback and watched the huge body fall, but when he was already unavoidable, he immediately stretched out his hands and knelt on one knee, with one arm around her waist and the palm of the other. Against her back, elbows supporting her head, condescendingly, looking at the angel in her arms...

At this moment, Pepper was stunned.

She is lying quietly in the arms of this demon king.

His strong arms easily propped up his body, and those jet black eyes stared at him silently from above...

Sunlight came through from behind the black hair.

The long hair covering the forehead was blown away by the breeze...

Underneath, what is hidden is a handsome face and that determined eyes.

She looked at him...

He looked at her...

At this moment, it seems that time... then stopped...


Mia on the side saw the scene before her, and the basket in her hand suddenly fell to the ground. She yelled and ran over in a panic: "Are you okay? Mr. Scum, are you okay? Are you okay?"

Pepper froze for a moment, and immediately turned his head, no longer looking at the idiot's eyes. She turned over, escaped from the idiot's arms, flicked her tail, fell on all fours and stood up. Then she secretly turned her head and glanced at the idiot. Seeing that the idiot was looking at her at the moment, he didn't look back quickly. After hesitating for a while, he spread his four hooves, rushed into the cowshed, and plunged his face directly into the sink, gurgling and blowing water.

"Mr. you okay?"

Mia patted the dust on her knees for the idiot, and said in a flustered manner: "You who are very heavy pepper... are you really okay?"

The idiot shook his head and said he was all right. After Mia was really sure that the idiot was okay, she said in surprise, "You are so powerful, so powerful. My father can't hold a chili."

The idiot closed his eyes, exhaled, and said: "Since I was a child, I have been rolling in all kinds of dangerous environments. I have already practiced. By the way, do you want to go to the market? Go now, it's late, right?"

Mia chuckled, lifted the rein in her hand, and said, "It's okay~~~You don't need to sell it yourself, just buy something and come back. Moreover, the speed of pepper is very fast, if you really run, I will be back soon."

The idiot nodded, and he fully agreed with this proposal. Mia smiled happily, took out a small piece of milk and stuffed it into her sister's mouth in the basket behind her, walked up to grab the bun, and prepared to go to the market.


"Go, let's buy some good things and eat better tonight, how about?"

"Ah woo~~~"

The idiot closed his eyes, exhaled, and accompanied the young lady to take steps.

On the other side, in the bullpen...

Chili lifted his head from the sink, turned his head and looked outside.

At this moment, she just saw Mia walk in and pull her out, but she glanced at the idiot next to him. When she saw his face, the cow suddenly put her face away again.

"Huh? Pepper, what's the matter? Let's go to the market."

Mia pulled hard, but what puzzled her was that this cow, which was originally very obedient, was dead and refused to move. Mia couldn't move it no matter what.

"It's weird... Pepper is usually very obedient..."

"Well, maybe she is tired. Let her rest and just the three of us go shopping, how about?"

The idiot said, putting his hand on Mia's shoulder naturally...



The next moment, he was hit by the crazy-haired cow and fell on the ground.

"Ah, Mr. Scum, are you all right"

Mia was startled, and squatted down to help the idiot with a panic expression. At the same time she turned her head and yelled at the cow—

"Chili, how can you hurt others casually like this is not a good boy, Mr. Scum... Is there any injury? Is it? Is it?"

Chili's eyes widened, watching the scene of Mia holding an idiot over there, watching the demon lying on Mia's lap, closing her eyes, and feeling the maturity of her female body and the youthfulness of her. Seeing this scene, the cow got angry somehow, she walked up to the idiot with a hum, opened her mouth, bit his clothes, flicked him away.

"Ah Mr. Scum, pepper--"

"No, I'm fine, Mia."

The idiot turned over and stood firm before landing. He took out the comb from his arms, adjusted his slightly messy hairstyle, and said calmly, "It seems that she is willing to go with us. Then let's go."

"Huh? Ah...oh, eh."

Mia looked at the idiot and saw that there was really nothing in his body. Although she was a little confused, she nodded and agreed.




On the pasture in the afternoon, the grass is bathed in warm sunlight.

Chili took steps, dangling the bells on his limbs, and slowly walked forward along the road with the crisp sound.

Little Bread held Mia's younger sister sitting in front of the pepper, cheering and stuffing the red fruits in his mouth. Mia sits in the middle, and behind Mia sits an idiot.

Jingle... Jingle...

The ringtone is light, and the sound blends with this warm world.

Look up and look at the extension of the Wolf Howling Mountain Range to here. Is the green smoke rising from the volcanic crater like cooking smoke from dinner?

There is no one on the trail.

Turning into the small forest on the edge of the ranch, the surroundings are even more peaceful...This is a downhill slope, and from a distance, you can see the shadow of the small village over there.

The idiot lowered his head and looked at the girl in front of him. Looking over her shoulders, she realized the grace of her figure even more. She didn't speak, and kept her head down, as if she felt the strong masculine breath coming from behind...

"Um...before...I...and my father...mother...they were all sitting with chili peppers like this...I went to the market..."

"is it."

A soft answer came from less than ten centimeters behind her. And the next moment...

A pair of strong and powerful hands also quietly embraced her small waist...

"Ah... that... Mr. Scum..."

Mia obviously felt a little uncomfortable with the arms on her waist, and she became nervous. But she, who had never experienced such a thing before, didn't know what to do for a while.

"Sorry... my body... still has some pain..."

As the man behind said, he put his head on her shoulder. The gas exhaled from his mouth smacked her neck secretly and got into her collar, causing her to be fucked. Just blowing like this, Mia's face immediately turned red...

Angel) Rogue"

Suddenly, Chili's back arched, just right to arch Mia up to the sky. While Mia was in mid-air facing the blue sky, the cow immediately turned its body and flipped the idiot to the ground. Two widows instantly popped out directly. Stabbed on both sides of his head.


The bun jumped off the cow's back just right and hugged the child to play. At this moment, the pepper hummed two gasses from his nose and sprayed directly on the idiot's face.

"What is your behavior? Are you molesting? You are molesting her, right?"

With a cold expression on the idiot's face, he said, "A man chasing a girl, of course he has to molested. No, please call it a good name, **. And you, what's the matter with you? You must be your cow. That's right."


There was a touch of embarrassment on Chili's big face, she snorted, retracted the widow in her hooves, and turned around to pick up Mia who had fallen from the sky.



Little Bread is holding the baby in one hand, and the other is already raised. The leaves in the surrounding woods quickly gathered, piled up where Mia had fallen, and caught her steadily.

"Huh? Hum, anyway, you are not allowed to mess with Mia in the future, moo"

The cow wanted to turn around and blame the idiot, but now it was downhill, her huge body suddenly turned, and of course her center of gravity was immediately lost. When she fell backward, she screamed and caught the idiot's clothes with the fork in her hoof. But the idiot was weak, and suddenly he didn't have the ability to resist. She was pulled directly by her and rolled down the **** one by one.

"Oh yeah...whoop, okay. Huh?"

Mia raised her head, but when she raised her head, the only thing she could see was the people hugging each other and rolling off her side. then……


The more you roll, the greater the **** of the ramp. The strength of the two parties is becoming more and more out of control. The cow hugged the idiot in his arms tightly, closed his eyes, shrank his head and did not dare to look, but prayed in his heart. At the same time, I secretly hold a grudge. If you survive the danger safely this time, you must watch this demon carefully not to let him play hooligans against Mia.

Finally, the ramp slowed down. After turning over a roll, the pepper lay on the ground with his back up. But this time, the tumbling finally stopped. So she opened her eyes...

I saw a beautiful black-haired man, but now he was lying on her body, holding her tightly with a pair of strong arms. At the same time, perhaps due to the dizziness caused by a lot of tumbling, he closed his eyes and head, and at the moment when he stopped tumbling, he fell towards her face...


This world continues to run...




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