Demon King Dad

Vol 2 Chapter 140: , Flame and Angel

Flame and Angel

On the mountain, the sound of the earth trembling almost resounded through my ears.

Diffuse black smoke and dust gushes out of the cracks in the rocks unknowingly, spreading frantically to the sky.

Plants here are scarce. Now, some stubborn weeds have quickly withered, turning everything into a barren land that rejects life.

Angel language) Earth, spirit of flame, please calm down, please listen to my appeal. This is my request again. Please calm down this anger and don't destroy the peace of mankind. It is... I beg you."


The Wolf Howling Mountain Range responded to the angel's appeal with a violent tremor.

In front of the pepper, many rocks began to crack, and a lot of smoke gushed out like steam. The smoke is so hot, spraying on some dry weeds, it directly makes the weeds start to burn.

Angel language) Earth and flames, please calm down your anger. I... command you in the name of an angel, stop... stop"

In the dark sky, there was a flash of lightning.

For the angel's appeal, the earth and the flame did not stop at all. Mia’s double knives plunged into the ground, her wings flared and the milky white wings exuded an unusually strong white light, hoping to use her own strength to suppress this fury of the earth again



Yamaguchi finally collapsed.

Along with the collapse of the rocks, the crimson magma spewed crazily from inside.

The wolf howling mountain range broke out.

The cow gritted her teeth, and the environment she was in now was completely surrounded by magma. The billowing lava entrained smoke and dust, and quickly rolled down the mountain like a mudslide. At this moment, it’s almost like the end of the world

Seeing that his suppression was ineffective, this cow refused to give up. She continued to maintain this action and continued to pray. However, the earth under her feet completely ignored all this, accompanied by a bang...

The ground under her feet cracked.


The sudden fall caused the cow to scream in panic. She didn't even have time to shake her wings and in the cracked ground, the raging flames spewed out like crazy and seemed to swallow her completely.

at this time……

With a crash, a chain suddenly pierced the night sky full of red and destruction, and directly entangled a front hoof of the cow. Immediately afterwards, the owner of the chain forcefully pulled the cow from the crack.

"Huh? Is it you?"

Cayenne was surprised. She couldn't even think of it in her dreams. It turned out to be the demon king who would save herself. But after being surprised, she shook her wings again and flew over the demon king, shouting loudly--

"Why are you here? You shouldn't be here tonight... but tonight..."

The idiot didn't respond to the cow's scolding. As soon as he pulled the chain, his left hand immediately rested on Bun's shoulder. The little girl understood her heart, and immediately turned the lightning, and rushed down the mountain like flying, naturally, with the pepper.

The speed of lightning is really not much faster than those rolling magma streams. Bread carefully controlled the lightning, avoiding the trees on the mountain, and rushing towards the magma stream closest to the village. After a while, she drove the lightning to arrive, the idiot's right hand was raised, and a chain was immediately inserted into her chest.

"Dig a ditch out and lead directly to the river over there, is there any problem?"

The idiot held the sword, his right eye had turned crimson. Chili was slightly surprised by his shouting question for a few seconds, and she immediately got her response.

" problem"

"Then do it"

The idiot jumped out of the lightning, pinched Dim Mi and rushed to the front of the lava flow, holding the hilt in both hands, and thrusting directly into the ground. The power of the third **** was immediately activated, and the land in front of the idiot instantly changed, and began to form a curved trench along the direction of the lava flow, leading directly to the river on the other side of the mountain.

As for the cow, her two knives separated, and she swung a few knives directly on the side of the lava flow. The huge sword pressure dissipated these lava and drove them into the ditch as much as possible to avoid idiots making bigger ditch and wasting energy.

Soon, the first lava flow has been successfully guided. But obviously, this is not the final victory. The idiot immediately drew out his sword, jumped on the lightning next to him again, put his shoulder on the bread, waved his hand at the chili, and rushed down a lava flow.

"Why... why do you want to help me? What you should do the most right now... is not with me... but with Mia..."

While flying, the cow said. She looked at the Demon King who was by her side, with both sadness and little joy in her heart.

"Don't think so much, tonight, I just decided to be with you. Against lava."

The meaning of an idiot is actually nothing, it means "to fight against the eruption with you". However, for the cows who have lived in this village for a long time and know the customs in this village, this sentence seems to have special meaning.

Spend this holy night festival together? In this village, doesn't it mean...?

Thinking of this, the cow suddenly didn't dare to think downward. Tears overflowed in her eyes again, and the sound of sobbing began to slowly erupt from her mouth.

The idiot didn't ask her why she was crying. If she wants to say it, she will naturally. Now, the only thing he needs to do is wait...wait for her to confide in herself, wait for her to give herself an answer.

"I... I didn't expect... things would become like this... I... I'm sorry Xiao Mia... I'm sorry her..."

"I should have known for a long time that it is impossible to suppress this volcano for too long... I suppressed it for 30 years... Every year, it feels more difficult to suppress than the past year... I know ...With every suppression of me... Its anger is not disappearing, but is accumulating... Until this year... it... finally is no longer suppressed by me... it broke out..."

"It was I who killed Mia's parents... My self-inflicted love killed the couple... If it were not for my blind suppression, Mia's parents would not think that the volcano is completely safe and come up late at night for illness. Little Mia in the middle picks medicinal herbs...they won’t be smoked by the sudden blast of poisonous gas..."

"It's me... everything is my responsibility... it's all my... responsibility..."

While flying, the cow cried. The idiot listened to her self-blame, but did not speak for a long time. At this moment, a crack suddenly appeared in front of his eyes, and the small bread immediately pulled up lightning and jumped through the air. At the same time, with a wave of his hand, the land on both sides of the crack immediately collapsed and collapsed downward, burying the lava that was about to gush out.

But you have brought peace to this village for thirty years, haven't you? "

When the cow was crying, the idiot took a breath and said slowly.

"Yes, your judgment is indeed wrong. You didn't let the volcano that should erupt naturally, and you blindly wanted to stop this destruction. However, it is precisely because of your silent protection that this village can be used for thirty years. Always peaceful. Not swallowed by flames."

The idiot raised the sword and cut a tree next to it with a single sword, stretched out his hand to hold the trunk, and pushed it forward. The tree trunk lay on a crack, letting the bun pass safely.

"For the people in this village, you have guarded them for thirty years. You have witnessed their peace and kindness, prosperity and prosperity. This, in a way, also means right."

"You have saved a lot of people. But because you are stupid, once you fail to save everyone, you think you have done something wrong. Actually, you are really amazing. If you change to me, I will be in 30 years Waiting for a volcano that will erupt at no time, I think I have absolutely no such confidence."

The idiot said lightly. He said very calmly, without any emotion. Dimie peered into the mind of the idiot, and some even questioned what he was thinking when he said these words? This human... is it acting now, or is it...?

"But... I still killed Mia's parents..."

Chili gritted his teeth and flapped his wings. After revealing the story that had accumulated in her heart for a year, her eyes finally no longer looked as flustered as before, but once again returned to firmness.

"I'm a useless angel... I'm stupid... I don't know how to express my regret. However, I know what I should do now. Even if I save my life, I must save this village. This is me The method of atonement...even if it is self-seal...I want to calm down the anger of this volcano"

The idiot listened to these words and then gave a long silence. When the two of them once again blocked a lava flow leading to the village chief, the idiot suddenly spoke.

"Angel Zhijian, have you ever thought about whether you postponed this eruption for thirty years, is it meaningful?"

Chili lowered his head and said frustratedly: "It doesn't make sense..."

"No, it makes sense."

The idiot took a deep breath, squeezed his right arm and Dimming, his black and red eyes were firm.

"Yes, objectively speaking, you have been boring this volcano for thirty years, and in the end you still cannot stop its eruption. Instead, you make the eruption more violent and have more destructive power. However, I still think that you The 30-year delay is not useless."

The cow lowered his head and looked at the Demon Emperor below, with a little confusion in his eyes.

"Because... you dragged on for thirty years. To this day. In this way, I will stand here and fight against this volcano with you. Don't you think that everything you did before was actually for Waiting for a companion to help you fight against this natural disaster?"A

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