Demon King Dad

Vol 2 Chapter 141: ,seal


The cow's original tight expression was fully stretched out at this moment. She stared at the idiot blankly, unable to speak for a while.

"I...I...never thought of..."

After solving another lava flow, the three returned again. But this time, it rushed to the lowest point of the nearby terrain. Because there, the largest lava flow was rolling towards Mia’s pasture, and the red river, like a river bursting its bank, was carrying the most unstoppable force. , Pounce on this ranch

"Xiao Mia's pasture...this is her only source of income, I absolutely...can't let it be destroyed. It is full of memories of Mia and her parents. It is the most precious place."

Chili was anxious, flapping his wings in the air, appearing to be uncomfortable with the speed of lightning. Indeed, after wandering around this night, the force of the guiding stone in the skateboard was almost exhausted, and the speed naturally dropped.

"Chili, take us a ride"

Seeing that the speed was getting slower and slower, the idiot immediately hugged the bun and jumped. As the bread retracted the skateboard, he jumped onto the cow's back.

"Don't worry, this time, we will definitely guard Miss Mengyu's home. We will also guard the place you have wanted to guard for these thirty years."

The cow turned his head, looked at the idiot and the bun on his back, and was stunned for a while.

"But... if it doesn't work, I really plan to jump into the crater and seal this active volcano with myself..."

The idiot's eyes were firm. These eyes made the cow's eyes widen.

"I can't just watch you being sealed in front of my eyes. If you are sealed, I have an inescapable responsibility. So if you jump, I jump too. Only in this way can I be worthy of my conscience."

After hearing these words, the cow's eyes were filled with tears again...

However, this time, these tears are no longer despair and regret, nor are they no longer full of farewell and attachment. On the contrary... it is full of faith.

Full of faith in life, full of peace and prosperity in this village, full of faith in Mia’s happy life

Bun gave the cow a thumbs up. At this moment, Chili finally recovered the firm eyes that the angel should have. She nodded, her milky white wings shook hard, her huge body with an idiot and bread, immediately rushed towards the lava flow over there towards the ranch

Because she knows that she is definitely not alone in fighting today.

Even if she is not sure, whether the words the demon king said to him are true or false. I don’t know if he said this to win over him, or he really wanted to live and die with her.

Yes, she was stupid, too stupid to distinguish every word that the Demon King said. She didn't know which of his words was true and which was false. But now, all this is okay

What about fake ones? Even if he really couldn't stop the lava and was forced to plunge into the volcano to seal himself up, the demon immediately retreated. But what about it?

Right now... At this moment, he has already made to himself the vow that you and I will dance. Angels and demons at this moment... can fight side by side together, for the happiness of the same human...

And fight hand in hand

Apart from this, what else is unacceptable?

On the Wolf Howling Mountains, smoke billows...

Angels and demons came to the world, and stood shoulder to shoulder against the lava that surged like a tide.

Tonight is destined to be a sleepless night. When the prayers of the angels and the power of the devil are mixed in everything, and then put on the small bread and open your hands, a huge "guided road map" appears under your feet...

The cold rain, slowly... slowly...

From the desperate and hot dark sky, fell...


The first day of the new year was a catastrophic day for the people in this village.

Huge torrential rain fell from the sky, as if washing within a hundred miles, it was like a country of water.

They suffered losses, and the flood washed away the villagers’ chickens and ducks, as well as several baskets full of radishes.

However, the villagers are still grateful for this cool rain. Because the rain not only cooled the volcano that suddenly erupted last night, but also washed away all the volcanic ash and carried it away. Although the property suffered a little loss, there were no casualties. This is a miracle.

"This is the warning given to us by the Mother of the Earth to remind us that we should not be too detrimental to ourselves, and we must be polite, modest, and sincere. It is because of our self-willingness and depravity that we have caused the anger of the Mother of the Earth. So in the future, we must improve our own With speech and deeds, we must treat each other more kindly and forgive each other's mistakes more tolerantly. Because the Mother Earth only threatened us, but did not destroy us. This shows that we are still saved in the eyes of the Mother Earth.

The village head and pastor led the prayers on the first day of the new year. Although the rain was pouring, the expressions of all the villagers seemed very religious. They are washing their hearts in the rain, confessing their sins...


This vast pasture that was originally invisible, now has a big scar.

Volcanic lava finally invaded here, burning nearly half of the pasture grass to ashes.

However, the lava finally stopped before reaching Mia's wooden house. The pepper garden and cattle shed, which are part of Mia's livelihood, have not been damaged. The only loss is probably the fertile grass. Now it's all turned into a dark lava field.

However, the vitality of nature is powerful. It doesn't take long for these people to believe that the mineral-filled grassland will be filled with greenery again. And this pasture will heal again, won't it?


In the rain, Little Bread followed the idiot to the edge of this ranch, which was a remote corner.

Xiao Bao felt very strange, because her Ba Ba was now carrying a travel bag, but it did not appear to be a sign of leaving immediately. So what does he want to do now when he comes here?

(Human kid, what are you doing?)

The problem is not only the small bread, but also the dark extinguishing.

(Well, forget it, you must be very proud now, right? I'm also telling the truth, I am very satisfied with your actions this time. You deserve to be a total scumbag who lies and deceives relationships is really easy~~ ~You did not become an emotional liar is really a loss in the scum hahahaha)

The idiot did not respond to Dim Destroy, but watched around, as if looking for something. However, Dim Mi didn't care much about these idiots' behaviors. But continue to say--

(Now, that cow angel completely thinks that you are a demon to rely on? Then, if you work harder, you can definitely abduct her and become a warrior by your side. Hehehe, thinking of the Protoss Those guys lost another combat power, I feel very excited hahahahaha)

Finally, the idiot seemed to have chosen a position. There is a small creek here, and the U-shaped flowing creek looks full of movement. Although the volcano has risen due to heavy rain at this moment, I believe it will become very beautiful and full of greenery in a short time.

(In this attack, we successfully regained a ten-sword demon general, killed three angels, and conquered an angel. Now, the ratio of combat power between the protoss and the demons has become 39:35. The number is good~ ~ Isn’t it? Hahaha)

After looking at this, the idiot exhaled slightly. He pulled out the dark and began to pry up against the ground, as if digging a hole.

(So, after we go back, we can think about it. Who do we want to give the treasure map to? Who will be the next forge? Hey, I’m really excited after thinking about it. Our demons’ reincarnation method is good, as long as The sword has not been sealed, and it doesn’t matter how many hosts we change~~~ It’s just a pity, why didn’t the creation **** make all our forty sequences into this type? Then would we be invincible in the world? Hahahahaha)

Dim off, smiling.

In its wild laugh, the idiot took the backpack and took out the two sharktooth knives that were still frozen together by the cross. After looking at it for a while, he put the sharktooth knives into it just now. In the pit dug...

For this idiot's move, the dark laughter instantly solidified.

Then, it watched the idiot take out the snow flake and the little yellow flower, put them on the blades of the two sharktooth knives, and placed them carefully.

(Human kid... what do you want to do? Hey... tell me, what on earth do you want to do?)

Dim anxious.

Now it has become more anxious than when the idiot killed Lancer before. It yelled, and the red pupil in the idiot's mind opened with unbridled anger. It kept accelerating the speed of the idiot's brain, stopping the time around, and constantly persuading. But no matter how long it stops, no matter how it persuades...

The idiot's actions didn't mean to take back at all.

(Human kid, do you know what you are doing? You see how powerful the ten-bladed demon is? Don’t tell me you suddenly want to do this kind of brain-dead thing now——)

In the dark roar, the idiot exhaled. He looked at the knife, snow, and flowers in the pothole. After thinking about it, he took out a screw from his arms again, and put it into the pit with a familiar copy of "The Covenant".

Little Bread also saw what the idiot was doing now. The little girl's eyes slowly began to show joy. The feeling of resentment towards the idiot since the spiteful town incident is now slowly disappearing. The little girl hurriedly threw away the umbrella in her hand, ran to the back of the idiot, and screamed joyfully. But with an idiot's look, she immediately knew to converge, lowered her head, with a serious expression, standing respectfully by the pothole.

The third prison, launch.

The chain inserted into the pit formed a box around these items, wrapping all the knives, snow, flowers, screws, and books, so that they would always be in the same space. Then, the idiot exhaled silently, piled dirt on both hands, and slowly pushed into the pothole.

Bun folded his hands together, closed his eyes, and prayed silently.

Although the surrounding rain is still falling and the current in the creek is still turbulent, it seems that it cannot disrupt the sacredness here.

After the soil was completely buried, Xiao Bread opened his eyes. The idiot stepped aside, the little girl came to the pothole, opened her hands, and gently pressed on the dirt. After a while, a cross made of stone slowly pulled out of the soil and stood on top of the pothole.

"Perhaps, the curse between you has been lifted."

In the rainstorm, the idiot stood and looked at the cross.

"But today, I will impose a new curse on you."

The rain is cleaning the world, rolling down from the idiot's forehead, along the black hair.

"I curse you, from this moment, in the future, even if you reincarnated one day, you will not participate in the battle between angels and demons for any reason."

The fourth prison was launched, and the idiot's right eye turned into a red nebula, slowly spinning.

"Treasure Map, you, I was kicked out of the Demon Race."

"Snow, flowers, steel, you are sealed by me."

"I am here to personally seal you together, unless I veto this curse again someday in the future, you will be able to return to the gods and demons sequence and fight each other."

"This fate that began a thousand years ago will continue under the new curse. If possible...I hope it will be forever."

The red nebula's right eye, spinning...

Finally, it slowly disappeared.

The right eye returned to black again at this moment. His pitch-black eyes looked at this simple cemetery, and after staring for a moment, he turned around...

go away.

(Human kid, what are you going crazy? Are your brain cramps? Or is this heavy rain flooding your mind? Do you know how stupid you have done?)

(Of the top ten blades of the Demon Race's strongest combat power, you actually sealed two by yourself? Do you think it is worthwhile to trade a ten-bladed demon for three angels? I tell you, you are completely stupid Egg behavior)

(If you are known by those protoss guys, you will definitely become their laughingstock, don’t you know? Oh my God, when my previous host encountered this kind of thing, the first thing was to immediately find the next host for Demon Sword. You’re good , Seal? You exchange three for one? You are deliberately mad at me, right? Right? You scumbag)

Idiot, pulled down his sleeves to cover the magic eyes on his arms.

At this moment, the little bread screamed and threw into his arms. After a long absence, this little girl arched her head in the idiot's arms, acting coquettishly.

The idiot raised his left hand and gently stroked the little girl's head, and touched her pink hair. Afterwards, he slowly raised his head and looked at the sky...

The rain started to stop.


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