Demon King Dad

: The second year story 057, the dark side of the light knight

The idiot jumped and returned to the front compartment. He inhaled a mouthful of purple mist, but what he exhaled was still colorless gas. Not only him, but even the little **** his back looked completely okay, except that the Mercedes just made her curl up in fright, without any damage.

"Hey! What's going on!!!"

The car in the second half of the separation gradually slowed down, and most of the soldiers who were brought out to protect the walnuts remained there. After feeling the shock, they all stuck their heads out of the carriage, and when they saw the enemies rushing around, they immediately drew their weapons.

"It's the enemy! Protect the princess!"

The train roared, and the steel wheels made a spark on the track. Of course, the soldiers who have been thrown away cannot catch up with the train ahead and the adversary, but this does not mean that this group of people will let them go.

The current line of cars drove through a small sand dune, and when the trains behind slipped here due to inertia, they had long been buried in the guiding stone under the rail...

It turned red in an instant.


The splendid fireworks look pale in the sun-shining desert, but terrifying.

"Go! Kill everyone! Be sure to tie up that little girl!!!"

The people who resisted the organization immediately uttered a cheer under the shout of a masked man! Everyone waved their whips faster, and more than fifty sand zebras immediately rolled up more than fifty flying dust, and swept toward the train that had gradually lost control.


"Damn it! What's the matter?!"

Counting Dai Lao and Malignant tumor, the guard soldiers who stayed in front only had fifteen. They were startled by the explosion just now. When they looked back, they only saw a child with a baby squatting on the ground, touching their feet wearing white cloth shoes. In the next moment, the hostile situation outside the car window let them know what happened, and they pulled out their weapons one after another, and became vigilant.

"Princess, please stay calm. Who! Hurry up to the driver's cab and let the conductor drive faster!"

Dai Lao deserves to be born with leadership. Following his order, the soldiers ran forward and passed the order.

Walnut looked at the rebellious organizations that went hand in hand with the train outside the window, and her face gradually turned pale. She couldn't help holding Dai Lao's hand and muttered: "We...what will we get? Will we die? Are those bad guys?!"

Dai Lao held down Walnut's shoulders. At this time, he still didn't forget to maintain his knighthood, and said, "Don't worry, princess. Those people can't catch up. As long as the train continues to accelerate..."

At this moment, a crossbow arrow suddenly pierced the window of the car and plunged directly into the shoulder of a soldier. When the soldier fell screaming, Dai Lao finally discovered one thing--

Not only did the car speed not increase, on the contrary... it also slowed down? !

Why does the speed of the car slow down? What does it mean to slow down in this situation! He didn't need to ask. Soon, the soldier ran back with the conductor and pushed the conductor down in front of Dai Lao.

"Back... Back to your lord! In front... the quicksand canyon ahead! Our train is not traveling on the ground, but on a bridge built over the quicksand canyon! If the speed is too fast...too fast...ah ——!!!"

An arrow pierced through the glass again and plunged directly into the heart of the conductor. It was also at this time that the window glass made a bang, and a hook grabbed the edge of the window.

As the enemy approached, Dai Lau immediately waved his saber and severed the hook. But he cut one, can he cut everything? In a blink of an eye, the claws covered all the windows of the third carriage, and there was a booming sound from the roof. I am afraid it will be a matter of time before this is captured.


Little Bread looked at the claws, fear in his eyes. She shrank her small head behind the big back, closed her eyes, shaking...

"Don't be afraid."

One hand gently stroked her head. Feeling the width of the palm of her hand, Xiao Bread opened her eyes again and looked at the figure of the person in front of her... Gradually, she stopped shaking.

A sand zebra rushed to the rear of the broken train, and the enemy immediately jumped on the horse's back, holding the giant axe in his hand and slashing towards the idiot's back. In his opinion, there is only a child in front of him. How much effort can it take to kill a child?


Flying with the speed of the train.

The giant axe was like a puddle of mud, riding on the inertia and fell to the ground, rolling on the rails. The blood sprayed from his heart splashed on the sand, emitting puffs of smoke. In no time, it turned into red gas and disappeared into the air.

The idiot held the long sword in the dark, and the blood-colored pupils at the hilt were bright red. At this moment, the walnut on the second floor has been moved towards the front carriage under the **** of Dai Lao, Tumor and the other six soldiers. He quickly put away the dark and rushed forward from below.

Three hours. Moreover, in order to avoid some difficult terrain in the quicksand canyon, the hypothetical elevated railroad tracks will naturally make several turns. If the speed is not slowed down, even the latest model of magic train will definitely fall from the elevated, and there will be no dead bodies.

These resistance organizations have spotted this, and some of them jumped on the train and climbed in from the window. The other part is running forward from the roof. A member of the resistance organization in the lead swung a knife, cut the throat of the soldier who was about to open the second and third carriages, screamed, and rushed in.

The frontal battle began, and the guard soldiers obliged to raise their weapons to meet the incoming enemy. Suddenly, the yelling and fighting sounded throughout the train. The blood water and the light of the knife interlaced together into a scene of the most real "reality". Walnut was at the end, she looked pale and looked at what was happening in front of her, she was too scared to speak.

"Kill! Except for that woman, kill all!"

The guard soldiers had long been panicked by successive explosions and sneak attacks. Only in twos or twos, two more soldiers fell. Dai Laohu was in front of Walnut. Although he was said to be a genius, he was undoubtedly the weakest of these guards, who only had a superior level of scorching skills. He gradually backed away, slammed the malignant tumor in front of him abruptly, and said loudly: "You, give it to me! You are the strongest of Cui Ling, kill all these people!"

No one knows what the malignant tumor is thinking at this moment. Another soldier fell to the ground, and in front of him, more than fifty people who were at least above the level of refining the heart were killed. He squeezed the two short knives in his hands and gritted his teeth...


An enemy rushed over, avoided the cancer, and severed the man's spine with a backhand. However, the space in the carriage was so small that he didn't even have time to turn around. An enemy kicked through the glass beside him. After swinging in, he kicked the tumor on his head and knocked him down on Dai Lao and Walnut. before……


The three weapons were slashed, and the cancer was inevitable. But just when his future was doomed, this man suddenly stretched out his hand, grabbed Dai Lao behind, and dragged him to his body! And Dai Lao's brain moved quickly. After seeing that he was being pulled, he immediately used another hand to hold Walnut, blocking her in front of him and the cancer, and directly facing the three cold knives.

The coldness eroded the princess's young heart at this moment. This cold is not due to the sharpness of the blade, but from behind...

Although the two faces are both handsome and ugly, they both show the same look.




The cleaving knife stopped. Because these people were instructed to catch walnuts alive. That is to say, at the moment when their knives stopped in an instant, Dai Lao and Tumor suddenly jumped up, and the two stabbed double knives and long swords at the same time, and unexpectedly plunged into the hearts of the three enemies.

The enemy screamed and fell. After temporarily getting rid of the crisis, the soldiers behind him had rushed to block the enemy's frontal impact for the three. Tumor and Dai Lao held the walnut with one hand and dragged her to the first section of the rear cab.

"Princess, please rest assured, I will never let anyone hurt you."

Out of the crisis, Dai Lao smiled in the crisis. He smiled very freely and at ease, fully demonstrating his self-confidence and charm in times of crisis. But when Walnut looked at him, her eyes were a little strange. It's not like looking at someone who will protect himself. It's more like looking at a complete stranger...

"Princess! Phew, you're all right..."

The cancerous face leaned over, and suddenly he saw his ugly face. Walnut suddenly pulled out his hands as if he was frightened, and then backed up against the door, saying loudly: "No come here! You... Don’t come near me!!!"

In the empty carriage, only the creak of the wheels reverberated. The fighting isolated behind the car door seemed to be in another world. Blood splashed on the door glass. The dying soldier stuck to the window of the car and slowly fell down. The mist in the air also turned into a faint red...

Seeing the look in Walnut's eyes, Tumor and Dai Lao looked at each other. These two people who would not have had any **** at this moment seemed to have reached a certain consensus. Their eyes will be so consistent, so similar. Immediately afterwards, the two of them took a step towards Walnut at the same time and reached out their hands—

"Princess, please come over. The two of us...will protect you."


With a loud noise, the speeding train shook again.

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