Demon King Dad

: The second year story 058, Quicksand Canyon

The desert wind blows into the cab. Not from the window, but from the junction with the second carriage. The second carriage, which was just a short distance away, slowly retreated at this moment. Those enemies who killed all the soldiers and opened the door were caught off guard, stepped on the ground and got out of the car and were crushed by the galloping wheels. But the person who stopped in time was helpless at the quickly opened distance, and could only curse at a man squatting behind the walnut, and then whistle to the sand zebra.

And the person squatting in the broken part of the carriage is not someone else, but an idiot. He quietly looked at the distant enemies, watching them leave. But Walnut turned his head, but was taken aback by the scene in front of him.

The compartment is not separated by opening the connecting buckle. It's more like being cut open by a very sharp weapon! But even if there is such a weapon in the world that can cut steel like tofu, the user absolutely needs enough power! This idiot... has this power?

The idiot turned his head, and he looked up and down the walnuts. The cold eyes that couldn't melt even in the scorching desert heat made Walnut a cold war.

Now how to do?

For her, there are four people here including her (not counting the bread). But among these four people, the other three will all threaten her! What should she do? Who will tell her... what should she do?

In a blink of an eye, only the train at the front rushed into the quicksand canyon. Those galloping sand zebras cannot squeeze on the elevated railroad tracks full of gaps, at least it is certain that they are safe.

"Huh...Princess, we are safe. Come, come over to us."

Dai Lau was still smiling, smiling very gracefully. Is it because he finally got out of the predicament, so he has recovered his calm? Or……

The idiot lowered his head and looked at the ground with his eyes. Faced with Dai Lau's lobbying on Walnut, he didn't say anything. He just stood, listened, felt, and...

Pull out the dark, stabbed to the ceiling.

Blood ran down from the gap, and then, there was a scream of sand zebra from the roof of the car. With the screams, there was a scene of a hand reaching in from the window. With this hand open, a plume of yellowish-brown smoke spread instantly in the cab.

This scene happened too suddenly, everyone in the car could not hold their breath in time, and more or less inhaled some gas. Although the yellowish-brown smoke immediately drifted away from the wide-open carriage behind the speeding train, Dai Lao, Tumor and Walnut still involuntarily felt a tingling sensation and fell to the ground.

"Humph! I don't believe it, you kid can really resist this poison!"

McGrady's voice rang out of the car window, and the man jumped in, already holding the dagger in his hand. But what he never expected was that there was still one person standing here! It's not someone else, but the boy who just breathed in his poisonous mist and died without poison!

"It's impossible... It's absolutely impossible!! Why didn't you die? You should have died by poisoning! Even at the worst, you should be like these people (kicked Dai Lao who was unconscious), It's on the ground!"

The man was very surprised, and he didn't understand the phenomenon that the child never fell to the ground. But it doesn’t matter, because soon, a blood-red pupil can tell him everything...

The Dark Destruction Longsword was held in his hand again. The blood pupil opened, staring at the prey in front of him. The carriage shook, and the wheels rubbed against the rails to pull out sparks. The fast train is passing through the winding canyon in an unstable state. And below, is the bottomless quicksand hell.

In the dimness, Walnut opened her eyes. The first thing that caught her eye was the scene of a pair of handcuffs falling from the sky, smashing a deep hole on the solid wooden floor, and then falling into the canyon. Then, a pair of handcuffs and a piece of black clothing were thrown below one after another.




Sometimes, she really felt like she was dreaming.

She dreamed of a person she hated the most in her life, holding a sword that scared her, standing in front of her.


This person is not facing her, but facing her with his back.

In front of this person, is a master of poison. An adult, an adult whose tumor and Dai Lao were planted in his hands. Competing against such an opponent, isn't this person looking for a dead end?

Walnut was laughing at herself, laughing at herself stupidly.

Because she would achieve such an absurd dream.

In this dream, the boy took a step and inserted the sword in her hand into the opponent's heart at a speed she could not even imagine. As a result, the boy was victorious, while the member of the rebellion organization named Maddie died.

Blood spurted. It's really dead.

This is a dream...

A dream that is too unreal. Walnut closed her eyes and decided not to think about it anymore. Anyway, when I wake up, I won’t remember these absurd dreams, right?

Yes, the little princess closed her eyes. At this time, the train turned a turn. Under the action of centrifugal force, the walnut closest to the rear door was thrown out in this way...



Smelling the blood, Dai Lao couldn't help but wake up. The first scene I saw when I opened it was that Walnut's body flew out of the car like a torn piece of paper! He can actually stretch out his hand, as long as he stretches out his hand, he can definitely hold Walnut's arm! And for various reasons, he absolutely can't let this little princess die.

Especially, under the circumstance that he made a promise to protect her!

Don't hesitate, Dai Lao stretched out quickly...

(The wind is howling! The wind is dragging towards the outside of the car.)

………………Hand did not reach out. Dai Lao just lay on the ground, without any support points around him. At that moment, his mind has already analyzed what is right and what is wrong. What kind of actions can better protect yourself, and what is the most important thing for yourself.

Is it Princess Walnut? Or... your own life?

As he watched, he watched the walnut being rolled out of the car, becoming a grain of sand in the violent wind, falling towards the bottom of the canyon...

"It's over."

After saying this, Dai Lao closed his eyes. Although he regretted his journey this time in his heart, he did not regret what he had done just now. Under the effect of the drug, his consciousness became more and more blurred. Fortunately, there is no big turn to turn next, so go to sleep. Use sleep to think about what to do next, how to explain to the king.

The Light Knight gave up, ready to accept the emperor's punishment. But in fact, he closed his eyes a little earlier. If he closes his eyes for another second at night, I am afraid he will see a scene that makes him hate for life. Because in that scene, a person made an action that should have been done by him, and only afterwards did he know that that person not only did this action, but also alive and took Hu Tao back to Fengchusha City in peace!


Snow and ice inadvertently replaced sand and dust. The unchained idiot jumped out of the train at a terrible speed and rushed towards the little princess who was drifting in the air. He patted the bread on his back, and Bun closed his eyes and curled up. After feeling that Bun was ready, he quickly dived beside Walnut and hugged her with his hands open. At the same time, he pulled out Dim Mi in his hand and slammed into the support pillar of the elevated rail. Amidst the piercing and piercing sound of steel fracture, the idiot hugged the walnut and fell below the canyon at a speed equivalent to a free fall.

The wind in the valley was very strong, and the big one woke up the walnut again. The first thing she saw after opening her eyes was the idiot's cold face and the constant wind blowing in her ears. In the next moment, she finally understood her current situation, her face turned pale again, and she screamed.

In an instant, the bottom of the valley is about to arrive. Look carefully, it is not the real ground, but is covered with sand from high to low! When it was about to reach the end, the idiot slammed out of the dark, raised his foot and slammed on the remaining pillars, and the whole person immediately flew out laterally, seeing the sand with his feet open and stepping on it. Pity the high railroad track lost its support immediately after the idiot chopped it from top to bottom, and collapsed in half.

"Hey! Why are you? Wow ah ah ah~~~~~!"

Before the little princess finished her questioning, she felt that her body that had just stopped was moving again. She panicked and couldn't help but stretched out her hand to hook the idiot's neck, closing her eyes and daring not to look again.

In fact, this is because the sand that the idiot is stepping on at the moment is composed of very smooth sand, and there is a difference in height, as long as you step on the sand gently, it will slide and draw people into it. The idiot didn't dare to neglect, and immediately relied on the sense of balance he exercised through restraint to subtly shift the position of his feet, sliding down the canyon.

The quicksand slides, and the idiot keeps adjusting his posture. His feet are on the hot and not strong sand surface. These sands are exposed to flames all day and absorb a lot of heat. The piece of cloth touched the soles of his feet. But his expression didn't show the slightest hot or painful expression, as if he was riding a cloud.

The quicksand canyon is very long. The idiot held the walnut and skated for about four or five hours. During this period, Walnut was fainted by the scorching sun several times, and was awakened several times by the shaking of an idiot. It wasn't until the end of the quicksand canyon that the canyon gradually opened up and re-entered the desert before stopping. At this time, the western sun also gradually set, hiding into the end of the desert...

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