Demon King Dad

: The second year story 059, the mission started

"Woo, ah~~~"

Bun yelled twice, and she leaned her head vigorously, knocking her small chin on the shoulder of the idiot. The wind in the desert gradually became cooler, and the rolled sand hit the face, giving it a cold touch. The idiot looked at the sky, immediately put down the walnut in his hand, and took the small bread from his back.




The night is empty, only an endless desert fills the space between heaven and earth.

Walnut seemed to have recovered from the effects of the drug. The first thing she saw when she opened her eyes was the three quarter moons in the sky and the back of the idiot who was laying down the bread.

The princess was wary. She arched her body and stepped back little by little. Because she knew exactly who this was in front of her.

He is a beggar...a lunatic! It's a bad guy who has trafficked and threatened himself! She was still shrouded in panic after seeing the dark human psychology for the first time. Who can guarantee that this idiot will be better than the two people just now?

Do not……

Dai Lao, as a son of a nobleman, even so. As a royal official, Tumor even so. And the person in front of him has neither power nor money, and he is a beast that is always on the verge of life and death...Where can it be better?

Walnut slowly backed away, touching the sand on the ground. The distance between her and the idiot was getting farther and farther, until the distance between them was about ten meters, she quickly turned around!


Cold words floated into her ears through the desert.

Walnut turned her head and looked at him slightly surprised. I saw the idiot sorted the satchel around his waist and looked around. Fortunately, he found the handcuffs and clothes that also fell along the fine sand from the sand on the side, while the fetters fell beside Walnut.

"You...what did you say?"

Walnut asked nervously. She looked around, quickly bent over to grab two handfuls of sand, and used the method of amplifying her voice to strengthen herself.

The idiot let go of the bread's hand, picked up the handcuffs and put it on. Three pale slanting moons shone down, pulling his shadow long.

Seeing the idiot put his handcuffs back on, Walnut put down a bit. She still knew these things, because Dai Lau had told her before that as long as she wears this thing, the speed of human action will be limited to a certain extent. At least she won't have to be afraid of him chasing him when she runs away later.

"It's easy to walk at night."

The idiot said lightly. He had put on his clothes and turned around. Walnut shuddered as soon as he touched his dark eyes. She instinctively took a step back, but she didn't expect to step on her skirt instead, and fell with a "Yeah", and the sand on her hands was also scattered.

" are not allowed to come over! I warn you that you are never allowed to come over! I...I will let my father put you to death! You are not allowed to come over! Hear you!"

The idiot ignored her and walked towards her with his legs open. Walnut panicked, she grabbed the fetters next to her feet and wanted to smash them. But the moment her hand just grabbed the fetters, a fact that made her feel terrible was finally placed in front of her.

"Woo......!!! Woo——————!!! What is this......?!"

Without lifting his fetters, Walnut used his hands instead. But her hands still didn't move the fetters, and the two small iron objects seemed to stick to the sand. She blushed and stood up, her body bent into an arch, her two small arms were straight, and thin sweat had floated from her forehead.

"Ah, woo~~?"

Maybe it was Walnut's flushed expression that was too funny. Some time ago, Bun actually squatted beside her, looking at her with his head on his hands. Anyway, this girl doesn't usually see this red face. If you want to see it from the face of an idiot, that's a fantasy.

"You... what do you look at!"

Looking at it as an interesting thing by a child, the flushing on Walnut's face adds a different meaning. She started to get angry, even in the face of such a child, she would not let herself as a justice messenger ashamed.



"Um... uh uh uh uh -!!!"

"Get me up! Lift up... Lift up!"

The fetters didn’t move, after trying countless times, Walnut finally made a judgment——

This fetter is not worn on humans at all, it must be used to restrain some large monsters! It must have fallen from some suitcase on the train. Yes, it must be!

Thinking of this, Walnut suddenly felt that it was not a shame to be unable to lift it. But when she straightened up, wiped the sweat on her forehead, and exhaled in some relief...

The idiot came over, took the fetters with one hand, and tied them to his feet...




I am afraid that no language can express Walnut's mood at this moment. The breath she exhaled hadn't completely dispersed under the moonlight, and the hand that wiped her forehead hadn't even let go. She stared at the person in front of her blankly, looked at the handcuffs on his hands and the shackles on his feet.


Walnut suddenly took a few steps behind him and pointed at the idiot and said loudly: " you you! You!!! This is impossible!——!!!"

The idiot cast a cold look at Walnut, then he turned his head and looked at the small bread on the side.

"Let's go."

Bun laughed, stood up, stumbled on the sand and ran to the idiot, and hugged his thigh. After that, the little girl turned her head and looked at the walnut with those emerald eyes.

The idiot turned around, looked at the three bright moons in the sky, and after slightly discerning the direction, he took a step forward. Walnut was worried at first that he was walking towards him, but found that he was facing away from him, and as he walked further and further, the princess finally couldn't bear it, and followed in three steps and two steps.

"Hey! I ask you, where are you going?"

The idiot walked straight into the desert without looking back.

"Hey! I ask you! Where are you going?"

"send you home."

Walnut was taken aback, and then stopped. After the idiot walked a few steps, he didn't hear the footsteps behind him, so he stopped and turned around. What I saw... was Walnut's eyes full of doubt and alert.

Only after being deceived can people know how to doubt, and only after being used can they understand not to trust others. Just five hours ago, Walnut had been deceived by the person she used to think was the least likely to deceive. That handsome, handsome and powerful Dai Lao really let her know what humanity is. Now, there is no other person around her to advise her, and no one can trust her. How could she believe that the villain in front of her had framed and trafficked herself?

"What is your purpose? Why do you want to send me home? You want money, want to kidnap me, and then blackmail my father for something!!!"

Walnut yelled. At the same time she fully expressed her dissatisfaction, a red pupil suddenly opened in the chain wrapped around the idiot's right hand and stared at her, causing her to close her mouth involuntarily.

"Hehehe, kid, it's so funny! Your "good habits" were actually learned by this little girl~~~!"

The idiot gave a dark glance, and after thinking for a while, he took out a mission briefing from the package on his waist and threw it in front of Walnut.

"D-level mission, take you home safely. I have money to take it."

"D-class mission???"

Walnut picked up the mission briefing that had been turned over several times, and apart from the big D, there was only the very simple mission request——

Take care of the princess of the Bucks Empire, Walnut Durea Frihus, and return him to Fengchusha City safely.

If I watched this thing more than five hours ago, Walnut would only think it was a big joke. But seeing this sentence now makes her feel unbelievable. She raised her head and looked at the idiot before her.

"That's right? Send me back... only a D-class mission? And the reward... not even eight Sura?"

The idiot turned sideways, looking ready to leave at any time: "Perhaps, you are not as important as others thought."


In a word, Walnut flushed again with anger. She wanted to rush up to fight, but thought that the idiot just now easily picked up the fetters that she couldn't lift up, and could move freely after tying them to her legs, she didn't dare to step forward. But although she can't go up and fight, this princess will never let go, she pointed to the idiot's nose and said loudly——

"You idiot! you dwarf! Who said that I am not important anymore? What are you doing to protect me if I am not important? Go away, go away! Anyway, it won't take long for someone to come. Save me!"

Walnut is about to be eleven, and the girls are growing fast. But the idiot is a boy, not growing fast, coupled with malnutrition and carrying the heavy shackles on his body for a long time, so the walnut looks a little taller in comparison.

The idiot ignored him, he looked at the surrounding scenery again, lifted his foot, and slowly left in the moonlight. Walnut saw that he had blasted the idiot away with just a big drink, and finally got some pride. She stuck her waist, pointed at the idiot's back, and said with great pride: "Hmph, know what's the stakes~~~! Save me? I think I saved you! I'm missing, my father must be very worried It doesn’t take much time to send someone to rescue me! So the best way for now is to stay here and not move~~~!"

The dust flew up and filled the moonlight in the sky. Even in the city on autumn nights, people can feel some coolness. What's more, in this desert with nothing...

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