Demon King Dad

: The second year story 060, two sandstorms

The idiot walked far, he took the little bread, and walked slowly but firmly ahead. Seeing his back further and further away, Walnut's mood gradually calmed down.

All around...

so quiet.

Looking around, apart from the desert, it is still desert. The wind blew on her body, and the princess who had always grown in the greenhouse experienced the coldness of nature for the first time. She couldn't help shrinking her body, and there was a trace of silence on the corner of her excited and proud mouth.

The wind began to grow stronger, and the rolled sand gradually covered up the idiot. Walnut glanced around, and it seemed that there were only her, the idiot, and Little Bread in this vast world! As soon as the two of them leave, she will be alone in the middle of this desert, waiting for rescue...

Walnut shivered, then suddenly chased after him.

"Wait a minute! Hey! I told you to wait a while, did you hear that!"

The idiot turned his head and saw Walnut catching up panting. When she saw the idiot stop and wait for her, there was some relief in her eyes. But soon, she raised her head again and put on an arrogant expression: "Dwarf, did you hear me when I told you to stop?!"

The idiot looked at her without speaking. Dim Mie was a sneer, looking at her with his blood pupil open. Walnut's heart was hairy by these three eyes. She swallowed her saliva and turned her gaze to the bread with the weakest look at the scene, and said: "Do you have any knowledge? Didn't I say that we should wait in place? Walking like this, what should we do if my father comes to find us and can't find it?"

Dimie sneered, and as it sneered, the idiot turned his head and continued walking. Seeing that she was being ignored by the person in front of him again, Hu Tao couldn't help but get angry, and stepped forward and grabbed the idiot's arm.

"Hey! Knowledge! I said you don't have knowledge, don't you understand? And, dwarf, talk to me! I want you to talk to me!"


"You... talk to you! I now order you as a princess to talk to me!"


" are talking..."




"Talk to OK?"




"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu... you bully me... you are a bad guy! uuuuuuu..."

Gradually, Walnut began to cry. As a princess, she was inexplicably attacked by the enemy's resistance organization today and fell into this desert. But... but the only person around who can talk, the only person who can... can... is an idiot who can't say a word!

For a moment, a strong sense of isolation engulfed Walnut, and the girl raised her hand, rubbing her eyes and crying.

The idiot gave her a look, didn't speak, and continued to move forward. But just after taking two steps, he suddenly realized that there was something missing on his left hand. Looking back, I saw Little Bread was standing in front of Walnut, looking up, with his mouth open, looking at her.


In the endless desert, Walnut has endured more severe loneliness than ever before combined. She saw the bread in front of her, cried and hugged the little girl with a wow. What she needs most now is the attention of others, making her feel that she is still somewhat important, not the sand that can be blown away by the wind anytime and anywhere...

"Let's go."

Hearing the sound, Walnut raised his head. I saw that idiot stood in front of him with a cold face and stretched out his left hand.

Walnut rubbed her eyes, and even though she was reluctant, she stretched out her hand to take the left hand. But what she didn't expect again was that it was not her hand that was grasping by that hand, but the hand of Bread.

"I will send you back."

The idiot put the bread back on his back and tied it with a cloth strip.

"This is my task. I will finish it."

Walnut rubbed his slightly red and swollen eyes, and in front of her, a boy who was half a head shorter than her was looking at her with cold eyes that ordinary peers would never have. It seems that the desert, loneliness, and predicament at this moment have no effect on him at all. No, it should be said that he originally lived in such a world accompanied by death. Therefore, he will not have any complaints about everything around him.

Walnut froze for a while. The dust in the wind is whistling. Gradually, the wind stopped, and the three oblique moons revealed their faces again. On the silver desert covered with moonlight, Walnut finally stopped talking, and followed the idiot on this journey home...


The imperial princess is missing?

It has been a month since the news came back to the imperial city. Both Dai Lao and Tuoma worked desperately to mobilize all the people they could control, and within this month they were frantically searching in the desert. But for them, the quicksand canyon is too wide, and its branch roads are also intricate. With thirty or forty people who came out as guards and were still alive, it would be a needle in a haystack to find a girl here.

One month passed, but the walnuts that should have returned did not appear. But this matter finally couldn't be concealed, the current Patriarch of the Goodsey family, Duke Pucaros Goodsey, finally got furious after receiving a letter for help from his son. Immediately command his private forces to go to rescue.

However, anger does not help. Although the Duke has many political, economic, and even military powers, the army he can command is only a small part of it. The anger turned to anger. Although the time had passed for a month, the Duke of Goodsey reported the incident to the Buck King at the first time with the last ray of hope, hoping to conscript the Imperial Army to search to make up for his son’s crime. This error under.

Now, the Lord Duke is kneeling in the cold auditorium, facing the long stairs ahead and the throne at the end that is blocked by the water curtain, bowing his head sincerely.

………………The auditorium is quiet.

There was no sound of silence.

In this wide auditorium, many imperial officials stood densely. But everyone held their breath and dared not speak. Hundreds of eyes were all staring at the man who was kneeling on the red carpet, holding a helmet in his right hand, with a golden sword in his waist, and a silver-white cloak behind his back. His hair was a little gray, but he had a face. A capable man. Quietly...quietly...waiting for the end of the matter.


After a long silence, there was a sound of palms slamming against the armrest of the throne. With the sound, the handrail cracked and a piece of broken jade rolled down the stairs and fell into the scene in front of everyone.

At this moment, everyone knelt down.

"You mean... Walnut was kidnapped by an unidentified organization, and now your precious son and the prison officer I sent out are following that organization secretly preparing to rescue?!"

The people raised their heads slightly and glanced at the duke. Among these people, Principal Campa also knelt there. However, he knelt at the end of the queue, without officials or salaries.

Duke Goodsay said in a low-pitched voice, without the slightest flustered expression: "My Majesty, I apologize to you for the incompetence of my child. He dare not come back. For the dignity of the knight, he now wants to do so by himself The princess was rescued from that organization. But there are too few people in his hands, no match for the armed organization with 3,000 people."

Three thousand people? ? ? ! ! !

As soon as this number came out, the crowd gasped. Everyone knows that there are only less than a hundred protectors brought out by Walnut. How could it be worth a force of three thousand people?

The man on the throne was thinking, and across the water curtain, no one could see what the man was thinking. Is he thinking about the authenticity of Duke Goodsay's words? Or was it just shocked by the number of 3,000 people? Yang or... is he thinking of something else?

"Three thousand people? Duke Goodsay, your lie is too big, right?"

The man on the throne hadn't spoken yet and was abrupt. One of the people in the crowd suddenly raised his head and looked at him with a very disgusting expression: "Although a force of three thousand people is not too big, it is not small. This way. It’s unbelievable that the team of squad will run rampant across our country without being noticed by anyone?"

Campa raised his head slightly to see the person who was speaking. That is the current head of the other of the two major military families of the Bucks Empire, and the only one who can sit on an equal footing with the Goodsay family in the empire, and is also a duke——

Duke Nolius!

Seeing that the incumbents of these two major families had secretly fought, the people lying around were even more frightened. Trembling with the smell of gunpowder gradually filling the air.

Goodsey saw Nolius coming up. Although he was wrong, he raised his head very calmly in order not to lose face for his son, and looked at Nolius, who was already half-bald, very arrogantly.

"The Death Desert has always been the most difficult place to govern. If Brother Nolius is willing to allocate between 6,000 and 10,000 troops to help my ineffective son, my son will definitely thank you very much. of."

Nolius snorted, and the hostility from the smile on his mouth did not contain any concealment: "Yes, your son is indeed incompetent. Although the boast is the strongest of his age, why you never let it He and my son have a try?"

"Your son? Huh, if it refers to your eldest son, of course I would be happy. But if it is to say that your concubine son is'embarrassed'... I am afraid, he is not qualified to represent the Nolius family , Come and fight against Dai Lao in my house!"

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