Demon King Dad

: The second year story 061, the sand of the moon



There was a roar behind the water curtain, and when they heard the roar, the quarreling two immediately fell silent. But in contrast, their goals have also been achieved.

Goodsey successfully let his son be attacked and changed the topic of "lost" the princess, so that his majesty's anger was shared by Nolius in half. And Nolius is not a fool. The reason why he did this was to get the attention of His Majesty, and then assigned his family to rescue the princess. If the Nolius family succeeds in retrieving the lost princess from the Goodsey family, the blow to the Goodsey family will definitely be huge.

And the king above seems to have already guessed the thoughts of these two dukes. But the unpredictable situation of his daughter's life and death made the king impatient to do too much analysis. He waved his hand and said: "Well, I will lend you five thousand troops! I will invite the two gentlemen to find the princess together! Now, go quickly!"

The emperor's order was issued, and the two leading figures in the empire stood up, shoulder to shoulder, and walked out with their heads high. And the people next to you look at me, I look at you, and after seeing that the king has not issued any new orders, they also left one after another and left in fright.

The huge dark blue auditorium returned to its former tranquility in no time.

The water is falling down.

Behind the water curtain, the king showed a worried expression that he didn't often have in the past.

He propped his head, his eyes were anxious and helpless across the water curtain in front of him, as if he wanted to see his daughter who was far away in the desert to see if she... was safe.

"...Kampa, how much do you believe in the words of Duke Goodsay..."

In the auditorium, Campa stood respectfully. The king's words hit back and forth in the empty space, producing echoes.

Campa lowered his head and said: "There are real and there should be false. The attack by the enemy should not be wrong, but regarding the number of enemies and the specific location of the princess, there may be some... small mistakes. Up."

"Huh, more than'Xiao Xiao'?" The voice from behind the water curtain was a little helpless. "I didn't even bother to catch the lies in their words. Just bring the walnut back to me. He would need as much force as possible. OK. But if I give them too much force, the Black Dragon Empire will probably..."

"Your Majesty, are you worried about sending too many troops to alarm the Black Dragon Empire?"

"Ah......not to say it....Speaking of Campa, why didn't I see you showing how much worried expression from just now? Could it be that you know something about the whereabouts of walnuts?"

There was a little excitement from the voice on the throne.

Campa shook his head, smiling at the corner of his mouth. He calmly said: "I'm sorry, Your Majesty, I don't know the whereabouts of the princess."

"Then what do you mean! Glorious?!"

Campa's relaxed attitude seemed to anger the father who was worried about his daughter. He patted the armrest of the throne again, and another piece of jade was broken.

Seeing the king's anger, Campa quickly lowered his head, but the smile on the corner of his mouth remained unchanged. He bowed down respectfully, saluted, and said--

"Your Majesty, I just want to confirm it again. The list of survivors after the attack mentioned by Duke Goodsay just now really includes everyone. Didn't anyone miss it?"

The voice on the throne paused for a while, and slowly responded: "Yes. It should be all. The dead person reporting more can only prove his son's incompetent command and weak strength. I am worried that he will report more. Living people."

"Ha ha……"

"...Campa, what are you laughing at."

"Your Majesty, please forgive me for smiling. Because while smiling, I can finally tell your Majesty that the princess must be fine at present."

"Really? Why do you think so?!"

The king's voice became excited again. Campa pulled off his cloak, knelt down, and gave a knightly salute--

"Because... I imposed an insurance."

"What kind of insurance? What you said last time, should you arrange an insurance next to Walnut?!"

The voice on the throne was more excited, and the figure even stood up from the seat.

"Well... Your Majesty, please forgive me. For some reasons, I need to keep it secret. But don't worry, I believe that it will not be long before the princess will return to your majesty alive. Now, let's take a look at Dai Lao. Mr. Goodsay and Mr. Tumor, how will they spare no effort to rescue Her Royal Highness."


Looking around, they are all deserts.

The sand dunes in the distance are undulating, which looks like layers of waves caused by a stone thrown into the pond of the palace.

About ten hours have passed since the train was attacked. Walnut was also in this desert, following the idiot for ten hours.

The surrounding change in the slightest. No matter how far you go, it always seems to be standing still. Walnut's legs became sore, she had never walked that long since she was a child. And more importantly, she is not on a road to hunt down bad guys, and the destination she goes to is not a battlefield of justice and injustice.

She couldn't walk anymore, and she was slower and slower. It was past midnight, and the cold of the desert at night had begun to attack her body, causing her to shrink her shoulders and shiver. And tiredness had already begun to climb on her face, and when she walked, she began to wander around, and gradually became out of line.

Puff through.

The walnut didn't step on it and fell to the ground.

"Woo... I won't go! I'm so sleepy... I... want to sleep...!"

The princess was tired, but she didn't dare to directly order the idiot in front to stop. And she said this sentence even more to prevent the idiot from leaving alone when she fell asleep, leaving herself here.

The idiot turned his head, and on his shoulder, the bun had already fallen asleep. He looked up at the position of the moon, and said in a cold, unsentimental voice: "Keep walking. There is still a long time before sunrise."

It's not that Walnut is ordering the idiot, but the idiot is ordering Walnut. How could this princess endure? She is usually at the center. Now it’s good that the "kinky prestige" forced by you no longer gives orders indiscriminately. Why should you ride on your head instead?

Thinking about this, Walnut sat on the ground very simply, and said, "I don't care, I'm tired anyway! I want to sleep! Also, I'm thirsty and hungry. You have a kettle and food in your bag, right? Give me a drink."

There is indeed food and water in the idiot's bag. But he would never share these things. Because these foods are the last life-saving supplies, they must not be used before they are near the death line. Especially water.

In the dry desert, water is life. A person can not eat for a long time, but it is absolutely impossible not to drink water for a long time. Not only the walnuts can't move the water, but he can't move it himself, even the bread absolutely can't move. Before that, if you want to drink water, you must use all possible resources around you to find a source of water.

The desert is indeed a tomb to the inexperienced.

But for the idiot who once wandered in this land of death for three months, finally successfully crossed it and successfully reached Fengchusha City, maybe...

Nine deaths and a lifetime.

The idiot looked at the moon in the sky, and the three oblique moons had reached the latitude of the west. Calculating the time, it is probably around one midnight at this moment.

Based on past experience, idiots know that at least they can walk for another two hours. In the desert, waiting for rescue is always synonymous with death. If you want to survive, you must move, and you must find all the resources that can save you. But look at that "princess"...

Her legs were separated and bent. He held the sand with his hands, and his eyes were full of tears, but when he looked at him, he was deliberately angry and obviously unwilling to cooperate. Seeing this, the idiot knew that she really refused to leave.

"Hey, the second D-level mission is so troublesome. But speaking of the two so-called simplest D-level missions you performed, each of them is so troublesome."

Diamie opened his blood pupils and stared at Walnut without hesitation. The little princess felt a little hairy when she was seen by this dagger, and she couldn't help but move back.

"……have a rest."

There are two or three desert plants that seem to have withered long ago.

"Today, rest here."

After speaking, he never looked at Walnut again, and went straight to the sandy ground.

Walnut snorted, she got up again, patted her skirt to follow. Looking at the idiot walking down the depression, the princess felt that the boy was really short. She couldn't help holding up her head, and sneered in her heart: "Dwarf, want to fight this princess? How are you now? If I don't want to rest, will you let me rest? Seeing your cold face, it turns out that you are afraid of me too what."

Thinking of this, Walnut suddenly felt that she was very tall in front of the idiot. She quickly walked down the sand slope, kicked a small sandbag with her foot, and then sat there in a lady's sitting posture, waiting.

What are you waiting for?

Wait for the idiot to cook, set up a tent, and serve her to sleep. She is a princess, and she usually does enough to regulate her life in the Royal Academy. After she leaves the Academy, she wants to take a good rest, especially to let this dwarf and an idiot serve herself~~~

She waited...



As a result, she just kept waiting.

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