Demon King Dad

Vol 3 Chapter 43: , Bilateral catastrophe

After the results of the second round of speculation on the radio were announced, Li finally put away the cards in his hand. Facing Alice, he shook his head and said, "I don't need it for now."

Afterwards, the bandage man turned his attention to Quilin next to him.

Quilin was taken aback, and immediately understood what it meant. She immediately nodded, smiled and pressed the ring in her hand while facing Alice.

"Mrs. Lyon, send a guess invitation to Miss Alice. Miss Alice is confirming."

The refreshing sound of radio broadcasts in the villa instantly. At this moment, everyone finally understood what was going on.

Richard sneered and began to give a little bit of mercy to Alice who was forced to be beaten in the wheel fight. Rongte walked to the door, and after seeing the idiot over there, he clutched his chest and breathed a sigh of relief. And the beautiful Mr. Ken is still drinking sweet milk and admiring the snow scene. There are only idiots...


After he heard this broadcast, his cold pupils expanded in an instant, his head quickly raised, looking at the ceiling. The next moment, he immediately shifted his steps and rushed up to the second floor

Second floor...

Facing the six cards in front of Alice, Quirine put her finger to her lips and thought for a moment. Then she made a decision.

She follows the instructions of the idiot very much~~~ Didn’t the idiot say, try not to guess the cards in your hand when guessing the cards? That way, it's easy.

Think about it... the cards in your hand, the cards in the hands of the idiot and the cards removed, plus the previous two rounds of confrontation...

Think about it, I and the idiot have two cards in the same hands, A, 5 and K. In addition, remove the two 2 and two 6 of the five extra cards. Remove the big clown again. There is no need to guess these seven numbers, and the probability is very small. In addition, the idiot has a 3 in his hand, and Alice has just guessed a 3, so the 3 can also be removed. Next, in the second round, Mr. Li reads 4, and Alice does not have 4, so this number can also be removed. In addition, Mr. Li lost a 7 in the second round, and the idiot also has a 7 in his hand. If there are two 7s in her hand, the chance of having a 7 in her hand will be lower, so the 7 is also removed.

Now, there are still cards that can be guessed. There are more than three cards of 8, 9, 10, J and Q. Next, according to the basic principle of not guessing the cards in your hand, 8, 9, and J can be removed.

It's very simple~~~Just count it like this, I only need to choose one of the two cards of 10 and Q, the probability of guessing is too high.

Thinking of this, Quirin did not hesitate to report her first attack number——



The ring on Alice's hand rang immediately. This heart-shaking voice made Quilin frown for a while, and she couldn't even close her mouth.

"Miss Alice, the remaining cards are 5."

"Five cards? Not enough. I will continue to guess."

Quirine pressed the ring in her hand without hesitation, while Alice in front of her with a cold face, continued to release the card in her hand. At this moment...


The door of the room was blasted through in an instant.

The figure of a black-haired youth rushed in anxiously, shouting these words for the first time.


"Ah, little...husband? You came just right now. I found out that this game turned out to be really easy. Look at it~~~ Below, I guess 10"

There was another beep that made people happy. Quirine hugged her arms, leaning on the chair like a queen. In front of her, the number of cards in Alice's hand finally turned into only four cards left. It seems...the result is divided.

"Hey, I got two of my guesses~~ Great, too easy hahahahahaha~~~~"

Quirine, smiled.

It was a smug smile.

She began to feel that this power is all in her own hands, and how great it feels to plan the numbers in the other's hands through calculations. Is this the pleasure of using wisdom? No wonder Xiao Xingli thinks that using brains is more beneficial than using hands. That’s right, hahaha

However, the idiot beside him didn't think so. After seeing Quilin’s two consecutive attacks, he immediately stepped forward and grabbed Quilin’s hand and directly dragged him off the chair.

"Hello, what are you doing?"


The idiot gritted his teeth and said softly.

"Go? Why? The game has just begun, don't you think we have the chance to win now? Hey"

"Yeah... the game has just begun. So hurry up, why?"

A slightly sneer voice suddenly came from behind.

When she heard this voice, Quilin was taken aback for a moment, then she turned her head slowly...


This girl, who has only four cards left, can't see the slightest frustration and loss on her face now. On the contrary, there was a touch of playfulness in her eyes looking at Tolan.

That is the look in the hunter's eyes...

It was the look of the hunter who had collected the prey and set up the trap, preparing for the final retraction.

Seeing this look, the idiot screamed uncomfortably in his heart, and his black gaze immediately shifted to the white-haired and white-eyed youth next to him. At this moment, the man named Li stood silently behind Alice. The meaning is self-evident...

In the calculation...

The idiot looked at this man and his pale pupils with no focus. The only thing that flashed in his mind was this thought.


"Damn... it's been six hours, right? What should I do now? I don't know what to do at all?"

I don’t know if it’s an illusion. The temperature in the cave that was supposed to be icy cold is now full and beginning to rise.

Such a temperature difference made Little Bread and Tolan no longer able to wear those heavy mountaineering clothes. They took off their coats and pulled out their spring clothes from their backpacks to wear them. Then, start the calculation again.

Tolan can't find the north at all for the numbers on the stele. So there is no way to solve it at all. Seeing the time passing by every minute and every second, he can only be in a hurry.

Now how to do? If it is really impossible to succeed at the last moment, is it necessary to direct all the bones here to form a bone wall to protect the young master? However, these bones are already very crispy, and God knows whether it can withstand the impact of the next heat wave. If you say... if you fail here...

If you fail... Then even if you die again, I am sorry for the master.

Unlike Tolan's pessimism, Little Bread does not show such pessimism now. Keeping calm at all times is the tutor she accepts, no matter how tight the time is, and no matter how anxious the environment is. If you can’t maintain a calm brain, then the escape opportunities you can get will definitely be stifled.

Yes... calm down.

Then, objectively observe and analyze. Don't look at things with any emotional factors, don't be preconceived, think carefully about every detail of the matter, and remember every passing. If such a thing can be done, then finally...

The answer will appear in your mind.


The bread quickly dropped the bone in his hand. She rushed to the stele like flying, looking at the words on it. Afterwards, she began to fumble on the stone tablet. About ten minutes later, she finally reached a hidden door on the stone tablet and pulled it open. Inside, there is a sludge-like mass. After that, the bread stretched out his finger and wrote the only number on the ooze——


Everything is silent.

After about ten seconds, the slime began to squirm, covering the number 1 and becoming flat again. Little Bread had no doubts, and wrote a 1 on it again. Afterwards, the ooze was covered again, and for the third time, the small bread still wrote a 1 on it. And this time...


The stone stele that hadn't moved at all, now finally began to move slowly.

I thought it was a closed cave, but at this moment, it was the first time a way out appeared

Seeing this, Bread didn't have time to elaborate, and immediately began to pick up his backpack and rush towards the passage. Although Tolan didn't know what was going on, he was carrying his luggage and rushing into the cave with his young master at the moment.

"What's the matter with the young master? Why did the door open after you swiped it twice?"

Toran shouted as he ran. After a while, he suddenly heard the sound of moving the stele from behind, as if the gate was blocked again. Afterwards, the small bread in front immediately lit up the light ball and threw it forward to illuminate the passage ahead.

During the run just now, the bun didn't have time to explain at all. Looking ahead, although the passage is long and narrow, it is clear that he has solved the puzzle. Therefore, she also slowed down and began to pick up the sign and explain it to Toran.

"Actually, this puzzle is not that difficult. It's just that the person who made the question set up a lot of small traps in the question, making people wonder how to think. But as long as you contact the various hints that appear in the question, then this question is actually very easy to solve. It should be regarded as a prank by the mathematician. 》

"Mischief? What a prank?"

"Hey, the key is not to be guided by the problems. In those words, there are actually only a few things that are really meaningful. Everything else is misleading. Next, I will tell you a little bit. 》

"Hmm, tell me something."

Now he has left the cave and is about to be rescued. So Tolan didn't worry so much anymore and began to ask for advice humbly. In fact, as long as you leave this cave, even if it is stormy, lightning and thunder, the death knight believes that he is absolutely capable of bringing the young master back to his master. V

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