Demon King Dad

Vol 3 Chapter 44: , The knight of death and flame

Knight of Death and Flame

"Is there so much misleading in the story?"

Tolan touched his head, thought for a while and said--

"So, what is misleading about this story? Master, tell me."

"The whole story itself, all the content, is misleading"

Little Bread snorted, raised the sign, and continued to explain--

"If you are obsessed with the content of this story and try to understand the so-called humanistic care and social factors in it, you will always fall into a dead end. This is a question from a mathematician. When looking at the question, you need to put aside the emotional factors and just care about the numbers. 》

Bun raised the sign and wrote the names of three people on it. They are the heroine of the story Cai Cailin, the first actor Douglas, and the second actor Floren. Then, they marked their ages next to their names.

Cai Cailin, 12 years old.

Douglas, 13 years old.

Floren, 15 years old.

After marking these, Bun turned over the sign, wrote something, and showed it to Tolan.

"Sister Tolan, what do you think should be the last question on this stone tablet? 》

Tolanto pondered under his chin, and said--

"Well... This puzzle is about a ridiculous young and ignorant love story. In it, I don't see what I want to ask. But if I have to should be Leonardo? Till pondered the name of his grandson. Right? After all, the final story was cut off here."

Little Bread nodded, smiled, and raised the sign in his hand again—

"Yes, it is the name of this so-called child. 》

"Huh? Young master, you mean...this kid's name is 111?"

"No, I believe the reason why I am asked to write three times is a verification system. To prevent anyone from scribbling casually to pass. 》

"Then...the correct it a ‘1’?"

"Although it is very unexpected, but it is so. As for why this conclusion was reached..."

After thinking about it, Bun held the sign and wrote it in a simpler way.

"From Cai Cailin 12 years old, Douglas 13 years old, Florence 15 years old..., what can you see? 》

Tolan regained his gaze at the lists that Little Bread had written in advance, a little confused. Shook his head.

"So, what is your reaction to the fact that Floren is 15 years old without father and mother, no siblings, and no one above? 》

"Um... a poor child?"

Tolan said tentatively. But in the end, it was Little Bread shaking his head.

"It means that 15 or more, there is no existence. In other words, 15 is a demarcation point. After 15 is reached, a fundamental change will occur. 》

"Then, let's take a look at the names of the three protagonists. In fact, the only useful thing among these three names is their pronunciation. 》

"The first letter of Cai Cailin is C, which stands for 12."

"The first letter of Douglas is D, which stands for 13"

"Floren's initials, is F, representing 15"

"Then, until F is equal to 15 as the upper limit, contact the mathematician's expertise, what else can you think of? 》

After Tolanto pondered his chin for a while, suddenly, a flash of light flashed in his mind

"It is a hexadecimal system"

"There is nothing wrong, it is the hexadecimal system. Using such a story, the mathematician's research results are listed. Then, let's look at the final question. Excuse me, the child who was just born, his age corresponds to his name, in this case, what should it be? 》

"Of course it is one"

Tolan understood completely now. He clapped his hands and the smile on his face bloomed like a flower. He touched Little Bread's head happily, and said--

"The little master is really amazing. It's not inferior to the master. Just now, I even thought we were done. After we walked out smoothly, I must report to the master that the little master is smart. I think the master must I will reward you well~~~"


Bun tilted his head and pouted. To be honest, living with Ba Ba, Ba Ba actually commends himself very little. The so-called award should be just touching your head, right?

Thinking of this, the little girl couldn't help sighing. Thinking of the guy who usually has a gloomy face and always stocks himself except for the bottom line, thinking about the chatting and laughing between other children and their parents in the school, he shook his head.

Forget it~~~Baba is also that character. Can't reverse it. I don't know how Ba Ba is now... But with Ba Ba's skill, it shouldn't be difficult to avoid that blizzard, right?

"Oh little master, look here"

Just when Xiao Bread lowered his head to think, Tolan next to him suddenly called out. Xiao Bread followed Tolan's fingers and moved the light ball closer. Suddenly, she was also taken aback by the scene in front of her

I thought it was bare and there were no passage walls, but when did some strange pictures start to appear? Although the age seems to be quite long, it is well preserved, and even the color has not fallen off

"Little master, you see, there are still words here. Every picture here has words like... is it telling a story?"

Bun quickly raised his head and looked at the picture. On a picture marked with the word "origin", something resembling a flame, and in the middle of the flame is a small figure drawn. Next to it, there is a series of explanatory text.

"Whoever arrives here, please continue to be in awe. Please don't make noise, if possible, please come back and leave here immediately. Because what you want to see next is a sealed history. I don't know how this history is right. It is definitely a lucky thing for you."

Walk along the wall and slowly go inside. There are many kinds of warnings on both sides, and the warnings are over after ten minutes of walking. Instead, there was a scene of a person being tied to a torture frame and burned.

"If you insist on visiting this history, then I can't stop it. But the only hope is for you to treat it with respect and respect. For the dead, such respect is natural. For your lives, the same is true. necessary."

"Third Era 334. Winter. On this day, a man was judged as a heretic after a religious trial, and finally he was pushed to the stake. This is the first religious trial known since the Third Era. So far I am afraid that there is no way to record this history in detail in many documents so far, but this history does exist and cannot be denied."

"The name of the person pushed to the torture was An Siqi Surinbeya. As a **** knight of the Holy See, he has always existed as a man who believes in the Holy See."

Xiao Bread and Tolan continued to walk. After passing the scene of the torture rack, a strange picture appeared in front of them, which seemed to be painting the scene when the man was a child. But... watching the scene, it really cannot be said to be a beautiful childhood.

"Angis was born in a barbarian tribe in the southwestern part of the sad continent. The word Surinbeya means'slaughter' in the local area. As the name suggests, this is a family of downright killers. Everyone in the family advocates the aesthetics of violence. And regard killing as a source of life for the tribe."

"This is not a very serious problem. At that time, the destruction of the Second Age had just ended for more than three hundred years. All kinds of out-of-control beasts raged on the earth, and human life was miserable. Therefore, in order to compete for limited resources, humans themselves Will kill each other. So, the war blood of this family is not a very important issue."

"The problem is that after this, as the Surinbeya family, it seems that there is a certain violent element in the body. Once they enter a fighting state, it is difficult to stop. And the fighting power has increased sharply. Even the young Ansi at that time Qi, once had the experience of killing 490 people in a village in a rampage. If such a family starts a war of aggression, the result will be very terrible."

"Because the emerging countries at the time were very afraid of this kind of power. Therefore, they adopted a natural genocide plan for this difficult-to-control family. The Surinbeya family may not have thought that a country that regards itself as a war machine will suddenly Betray yourself. Although you have tried your best to resist, under the careful plan of the king's army, it is still defeated and unable to fight back."

"In this battle, An Siqi is a relatively special existence. Because he was still young when the accident happened, and he didn't seem to be a bloodthirsty person, plus he has been accepting in the kingdom since he was a child. Religious education, knowing the respect for the goddess and the love for others, does not think it is wrong for the family members to be slaughtered, but thinks that this is a correct decision of the king. Therefore, when implementing the plan of extermination, he acted as the vanguard and provided the plan The plan of action with several family leaders. Let the Royal Army successfully eradicate the Surin Beya family."

"I am writing this here not to reverse the case for this family traitor. Whether he was afraid of being killed at the time or because he did not like killing, it was a fact that he betrayed the family. Because of his merits and loyalty to the Holy See at that time, he was bestowed the title of Bloody Knight and became one of the twelve apologetic knights with the highest honor at that time."

"The lineage of the Surinbeya family frightened the pope at the time, but even so, it still bestowed the highest title of knight of Ansiqi, which means that the pope at the time had completely trusted him. There was no loyalty to him. Worry. Here, it can be said that An Siqi has reached a peak period in his life."

"As a knight of the Holy See, of course, one should be loyal to his beliefs. An Siqi indeed uses his actions to interpret all this. Among the twelve apologetic knights, he has the most profound religious knowledge. As a knight, a preacher, and a kind priest, he has performed all his identities to perfection. It is impossible to see the slightest flaw."

"However, just when this knight of the Holy See was so good that the House of Representatives at the time had even begun to discuss letting him succeed the previous pope and become the candidate for the next pope, something happened to him. Something unexpected for everyone."

"Knight of the Holy See, he washed a village with blood."

"The reason for the bloodbath of the village, after his complaint, is that the village violated the doctrine, became the apostle of the devil, and defiled the light."

"No one can know exactly where this knight of the Holy See made a mistake when reading the Bible aloud. It is also unknown when the understanding and disagreement on the doctrine made this knight of the Holy See embark on a different path from other theologians. "

"He ardently believes in the power of divine power. From the beginning he believed that he should do his best to protect the living people. Later he began to persistently believe that the living people are an insult to the goddess. Only by burning the body with a clean flame can it be washed away. The filth on the body makes the unsullied soul stay with the goddess."

"As time goes by, due to An Siqi's respected status and his spare no effort to spread his religious thoughts. Gradually, some fanatical believers began to gather around him."

"These believers took the knight of the Holy See as a god-like confession, followed him, and performed flame cleansing rituals everywhere. There are even some of the believers who hope to be'cleaned' by this knight as soon as possible and apply oil all over their bodies in advance, religious Kneeled in front of him for three days."

"When things reached this point, everything became no longer under control. The pope at the time called the knight for a long conversation, hoping to change his mind. But in the debate, the pope himself did not have enough knowledge. Not only was he unable to persuade this knowledgeable knight of the Holy See, but he was refuted that the individual was endless."

"The Holy See was worried about the actions of the Ansiqi knight. In the end, something worrying finally happened. After a long talk with the pope, the knight suddenly said that the pope did not have a deep understanding of the doctrine and initiated this The biggest rebellion war in the history of the country. In the war, he successfully killed the pope, wrote his doctrine of death flame on various Bible classics of the time, and proclaimed himself the new pope, and hoped to be recognized by the House of Representatives ."

"However, in addition to being a good soldier, the soldiers who followed him are not afraid of death, but they are not so good soldiers. In Ansiqi, who briefly gained power because of the blitzkrieg, he soon received the papal army. Counterattack, finally, captured."

"Because of the assassination of the Pope, but also because of his teachings. In the end, he was pushed to the religious court. In the religious trial, he was sentenced to the most serious fire."

"But it is ironic that this most severe punishment is seen in the death flame doctrine, but it is the supreme honor. The **** knight of Anschi Surinbeya who was pushed to the torture frame not only did not have the slightest guilt and I repented, but excitedly said to everyone watching the punishment, "I will definitely come back. At that time, I will become the incarnation of death and flame, working hard to clean up this filthy world, I will come back, and then I will forgive those Those who impose flames on me. I will treat everyone who speaks abusively to me with the utmost tolerance and kindness. Because at that time, they will also understand my doctrine, and tears will be grateful for what I have brought to this world. Redemption'"

"So, in the winter of Third Age 334, this guardian knight who committed countless killings was tied to the torture rack with a smile. Before his death, he had been singing hymns and bringing With a smile, I left this world..."

On the last picture, a shadow swallowed by flames is singing at Goldman Sachs. The corner of his mouth still exudes a smile, without the slightest fear...

After reading these stories, Tolan couldn't help covering his chest, exhaling, and said, "'s terrible. Once the understanding of the doctrine goes wrong, the kindest people...will become lunatics who kill innocent people. "

Little Bread nodded and glanced at the last picture again. But when she continued to move forward...

"Oh little master, be careful"

Tolan's reminder was finally a step too late, and Bread's head slammed on the wall in front of him. The girl quickly squatted down holding her head and started sobbing.

"Really, little master, be careful. What should I do if I get hurt? Come on, does it hurt?"

Tolan stepped forward, rubbing the bun's sore head, caring. Xiao Bao held his head while raising his head, only to see that the road in front of him had come to an end before he knew it? In front of... is a thick wall?


Little Bread raised his head, how is this possible? Could it be that what was hidden by the stone stele before is simply such a story that is not painful to the present?

Tolan also saw the wall in front of him now, he was taken aback, and he quickly stepped forward, trying to push it away. But the wall is so thick now that it can’t be pushed away at all

"Little master...what can I do?"

The surrounding air began to become slightly hot. Obviously, this channel is also applicable to the 24-hour rule to calculate the time passing now...

Maybe, there are only less than 16 hours left

As soon as the bread gritted her teeth, she didn’t want to turn back and look for other passages. The only way was here. There was no possibility other than this. At the moment, she rushed to the stone wall and kept touching with her hands.

at last……


Bun was shocked, and immediately took out the shovel from the backpack and shoveled away the mud on the surface of the stone wall. Afterwards, the true appearance of this wall immediately appeared in front of the two...

"This is... a puzzle?"

Tolan couldn't help letting out an exclamation...A

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