Demon King Dad

Vol 3 Chapter 50: , Another onslaught

"Don't worry, doesn't the picture say that this monster is sealed? Since it has been sealed, what are we afraid of? At most, it’s just like watching animals in a zoo, looking at them from a distance through the seal, it’s okay."

In response to Tolan's worries, Little Bread hurriedly raised the sign to comfort him. Seeing this, Tolan also smiled, and barely accepted the answer.

Calculating the time, almost 16 or 7 hours have passed now. The air in the passage is getting hotter and hotter, as if it will soon be surrounded by flames. After a while, a stone wall appeared again in front of the two of Little Bread and Tolan. Of course, a line of words appeared on it again.

"People who come here, what power is pushing you? Do you yearn for power? Do you long for eternity? Or, you have been blinded by hatred and swallowed up by greed?"

"This is my last warning. Behind this wall is sealed something that must never be released. If you understand, then turn around and leave now. If you still don’t understand, then wait for your only result, I am afraid there is only destruction and death"

Tolan swallowed and continued--

"Really? If you still decide to go on, then answer my last question. This question is very simple, you only need to answer yes or no. Through this answer, I can know your mind. Understand why you Go on persistently. After answering this question, your life will no longer be under my protection, and the destiny of the entire human race will begin to be in your hands. Your responsibility is great, and the burden on your shoulders is also great. . I hope you remember, remember..."

Bread and Tolan looked at each other. The indoctrination on the stone wall is definitely not a threat. Judging from the high temperatures present around them, the two have absolutely reason to believe that what they said on the stone wall is absolutely impossible.

However, even so, there is no choice for the small bread.


Little Bread, looking at the stone wall...


But in the end, it made her eyes that were originally calm, suddenly widening.

Is there a puzzle on the stone wall?


But above the text of the so-called puzzle, there are so many traces of knife and axe that shouldn't be there?

These traces are very new, at least they are much newer than those texts. The traces should be carved at the same time as the drafts on the second stone wall.

"Little master now...what should I do now?"

Tolan looked at these unrecognizable traces, a little anxious. Little Bread also took a breath of air-conditioning, looking at the stone wall in front of him, in a daze, and could only let the precious time pass by slowly...


late at night.

Diamond Villa finally ushered in the darkest night.

time is limited.

Everyone knows this.

But even if everyone knew it, after those fierce battles during the day, no one attacked others.

Supper, it becomes very late to start eating.

After ten o'clock, in the living room with the burning fireplace, everyone heard the sound of peeling the can.

It's no longer like yesterday, the big guys get together to enjoy delicious food and chat loudly. As time has become rarer, people have become more cautious in their actions.

Li, sitting on the chessboard in the corner, played chess on his own.

The others sat scattered on the benches in the living room, looking at each other, seeming to want to dig out the playing cards in each other's hands.

Alice, Quirin, Richard and Wonte were sitting on each corner of the sofa, each with big eyes and small eyes without saying a word.

At this moment, alone, downstairs...

That's no one else. It was Ken who only had one card in his hand.

When this beautiful man appeared in front of everyone, Alice, Richard and Wonte's eyes suddenly brightened in their hearts, and they started to strike up a little nine.

"Hey, Mr. Richard, Mr. Wonte. I have a proposal."

Alice came between the two men, glanced at Ken, who was squinting and eating cotton candy, and said, "Now, do you want to end this battle?"

Wonte and Richard glanced at each other and looked at Alice with vigilant eyes.

"What do you want to say?" Fatty Richard asked back.

"It's very simple. Now, one of the seven of us has only one hand in hand. Now, although there are thirty-four cards in the remaining poker cards. But there are only fifteen kinds of suits. And here Among the fifteen kinds of colors, there are several that no longer need to be considered. If we take turns to attack this person..."

Rongte glanced at Alice and said, "What do you... mean? There are only seventeen cards in the combined hand of the three of us? Excluding the one card that each of us guaranteed, we only have fourteen cards. Can guess. Why do you think we can guess the card in his hand out of these fourteen cards?"

Alice shook her head and said, "No, no, no, in fact, things are not that complicated. Because of these fourteen cards, we don’t need to guess so many times. Although it seems that the cards that have not been shown on the table are Thirty-four. In fact, the number we really need to guess is only a maximum of fourteen."

Richard was stunned for a moment, some of which didn't understand, and said, "What do you mean... only fourteen?"

Alice smiled and said, "Think about it. Up to now, there have been four 6 of 6, so this number can be removed. In addition, there have been three Qs, except for 3, 4, 5, 7, and J. In addition, there are two other cards. Think about it for both of you. The two have seven cards in each hand. If there is a pair of these seven cards, you can reduce the number of objects that need to be guessed. Big clown, then it can still be reduced."

"You think he only has one card. This card must be one of the fifteen cards except 6. We guess at most fourteen times. Even if all fourteen times fail, then after this After fourteen guesses, the last card left in his hand was naturally published in front of everyone. At this time, even if we don’t guess, there will be others guessing. Isn’t it?"

"In other words, as long as we guess fourteen times, and these fourteen times are divided among us, then there is an absolute high probability that we can hit the target. Moreover, the three of us can guarantee absolute safety."

After hearing this, Richard fell silent. He seemed to be thinking, and he seemed to hesitate. Rongte next to him thought for a moment, and said, "How do I know you are not lying to me?"

"Because I don't want to die. I believe everyone is the same. I don't want to die by myself, right?"

Alice's eyes were very sincere, and the idea of ​​survival seemed very stubborn. Seeing this, Rongte seemed a little hesitant. And Richard next to him after thinking for a long time, finally gritted his teeth and said: "Then...well, I have had enough with you and I to cooperate with this **** game... If it can be over soon... then... Hurry up and end it"

Alice looked at Richard with a smile, and then turned to look at Wonte. After the musician scratched his head, he also made up his mind and nodded: "Okay, I will cooperate with you."

"Thank you. I believe that we will be able to solve this game quickly"

After the discussion, the three winked at each other. Then, led by Rongte, the three of them strode forward to Ken, who was still eating cotton candy.

"Ah... Three people, this is..."

This beautiful man raised his head, his squinted eyes seemed to look at the three of them with a little understanding.

"Huh... I'm sorry, don't blame us."

After taking a breath, Rong Te directly pressed the ring in his hand. With a soft beep, the broadcast of guessing invitation spread throughout the villa.

When the guessing began, Quilin immediately ran to the side and watched with breathlessness. Just now, Alice, Wright, and Richard also heard the discussion of the three, but now seeing this situation, she was immediately filled with outrage.

However, she could not stop it. Not able to help. Because she knows that as long as she takes action, she will probably become the target of these three people. Now that the idiot is squatting in front of the fireplace and warming herself, she will not allow herself to do such a reckless thing. .

"Ah... the three... are you going to unite and kill me?"

Ken didn't seem to understand what was going on. He raised his head, his squinted eyes with some confusion and surprise.

"You guessed it. If you're interesting..."

Richard drew out his dagger, inserted it on the sofa where Ken was sitting, and said--

"We don't have to kill you. At the last moment, you can choose to cut off your fingers. It's better to lose a finger than to lose your life."

After staying for a while, Ken suddenly showed a refreshing smile and said, "What's the matter with the three? There are still twenty-eight cards left. What you are going to do now is to choose one from twenty-eight. So surely you can kill me?"

Alice shook her head and whispered behind the two of them: "This person is really dumb. He still hasn't understood his situation."

Richard nodded and said with some regret: "No way, this is a world where smart people can live. No matter how beautiful you are, if you are a dead brain, then death is your natural choice."

Having said that, Ken didn't hesitate to press the ring on his hand. After Rongte snorted, he made a straightforward guess--


For the first time, the guess is that there are still three Js that have not appeared.

But the result...V

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