Demon King Dad

Vol 3 Chapter 51: , Entanglement


Wright guessed wrong.

Rongte didn't say anything about this, and directly spread the seven cards in his hand in front of Ken. After thinking about it, Ken opened the first one--


Next, there is Richard. He followed up and launched an attack, guessing that there were also four that had not appeared in three cards.

However, it was still wrong, and he was also deducted an 8.

Next in order, it should have been Alice. But the girl took out the remaining three cards from her arms, and after looking at it, she suddenly looked at Richard and Wright with tears in her eyes.

"Well... can I save some cards? Look... I only have three cards... and the two of you can guess 14 times together, far more than the minimum goal of eleven times..."

Rongte shook his ponytail and looked at Fat Richard, as if asking what to do. Richard snorted, ignoring Alice, and again speculating on Ken.




Richard was fined a 3.

Next is Wonte.



Still wrong, Wonte was fined a 7.

Next, Richard continued to guess.




Richard removed a 5.

After that, Wonte.



Still wrong, Wonte removed the 9 in his hand.

Quelin next to him watched the three people bombard Ken Yin repeatedly, seeing that Ken Yin had fewer and fewer cards in his hand, and it was more and more likely to become the worst situation. When Richard over there wanted to press the ring in her hand again, she couldn't bear it anymore and stretched out her hand directly and grabbed him.

"If you have enough skills, you should fight one by one instead of taking advantage of others and attack one person in turn."

When Lee looked at seeing Quilin stopping him, he was stunned for a moment. Then, he shook his hand abruptly and shouted: "What do you know about a woman? What time do you see? It's already two o'clock in the morning. In the last six hours, if you think you are a Virgin, then you can just show us all the cards in your hand and let us attack you?"

"This this……"

Quirine was made speechless for a while. But she gritted her teeth, still clinging to Richard’s hand, and shouting loudly: “I don’t care what I have, I know that things can’t go on like this. Look at Li Ren’s family, but they single-handedly beat Ken Yin. There is one card left. If you have the courage, you can also go heads-up."

Richard felt that he and the Lady Lyon really had nothing to say. He drew his hand back suddenly and pressed the gem on the ring without hesitation.

"I don't believe I can't guess 8"


Wrong again. Richard took a sip, and Ken with a smile on his face drew one of the four remaining cards in his hand, showed it, and shred it.

That is a 7.

Then, afterwards, Wonte launched his final attack. He pressed the ring in his hand madly and shouted—

"You have finished Ken 9"


The last error finally appeared. Rongte threw away a card designated by Ken, which was a 10.

at this time……

"Mr. Lyon, send a guess invitation to Mr. Ronte, Mr. Ronte, please confirm."

Just as the battle here was in full swing, an unexpected voice, but suddenly, got into everyone's mind...


Wonte, turned his head.

He stared at the idiot over there in a daze, and he didn't quite understand for a while.

But the idiot stood up slowly, squeezed the card in his hand, and came to him.


"What do you... mean?"


"I ask you what do you mean?"

Rongte became hysterical for a while, he yelled, the expression on his face even started to twitch, but no matter how he yelled, the idiot still had an expression that didn't matter, looking at this man.

"Mr. Rongte, please confirm. The countdown begins, ten, nine..."

"Enough, no need to count down"

Rongte instantly pressed the ring on his finger, angrily spread out the three cards in his hand, and placed it in front of the idiot. But the idiot didn’t even think, so he shouted out--


The voice fell, afterwards...


In exchange, in addition to a soft noise on the idiot's finger, it was the wild smile on Rongte's face...

"Want to fight me? The door didn't come, let me see which card you have to choose from?"

The idiot silently raised the poker in his hand. After a little hesitation, Wonte suddenly drew a king from it.

Afterwards, the idiot pressed the ring in his hand again.

"Come back? If I come back, I want to play with it..."


Rongte’s words are over here.

At that moment, the expression on his face became distorted, and the hand holding the poker began to tremble...


A ruthless sound came from Wonte's fingers.

What a terrible sound is this? To most people around, this voice is like hell...

A piece of poker, torn apart.

The clown that split in two fell from Rongte's hand, floating, falling. The idiot glanced at the clown, then faced another target Richard again and pressed the ring in his hand.

"Big ugly."

With a beep, the two ace cards in this game shattered. Richard and Wonte looked at the only two cards left in their hands, and then at the big joker card shattered on the ground. For a while, they were shocked.




The blizzard outside the window is still blowing.

The dark sky seemed to usher in destruction, and the gust of wind continued to roar.

Richard and Wonte both fell to the ground with double paralysis, their lips trembled, and they couldn't speak.

"Oh, it's amazing, amazing. Mr. Leon, how did you guess that they have these two aces in their hands?"

Ken, who had the least number of cards, smiled and continued to stuff marshmallows in his mouth. Asked with a smile.

The idiot ignored the beautiful man, but turned around. At this moment...

"Because these two people have deeply imprinted the concept of ugly cards equal to victory in their minds from beginning to end. Therefore, they did not guess whether the opponent has ugly cards. Indeed, when there are more ugly cards, It is indeed a trump card. If you guess that someone else has another card in your hand, you will instinctively announce to others that you don’t have a trump card in your hand. Others can immediately reduce the number of cards in your hand from fifteen to thirteen, which equals Put yourself at a disadvantage."

Li, who was originally playing chess, was holding a white bishop and instantly bullied the black queen. In addition to killing the queen, he also began to threaten the black king.

"However, this situation only occurs at the beginning of the game. If the number of cards on the field becomes less and less, the two aces will gradually become the same as ordinary cards. If you don't have this awareness, guess at the opponent in time. , That is tantamount to admitting that he has an ugly card in his hand."

Having said that, Li stood up slowly.

He took a small step and came to the idiot, the pale pupils in the bandage staring directly at the jet black eyes. The two pairs of unfocused pupils faced each other, staring at...

after that……

Li, pressed the ring in his hand. The goal is directed at the idiot.

"Big ugly."


Guess wrong.

The idiot drew a J from Li's hand. However, this speculation was enough to surprise people around.

"Hey, what are you doing? Big Ugly? Hasn't Big Ugly been guessed?"

Seeing that something was not going well, Quelin next to her hurried up to make a round. She picked up the big clown on the floor and said with a smile: "Look, you see that the big clown has already been guessed out. It has been completely guessed out."

But... Lee had no reaction at all. He pressed the ring on his hand again and announced another name--


This time, the card in the idiot's pocket made a crackling sound...

The idiot reached into his pocket and drew out the shattered Joker card. Seeing this scene, the faces of Alice, Richard and Wonte all showed surprised expressions. Even Ken couldn't help but raised his eyebrows and said it softly. Afterwards, Li faced Quilin again and pressed the ring in his hand. After Quirine panicked to respond, the ugly face in her hand was also torn abruptly.

So far, there are five cards left in the idiot's hand, two in Quilin's hand, two in Wright, two in Richard, one in Ken, and five in Li. The number of cards on the field has changed from 49 to 16 now.


…The bell rang.

There are less than five hours before the final time limit.

Seeing this, Richard stayed...but soon, he made a move that everyone expected.

"You... asshole"

Suddenly, the fat man jumped on the idiot. He raised the dagger in his hand and started to stab the idiot frantically

The idiot stepped back and avoided his disorderly attack, but it was not over yet, Richard raised his dagger again, roared loudly, and charged at the idiot.

"It's you, right? It's you, the bastard, who turned out to be you? It turns out that all of this was done by you. Return the Molten Heart to me... You despicable and shameless fellow, I told you to return the Molten Heart to me what--"

"Calm down, calm down"

Seeing that this man was crazy, Quirin quickly stepped forward and grabbed the man's arm and pushed him to the ground. Nervously said: "Although we lied to you, we did not violate the rules. Calm down, calm down."

"Calm down? You are also an accomplice. I thought you two were the most unlikely people... I didn't expect... I was tricked by you in the end. I wanted to kill you, and then I went with you. Forget it"

"You give me a calm bastard"

Quirine raised her hand casually, and an ice skate appeared in her hand. She fiercely inserted the ice skate into the floor next to Richard's head, using the cold and sharpness to calm the fat man.

"If you attack my husband now, you are really violating the rules and prohibiting violence, don’t you know? Right now, the owner of the villa is here. If he thinks you have violated his rules, even if he will execute you now, then There is no problem"


The ice blade was printed on Richard's hot forehead, and after Quirine said this, the fat man's excitement instantly cooled down. He was stunned and looked at the idiot in front of him and Quilin beside him. Finally, he gritted his teeth and said fiercely: "Yeah...I can't get angry... once I get angry... I fell into your trap... …"

"You want to make me angry? Huh, I don't get angry, I will kill you... I absolutely will kill you. You think you are strong? Are you kidding me? How can you be stronger than me? You give me Remember...Even if you get lucky from this game...I will kill you...I will kill you"

The curse-like voice echoed throughout the villa, making people shudder. In this regard, the idiot couldn't help but look at this man who had such a deep hatred of him. Thinking carefully about my past experience.

How could this person... have such a big hatred for himself? Was it the livelihood that he left behind when he killed someone? Also, what exactly does he mean by Molten Heart?

Thinking, but can't find the answer.

At this point, the idiot simply stopped thinking and put this question behind his head. Because now, it seems that he finally has an enemy that he really needs to deal with. He needs to spend more energy and energy to think and deal with an opponent...

Turning his head, his black eyes met the pale pupils again. Two people, with four eyes looking at each other, imprinted each other's figure completely in their minds...

After experiencing such a commotion, the already embarrassing atmosphere among the people became more dangerous and unharmonious.

Originally there were seven poker cards in their hands, but now they were suddenly converted into two cards, Wright and Richard locked themselves in a small room, motionless.

In contrast, Alice now looks extremely laid-back. She looked at the room between Wright and Richard, inadvertently with a sneer on her lips...

Time is passing.

One minute and one second, there is absolutely no stop.

After two days and two nights of blizzards, it seemed that this early morning had gradually begun to stop. The blizzard slapped outside the window gradually became quieter, and the sound became much lighter.

So... does this mean the blizzard has passed?

Do not.

The time now is 6 o'clock in the morning.

And the points of everyone on the field add up, and there are 15 points left.

As for those with zero points...

There is no one. V

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