Demon King Dad

: The second year story 065, the light princess and the dark knight

(I...I should thank him...)

Walnut's **** were entangled with each other, and they looked a little twisted. If it is normal, then thank you, but blame it on the night tonight is so good, I ran out to thank him, I always feel a little...not very embarrassed.

Two blushes could not help but float on the little princess's cheeks. After thinking that she had finally recovered thanks to the idiot, she finally gritted her teeth and strode up.

"Hey! That... dwarf idiot!"

She was still a little embarrassed after all, Walnut couldn't help but cursed with her open mouth, so as to embolden herself. She stepped on the silver-dyed sand, covered in moonlight and stars, approaching the idiot little by little.

The idiot didn't seem to respond to the voice behind him. His gaze was only slightly deflected, after which he retracted his gaze again and looked at the soles of his feet. After determining the location, he bent down, dug up the sand, and took out a round cake-like object wrapped in plastic film.

Walnut walked to her and saw that the idiot ignored her, she couldn't help turning her hands behind her back, blushing, looking down at her toes, and kicking away the sand helplessly.

"I said...just now...thanks...thank you..."

The idiot pulled away the plastic film, and a milky-white pie appeared inside. He leaned close to his nose and smelled it, and after making sure that there was nothing abnormal, he repacked it and stuffed it into his backpack. Then, he walked directly by Walnut, without even looking at her.

The cold response made Walnut's shyness just now turned into dissatisfaction. She turned her head and began to shout loudly: "Hey! You short, idiot! I thank you! My princess of the Bucks Empire thanked you! You should kneel to me immediately and be grateful!!!"

The idiot continued to walk forward, towards the cave.

"Woo...! I'm so angry!" Walnut stomped, and ran to the idiot in three steps in two steps, and opened her hands to stop him, "I said why you are like this? I thank you! Why! Don't understand any politeness?"

The idiot glanced at her and responded coldly: "You, don't need to thank me."

"Huh? Why?"

"Because this is my task."

After speaking, the idiot walked into the cave and pulled out the bread that was still sleeping while rubbing his eyes. He took out a cup in the sand that was used to collect water and gave the little bread a drink, then stuffed the cup into Walnut's hand.

"Drink and get on the road."

Walnut held the cup, staring blankly at the idiot who had begun to leave, and was taken aback. But soon, she drank the water in the cup and followed.


The silver desert is silent.

There is no wind, nor the fine sand that filled the sky in the past. The entire desert of death seems to have forgotten its cruelty this night, and began to show the most beautiful wasteland in front of walnuts.

The idiot took Little Bread's hand and walked slowly but firmly to the front. Walnut followed, staring at him with a dissatisfied expression.

"...Huh! Well, anyway, this person is my current guard. It's my subordinate, and I can't be too demanding of him."

Walnut comforted herself and stepped forward: "Hey, shorty."


"Woo...Okay! I am now officially appointing you as my direct knight, responsible for protecting me! You know, this glory is not easy to come by, but not everyone can be like this to you, so easily becomes justice Where's your partner~~~"

Walnut spoke very cheerfully, her voice echoing in the empty silver desert. It's just that the person listening to her is still...


This silence lasted for an hour, and Walnut puffed up her mouth and walked silently behind the idiot. But finally she couldn't help it, ran to the idiot, backed her hands and said, "Hey, what's your name?"

The idiot glanced at her and continued to move forward.

"I. Said. Ah, what is your name? Mr. Principal said that he called you an idiot, and others called you an idiot. But you wouldn't really be an idiot, would you? Tell me, what is your name? Don't worry, I won't Speak out."


"Alright~~~ Tell me~~~. Although I understand that the messenger of justice needs to conceal the real name at some point, we are on the same front now. Tell me, what is your name? , By the way. Before asking someone's name, you must tell them your name. Let me introduce myself formally. My name is Walnut Durea Frihus. I am the princess of the Bucks Empire. Okay, you what is it call?"


Walnut's mouth was cramped. All that echoed in my ears was the rustle of stepping on the sand...

For this princess, I am afraid that in this life, I will never encounter someone as weird as the boy in front of me. She stomped her feet, angry in her heart. If she is in the wind and sand city now, why should she humbly to such a little beggar, so good talk? If... if you have a lot of guards around you, who needs him to protect yourself?

protect yourself…………

Walnut stopped unconsciously, and the idiot took the bread and walked past her again. Looking at the boy's back, she suddenly remembered something--

He is protecting himself.

In this endless silver desert, in order to be able to go back safely, I am protecting myself...

She raised her head and looked at the sky. This world is bathed in bright stars. Those beautiful stars seem to fall at any time.

"The princess...and the knight?!"

Little Walnut flushed involuntarily, and her expression became excited. Isn't this kind of starry scene romantic? In the musicals and all the story books I have seen, is there anything more romantic than this?

The vast desert, the uninhabited scene, the princess with fate and the knight who will never leave her! This... Isn't this the scene of the most romantic love musical? !

Reminiscent of the operas he had seen, Walnut's eyes gradually changed when he looked at the idiot. It seems that the idiot is not ugly at all~~~ Although he doesn't say anything, he actually cares about himself, doesn't he?

"Hee hee~~~" Walnut jumped to the idiot's side, walking, peeking at his expression. Although the face of the iceberg greeted her, she was still very sure of her judgment.

"I said you~~~" Walnut secretly smiled, his face flushed, " me, don't you? That's why you are so desperate to be a knight and protect me, right?"

The idiot glanced at her...a very wary look. It feels as if you have heard something terrible. He took two quick steps forward and turned around.

Walnut is happy, and such an iceberg is finally played by myself~~~! But when Walnut was proud of herself and wanted to say a few more words...

A black dagger had already touched her chest.




Terrible... "Princess".

The idiot felt cold sweats all over her body. The princess is showing good to herself, which means she is ready to start! She is about to kill herself... Although the idiot can't think of any benefit in killing herself in this desert no matter what she thinks, she must have enough reasons to kill herself anyway!

"Princess" has always been the most relaxing creature. Their arm strength may not be very strong, but being able to get the title of "Princess" means that they have enough wisdom! Terrible... terrible, the idiot felt his legs tremble. He didn't know what method the girl in front of him would use to kill him, and what was even more frightening was that he couldn't escape, he had to guard her and **** her back!

Walnut would never know what the idiot was thinking about at the moment, but the dagger in her chest cooled the smug look on her face.

(Oops! I angered him! What should I do? He...he wouldn't kill me, right? I'm so stupid, how can I think this idiot is a knight? He is just a beggar, a beggar! What should I do now? How to do?!)

The situation was in a stalemate like this. Walnut and the idiot both stood in the middle of the desert with serious fear of each other. At this moment, it seems that time has stopped like this...


A small hand pulled the corner of the idiot's clothes.

"Ah woo~~~~"

A soft mutter softened the coldness in the idiot's eyes.

He lowered his head and looked at Little Bread, the little girl was holding his thigh, oh oh oh oh. The idiot froze for a while, and after a long time, he slowly retracted the dagger.


Walnut let out a big breath. She watched the idiot take out the white piece of cake from her arms, pulled a small piece and stuffed it into the bread. After getting such a small piece of food, Bun immediately laughed happily, opened his small mouth, put the piece of food into his mouth, and slowly chewed it with the row of small teeth.

The tension in the air finally dissipated, and when he relaxed, Walnut's belly couldn't help but scream. She clutched her belly, looked at the round cake in the idiot's hand with a bit of discomfort, swallowed her saliva and looked at him. The idiot looked at the walnuts, then at the cake in his hand, pulled a small piece, and handed it to her.

Walnut took the small piece of cake and looked up. The idiot stuffed the food into his rucksack again, as if he didn't mean to eat together. She thought for a while, opened the small pie in her hand again, and passed one of them.


Walnut blushed and murmured: "That... I'm sorry, I was joking too much just now. You... also eat together."

The moonlight is clear and clear, quietly sprinkling on the desert............


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