Demon King Dad

: The second year story 066, who is more appropriate to teach?

"......I don't need..."

"No, I order you to eat it!" Walnut suddenly said, interrupting the idiot, "Um...this...Yes! I want you to have a full stomach so that you can take me away! I don't want you to be hungry when you are halfway. Dead. So every meal from now on, you must eat with me! I will never allow you to skip meals again! That... that... that's it!"

The starlight inlaid on the black screen is so clear. Obviously they are two completely opposite colors, but they interweave the most beautiful luster. The idiot looked at the walnut with a weird face, then looked at the half of the pie in her hand, lowered her head, as if thinking about something...

"I don't need it." The idiot turned around, and he took out the round cake again from his arms, pulled a small piece, and put it in his mouth. While Walnut was stunned, a word suddenly came from the back in front of——

"Save food. Only in this way can you get out alive.... Eat."

Walnut stood in a daze. It took a long time before she understood the idiot's words, smiled at the corner of her mouth, gave a big "um", and stuffed all the food into her mouth.

After this short episode, Walnut's journey home finally became less indifferent. Along the way, she smiled, hummed a little tune, followed the cold-faced and childish and ignorant little girl back and forth, wandering on the way home.

Day after day, week after week.

Time passed slowly and quickly under the night. Before I knew it, more than two months had passed since this desert trip.

Calculating the time, it should be almost December now. If the wind blows the sand city, I am afraid that snow has begun to float there. People also wore cotton-padded jackets and smiles that were about to welcome the year-end festival. The magnificent duran trees are decorated around the church, piled with some fine snow, and the white and green complement each other, constructing the last joyous prelude to the end of the year.

It was another night, and the stars in the sky were still so bright. The princess dress on Walnut was completely tattered, but her expression was much better than when she started. Of course, it does not refer to complexion, but spirit.

"So, the Holy Eve Festival is the most beautiful festival of the year~~~ At the end of the year, everyone will go to church to pray. Then everyone will go home and gather with relatives and friends to celebrate the holiday. That's right. By the way! Divine Grace will hold the grandest Eve Festival Gala! At that time, everyone will be there, and there will be a singing show of chants. At the party, the students will stage the rehearsed repertoire one by one, which must be very lively. !...Hey, did you listen to me?"

By now, Walnut has no expectations for whether he can catch up with the Holy Eve Festival this year. But when she knew three days ago that an idiot didn't even know what holy night sacrifice was, she began to explain the beautiful things to him in a long form. But in the end, nothing changed except the unanswered answer.


After this period of contact, Walnut seems to have become a bit accustomed to idiotic silence. She laughed, watching the idiot walking with the bread hand. Suddenly, she ran to the left side of the loaf while holding her left hand.

"……What do you want to do."

In an instant, the idiot stopped. He watched Walnut hold the bun's hand like himself, and became vigilant. It was the first time for Little Bread to feel that both hands were being held. She raised her head to look at the idiot, and then at the walnut, a big question mark appeared on her immature face.

"Heh, do I need to tell you what I want to do? Anyway, I'm holding hands with Bun, and it won't hinder you. Isn't it? Bun~~~?"

Bread looked at Walnut's face, and after a moment... this little girl smiled.

"Ahhh~~~! Ahhhh~~~!"

The idiot snorted and stepped forward again. Walnut was not to be outdone, and the two of them walked forward, holding Bread's hand from left to right.

"Hey, let me ask you, where did you buy that pair of cloth shoes on your feet? I haven't seen them damaged at all after walking for so long. It's such a tough fabric."

Of course, what Walnut was talking about were the white cloth shoes on the idiot's feet. Except for a little dust, there was really no damage.

Seeing that the idiot didn't answer, Walnut began to shake his arms. Little Bread felt the swaying sensation from the left, and couldn't help but become happy. She giggled and swung her arms.

Of course, such an obvious action finally caused an idiot to stare.

"Huh~~! Why do you see me? You don't allow me to tease her if you don't play with Little Bread? She is not your sister or your relatives. Why do you hinder her interpersonal communication?"


Speechless, the idiot can only look back. Such a small victory made Walnut really happy for a while. She moved closer to the idiot, and whispered in his ear—

"What? Are you envious? Are you jealous? Dad~~~Dad~~~"

Walnut's witty remarks drew the idiot's stare again. Although he still walked forward without saying anything, Walnut smiled openly. She even squeezed out tears with a smile. Where does she still look like a princess two months ago? It's no different from a crazy girl who is completely indulged.

"Oh, your dad really can't make a joke~~~ Little Bread. Do you think his face is so cold because he eats too much ice?"

The bun groaned twice, but the idiot kept walking without saying anything.

The silver desert spreads forward. Walnut raised his hand, and the little bread jumped up at the moment she pulled it. The laughter of the two girls intertwined and spread across the desert...

As winter comes, the night is longer. Therefore, the idiot purposely set aside an hour to rest. He took out the food and shared it with the two girls, one big and one little girl. After the bread was finished, he sat on the sand and pulled the small bread.

Walnut didn't know what he wanted to do for a while, so he ate it and watched. I saw the idiot put a finger up and placed it in front of the bread with a very serious face, and said--

"Bread, read it to me. ‘Division————corpse’, ‘Limb————uncle’."

"Ah————Woo. Ooo————Ah."

"Well, read it again, "Division-Corpse" and "Limb-Untie"."

"Ah————Woo. Ah————Woo."

"Very well, go ahead and divide..."

"What the **** are you doing!!!"

Suddenly, the roar of walnut came from nearby. She rushed over and hugged Bun, moved her away from the idiot, and shouted at the idiot: "What do you want to do! What dangerous thoughts are you instilling in Bun!"

The idiot stood up coldly and slowly said, "Give her back to me, I'm teaching her to talk."

"Teach you to speak?" Walnut froze for a moment, and then she immediately retorted, "How can you teach to speak like this in the world! What are you teaching her!"

"You don't care about what you teach."

"Of course I have to care! I can tolerate you normally, but now I can't stand it anymore! You, a terrorist with a head full of dangerous thoughts, I will never let bread follow you again!"


The idiot was silent for a moment, but just when Walnut thought he would be angry and drew his dagger again and pointed at him, he instead took out two jujubes from his sack and sat aside, eating and reading a book.

For nothing else, just because he wasn't in the mood to argue with the princess.

Walnut snorted and looked at the small bread in her arms. After seeing that the bun was also looking at her, he held her in his arms with joy and rubbed her hair.

"Good bread, good bread, ignore your "strange father". Come, let me teach you how to talk, okay?"


"Hee hee, listen well~~~ From now on, I will definitely not be able to follow your strange father to learn to speak. He will teach you something that girls shouldn't learn. Now, come, follow me and read,'Mom— --mom, Mom, Mom'."

Compared with the incomprehensible words such as "dismemberment" and "dismemberment", the word "mother" is born to teach babies how to speak. Moreover, with Walnut's smile all over his face, the small bread is even more happy and screaming. Anyway, looking at Walnut's smiling face is more relaxing than looking at the iceberg face of an idiot.

The desert in winter is still cold and clean. But the winter wind also gradually filled the desert with a veil called cold.

After eating walnuts in twos and threes, and after playing with the buns for a while, I found that the idiot was reading. After thinking for a while, she simply stopped teaching, took the little bread and walked over, standing behind the idiot...

A cold wind blew in and hit her skin from her worn skirt. The little princess shivered, and after thinking for a moment, she hugged the bun and sat tightly beside the idiot.

The idiot glanced at her, but after seeing the bread in her arms, he did not leave and continued reading.

"Work hard~~~ Do you want to be a scholar in the future?"

Walnut teased, poking her head out. I saw that the idiot was reading a geography textbook. After thinking about it carefully, the book that the idiot read in the past two months is the textbook of the elementary department "Stag Geography".

Walnut found it strange. She had also read this book. There was nothing good in it, but it introduced some territories and various terrains of the Buck Empire. Why would such an idiot read such a book of no practical significance so enthusiastically?

But soon, Walnut knew why. Because the place where the idiot is looking is the chapter that introduces the desert of death. Because the capital of the stag empire is protected by the Dead Desert, the scope and content of the Dead Desert occupies most of this textbook. Not only that, but in many places in this textbook, there are some places for writing. The handwriting is beautiful, and most of the idiots are reading the handwritten notes.

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