Demon King Dad

: The second year story 067, Shahai Yinsha

"Huh? Let me see... the way to get water in the desert?... The kinds of creatures that exist?... The edible larvae????!!!"

Yes, many places in this geography book are marked with these or those survival knowledge. |/\P-----u-8.--/\|Even if there are some original plant illustrations, the edible and medicinal properties of this plant will be described in detail next to it. Even some plants that do not grow any fruit will be marked in detail how far away from the water source it will live, how to identify these plants to obtain water and so on. The wide coverage and detailed description have definitely shown the knowledge of the people who wrote these notes!

"Who wrote these words...?"

Walnut crossed her face and asked.

The idiot did not answer, but looked at one of the descriptions of desert creatures carefully.

Walnut pouted, looking a little unhappy. Because the character is so pretty, it makes her a little jealous. Just when she was about to turn her head to get angry, she saw the idiot's rucksack, and there were a few textbooks in it.


Maybe it was out of pranks, maybe out of wanting an idiot to talk to myself. Walnut jerked out his hand and grabbed a copy from his backpack. She immediately put down the bread, jumped a few steps in a row, and said with a smile on the book in her hand: "Come on, grab it~~~! I'll give it back to you if I get it!"

Under the shining galaxy, the idiot only glanced up at her slightly and continued to read.


Walnut is a bit boring, she flipped the book in her hand very casually, and smiled: "What is this? "Fine Art Painting"? Hey, hey, dwarf, I wonder if you can cultivate your sentiment? Let me see... ·Rooney answer? Who is this? Hey! I ask you! Who is this person named Xingli Rooney Answer?...Goo, huh! Ignore me? It’s okay, I can read it by myself! Anyway, this textbook I have seen that on the first page there is an assignment titled self-portrait. Let me see what this person named Xingli looks like!"

The little princess curled her lips and opened the page very proudly. Then, she took her gaze away from the idiot and turned to the self-portrait...

Quiet, the entire desert of death filled in an instant.




When Walnut raised his head, it was already fifteen minutes later.

She was holding this art textbook with tears in her eyes. Her expression looked very wronged, but she resisted the tears and refused to fall.

Time passed by. About five minutes later, Walnut seemed to finally figure it out. She raised her dirty hand, touched the corner of her eyes, then threw the art book to the idiot's feet like a puff, and then ran away without looking back.

This situation is changing too quickly, and there is no sign of it! The idiot thought Walnut was going to pretend to run away again, so he didn't move. Because he knew that the princess couldn't run far in the desert. But gradually he realized that something was wrong, Walnut ran farther and farther, with no intention of coming back!

The look in the book's eyes was filled with ice in an instant.

The idiot picks books, stuffs books, picks up bread, and moves forward. He didn't make any extra moves. Accompanied by the sound of Gragra's chains, the boy rushed to the walnut that had run a little distance very quickly. With the help of the extremely protective cloth shoes on his feet, in a blink of an eye, he rushed behind Walnut and reached out to grab her.

"Let go of me! I won't play with you anymore! I don't want to play with you anymore! I want to go home! Uuuu...Let me go, I want to go home!!!"

Walnut kept struggling, her strength was very small, it was impossible to break free from the control of the idiot. But she kept twisting and pulling desperately. Of course, these inexplicable actions make it more difficult for idiots to understand.

"I am taking you home..."

"Who wants you to send it! Anyway... Anyway, I was thrown into the desert alone, anyway, I'm alone! I won't play with you! You are not my hero, nor my guardian. Knight! Go and play with Rooney, what are you doing with me? Let go of me! Let go of me!!!

While speaking, Hu Tao's eyes again shed tears of sadness and grievance. She raised her head and glanced at the idiot in front of her secretly, his eyes still cold when he looked at her. When she thought that the only boy she could rely on in the past two months didn't take herself at all, and also turned over the books other girls gave him from time to time, she felt unspeakable in her heart. The more she thought about it, the more she burst into tears.

"Hey, funny. Very interesting~~~! Our little princess is starting to play with women's hearts! Boy, come, let me see your wisdom and see how you can set the scene in front of you at this time?"

Unlike the past, the sneer emanating from The Dark Annihilation seemed to be even more ironic and even more joking. It seemed to be holding an attitude of watching a good show, using that blood-red eye to observe the next action of the idiot.

Idiot heart...


He knew exactly what he was facing.

This is a conspiracy.

It was the conspiracy before this "princess" wanted to assassinate herself!

She was pretending to be weak and weak, just to relax her guard. Then, when she feels soft and relieves her suspense, she will kill her by some method!

The walnut in front of her was still crying, and the more she cried, the colder the idiot's expression became. He was thinking desperately, and the brain motivated by his calm heart began to weave any possibility--

"Princess", the possibility of killing yourself.

"Woo...oooo...I...I'm here to watch the sand...I'm here to go hunting...but why did I fall to where I am now! Oh...Why are you still here? You Go! How far are you rolling! Just leave me alone here to fend for themselves! You can go to your Rooney to answer the question! Uuuuuu..."

………………Cannot understand……

No matter what you think, an idiot can't understand it.

How did the "princess" plan to kill herself? No matter how you look at it, now that you hold Dim Mi in your hand, you have an advantage over the walnut without any weapons on your body, right? In this case... how would she kill herself? !

............ Use poison?

No, it's impossible. If it is to use poison, she should pretend to be good to herself, and then mix the poison into the food when she is not paying attention, and then let herself eat it. In order to prevent her from being poisoned, the idiot would never pick up the food she had touched.

So... there is a sharp blade hidden in her body?

This is also unrealistic. Her clothes have been in tatters for the past two months, and if such a thing was hidden, she would have discovered it a long time ago.

... By the way, does she want to strangle herself with the chains on the handcuffs of her hands? !

…………possible. First, she deliberately pretended to be unable to hold these handcuffs, letting herself relax her vigilance in this regard! I'm so could I not think of this? She is a princess, a student of divine grace. As long as they are students of the college, they are all stronger than me in terms of strength. If she really wants to strangle me like this, I'm afraid I really can't resist.

The more I think about it, the paler the idiot's complexion becomes, and the more cold sweat behind him. The girl in front of him was still crying, but those tears made the fear in his heart deeper and deeper. But Walnut watched the idiot next to him while crying, just standing there, not comforting him at all. After thinking about his grievances, he cried harder.

"I don't care! I am a princess! You are the one who protects me, and you are my servant! Woo... I... I want to watch the sand! You give me the sand! I want to hunt! You... You don't Satisfy my request, I will... I will... woo woo... I will... ask Father King to arrest the man named Rooney and never let her meet you!"


On the silver desert, there was a soft sound of breaking sand. The cry of the little princess drifted into the distance with the sound of the wind. In addition to facing the sky full of stars, she welcomed some unexpected guests——

Three-level monster, singing sandfish.

Moonlight, tilt down. Turn the yellow desert during the day into a silver ocean at night.

A clear cry gradually came from the distance of the horizon, and five or six singing sand dolphins continuously dived into the sand, and then jumped up from the sand. Those flying sands are floating in the night, like little splashes, reflecting the light of the entire sky...


Those sand dolphins jumped happily and slowly approached. Their moving curves seem to be the most beautiful creations of nature. Looking at these creatures and listening to their singing, Walnut's crying gradually stopped. She stood there blankly, still looking at the beautiful dance belonging to the desert with teary eyes, intoxicated.

"What a nice view…………"

The idiot was taken aback, looked away from Walnut, and looked back at the playful sandfish. The princess looked very quiet now, with a faint blush floating on her face, she seemed to be completely intoxicated by the beauty in front of her...

Does she... don't want to kill me?

The idiot stared at Walnut's profile quietly, and those cold eyes scanned her from top to bottom, hoping to see her cruelty hidden under the surface. At this moment, there was a cool winter breeze...


Walnut sneezed. She stretched out her hands and inadvertently put the idiot's left hand completely in her arms. Those unconcerned eyes were still looking at the beautiful scenery, smiling, and admiring...


(Sweat... The starting point of the new version is not conspicuous, so I almost missed it... Now complete, update 12,000 words today!)

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