"I didn't expect to see such a beautiful sand scene here..."

The idiot was silent. After looking at her hands for the last time, he raised his right arm and slightly touched the hair of the bun behind him. He sighed and closed his eyes after the little girl also made a slight hum.

"Oh, you are like this, are you trusting her?" Dimie sneered. In this silver world, the blood red in its pupils seemed to be so insignificant.


"Hey, do you trust it for the time being? Well, she is the content of your mission anyway, and she has to rely on you to get home. But before that~~~~~"

Suddenly, the sand dolphins let out a different exclamation.

"It seems that some little pets want to **** cutting edge and use their blood to remove the rust for me~~~~~!"

The silver sky turned red in an instant. Suddenly there was a terrible cry from the place where the sand dolphins were located! When the sand dolphins heard the cry, they immediately panicked and swam towards the idiot, but their formation was not as smooth as before, and they became sloppy.

"Ah woo————————————!!!"

A dog roar cut through the desert, and a red cloud came at the end. Behind the sand dolphins, more than twenty heads with scarlet red hairs, like dogs and wolves, roared and ran over. These monsters have hideous features, each with sharp teeth and claws. They formed several formations, surrounded the sand dolphins in a semi-enclosed state at extremely rapid speed, and rushed over!

"Level 3 monster, red spotted hyena!"

The raised silver water and sand turned into blood-red floating dust, and the walnut who had read many books about Warcraft suddenly screamed! There is no need to ask what the origin of this hyena is. Just the name of the third-level monster is enough to make the idiot's complexion sink, turn around and pick up the walnut and run.

Level 3 Warcraft...what is the concept?

The B-level mission performed by Dai Lao was only against three heads. But what appeared in front of him now was a whole...


The blood-red desert was against the moonlight, as if the whole world was dyed in this bloodthirsty color. The speed of the red spotted hyenas is too fast, with walnuts, idiots can't run fast. As a last resort, he took the walnut and jumped into a small hill not far away, close to the sand dune behind him, holding his breath.

Behind, the neigh trembling. Although they belong to the same level three monsters, the difference in number still constitutes an absolute pros and cons. But those sand dolphins would never sit and wait like this. They lurked in the sand, sticking out a small half of their heads to observe the surroundings. When the hyenas rush in front of them...


One of the strongest sand dolphins rushed out of the sand, and the large curled tail patted the hyena on the head. The hyena, who was born very cautious, suddenly stopped and jumped back, but when the jumped sand dolphin wanted to jump back to the sand and dive in with the others, the sand underneath it suddenly It rose up in time, and with a roar, a hyena broke through the sand, opened its mouth, exposed its sharp teeth, and bit into the abdomen of the sand dolphin.

The excellent teamwork cooperated closely. The sandfish's belly was forcibly torn open, blood was sprinkled on the blood-red sand, and a strong smell of blood was also heard in the air. The sand dolphin was dead, it lay weakly on the sand, groaning.

The attacking hyena stopped and pounced on the sand dolphin in a messy but orderly manner. The rest of the sand dolphins were already shocked by the enemy in front of them. Taking advantage of the gap where the hyena no longer attacked, they sneaked into the sand and fled far away...

The sound of crushing bones came from behind the sand pile. Just a sand dune less than three meters away is where the walnut and the idiot hide. The pungent smell constantly stimulates Walnut's nerves, and the gluttonous eating craziness makes people shudder even if it is just listening to the sound.


Little Bread also noticed something, her two little hands tightly grasped the back collar of the idiot, and her little head was trembling against the back of the idiot's neck. But Walnut is pulling the idiot's arm, for fear that the only boy who can rely on will leave...

Eating continues.

The sky is still buried in blood red.

The idiot lowered his head, probably those black eyes were the only thing that would not be eroded by the bright red. To be honest, if it was before, this kind of idiot's indifference would make Walnut feel very angry. But now, his calmness can give her an endless sense of security.

The idiot was thinking, and his brain began to flip through the records in the geography book in his backpack. There are many detailed records about desert creatures. The most fortunate thing is that there is no lack of information on those three-level beasts-the red spotted hyena.

Red spotted hyena. It can be said to be the most threatening creature in the dead desert. Although these small creatures are not comparable to some huge monsters, they have become more terrifying and greedy hunters than wolves through their powerful coordination and organization capabilities and perfect cooperation.

They have extremely high intelligence, an integrated command system from top to bottom. Their hunting will never come at the expense of team members, which also ensures that they will be carefully planned before each attack. Strategies such as trapping and diversion can often emerge from their mode of action. And their sensitive vision and never inferior sense of smell also provide the most powerful guarantee for their assassination.

………………Wait a minute...Smell?

The blood-red moonlight shone on the idiot, and his gaze lifted in an instant. At this moment, he grabbed the walnut, carried the bread, and rushed out from behind the hidden sand dune...


A dog scream came from behind, only a few millimeters away, and the sand dune where the idiot had just hid suddenly exploded, rushing out a hyena grinning. It was unsuccessful in one blow, and immediately uttered a strange cry. From behind the sand dune, it immediately rushed out of the remaining twenty-five companions that had been prepared, and surrounded the idiot, bread and walnuts.

Things...not good.

In an endless area, even without any obstacles, it was surrounded by twenty-six three-level beasts. what does this mean?

"Hehehe, interesting." The idiot looked at the hunters around, quickly pulled out Dimie and held it in his hand, the blood pupil on the dagger was wide, and the light emitted was scarier than this world.

"Hey, boy. It seems that we have really satisfied the little princess's expectations. Watching the sand and hunting. It's just that the roles are changed, and we have become the objects of the hunting~~~"



Under the stars and the moon, the hyenas around them let out a low growl. The sand dolphin over there has already become an obscure skeleton, and the internal organs flowing all over the place exude a smoky smell.

These hyenas still have bloodshot eyes on their kisses, and hunger and greed make them shrink the encirclement smaller and smaller. Looking at these terrible monsters, Walnut was already pale, clutching the idiot's left hand with both hands, not daring to relax.

The dark dagger reflected the moonlight, and these beasts might have seen the weapon on the idiot's arm. They were cautious and approached little by little. This kind of monster is best at culling its prey without damaging its combat effectiveness. Therefore, they have great patience to wait for the moment when the idiot's action appears flawed!


The idiot waited silently, he knew exactly what he was facing now. After a moment of contemplation, he pressed his wrist, and only heard four clicks, and the heavy objects that restrained him fell immediately, smashing deep holes in the sand.


At this moment, the encirclement of the hyena group suddenly spread. They unanimously took a step back, seeming to perceive something. When the idiot took off the dress again, they took a step back. However, in contrast, the faces of these monsters did not have the greed and hunger they had just now, instead they were full of vigilance and solemnity.

What is the difference between beasts and humans?

It lies in the degree of hunger and thirst for survival and the intellectual difference.

Human beings have emotions and intelligence. It is precisely because of these things that humans appear to be very complicated, and this complexity will produce many unnecessary actions when facing the edge of death. For example... Losing the consciousness of survival, only knowing how to stand still, waiting for others to save.

So, what about the beast?

Low, can't match human beings. But it is precisely because of innocence that it can be more cruel. Because of this simplicity, we can always maintain a strong desire to survive.

Beasts will not despair, and they will not obediently wait for other companions to rescue when facing desperation. They believe in themselves more and are more willing to use their power to break free from the immediate danger. When the immediate danger is too severe, they will resist. For example-

Scarlet moonlight, wide desert, surrounded by hyenas. The isolated sewer mouse stood in the middle, and those eyes...have become the purest void, and nothingness.


The hyena group is on alert, perhaps by instinct, they have noticed something. But they are also hungry hunters. If they want to survive in the desert, they can't miss any chance to eat!

The headed hyena, get down...

The hollow eyes were low, and he loosened the cloth strips that bound the bread on his back...

next moment……

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