Demon King Dad

: The second year story 069, the sound of insects is endless


The hyena kicked off the sand and rushed up! Seeing the magnificent teeth, Walnut let out a scream. But before she finished screaming, the idiot beside him suddenly shoved something into his arms, stood up and took a step towards the hyena.

Walnut looked down and found that it was bread. At the moment of confirmation, she immediately hugged the bread tightly and squatted down in fear.

One of the swords was out of its sheath, and the black light pierced the scarlet in front of him. His speed is very fast, and the blade that is ready to taste the blood directly faces the hyena. This sword, urged by the unintentional force, perfectly interprets the powerful force that a "unreserved" sword can exert. Seeing, the hyena was about to be pierced through the head by the dark, donating blood splattered.

However, the three bright moons in the sky are still shrouded in scarlet.


No more actions, no more conspiracies. Just the action of another hyena rushing out from the side, opening its mouth and biting, forced the sword stabbed by the idiot back forcibly, and had to use it to defend. The hyena spread out and began to run around the idiot, and the idiot was holding the dark, and gradually a touch of coldness flashed in the empty eyes...

"Hey! What's the matter? We... will we die?"


The idiot ignored the walnuts and bread behind him, he just quietly watched the Dim Mi in his hand, and the blood pupil stared at him and sneered.

In a blink of an eye, another hyena rushed up. But every time the idiot raised his sword and issued a sword of death, there would be other hyenas attacking him or the walnut behind him. These trivial actions often forced him to withdraw the sword to rescue the two of them. But after a hundred secrets, when he turned to rescue Walnut and stabbed a sword, a hyena had already pounced on his back, opened its paws, and grabbed a hand on his back.

Little beggar, indifferent. He quietly watched the blood fly into the air, and his time came to a halt...

"Hehe, boy, your calmness is really good. Even if you are injured, you can still face it? But how do you plan to break through the current difficulties?"

The idiot leaned on his sword and knelt, guarding in front of the bread and walnuts. The blood-red moonlight shone on his back, making the walnuts behind him couldn't help but shed tears, holding the bread tighter.

"These hyenas adhere to the principle that they will never sacrifice their companions in exchange for food. Therefore, they can keep moving and attacking together every time. To be honest, the most difficult thing for you now is precisely It's the enemy in front of me."


"It is undeniable that the Sword of Death is indeed very strong. When dealing with a single enemy, you can fully appreciate the speed, strength, accuracy, and the courage to kill with one blow. You can also guarantee that you can let go of yourself when dealing with enemies. The protection of this sword, the full stab of this sword. But of course, because your enemy is only one, and after you use this sword, the only thing waiting for the enemy is death, and the battle is over. Of course you don’t need to Defense, let alone thinking about what to do after stabbing this sword."


Another hyena pounced on, and after drawing away the idiot's sword, the other hyena continued to rush up, violently overwhelming the unresistible walnut.

"In the face of multiple enemies, this kind of swordsmanship without reservation, no defense, no need to think about how to fight after piercing a sword, is your biggest weakness right now!"


Walnut let out a scream, and she felt a terrible monster lying on her back. This kind of Level 3 monster that was only able to deal with by high school students in the past is too powerful for her now. Smelling the stench coming from the back of her head, her brain was completely blank, and the only remaining instinct was to hold the bread tightly in her arms and use her body as her protective umbrella to prevent her from being harmed by hyenas.

The idiot came in time, and the hyena retreated angrily. But after that time just now, these beasts were even more sure that these three delicacies were definitely delicious. They attacked more frequently, and their claws drew bloodshot streaks under the moonlight.

"Idiot! Shorty! Are we...really going to die here? Will we...really going to die?!"

Walnut has completely collapsed, she can only hold the bread, waiting for the impending death under the raging beasts. A hyena leaped over, and the stern look was reflected in the green pupils of the little bread. She was frightened and immediately cried.

How to do?

In the face of multiple enemies, in the face of these tacit cooperation, and will never let the companions produce dangerous group attacks, what should be done?

Perhaps, when facing this moment, humans will be nervous, tremble, and even stop thinking because of fear. But when the bun's cries sounded, Walnut's desperate voice sounded, and at that moment, the boy was still in a constant state of facing the enemy. But his heart has entered a darkness that is more tranquil than death...


The surrounding world disappeared.

There is no hyena group, no desert, no sky and stars, no walnuts and bread behind him.

In this endless darkness, the idiot stood in the center. Eyes closed...


In an instant, countless images flashed out of his mind, passing by the idiot one after another. After observing these more numerous pictures than the stars, most of the pictures disappeared. Only the most basic and standard swordsmanship picture is left--

Two of the Six Swords-Chongming.

Insects are named after summer insects. The sword intent of this sword is divided into two swords, which can hit different parts of the same person or two different people. A sword is a virtual one and a real one, but it can be used to hit the real with the virtual at any time.

The sound of insects is endless.

Jianyi is still so simple and direct. But it is not easy to understand. This shows that the idiot has seen it several times, and the way that the doll draws the sword several times. But he didn't understand. Judging from the posture of the sword, there is not much difference between the two swords and the first sword. It just adds a turn around. But this turning idiot can't turn as natural as a doll no matter what.

Two swords...The first Shang. Then he turned around and stabbed another sword...?


Time is pressing, and the scene at this moment will be torn to pieces by these hyenas at any time. The idiot's time began to turn again. After pushing away a hyena, he held the sword in one hand, his sight was parallel to his right shoulder, and the gesture of the sword of insects was ready.


A hyena pounced on the walnut again, and the idiot took a deep breath and pierced it out in accordance with the movement of the insect's sword in his mind. Sure enough, this hyena retreated, and the other hyena rushed on. The idiot immediately moved, turned around, and stabbed a second sword!




Facts have proved that it is absolutely impossible to resort to swords without a thorough understanding. What is the idiot facing? It is a three-level warcraft. It is the B-level mission that the genius Dairao Goodsey can handle with some breathlessness! For an idiot who can only perform D-level tasks, it is too much effort.

The idiot's turning speed was still too slow, and before the sword stabbed out, the hyena made a hole in his arm again. The second sword didn't have time to pierce it out, hanging in the air, and the most serious mistake was exposed because of his sword.


The idiot turned his back to Walnut, which fully made the hyenas most interested in her. Five hyenas pounced on, Walnut was surprised, and scrambling to get up to escape, but she got up too fast, her ankle twisted, and with a tingling pain in her ankle, Walnut fell down with a snap , The bread in her arms also escaped from her embrace, exposed under the fangs of those hyenas.

"Bread... bread!"

Compared to walnuts, the weakest bread immediately aroused the interest of the hyenas. In her exclamation, a hyena flew on...

"Ah oh~~~~!"

Just when Walnut thought that Little Bread was bound to die, a black long sword suddenly broke through the crowds and stabbed the hyena's flanks accurately! That hyena hadn’t noticed the sword yet. At the moment of its death, another hyena suddenly bit its tail and dragged it to the ground. Only then could that sword pass by its back, a clump of dog hair. , Flying under the path of this sword.

what happened?

Walnut was surprised. Because she saw an impossible person. He was still standing three steps away, but now he is standing next to him...

Dim off was surprised. Because just now, the idiot made a perfect turn in his footsteps, quickly retracted the sword that hadn't had time to stab, and then stabbed the hyena.

The idiot was also surprised, because he realized that the sword he swung was so natural, like the second sword in his mind, without any unnatural feeling.

How is this going?

Idiot thinking, thinking in the moonlight. The four weeks of time stagnated again, but this time, these times were only stagnant for a moment. When time began to run again, the sky that was originally covered by scarlet was covered with a thick black...

The hyenas dispersed, knowing nothing about these monsters, and rushed forward again. They didn't even know that the moonlight that enveloped the world was no longer silver or red. A hyena continued to pounce on the idiot according to the tactics just now, with the intention of attracting his attention.

It succeeded, and the idiot's sword pierced it. But... is it because the injury is too serious? The speed of this sword was not so fast, as if it was to match the speed of the hyena.

The hyena stopped, and another hyena pounced from the side. They already knew the turning speed of the human in front of them, and knew that after he stabbed a sword, it would be impossible to defend. Therefore, the hyena was very relieved, looking forward to tearing off a piece of the boy's flesh again.

Black pupil...


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