Demon King Dad

: The second year story 070, the princess sprained her foot. What should I do?


With a scream, the hyena that was sure to win flew to the side! Its belly was cut open, blood was sprayed, and its whole body was shaking and convulsing. {bubble. book. Yeah, small. Say. network}

The hyenas shuddered, and they backed away quickly, looking at their companion who had been torn in half with twenty-five pairs of eyes. Then, all the hyenas stared at the human again, staring at the sword in his hand!

Blood, dripping.

The darkly eroded moon watched the desert mercilessly, at the dead hyena, at the sword, the blood pupil, the child.

The hyenas roared, and then rushed again...

Walnut was surprised. At this moment, she had even forgotten the pain in her feet. She picked up the bun again, her eyes widened, watching what was happening before her eyes. She saw a boy who was still in a beating situation. At the moment, she insisted on the black sword to be calm and calm during the siege of the hyena group. With a wave of her hand, another blood burst into the sky, reducing the number of the hyena group to 24 heads.

(What does it mean to be a virtual one?

The idiot held the sword, and the action of the doll in his mind had already coincided with himself.

(The Sword of Insects does not pierce two swords and kill two people. Instead, it uses the first sword to lure enemies to deal with the second person or swing the second sword.)

The hyenas finally gave up the siege of Walnut and turned to attack the idiots. The three hyenas rushed up from three directions, with the intention of driving him to death!

(Accurately speaking, the sword of insects is not purely to reduce the number of enemies. Its power is really as small as the whisper of summer insects.)

Dim Mi lifted up and stabbed one of the hyenas. It is estimated that the hyena has already tasted the experience of the death of the companions next to it, and did not shrink back, but the other two hyenas are ready to retreat.

(But, as long as the sword speed is adjusted appropriately...)


The darkness penetrates the body that does not retreat.

(It can convert false moves into actual moves in time. In short, the sword of insects is...)

Sword, pull it out. Plasma spurted from the front and back of the corpse, staining Black Moon with a crimson red.

(Lure the enemy to kill.)

The hyena group dispersed, and the three hyena corpses lying on the ground already made these beasts deeply feel what is called fear. Standing in front of them was a person with a little blood on his body. His eyes were hollow, but the black long sword in his right hand was stained with blood. They whimpered twice, and after a stalemate for about a minute, the hyena group finally dispersed...





The black moon turned silver again, and the tranquil silver desert made Walnut feel exhausted for a while. Her body couldn't help but weaken, but when she wanted to fall backward, a pair of small hands grabbed her clothes and pulled gently.

"Huh? Ah, it's you, Little Bread."

Walnut took a sigh of relief. She was too nervous just now. She was so nervous that she even forgot that she was holding a baby in her arms. Looking around, there is no trace of the hyena group. She finally relaxed completely, and her hand holding the bread was also released.

The idiot swung his sword, and the remaining blood drew an arc in the air. Dimie turned back into a dagger and reinserted it into his arm. After that, he turned around and walked towards Walnut.

", really...!"

With a sigh of relief, Walnut couldn't even speak. She gasped and smiled, " was really exciting! I didn't would be so strong!"

The idiot glanced at him, and his cold eyes fell on the bread in Walnut's arms. He knelt down and looked at her: "Afraid?"

"Well, I was a little scared at first, but soon..."


Before Walnut sighed, the bun in her arms suddenly screamed and plunged into the idiot's arms. She was very attached to the idiot's clothes, rubbing that little face against his chest, crying. It seemed that she was really scared.

Compared with the small bread, the walnut feels a bit awkward. After doing it for a long time, it turns out that he didn't say that because he cared about himself? At the thought of this, the little gratitude that I had just raised was immediately extinguished by dissatisfaction.

"Huh! Of course I'm not afraid! It's just a level three monster, but I saw Dai Lao... that guy named Goodsey beats three and can still retreat all over! But you are hurt all over, Too useless!"

Walnut originally wanted to use Dai Lao's name to suppress him, but she immediately remembered how the "light knight" dealt with herself. …Well, although the idiot in front of him saved himself, his expression is too dull, so dull that makes people angry! Let her unconsciously omit the difference between Dai Lao and the idiot.

The idiot ignored her, until after he comforted Little Bread, he raised his head and put those restraints back on.

Walnut stared blankly at the boy in front of him, the soft silver moonlight set off his body. Although short, his extremely healthy and strong physique looked very eye-catching under those chains. Looking at the wound on the idiot's back, her face gradually turned red. After hesitating for a long time, she said softly--

"Do you... hurt?"

The idiot ignored it. The feeling these wounds gave him was far from the point where he felt "pain". After putting on everything, he picked up the bun again, and then cast his gaze at Walnut.

"Get up, it's time to go."

Walnut was looking at the wounds on his body, she suddenly shrank when she heard the idiot talking. In the next second, she probably noticed her abnormal expression, turned her head hastily, and said in an extremely angry tone: " ask me to get up and I will get up? I...I won't get up! Unless... …!unless……"

Walnut cast a glance at the idiot, her voice getting softer and softer. She raised her right hand slightly, and whispered--

"Unless... you act like in an opera... as a righteous knight... help me... get up... hey! You... how did you go?! Hey!"

Idiots don't have so much idle time to take care of this princess. He walked to the corpses of the three hyenas, pulled out the dark and cut off the best pieces of their bodies, wrapped them with thread, and tied them around his waist. He didn't care about the yelling walnuts behind him, and walked forward without looking back.

Seeing this, the anger in Walnut's heart~~~. Finally, she felt so...a little friendly towards this guy who had always been annoying before her. But what does he mean? Are you deliberately against yourself?

Seeing you were so strong, I began to feel that you can be counted on. it is good! Since you are not here to show kindness to me, then I don't have to be too kind to you! Anyway, I am a princess. After returning to the wind and blowing the sand, don’t you worry about someone surrounding me? At that time, even if you want to be nice to me, I will never look at you again! absolute!

Walnut got up angrily and patted the sand on his body. Then, full of endless resentment, she took a step forward...


The idiot walking in front heard the voice of the little princess again behind him. Looking back, he saw Walnut actually squatted on the ground, tearful eyes covering his right ankle.


I didn't feel that much just now, but now after relaxing, Walnut can fully feel what it feels like to be sprained. She clutched her feet, her small shoulders began to tremble from the pain. But when she raised her head and was about to wipe her tears, she saw the idiot in front standing motionless, staring at her.



This stalemate lasted for about thirty seconds. After thirty seconds, Walnut saw that the idiot had no intention of coming to help him, and finally gritted his teeth bitterly and forcibly stood up!

"Oh~~~! What a girl with perseverance." Dim Mi let out an admiration. Just at the moment when its admiration hasn't struck the ground...


Walnut fell again.

The idiot was watching, he was just watching. While observing, he was also on alert. In other words, he was always alerting this "princess" who was walking with him, to guard against her acting, and then stabbing him in the back.

But where can Walnut guess what the idiot is thinking? She was already in pain, but the idiot over there still didn’t mean to help herself. She thought of the books that the idiot was hiding in her arms, and she thought of the girl named Xingli Rooney. I also thought of her self-portrait. Finally, she burst into tears, and the grievances filled with grievances really couldn’t tell anyone~~~

"Hey, she is crying."


"Then what are you going to do?"


"Hey, hey, ask you, what are you going to do?"



"Sure enough... let's kill it."

The blood pupil was taken aback, and the corner of his eyes seemed to cramp.

"She is always dragging me down. If I change to the past, it will be more convenient to kill. And, it's safer."

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