Demon King Dad

: The second year story 074, the strongest weapon in the world

"Huh? Father, what do you say?"

"Little Walnut, now I'll do a hypothesis. If the cancer didn't tie you up, but the person you clamored to make him an exclusive knight sent you back, what would happen?"

"Obviously, that person will accept my highest courtesy. I will reward him and ban him. From a momentary point of view, this seems very good. But in the long run, since the moment I ban him, I will do it for him. Planted the two biggest hidden dangers to life."

"One of them is a malignant tumor. This person has lost you and is unable to find you. If you don't come back, I will kill him. But because you come back safely, I can only remove him. After this kind of person loses power It will become very extreme. If he can’t deal with me, he will point his finger at your exclusive knight. Taking a step back, that person belongs to the pure spirit strength, and a person of the pure spirit level is waiting to assassinate you. What does this mean? You may not understand how terrifying it is."

"This first threat, maybe I can still use the retention check to buffer it. But the resentment of Tumor towards that person is absolutely indispensable. In this case, the second threat may be the same as the first one. The threat had a chain reaction. The second threat was fatal to that person."

"Dylaw Goodsea."

"The Goodsey family lost you, but they didn't find you back, or even made any effort. This would be a great insult to them. The result is likely to be turned to Your'exclusive knight'. In this case, what he can deal with is not as simple as one or two people, but an entire Goodsey family."

Walnut seemed to want to say something, but she hesitated twice and was speechless.

"Little Walnut, in this world, sometimes people can emerge. But more often, people need to learn to conceal themselves. If there is no corresponding strength, the only end of exposure to oneself may be too much. I don’t even know where I died. Presumably Campa saw this too, so I deliberately told you not to say it."

This question that had been tangled for a day was finally answered. Perhaps for the young Walnut, she still doesn't understand this "human cruelty" rule. But at least she understands one thing, that is, Campa did it for the sake of the idiot, and to protect the idiot.

Solving the happily question, Walnut's little face put a smile on again. She began to hold her father who had not seen him for three months and acted like a baby. The king couldn't help but stretch his brows and laughed loudly. After playing for a long time, he hugged Walnut and asked her to greet his mother, and then go to bed.

"By the way, my little princess."

Before Walnut left, the king stopped her suddenly.

"Although I can't honor the person who protects you. But don't you want to invite him over? For March, at your birthday party."

Walnut was taken aback, and after thinking about it for about two minutes, her face finally burst into light. The little princess nodded heavily, and after bidding farewell to her father again, she bounced and left. Her mood has completely adjusted, and it seems that tonight, she can finally sleep well on the soft bed. is not it?

Inside the auditorium, it fell silent...

About five minutes after Walnut left, the person who was still sitting on the throne slowly raised his head, and through the water curtain, his sharp eyes shot towards a corner of the auditorium.

"Campa, your habit is not good."

Da da da.

The sound of footsteps sounded. An old man slowly walked out of the corner, pulled off his robe, and respectfully knelt before the throne.

"Your Majesty, I know that Mr. Tumor and Mr. Goodsay's ‘last lie’ is still forgotten. The way you use humans makes me feel bad."

"Don't use suspects, don't use them. Rather than get angry with them, it's better to keep them and play a bigger role for me."

"Hehe, thank you Majesty for clearing my doubts. Besides, I have something to report to you."

The king was silent for a moment and said: "Yes. But before reporting, I hope you can answer some of my questions."

Campa closed his eyes and nodded.

"Campa, how much do you know about the beggar Walnut said about protecting her back."

Campa smiled slightly and replied: "Don't hide from your Majesty, I know a lot."

There was no change in the expression on the king's face, because he had already known these answers: "So, is he the ‘insurance’ you mentioned last time?"


"...Campa, it's hard to see you tell everything you know so easily. Now, if I say I hope you can bring that insurance and let me know about it. What is your answer? ?"

Campa's mouth still smiled: "I'm sorry, Your Majesty. There is only this one, please forgive me for not being able to comply."

The king supported his chin and adjusted his posture to look at the principal below. After a moment of silence, he finally spoke again: "Kampa, how many years have we known each other."

"42 years."

"That is to say, when I was just a little hairy boy, because I was lucky to be born by the queen, I became the heir to the throne. Then I was deceived out of the palace due to the frame of my five brothers and was almost assassinated. I knew you. Yes, right?"

"Hehe, your Majesty really didn't know anything at that time. But I didn't know much. I remember that I saved your Majesty in a daze when buying bread for the boss, and then the two 15- or 6-year-old children just like that. Formed an alliance and started to break."

As the king stretched out his hand, Campa stood up. At this moment, the eyes he looked at the throne were no longer the eyes of the subjects towards the emperor, but the eyes of his friends.

"Yeah, we just spread it like this. Then after a lot of things, I took the throne again, but you still refused to accept the power and knighthood I gave you, just want to be the principal of this sacred grace . Then I ask you, with such a deep friendship between us, what else do you want to hide from me?"

The auditorium fell silent again. Campa lowered his head, thinking. The king also looked at him, waiting for his thinking to end. This is not an inquiry between the king and his subjects, but the trust between friends and friends.

"Your Majesty... During the years that your Majesty has been circulating, you must have seen so many powerful weapons, right?"

The king looked at him, waiting for him to finish speaking.

"Then I ask, what was the weapon that your Majesty was best at?"

"......It's a dagger."

"Hehe, then from your majesty's point of view, which one is the most powerful and most convenient dagger in the world to kill the enemy?"

At this moment, the king knew what Campa wanted to say. He leaned back awake, and he could no longer see the slightest expression on his face that he wanted to continue inquiring. It seems that he has got the answer most needed.

"The most powerful dagger is the'dagger that no one knows.'" Campa raised his head and said slowly, "The most deadly weapons are often not very powerful. They are even ordinary. Ordinary ones can make everyone Ignore them. But your Majesty, you should know, because what you are best at is not the decorative sword that straddles your waist now, but the assassination technique performed by the dagger. How many people once claimed to hold the weapon of the gods When the enemy is standing in front of you, how many powerful enemies are far above our own level at the time? But it is precisely because'the dagger is invisible before piercing the enemy's heart', we can stand here now, can't we? "

The king smiled.

That is a knowing smile. He lowered his head with sincerity in his eyes, and smiled: "Hehehe, that's it. You want to hide that ‘dagger’, so I wouldn’t even tell you."

Campa leaned back and responded with a smile: "The so-called secret, of course, the less people know the better. In this way, the dagger exposed from the darkness will be sharper."

"Hahahaha. Well, I won’t ask anymore! I have advised you to form your own private army from the beginning, but you have never wanted it. Now you have a hard time grinding a dagger. Of course I have no reason to oppose it. . What does he need?"

"Nothing is needed. Too much attention from other people can only allow him to expose himself earlier. I will control this measure, please rest assured, your Majesty."

The king nodded, waved his hand, and said: "That's fine. Then I will give you the'dagger' completely. As long as you can judge it, I can provide you with any help. Of course. , Don’t let that'dagger' be too wronged, and occasionally let him rest."

"I know." Campa smiled and nodded, but after this smile, the eyes of the two friends returned to seriousness in an instant. Because they know that the issue to be discussed next is no longer such an easy topic.

"Then next, it's up to me to report to your Majesty about the relationship between those resistance organizations and the'Black Dragon Empire'."

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