Demon King Dad

: The third year story 001, the birthday of the princess

After returning to Fengchusha City, for a while, the idiot was always in a very hesitant mood. And this kind of mood lasted from the holy night festival to the beginning of spring, making him helpless.

This kind of confusion does not come from the little bread, this little girl seems to have a good winter. It seems to be in good spirits, and I can eat and pull out. In addition to eating and sleeping every day, he took the idiot by the hand and followed him for a walk in the college.

The trouble does not come from the principal of Campa. The old man did not make any more requests to the idiot during this time, and he did not even look at the idiot again. It seems that he has forgotten that there is such a beggar on campus.

His troubles are not from outside, but from inside. To be precise, it was from my own broken wooden house, the plant that was once a small sapling but now has broken the roof——

Dulan tree.

"Hey Swarthy, boy, if you want to learn from those sharp-eared, long-bodied humans living on trees, I have no objection. But according to my current view, this tree seems to have begun to grab your territory and destroy you. There's room for survival~~"

The idiot took the bread by the hand and stood at the door of the wooden house. An Mie was right. The tree that had only slightly touched the ceiling had now completely broken the ceiling, opened its branches and scattered leaves, and grew outside. The wooden floors in the house that were originally tattered were supported by the roots of this tree, one piece here and a pile there, making it almost impossible to walk.

The hut had been broken by this tree, and some dense branches began to spread on the inside of the ceiling. An offshoot stretched out from the tree trunk, directly forcing the idiot's dining table.

These conditions are fine in winter, but with the coming of spring, almost every time an idiot opens his eyes, he will see the tree in front of him expanding its territory, directly threatening the living space of the idiot and the bread.

Is it... very domineering?

Idiots sometimes think this way. But when he saw the bun break free from his hand and sit on the horizontal branch, the young green buds immediately shyly shrank up, he felt not domineering at all, and even a little... careful cautious?

"Ah, ah. Ahhh~~"

The little bread hugged the branch and crawled little by little. However, she had little strength and fell from the branch without climbing a few steps. The idiot shook her head, letting her get up and look at the tree.'s a hindrance.

The idiot drew Dimie and shook his hand, turning the dagger into a black long blade. He began to walk around the tree that took up too much space, preparing to fix it before the rest time was over.

"Heheheh, cut it down! This **** tree is an eye-catcher. Hey, there is not enough firewood for boiling water and rice recently. Cut it down to increase the ignition power.

The idiot nodded, stepped onto a raised floor, and raised the sword.

I don't know if I felt my destiny, all the young leaves of the Dulan tree shrank again. As the idiot stepped on its roots, the twigs that had just grown began to tremble.

The Black Blade is cold, ready to fall...


However, the sword finally stopped...

The bun climbed up the branch again, entangled it with both hands and feet, looking like a little koala. She screamed, crawling forward with great joy. Does she think she has found a very interesting toy? When facing an idiot, he will smile.

The idiot looked at the little bread, then at the still trembling tree. After thinking for a while, he shook his head and took Dimie back into his hand.

"what happened?"

The blood pupil was printed from the depths of the chain.


"Hey, hey, don't tell me you plan to raise another tree! The colors that match you are red and black, barren and burning land, and towns full of bones! Not such a cheeky tree just relying on you tree!"

The idiot turned around and stepped out of the room. As he gave up, Du Lan Shu finally stopped shaking. The young leaves on its branches stretched out again, and some small branches swayed gently, seeming to be thanking the boy.

"Bread, gone."

The idiot picked up the broom on the side. The bun screamed, jumped off the branch, staggered to the idiot's side, and took his hand.


When you go out, you can see the endless blue sky. The idiot took Little Bread's hand, held the broom quietly, and cleaned.

The sunlight in early spring is very soft, and the trees on both sides of the road emit soft new leaves. Not long after, the bell rang for the end of get out of class. Students rushed out of the teaching building and began to walk towards their dormitory or school gate.

However, compared to the past, more students are holding scaffolds and balloons in a hurry, and start decorating the school.

Not for anything else, just for the 11th birthday party of the Buck Princess and Walnut Durea Frihus that will be held in half a month!

The students rushed to hang up various decorative paper bags. Not only the Royal Academy of Divine Grace, but also the streets outside are successively decorated with lights and festoons, decorating this desert city into a beautiful coastal city.

Compared to last year’s tenth birthday, this year’s eleventh birthday may be nothing. But this little princess had disappeared once before. Her safe return added another layer of celebration to the birthday party. This party will be very grand, and the venue is also located in the city. At that time, anyone can go in and participate in this grand birthday party. Bless the princess's peace and health.

This is a huge social party, all princes and nobles will participate. Not only all the national cities under the Bucks, but also some neighboring dependent countries will send people to participate.

"Have you heard? Because the young master of Goodsay's family once saved the princess, so this time your majesty will give special rewards at the birthday party!"

"More than that. Young Master Dai Lao is the strongest person in the younger generation. Now that he is 14 years old, he will definitely play a bigger role in the future. Your Majesty is likely to give special rewards through his birthday party."

"So, will the Goodsee family definitely surpass the Nolius family in the future and gradually become the true central military family of the empire?"

"It's very possible. Although the talents of the two families of the older generation can compete with each other. But in the next generation, the Nolius family is obviously not as strong as the Goodsey family. Young Master Dai Lao is rare in a century. What about the genius! But what about the Nolius family? The overall strength is really mediocre and terrifying..."

"Hey? By the way, I once heard that there is also a strong successor in the Nolius family? Although it is impossible to become the orthodox heir to the title due to birth problems, in terms of strength..."

"Oh, is the one you are talking about is the Shuchu called'an'? Impossible. I heard that the child of Shuchu almost never shows up in front of people, and almost never goes to class. No one knows what he is doing. According to me , The news that the child is very strong may have been deliberately spread by Nolius. In order to counteract the Goodsey family's Dai Lao, he will support himself."

"Well, it makes sense. Forget it, don't say it! By the way, school is closed on the princess's birthday, shall we go to celebrate the princess's birthday?"

"Of course! Even if ordinary people like us can only eat a big meal in the royal garden outside and can't enter, we still have a big meal anyway!"

"That's true. I will be able to eat a lot of good things by then! It seems that I have to be hungry for a few meals before~~~"


The idiot still swept the floor, deaf to the words of the senior students passing by. He is just a mouse, a mouse that can get food and shelter without having to work hard.

"Birthday party~~Hey, how about we go there once that day? Maybe we can find something good."

"……………………What to look for."

"Hey, many things. Such as food, money, or..."

The blood pupil opened, emitting a scarlet light.

"Let me feel ‘satisfied’."


"Hahaha! Interesting. There will be a commendation meeting to reward the tumor and Dai Lao on the day? I was suddenly interested to see their expressions when they received the award. That must be wonderful. Well, in various ways. "

The idiot shook his head gently, pulled away the rattling iron chain, and threw some **** into the trash can nearby.

"The award meeting is in the palace. I am not qualified to enter."

"Hey, that's true. Well, actually I don't mind if you use me to slaughter the city. How about? Would you like to try it? I promise, as long as you taste it once, you will love this feeling."

The crazy words of this magic sword have always been exaggerated. Not listening to it is the best way to shut it up.

And Dim Mie has long been accustomed to this kind of cold reflection of idiots, and it is just joking. If one day this host was completely swallowed by it before it was "satisfied" and became a fool like the previous host, who only knew how to rely on power, then it would suffer too much.

After sweeping the floor, see if the sky is still only three o'clock in the afternoon. The idiot is sweeping the floor faster and faster, and the work area that Campa has set aside for him is becoming less and less able to reach the 12-hour workload. The idiot took the small bread that was sitting on the ground over there and counted the ants, pulled up the cleaning cart, and prepared to go back to the beginning and clean again.

"Princess! The princess is here!"

Suddenly, a large group of students got out of the dormitory behind the idiot and rushed towards the school gate impatiently. You know, since the princess came back safely, she has never been to school once, and these future knights also miss her.

The idiot did not move. He waited until all the students had finished running, then moved to his work area again. But at this moment...

"Idiot, don't you go take a look?"

The idiot did not look back. But he still stopped.

"......Is this an order?"

"No." The voice of the old man behind him was cold and serious, "It's responsibility. It's your responsibility as a member of the Royal Academy of Divine Grace."

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