Demon King Dad

: The third year story 002, the game

After a moment of contemplation, the idiot finally turned his head. Campa's face appeared in front of him, and a contemptuous sneer hung on the corner of the old man's mouth.


"Hey, instead of telling you, it's better to go and see for yourself. Central Plaza, your next job will be there."

The idiot lowered his head, thinking about the meaning of Principal Campa's words. But when he raised his head again to ask a question, the figure of the old principal had disappeared from his front. No way, he could only hold the bun, put down the cleaning tools, and walked towards the central square.


"Hey, interesting. What are you going to do today? Line up in a group and chop off an arm or thigh one by one?"

Dimming sneered. But it's basically not wrong. The central square was full of people. Although they were not as neatly arranged as the walnuts when they were greeted for the first time, they were still very orderly. Whether it's the Early Childhood Department, Elementary Department, Advanced Department or University Department, every student looked forward to the simple lecture platform set up next to the fountain in the center of the square.

There is a small tent on the podium. Listening to the conversations with people around, it seems that walnut is there. Next to the podium stood a machine filled with many small **** engraved with numbers 1 and 2. Everyone felt weird, not knowing what they were going to do here.

Inside the tent, Walnut walked back and forth slightly anxiously. She looked at the time from time to time, and from time to time she slightly raised a corner of the tent to look out. Obviously, the little princess was waiting for someone. But who is she waiting for?

"Really... why haven't you come yet?"

Walnut raised the corner of the tent again and looked outside. The four maids behind her look at me and I look at you, not knowing what to do for a while. After thinking about it for a while, a maid headed up finally stepped forward boldly and said: "Princess, who are you waiting for?"

This maid would not say anything. When she said that, the walnut suddenly jumped up like a snake! She quickly put down the tent, blushed, and said nervously and angrily: "Who...who is waiting for someone! I didn't wait for someone!"

The maids looked at their princesses and seemed a little taken aback from their expressions. Seeing them not answering, Walnut became even more nervous, and then said: "I...I, I, I, I...I just see how many people come! Yes, I just think how many people there are! After all It's related to my birthday party, but there are not too few people!"

few people?

The maids looked out at the crowd that gathered almost three-fifths of the students in the college, even in the face of the number of more than two thousand people... Is she still too small?

The crowd outside gradually began to stir. Because they came to see the princess, but the princess did not show up for a long time. The situation was a little noisy, and the hostess who was in charge of holding down the scene couldn't hold it anymore. She raised the tent and walked in. After seeing the princess, she owed herself quickly.

"That... princess?"

Facing the first princess of the Bucks Empire, the hostess can't come to urge the scene. She said very hesitantly, hoping that the little princess would understand.

Walnut puffed up his mouth and looked very unhappy. The person she had been waiting for didn't come, how did she start? Isn't the "good way" that I have carefully planned for so long will die from the beginning?

Really... why haven't you come? ...No way! I... I don't really want him to come! I just wanted to warn him that he was just a short, a beggar anyway. And I am a princess, I can order him to do anything!

Woo...Why aren't you here yet? Ugh... are you coming? Ugh...I can't stand it! what happened? Is my notification not enough? I should have said that everyone should come here to gather!

Yes, he is looking down on me, he is definitely looking down on me! Humph, if you look down on me, can I look down on you? badass, shorty! These classmates are more handsome than you, and more gentle than you! I have so many knight protections! Yes, I don’t care about you, I definitely don’t care about you! You idiot……

"Big idiot!"

Excited to think, Walnut called out suddenly. It didn't matter what she said, but the hostess in front of her knelt down in a panic after a long pause.

"His Royal Highness! I... I don't know what I did wrong, to make you angry! Please... please give me another chance!"

Only then did Walnut notice that she had said the wrong thing, and quickly returned to the appearance of a lady in front of others, and asked the hostess to stand up. After the hostess got up, she apologized again and again, then opened the tent, fearing to make Walnut angry again and ran out. But it was her surprise that made Walnut notice one thing--

A little baby girl opened her hands and peered here from among the people.

Baby girl?

Of course, a little baby girl cannot be so tall. In other words, is she riding on someone's shoulder? Moreover, the baby girl looked very familiar, and the only person in this school who would show up with such a little baby girl in front of people was...

Walnut's face was slightly red. She stepped forward and gently opened the tent... as expected. That idiot... the cold, expressionless idiot was standing in the crowd, looking at this place with those eyes that made Walnut familiar and no longer familiar. As soon as he touched that look, Walnut immediately put down the tent and sat back in position pretending to be calm.


The maid asked. Walnut immediately gave the order to start. After the maid went outside and announced that "the princess wants to make a game with everyone", she took a deep breath and went out.

"Princess, it's really been a long time since I saw you."

When he got out of the tent, Walnut saw no idiot. It's a very clean and handsome face that has been cleaned up--

Dylaw Goodsay.

The 14-year-old handsome boy already has a splendid style unique to men. He knelt next to him on one knee, took Walnut's hand, and kissed lightly.

Walnut's pupils shrank at this moment. When she first saw Dai Lao, she hadn't reacted yet. It wasn't until the back of her hand was kissed that she suddenly became alert and took out her hand to take two steps back. However, a pair of hairy hands were placed on her shoulders when she retreated...

"Oh, princess, why are you here? Come out without a guard. It's hard to be reassuring."

It's a cancer. Now that he has jumped from the warden to the knight of the royal guard, he is wearing a purple tuxedo, and the big tumor on his head is also covered by a tall hat. He opened his mouth at Walnut and smiled. The terrible smile immediately caused Walnut to break free of his control and escape into the center of the stage.

"Princess." Dai Lao came over.

"Your Royal Highness." Tumor came over.


The idiot below stood far away, watching everything in front of him with a pair of cold eyes as if looking at a stranger.


Protect yourself, but pull yourself over as a shield! And after the idiot finally escorted him back, the two men shamelessly snatched the glory that should belong to him!

Walnut stared at the two men, a little scared in her heart, but more angry. A heart of justice burned in that little body, making him completely disgusted with the hypocrisy of the two men in front of him.

But obviously, Dai Lao and Tuoma also understand the truth. After the two of them looked at each other, Tumor knew that he was ugly, so he stepped aside with his heart. And Dai Lao stepped forward and said respectfully: "Walnut, I apologize to you for the mistakes I made before. If I come to the conclusion that they will hurt you as well, then even save me. This life, I will never let you suffer any harm."

Dai Lao's expression was very sincere, and he seemed to gradually understand how to behave more favorably among girls. The very gentlemanly demeanor that the few words just said made the hearts of some young girls below feel agitated, and unanimously jealous of walnuts.

" badass!"

The young princess doesn't know how to deal with men, and she doesn't even know that the best way in this situation is not to quarrel with each other, and let the other party fall into the cold. But she didn't realize that this was Dai Lao's trap, her face turned red from anger, and she couldn't help even cursing Dai Lao. And this is exactly what the young gentleman wanted. He smiled very politely, and stood beside him like a gentleman, letting the audience understand the meaning of the princess's curse.

The crowd in the audience began to clamor, and everyone whispered, whispering something. But Walnut didn't care about this, she just looked at the idiot over there angrily, and even transferred the anger towards Dai Lao to his head, secretly blaming him for not rushing out. Then, the princess waved her hand to indicate that after the announcement of the "rules of the game", a person sat on the chair next to her and sulked.

"Well, dear students, good afternoon everyone~~~!"

The host cleared his throat and waited until Dai Lao and Tuomao sat on each side of the walnut, and then continued: "I believe you all know that our princess will celebrate her eleventh birthday in ten days. Prom! In order to thank you for all your efforts during the time when the princess was missing, the princess is going to invite everyone from the entire Royal College from the Early Childhood Department to the University Department, from teachers to students to handymen to participate in this event. Prom, enter the symbol of our stag empire-the royal castle for the most formal banquet!


(The disaster in Yushu is painful. It takes a day for the dead to get the most peaceful prayers. According to the decision of the State Council, tomorrow, April 21, the whole country will be lowered to mourn at half-mast and stop all public entertainment activities. Therefore, tomorrow will be one day. Stop.)

(May the heaviness of life always be engraved in your heart...)

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