Demon King Dad

: The third year story 003, crisis-ridden

When everyone heard it, they were first taken aback, and then immediately burst into cheers! You know, if ordinary people want to go to the party, it's okay, but the most is to enjoy the food in the royal district around the castle. If you are lucky, you may be able to enter the castle and socialize and eat in some places in the castle that do not involve the main place. The people who are really qualified to attend the formal banquet are all truly powerful people in the empire! Let alone the baron and the viscount, even the earl’s qualifications to enter this banquet need to be discussed!

The host continued: "But!"

In an instant, everyone was quiet. With "but", it means that the ticket to the formal banquet is still flying in the air.

"Because there are too many people in the academy, it is really difficult to accommodate all of them. So the princess can only reluctantly invite some classmates to visit outside. But the question is, who is allowed to enter? If you can choose, then It violates the original intention of Her Royal Highness to treat all classmates equally. After repeated thinking, Her Royal Highness finally decided to entrust all destiny to the Goddess of Destiny to decide!"

The host stretched his hand to the machine next to him and said loudly: "Next, please come to me and write down any six numbers you think of, in the form of one, ten, one hundred, one thousand, ten thousand, one hundred thousand. After everyone has the number, the princess will personally turn the machine. I believe everyone has seen it. There are only two small **** with numbers 1 and 2. These small **** will be shot from this one one by one. Speak out. 1, represents the odd number. 2, represents the even number. As long as the odd and even numbers in your hand are the same as that marked by the ball, then congratulations, you have gotten together with Her Royal Highness Tickets for the official banquet!"

Upon hearing this, the students shouted again. But Dai Lao over there smiled slightly and looked at Walnut: "Princess, the thing you have come up with is really interesting. If I hadn't gotten the admission ticket, I really want to go and play."

"Then go." Walnut immediately retorted.


"Huh, didn't you hear clearly? "All" the people in the Royal Academy of Divine Grace. Of course, including you. If the odd and even numbers in your hand don't match up, please leave my birthday party."

Walnut smiled. She lifted her chin very proudly and stared at the genius with a look of life and death in my grasp. Obviously, Dai Lau didn't expect this to happen, and the corners of his mouth twitched for a while, not knowing what to do.

According to Walnut's wishes, all the students, teachers, and other miscellaneous handymen and others who were present lined up in turn to take the number list on stage. After getting it, people began to carefully study the rules of the machine's numbering later, and filled in carefully.

The central square became lively for a while. The people who lined up to get the number list also came on stage one after another. Walnut smiled, showing everyone the princess's unique noble temperament. After a group of people took the form and left, the person Walnut wanted him to come up the most, finally walked slowly in front of her.


The idiot stared at the "princess" before him. From those eyes, he seemed to be trying to figure out something. Walnut saw him come to the front, and in the same manner as everyone else, he picked up a number slip and handed it over. But just when the idiot was about to reach out and take it...


I don't know whether it was Walnut letting go too quickly or the idiot took it too slowly, and a lot of numbers slipped out of Walnut's hand. The idiot cast a cold look at Walnut, and then bent down when she confirmed that she did not want to take a shot at herself...

Whispering) Single-double-double-double."

The idiot was startled! He quickly raised his head and saw that the princess was showing an incomprehensible smile at him. But when she noticed the idiot's eyes, her small face blushed slightly, and she immediately raised her head, never looking at the idiot again.

"Hey! Take it and go quickly! Don't get in the way here!"

The people behind became impatient because of this little episode, and tried to urge. The idiot picked up his number list silently, and after one last glance at the walnut, he pulled the bread and left.

After the number list was distributed, people walked around the square and began to bow their heads and think. Even Dai Lao had a number list in his hand and frowned on the chair. As the malignant tumor is a predetermined candidate, the situation in front of him is not painful to him. He sank into the chair very comfortably, drinking coffee from the maid.

Everyone is confused, confused about how to choose this number. Take a look at that machine, the number it came out must be completely random, there is no rule to follow. If there is some logic to follow, then Dai Lao, Felt, Inselton and others can still crack it with wisdom. But now, what should I do?

Everyone is immersed in thinking. Because the numbers in their hands symbolize whether they can get admission tickets. And in a corner of the square, there is also a person thinking. However, unlike others, the number list in his hand has been filled in with the rule of "single, even, both, and both". And what he is thinking about now is different from everyone here.

"Ah woo~~~"

Bun sat on his lap, playing with her own fingers. But the eyes above her head were mixed with the coldness of a blizzard, looking at the walnuts sitting on the stage.

"Hey, what are you thinking?" An Mie secretly opened a gap and sneered.

"... "Princess", why tell me this number."

"Ah? Are you thinking about this? Isn't it obvious? That machine should have done tricks. And the number she gave you is so unpopular. I definitely want you to win the lottery and become her guest! "

The idiot's eyes were even colder, and the eyes looking at Walnut were full of alertness.

"She has no reason."

After a moment of contemplation, the idiot finally came to his own conclusion.

"She has no reason to treat me as a guest. Compared with this, she has more reasons to kill me."

"Hey, hey, sometimes you really think too much. Why doesn't she have a reason? You took her all the way back from the desert of death! Isn't that enough for her to appreciate you?"

The idiot glared at the blood pupil on his arm. At this moment, he suddenly felt that this magic sword had changed!

It became less vigilant, and even less thoughtful! Bring her back from the desert of death? What's so difficult? It's just a D-class mission, presumably the princess can come back by herself. And the reason why she stayed by herself was to give her the role of being present. Don't talk about yourself, I'm afraid all the students here can complete this task perfectly.

"Death Desert... During that time, she had no gratitude for me, only hatred."

The corners of Dim's eyes twitched.

"On the surface, she seems to depend on me very much. But during the time she was with her, she tried to kill me several times. She deliberately pretended not to understand the desert, just to get me lost. She also approached the bun, and wanted to take the opportunity to get close to me. Because I had always been vigilant, she couldn't achieve her goal anyway. Finally, she finally pretended to have a sprained foot and wanted to win my sympathy. "

Thinking back to the "journey of life and death" during those three months, even an idiot who had always been able to keep calm couldn't help but burst into a cold sweat.

"Because of a sprained foot, I can't move. If I want to complete the task, I must help her move. And her purpose is here."

"If I was carrying her, her hands would go around my neck. She could strangle me at any time as long as she wanted. If I carried her on her shoulders, she would have at least one hand from It disappeared from my vision. It is too dangerous."

The cold sweat on the idiot's forehead had already gathered to his chin, and the sweat dripped and fell on the top of the bread, causing the little girl to raise her head and looked at the idiot suspiciously.

Dimie closed her eyes and slowly said, "So, the reason why you hug her is because you can see her face and can still perceive the movement of her hands?"

"Well. As long as she stays in front of me, I can react to her attack as quickly as possible. And when necessary..."

"Hmph, you will also use me to plunge into the heart of that girl in your arms. Right?"

The idiot didn't speak any more, it was a default.

After understanding the idiot's thinking mode, Dimie spoke again, but this time, its tone seemed to be a little broken: "Very good, very interesting! Then you can tell it, the princess tells you the number now, What does it mean?"

The idiot thought, and as he thought deeper, his muscles gradually tightened due to tension. Bun opened his hand and patted his arm lightly, as if patted on a rock.

"She... is the best acting among all the'princesses' I have ever seen."

The idiot couldn't help but wiped the sweat from his forehead, his teeth clenched secretly, and he did not dare to look away from Walnut's body over there for a moment.

"All her performances are extremely natural, she looks like a simple girl who really knows no fireworks in the world. No wonder, she was able to get the title of'Princess' at the age of only ten."

"She's lying... For me, the person she most wants to kill, she would never want to invite to a banquet. She... wants to choose a victim in this way. And I become The unlucky ghost chosen by fate."

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