Demon King Dad

: The third year story 004, no one can match a genius

Dimie Le had to continue to ask, and as it asked, the idiot gradually said a kind of "game" he knew.

Sennagri, there is no shortage of such games. Human trafficking criminals gather children who are abducted from various places to look after them together. But because there are too many children, even if they are under strict supervision, there is no guarantee that these children will not take the opportunity to escape. Therefore, the traffickers came up with an idea named "Game of Destiny".

The content of the game is as it is now, giving each child a number. Then every once in a while, the traffickers will draw prizes, call out the winning child, give them delicious food in front of other children, and tell him that because of the kid’s luck, the kidnapping group changed their minds and decided to release Up him. Then, take the child away.

Because of such a "lottery winning" game, the children have hope in their hearts, instead of running away, they begin to hope that one day they will win the lottery. But they didn't know that those so-called winning numbers were actually designed. The "lucky winning" children will be sold by other selected human traffickers and become slaves when they leave other children. And some children who usually make a lot of noise are immediately obliterated after "winning the lottery".

This is the so-called lucky. The so-called pie in the world, the so-called road to heaven. It's just that, with the path that luck leads, it's just a more terrifying dead end.


The idiot slowly finished the content of the game. According to his speculation, the games played by the Walnut "Princess" should be similar.

"... Then according to your inference, this princess wants you to win the lottery, and then takes you to a place where no one else knows... kill?"

The idiot nodded silently: "With her hatred of me, it is very possible."

Dim Mie closed his eyes completely, for some reason, the sword seemed to be getting weaker and weaker. After breathing for a while, it finally said again: "So, what do you want to do now? Face the trap that the princess set for you."

Idiots are thinking about this problem too. The first thing he thought of was to leave, but it was obviously impossible. This is the wind blowing sand city, the land of the princess. Even if she escaped this time, she could think of various ways to torture herself.

The second thought is to change the number in his hand. But after much deliberation, he also thinks this method is not safe enough. If it is changed, what number should be changed? If the lottery machine has a follow-up lottery, what if you unfortunately "win the lottery" again?

If a person wants to kill the other party, with the powerful power in her hands, she can use any reason and any way to torture the other party.

So, what should we do now? What number is really safe? Can you never win a lottery?

During this hesitation, the idiot's eyes began to look around the entire central square. Soon, Goddess of Luck finally took care of him and made him discover someone who would never fall into the trap——

The Knight of Princess Walnut, Dylaw Goodsey.

In the next instant, a small handyman disappeared from everyone's sight. Only a few seemingly non-existent snowflakes remained, quietly falling on the spring stone steps...

An Mie snorted: "Hey, what do you want?"

"......The number in his hand...should be absolutely safe."

"Oh? Interesting. So are you going to go?"

"......I... can't beat him."


"If he gets caught, the only thing waiting for me is death."

"Hehehe, what are you going to do?"


"...Hey, don't pretend to be deep, say."

"Opportunity... only once. Now he is quite careless and completely relaxed. If I spare no effort to attack, there may be a one in ten thousand chance... to succeed."

"Oh~~~, is this the so-called'mouse can stroke a sleeping lion's tail'? Hey, funny."

"Well. He is the strongest lion. I am the most incompetent mouse. Surprisingly, the opportunity... really only once."


Dai Lao on the stage finally filled out the number list in his hand. This genius seems to have figured it out, anyway, relying on his family background, participating in the banquet does not require any "lucky" at all. After filling in a few numbers casually, he started chatting with Tumor. After he winked to indicate that the tumor was leaving, he finally got to Walnut's side, smiled, and gave a gentleman's gift.

"Walnut, I was wrong. You have been angry for so long. For the sake of your majesty, forgive me this time? You know, I will always be your princess and your knight."

Walnut glanced at him and snorted coldly: "Knight? My knight is not like you. My father will never admit that you are a knight!"

Dai Lao is patient. For his own future, he can pay any patience for the princess in front of him: "How can you say that? Walnut, I have been looking for you for a long time, riding a horse and almost searching the entire desert of death. Ah. You don’t know my speed during those three months. As far as my companion is concerned, it’s like the wind~~~"

"Huh, wind? You can only be as fast as the wind when you ride a horse?" Walnut's mouth raised up proudly and said, "It's really a coincidence, I know a person, let's not say that he is stronger than you, and His age is lower than you! In terms of speed alone, he is definitely faster than you even if he is carrying several hundred kilograms of shackles!"

Dai Lao is called a genius, a genius that has never happened in a century! From his birth to the present, who will tell him that other children are stronger than him? The genius smiled, straightened up, and smiled triumphantly.

"Princess, lying is not a good habit."

Hearing Dai Lau said he was lying, Walnut was anxious. She blushed and said loudly: "Who lied! What I said is the truth!"

"Really? Is that person really better than me? Better than me in every way?"

Walnut suffocated and said again: "Of course! That person is only one year older than me. He is not only stronger than you, but also more loyal than you, better to me, more caring, more distinguished from his family, and he is also older. He is handsomer than you and taller than you! Comparing him, you are not as good as him from top to bottom!!!"

Walnut thought that Dai Lau would be angry after she finished speaking. Unexpectedly, this genius laughed haha.

"Oh, princess, princess. You just said he was taller than me? But you said he was only one year older than you, that is, only 12 years old. A male who has not developed at the age of 12 is taller than me? "

It has to be said that due to the good nutrition and family environment, Dai Lao's height is considered taller among his peers. Walnut even needs to look up when looking at him. It's not like an idiot, and he only needs to lower his head slightly. When his lie was exposed, Walnut was immediately choked. She wanted to say something, but because of the unnecessary lie just now, she couldn't say anything.

For Walnut's silence, Dai Lau was even more sure that the princess was just making up such a character. In fact, think about it, how can someone stronger than him exist? After a year of hard work, he has finally entered the level of refining the mind, and has successfully realized the martial art of the "king". Is a 12-year-old kid stronger than him? This is simply a joke.

"Anyway... anyway! He is so good, he is better than you!"

Speechless, Walnut began to argue.

De Lao laughed and said, "If that's the case, then call that person out..."

At this moment, Dai Lau unconsciously felt a icy cold on his back! He suddenly turned his head...

Behind, there is nothing.

Dai Lao froze for a moment, and groaned. The icy feeling just appeared for a moment, and then there was no feeling anymore. So... is that an illusion? The illusion just because the early spring is still a little cold?

After careful consideration, Dai Lao finally decided to define this feeling as an illusion. He breathed a sigh of relief, smiled inwardly, mocking himself for his nervousness just now. After the end, he turned his head back and continued to finish the second half of the sentence——

"Call it out, how about I compare it with him?"

Walnut didn't notice the strangeness of Dai Lao just now. Not only her, I am afraid that all the students present did not see what happened on the stage. The princess was angry, and immediately agreed, and began to look for the boy's figure. But just after she saw the idiot again in a corner of the square, the maid over there who was in charge of the clock came over instead.

"Princess, you can start."

Walnut was stunned, because she was so full of idiots to come on stage that she forgot what the so-called "start" meant. The maid, after telling the princess, announced that the audience was quiet and asked the host to press the button of the lottery machine. Only a bang was heard, and the ball in the lottery machine immediately began to roll. It means that the process of redemption has also begun.

(Hmph~~~! Forget it. Anyway, that shorty’s number will never be chosen. No one would have thought that except the first one is odd, the other numbers are all even! Dylaw Goodsay, I will make you look good in a while! Let you know who is the real guest I invited!)

Walnut simply sat down and glanced at Dai Lao next to him with a very proud expression. Also at this time, the machine next to it had already shaken out the first number.

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