Demon King Dad

: The third year story 006, the photo... is invalid?

Once upon a time, Walnut suddenly discovered that even under the bright sunshine, there would be such a gloomy laneway. She wondered why she hadn't noticed that there are so many opaque routes in the school before.

Alley, or alley. The horizontal branches are complicated and difficult to distinguish. Although Walnut was quite sure that he was still in the largest royal academy in the empire, he was even more sure that it was already spring, and the daylight should still stay in the clouds, overlooking the earth. But all of this seems to have nothing to do with these alleys that spread like meridians.

It's cold, as if the winter has not passed.

Dark, rejecting any sunlight.

Dirty and messy, these roads can no longer be called roads, but can only be regarded as gaps.

Yes, filthy and desperate have gathered, and will never let any light come in, only the rats in the sewer open the gaps in the door.

Walnut supported the slightly sticky wall next to him and walked forward little by little. A water pipe on one side cracked slightly, spraying a dark yellow water towards the wall on the other side. Walnut swallowed and closed her eyes and tried to rush over, but after trying several times, she finally couldn't rush over.


Looking at the intricate roads around, Walnut's brows slowly frowned. It was not because of fear, because she realized that when she no longer felt afraid of this cold and darkness. She frowned because of anger, because she had finally set a good game and was abruptly destroyed by that idiot.

"You dwarf! Come out for me!"

The echo spread in the alley. No one responded to her, only the sprayed waterline and dirty walls continued to silence her.

"Well, you won’t come out? Then I’ll tell you! I’ll count to three! If you don’t come out again, I will...I will ask Father Wang to put you on the national wanted list! Want you... Hurry! Soon, soon, soon...oooo... the tongue hurts..."

Walnut covered her mouth with tears in her eyes and couldn't help squatting down. But before she squatted down, a figure appeared in front of her instantly.

The little princess couldn't see how he came out, only knowing that the shackles on his hands and feet were still extremely strong. Those icy eyes looked straight at him, pulled the left hand holding the small bread back, and stretched out his right hand forward, holding the jet-black dagger in his hand.

"Hmph, are you finally willing to come out?"

Walnut quickly wiped away the tears from the corner of her eyes and straightened her waist. Facing the darkness, the princess still looked a little scared. But compared to before, she just took a step back and then stopped.

"I ask you, what is your number!"

The idiot stared at Walnut, he couldn't understand what the "princess" meant by saying this. After thinking for a while, he finally retracted his right hand holding Dim Mie, took out the number slip from his arms, and handed it over.

Seeing him put away the dagger, Walnut finally patted his chest and took a breath. She took a step, instead of picking up the number list, she reached out and touched the head of the little bread in the idiot's arms.

"Little bread, good~~~good~~~"


Feeling comfortable being touched, Little Bread called out very happily. Then, she stretched out a small hand towards the walnut.

"Well, so good~~~" Walnut took her little hand and shook it gently. Then, she turned her head to face the idiot, and that face immediately became very cold like summer weather.

She sniffed and snatched the number list from the idiot, and after a cursory glance, she immediately raised the list to the idiot.

"What's going on? Didn't I ask you to write "Odd, Even, Even, Both, Even"? Why did you choose the common combination of "Odd, Even, Even, and Even,"?

Walnut looked aggressive and unreasonable. Seeing her like this, the idiot took a very alert step back, pinching Dim Mi, and making a look ready to escape at any time.

"Say! Why on earth! Why don't you listen to me!!!"

"......You want to kill me. Why should I listen to you."

The idiot is ready for a desperate fight, so just pick it up.

"Ah? I want to kill you? Why! Why do I want to kill you?!"

Walnut took another step forward. The idiot continued to step back accordingly.

"You... don't force me. Otherwise, we will die."

The idiot's expression was serious, and his fear of the "princess" could not be explained clearly in one or two sentences. Especially when he saw the "princess" on the other side and saw that his dagger not only did not escape, but was even closer, this sense of fear and danger stimulated his nerves even more.

Compared with the idiot, Walnut was taken aback at first. She thought slowly and slowly. Although she didn't think of the real reason for the idiot to warn herself so much, the way he looked now completely angered the little princess.

" idiot! Shorty! You are really...a big idiot!!! I'm so stupid, I'm an idiot! How would I want to invite an idiot like you to my birthday party? Great mistake! I know, you are definitely not a prince, and you are definitely not a knight! You are just a complete idiot!"

The idiot is still on guard, he is still guessing, guessing what kind of "terrible" meaning is hidden behind Walnut's hysterical at this moment.

"Okay! Speaking of it, you just don’t want to attend my birthday party, do you? Okay! Yes! You can’t do it if you don’t attend! I’m scared of you! You hate, I hate you! Yes, I hate you , I hate you very much! You don't want to come, do you? Why should I follow you? If you don't want to come, I will definitely want you to come!"

After stomping his feet fiercely, Walnut stretched out his hand, pointed at the idiot, and said loudly——

"Idiot! Listen to me! Now, as the first princess of the Bucks Empire, Walnut Durea Frihus, I order you to be present on my birthday! But you are not a guest. Identity, but as a handyman! In other words, you will become my slave that day and keep the order of my banquet for me!"

Of course, there is no need to agree to such a request. Walnut is indeed a princess, but the idiot also holds the trump card that can restrain the princess. After listening to these words, he slowly stretched out his hands into his arms, took out two "photographs", and shook them in front of Walnut.

"I don't need to listen to you. Because..."

"Huh! You have to listen to me!" Walnut's face turned red when he saw that the idiot carried his own photo. But because the face was flushed, Walnut, who noticed this, became even more angry. She stomped her foot again and pointed her finger directly at the tip of the idiot's nose.

"You... if you are brave enough to spread it, you... try it (blushing gets worse)!!! But at that time, you will definitely be killed by my father! I don't care about these things now, anyway you I must come, I must be my slave for a day! Otherwise...otherwise..."

Walnut froze there for a long time, but did not figure out what to do otherwise. After about five minutes in the cold, she had no choice but to say "Humph!" as a conclusion.

The idiot looked a little demented, and he had nothing to say. In this world, what else is crazier than a wild beast? The idiot knows that it is a desperate person.

The idiot is terrible, he is terrible. He was afraid of death, because once he died, there was nothing left. Because of fear, he has always acted cautiously, and will never take action until he is absolutely sure.

For the deadly person, the deadly person is always the most difficult to deal with. Because you can't use their lives to threaten them, and because you don't want your life, this kind of people can abandon many things that they originally cherish. Now, the idiot knows deeply that the photos in his hands seem to have no suppressing power for the princess.

Seeing the idiot stunned, Walnut finally tasted a little "victory" in his heart. She continued pointing at the idiot, and said: "You remembered it to me, you must come when that time comes! And, on that day, I want you to listen to whatever I say, and no resistance is allowed! Yes and there! Just that day! You are not allowed to be as suspicious as you are today, you must believe everything others say to you! If you can't do it, I will...I will..."

Walnut's small body trembled for a while, and suddenly, her face turned redder, and she immediately turned around: "I just...I will really tell the father to kill you! You... believe it or not!"

After speaking, the walnut ran away like flying. She ran very fast, even after leaving the idiot several alleys, she was still running. Because she didn't want that guy to see her red face that was almost indescribable.

Facing Walnut's departure, the idiot's eyes gradually turned cold. He stood in the dark alley, thinking quietly.


After seeing the idiot's contemplative face, Xiao Bread screamed and lay on his body. The little girl patted the idiot's neck with her fingers, leaning her head on his shoulder, and looking up at the man with those turquoise eyes.

"Hahaha, it's really interesting. It seems that you really met the nemesis this time?"

The blood pupil opened, tearing a scarlet hole in the dark alley.

"What are you going to do? But now it seems that you can't do it even if you don't want to go to a banquet. And you will be a slave that day~~~! Hahahaha, it's so funny! Let you be a suspicious kid all day long Don't doubt others at all for a day, it's harder than killing you."

With crazy laughter echoing in his mind, the idiot lowered his head and watched the water splashing down the wall converge into a small puddle on the ground. He just stood there, thinking, activating all the brain cells, studying all the conspiracies and tricks he had encountered in the past, thinking about any trap that might kill him. He stood here and continued thinking for two full hours, until the sun went down and the last bit of light could not be squeezed into the alley, he finally closed the pair of dark pupils, turned around, and walked out of the alley. disappear……


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