Demon King Dad

: The third year story 007, like walking on thin ice

How spectacular is the princess’s birthday party? Compared to the Holy Eve Festival at the end of each year, which one is more spectacular?

Let’s put it this way, the Holy Eve Festival is the end of the old year and the beginning of the new year. So, how many days will it take for the princess’s birthday?

The idiot was walking on the way to the castle. For a while, he really thought about the above question.

Inevitably, Walnut's birthday party finally arrived. And the lively scene produced by this birthday party made the idiot who has been hidden in the darkness and silence deeply feel what is the rush of people.

Almost from three days ago, the sky above the wind blowing sand city was filled with lively. During the day, a salute is exploded in the sky. At night, gorgeous fireworks turn the whole city into a city without night. The streets are full of people’s laughter, and congratulations on the beauty and health of the princess are hung high on both sides of the street. The floats and parades shuttle through the major roads of the sandy city. From any corner, you can Hear the lively music and dance cheering the crowd.

The idiot lowered his head, holding the small bread in his left hand, walking on the road leading to the Wangcheng District of Fengchusha City. From the outside to the inside, the entire Fengchusha City is divided into a civilian area, a rich area, a noble area and an Intramuros area. Usually, the noble district and the Intramuros are blocked by soldiers, and no one can easily enter. But today is different. The soldiers in charge of guarding also have smiles on their faces, opened the door, and let the people go forward.

Beside, through the laughter of countless people. People who rarely visit the noble district and the Intramuros are curious about everything around them. Yes, of course they will be very happy. Because of the princess’s birthday today, the entire city was invited into the castle to attend the big banquet. Maybe they can't really enter the interior of the royal city, but it is a rare experience to be able to enjoy the food in the castle garden while watching the songs, dances and dramas arranged for them by the royal family.

But... Idiot, it's not like that.

He walked quietly in the corner of the street. No matter how strong the atmosphere of joy around him, he couldn't make a fixed smile on his face. Out of habit, he walked leaning against the corner of the nearby building. The towering buildings block the sunlight, leaving him the only bit of darkness on this busy day.


Bun stomped on her feet, and she raised her head to look at the idiot from time to time. She also seemed a little uncomfortable with the excitement around her. Seeing these people who came and went but didn’t know pass by her, the little girl became frightened. She started to pull the idiot’s clothes and walked forward with fear ...

"... Don't be afraid."

The frightened Xiao Mian Bai suddenly raised her head and saw a hand stroking her hair.

"With me, don't be afraid of anything."

The cold words have no emotion or tenderness. But when he felt the hand above his head, listening to these cold words, the fear on Little Bread's face finally disappeared little by little. She hugged the idiot's hand with a woof and walked forward along with her.

The idiot comforted the bread so that she didn't have to be afraid... But in fact, in his heart, it was him who was really afraid.

The surrounding is very lively, but the more lively, the more it makes him feel the murderous intent hidden in it. After thinking about it for half a month, he still couldn't figure out why the "princess" would let himself attend the banquet no matter what. No, more correctly, he couldn't think of any reason why Walnut wanted to attend the banquet by himself to harm himself.

Due to the power of the princess, he had to go to the towering castle surrounded by four huge weightless spheres. And his reason told him that once he entered, he might never be able to come out again. This is the opponent's lair, and everything is under the control of the opponent. And I have nothing, can I find any way to survive after entering?

Look, the bustling crowd around you. Idiots bet that there are definitely many masters hidden in this crowd, following him and monitoring him. As long as he has any abnormal behavior, he and Little Bread will disappear from this world in a second. It's not that fewer people are better to kill, because this crowded crowd will provide the best umbrella for the killer!

How to do? How does Walnut want to kill herself?

She is a "princess". Moreover, at the age of eleven, she was able to climb from the bottom of the prostitute to the "princess" throne, and also successfully mixed into the royal family "princess". This experience itself has shown her cunning, insidious, and extremely scheming. It seems that she smiled at you and made trouble at you with an undefended expression, but once you relax your guard, you won't even know how you died.

The idiot is thinking, but no matter what he wants to break his head, he can't think of what kind of trap the walnut will set himself. Because there are too many ways to kill him, not to mention that the princess gave herself a constraint of "I must listen to her today, and absolutely believe in the words of others, and not be suspicious". It seems that she really wants to play with herself, and then use a very cruel method to kill herself.


For example, order me to chop off my fingers section by section with a knife in front of everyone. Or you have to cut off a piece of meat from your body and throw it into the oil pan, wait until it is cooked, and then order yourself to fish out the meat and eat it!

............ So cruel...... Walnut, this woman...... is really vicious......!

Along the way, the idiot's hand was already tightly pinched with cold sweat. He wants to go slower, so that he can more fully think about the various difficulties he will face in the future and prepare more emergency measures. But the world is sometimes so cold and ruthless, the more you want to walk slowly, the faster the castle appears in front of him!


"Hey, hurry up! Don't stand in the way."

Pushed by the people behind, the idiot involuntarily entered the partition wall of the castle. What appeared in front of him was a vast garden surrounded by the white castle.

The crowd dispersed as soon as they entered the garden. Looking left and right, a road leads to a leisure garden with huge fountains, female sculptures, and maze fences. Many dining tables are placed there for people to enjoy. The other one extends to a lake. A water stage has been set up in the middle of the lake. Many people are there for boat trips on the lake, playing and noisy, or waiting in a boat to occupy a seat in front of the stage, looking forward to the next epic. An opera performance.

The crowd dispersed to both sides, and the idiot saw this opportunity and immediately left the crowd that might have hidden countless killers, and hid behind a small bush facing the palace. He was holding the bread, watching the surroundings vigilantly, and his right hand had been pulled out to Dim Mi. As long as anyone dared to approach him, the black blade in his hand would never be stingy.

The idiot is waiting, watching. After waiting for a while, he found that ordinary civilians only flocked to both sides. On the road leading to the main entrance of the castle stood a wall made up of many soldiers. But whenever a luxury carriage came, the horseman who drove showed an invitation to the soldiers, the soldiers would leave, and then let the maids and manservants who had been waiting for a long time come up, bow down the dignitaries on the carriage and enter the castle.


Little Bread Cat has been here for too long. She raised her head and looked at the idiot with a puzzled face. The idiot was muttering in her heart when she heard her scream.

He cannot stay here forever. Although he also wants to shrink to the end of today, if he does not show up, I am afraid that waiting for him will be even more tragic revenge!

But here comes the problem. How will he enter the castle?

Those soldiers are investigating strictly, it is impossible to let themselves in... By the way! Is this the first difficulty? Walnut deliberately called herself, but arranged this kind of soldier lineup at the door! If you dare to force yourself, you can immediately kill yourself in the name of an assassin!

It's so vicious...Such a vicious strategy can only be imagined by the "princess"!

The cold pupils were covered with a layer of frost again, and the idiot shrank again into the small bushes. No matter how the buns pierced by the branches, he didn't dare to come out.

At exactly this time, another carriage passed by the idiot. The door opened, and the one who walked down was Dailau Goodsay, who was dressed up as a noble soldier and accompanied by a magnificent sword on his waist.

Today Dai Lau looks more handsome than ever. As soon as the 14-year-old star of tomorrow appeared, all the young girls around him secretly screamed. Whenever he turned his head and cast his gaze on the young civilian girls, those girls would have blushing cheeks and an urge to faint at any time. Those aristocratic girls obviously had better concentration, but they also opened up their fluffy fans to cover their flushed little faces, but still did not forget to peep out their small heads from behind the fans, peeking at the handsome face and beauty of the genius Extraordinary tolerance.

He... will he also participate in today's assassination of himself?

The idiot's right hand was slowly squeezed, and if this genius was going to deal with him, he would have no resistance. The difference in strength, the difference in talent, the Dai Lao that the general audience expects from the Sun is absolutely impossible for a mud idiot.

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