Demon King Dad

: The third year story 010, you know it yourself

One second, it just passed.

The idiot continued to walk forward, and when Walnut, himself and Quilin all walked past, the nobleman over there straightened up again. With the reflection of the crystal crown on top of Walnut's head, the idiot clearly saw the big drops of sweat on the nobleman's forehead. He seemed to not want to go, bluffing, trying to say something. But when the two bodyguards behind him pushed something in his hands to his waist, the nobleman finally turned around and left.

"Banquet, banquet~~! Today's banquet is really wonderful, isn't it? Haha, interesting and interesting!"

The dim sneer stimulated the idiot's brain, and he walked forward slowly with a low face. However, his hand involuntarily embraced Little Bread's shoulders and hugged her into his protection range...


The banquet continues.

After walking through the long corridor, Walnut entered a lounge next to the banquet hall. She was sitting on the big sofa in the room, her mouth bulging, still sulking.

Quirin closed the door, letting the idiot and the bread stand in front of Walnut, standing aside. The music of the banquet outside is blocked by this room, and only the breathing of four people here can be heard one after another.

"Huh!" After a long time of indifference, Walnut suddenly turned his head and pointed the finger directly at Quilin, "Miss Rooney, is your sister here today? I want to see her."

"younger sister?"

Quilin was stunned for a moment. She could hear that the little princess's tone was full of dissatisfaction. How could she know how provocative her child was to Walnut because of those textbooks? She opened her mouth, thought for a while, scratched her head, and smiled: "Ah, it's Xingli. Princess, you must have misunderstood. Actually..."

"I ask you, where is she!"

Walnut yelled again. While yelling, she turned her head and looked at the idiot beside her, becoming even more annoyed with his unchanging iceberg face.

Quirine swallowed, and she finally understood what she should do now. She pointed to the window and said: " is responsible for working at the buffet banquet in the garden outside...that..." Quirin took a small step, walked to the window and looked at it for a while, then pointed to the bottom to continue. "The one over there... in a yellow dress is Xing Li..."

Walnut glared at the idiot, and immediately ran to the window, leaning on the edge of the window and looking down. It doesn't matter if it doesn't look, she saw that the dissatisfaction in her heart rose again.

"Huh! It's very popular, Rooney answered the second lady of the family. It was surrounded by so many people."

"Isn't it? That guy is only 13 years old! And, are all those men blind? Leave my sister alone, instead they all turn around her."

Walnut spoke purely out of discomfort, but she didn't expect that Quilin, who was next to her, would also say this. Look at her, facing her sister below being surrounded by more than a dozen men, she was still talking and laughing, and she was very diligent in expressing dissatisfaction with Xingli, who quickly flipped the barbecue in her hand, but it was definitely not a simple flattery to the princess What can be done.

"Huh? Rooney replied, why are you so dissatisfied?"

"Cut, of course I am dissatisfied! Am I worse than her? Why are all the men who belong to me been abducted by her? Ah! That person! That person is Tylenol! Well, I usually see me and I wish to run away immediately, now Why stare at Xingli like a maggot?!"

"That's it! Hey! Look there! That little nobleman! Why is he so diligent to help her barbecue? The royal family gave her money but let her work, not let her enjoy it!"

The two girls, one big and one little girl, yelled at the window. Bread gradually became interested in their voices, and suddenly let go of the idiot's hand and ran to the window. The idiot noticed it and hurriedly took a step to hold the bun. But the sound of his walking was still heard by Walnut.

She turned her head and saw the idiot wanting to come over, and immediately pulled her face down: "Why are you coming here? Do you want to see her? Go back! Today you are my slave, I don't allow you Look, stand there! Don't move!"

The idiot picked up the cried bread and returned to the place. After the two girls over there grumbled, they finally left the window with "satisfaction".

Walnut coughed slightly, and Quilin stepped back temporarily. When she leaves the lounge and closes the door...

In this big room, there are only walnuts, idiots, and small breads that have been screaming because of the surrounding environment.




The atmosphere is very depressing.

The doors and windows were closed tightly, and no sound was felt outside. In other words, as long as anything happens here, you can't hear it outside, right?

The idiot grabbed the bread, and every hair on his body began to tighten. The actions of those bodyguards just now always occupied his mind, making him linger.

Knives were in their arms.

But what does it mean to carry a very concealed knife in this day?

he does not know.

But his instinct told him that a terrible sewer rat must be alert to any situation around him. Before others want to kill you, they will never give a sound reminder, maybe at a certain time when you are completely unaware, you have become a corpse.

Walnut sat in front of the idiot, very satisfied with his "dominance" today. She snorted and said triumphantly: "Dwarf, do you know who you are today?"

The idiot lowered his head, and under the long flowing sea, cold black pupils passed through the hair and shot towards the walnut silently.


"......I am your slave."

"Well, very good~~!" The complacency on Walnut's face grew stronger, and she then asked, "Then I ask you, what should you do as my slave?"

"............ listen to your instructions, there will never be any doubt."

"That's right! But other than that, you have to be responsible for protecting me, even if you save your life to protect me. I don't allow you to disobey me in any way. As long as I say things, you have to listen. "

The idiot stared at the gushing walnut, guessing the hidden meaning of her words. But basically, if he really does what Walnut said, there is no need to hide the meaning, and his "death sentence" is almost directly pronounced.

Walnut did not pay attention to the idiot's silence, and the little princess was completely immersed in the joy of victory. She stood up from the sofa and walked around the idiot and bread with her hands on her back. At this moment...


Little Bread's belly cried.

The girl frowned, her legs slightly bent. She grabbed the idiot's hand with one hand, and squatted down halfway, holding her belly with the other. After experiencing the drum sound in her belly for a while, she raised her head and stared at the idiot with those emerald green eyes, whispering in her mouth.

She is hungry.

The idiot glanced at the bread and looked up at the walnut. However, the walnut seems to be inspired by the hunger of the bread. She grinned, stepped forward and took the hand of the bread, and said with a smile: "Bread~~~Are you hungry?"

Bread frowned, clutching his still groaning belly. Facing the walnut squatting in front of her, the little girl raised her other hand without any suspicion and stretched it towards her. At the same time, the voice of "Ah~~~ah~~~" was also made in the mouth.

Hearing this sound, Walnut quickly took out a bunch of grapes from the fruit basket next to the lounge. She picked one off, pinched the grape and stretched it to the bun's mouth. Bread had never seen this kind of fruit, but after smelling the sweet smell in it, his frowning expression immediately stretched out, "Ahhh" opened his mouth, and reached out to grab the grapes.

"Hey, don't worry, let me peel the skin for you first, and then come to feed you."

The amused bread stretched out his hand so impatiently, Walnut looked radiant. She immediately peeled the grapes, and when she finished peeling, she wanted to feed that little girl...

With a pull of the idiot's arm, he pulled the bun with his mouth open waiting to be fed behind him.

Walnut was dumbfounded. The small bread is also a little unhappy. She tried to move forward again, but the idiot kept stopping her to keep her from getting near the peeled fruit.

Because it's dangerous. That was the food the "princess" handed out, even if there was any strong poison in it, the idiot would never be surprised.

"Ah——! Ah————!"

The bun started to struggle, but the idiot had prepared for a while, took out a small piece of dried bread from his arms and stuffed it into the little girl's hand. Bun finally caught the food. She looked at the idiot, then at the grape in Walnut's hand, and finally at the side of the bread in her hand. After about thirty seconds of thinking, the little girl finally picked up the bread and chewed bit by bit...

Seeing this scene in Walnut's eyes, she was almost crying. Not for yourself, but for the bread. Seeing her eating the bread with such relish, some pity in the princess's heart immediately turned into anger. She pointed to the idiot and shouted: "How come there are people like you! Can't I feed her anything?"

The idiot turned sideways blankly, his right hand Dimie was already clenched.

"If you want my life, just come. There is no need to involve bread."

"Huh? Why should I kill you?"

"You know it yourself."

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