Demon King Dad

: The third year story 011, another "prom"

The idiot was tight, and now that the relationship was completely clear, he couldn't deal with it anymore. Presumably, the princess who was pierced will greet many killers in a blink of an eye. Let's cut herself off... Now, it is better to figure out how to protect the bread.

Walnut was still at a loss, but after thinking about it for a while, she finally figured it out.

"Okay! After a long time, are you still suspecting that I am harming you?! You forgot how you agreed to me? You said that today you will never doubt others, and you will absolutely obey my orders! You forgot so soon?!"

The idiot didn't forget, but that doesn't mean that he would really follow suit.

"Okay, are you still skeptical? If that's the case, then I'll give you the order to die! I now order you to do what you just said! Otherwise, I will be charged with disobeying the royal family You are put to death! But as long as you obey obediently, I won’t kill you! How about this?...That’s enough! Idiot!"

According to reason, an idiot would never believe the words of a "princess". But now that he is a turtle in the urn, no matter how bad the situation is, he will never suffer. Since she said she would never kill herself...

"Hehe, then you might as well believe in others for a day, what does it matter?"

Dim Mi seems to always like idiots to have some problems. To it, an idiot who is too stable also means boring. At its instigation, the idiot finally nodded in agreement after a lot of thought. He retracted Dim Mie again, pulling the little girl who was still chewing the bread, and standing in front of the walnut.

(Huh... This big idiot, it's really troublesome to make him obedient.)

"Hey, have you had lunch?"

The idiot thought for a while and shook his head.

Walnut happily said, "That's good. Now you are my slave, then I will order you not to eat all day today. You must accompany me to my banquet and be responsible for protecting me."

Walnut’s proposal has been prepared for a long time. After the idiot nodded and agreed, she stunned in her heart, but she continued to put on a calm expression on her face and said: " give me the handcuffs on your body. All the chains are taken off. After all, you are my guard, not my prisoner. A princess of mine is running around with a prisoner, what is it like?"

After the idiot pondered for a moment, he stretched out his hand to unlock the chains on his hands and feet. As those restraints landed on the ground, Walnut felt that the floor under his feet seemed to tremble. Look at where the handcuffs hit the ground, the floor has even sunk. But look at the idiot who has been wearing these things, his complexion has not changed at all.

(No matter how many times I watch it...I think these handcuffs and anklets are a bit exaggerated...)

After the idiot took off the heavy sweater, Walnut walked over and fiddled with the restraints slightly. After making sure that she couldn't move her at all, her face was a little happy.

"Well, my father will be very happy to see you."


"Ah! By the way! I'm going to introduce you to my father later, so you can't dress too shabby. Um... so be it."

After finishing talking, Walnut walked to the hanger in a familiar way, turned out a tuxedo and a clean skirt, and put them on the sofa.

"Hey, little dad, come and change it. You have to thank me. If it weren't for my kindness, you wouldn't be able to wear this kind of clothes in your life~~~"

The idiot glanced at Walnut, and put on the tuxedo after he changed the clothes for Bun. The long cuffs cover the chain on his right arm very well, and after wearing it, it looks very fit. However, there was one thing that disappointed the originally expected Walnut.

People rely on clothes, horses and saddles... are they?

Let's not talk about the little bread, but after wearing this outfit on the idiot, not only did he not add the slightest handsome temperament to him, but it seemed that the clothes became more tattered.

The black clothes set off the idiot's cold face, giving people a feeling of crawling out of the abyss of hell. He looks inconspicuous, no matter how good the clothes are, they will become inconspicuous when worn on his body. That's right, those clothes are like deliberately concealing the brilliance of one's body, fusing all the energy into the bottomless darkness...

The idiot who broke free, wore this black tuxedo. As his gaze swept across, the temperature in the lounge seemed to drop a few degrees for no apparent reason. Walnut looked at such an idiot and couldn't help shivering, clutching his arms.

"Okay, then let's go!"

Walnut couldn't stand the cold here, and walked out the door first. After the idiot lowered his head for a moment, he also took the little bread, followed behind her, and walked.


The road to the grand banquet hall is simply a torment for the current walnut! Her original expectation should be that she was mixed with idiot arms, and the two of them walked into the grand banquet hall very well, and then let that Dai Lao open his eyes well.

But the real fact is that she was walking in front, and the idiot behind her never followed. With the etiquette imposed on him by everyone nearby, it seemed that he was walking forward alone.

Looking back, the idiot followed behind with the bread. But why? Why does he still look so inconspicuous even after wearing such a luxurious tuxedo? No one cares about him, no one even notices his presence behind Walnut. He is like a shadow...a shadow blended into the darkness, inconspicuous, but closely following his master.

(Huh! I’ll be hungry for a day first, and wait until the evening to see if you can do it! You can just pretend to be, I’ll see, when your hungry chest is pressed against your back, will you be able to maintain this Calm! At that time! At that time...At that time...)

Walnut turned his head away and puffed up angrily. At the birthday party tonight, she had already agreed with her father that she would introduce someone to him, and then accompanied him to dinner with her father. In order to prevent that dwarf from filling his stomach before eating that meal, it is absolutely necessary to starve him! When he was about to fail, he put on a pitiful winner and took him to dinner.

That's right, that's it. This script is really impeccable! Oops, I have watched a lot of operas, and I will do some more~~~~. Okay, I'm going to enter the main banquet hall next, I want him to help me in.

Thinking of the happy place, Walnut looks back...

The idiot is gone...

Looking around, there are only those people who surround him. Where is the idiot? But before she was finished, she suddenly felt a small touch in the palm of her hand, lowered her head, and saw Little Bread holding her hand, looking around with a little fear, and she seemed uneasy.

No one saw how Xiao Mian Bai came in from outside, and no one saw when she held the princess's hand. I'm afraid that after Walnut lowered his head, the people next to him suddenly found the little girl with pink hair and emerald eyes that the princess was holding.

People were puzzled, but no one dared to ask why. Is it important that the little princess is leading? Anyway, she was not holding a big man, but a little baby girl like this. Soon, the doubts on everyone's faces disappeared, and they turned around the walnut again.

Walnut smiled awkwardly at the people around him, lowered his head, and said, "Hey, where is your father?"

Bun grabbed Walnut's hand, and after a moment of daze, he shook his head timidly.

OK! That idiot! Where did he go? ! I know, he must have thrown the bread to me, and then ran to meet the girl named Xingli, right? Humph! That dwarf, idiot! I... I hate him to death! After being seen by me for a while, I must teach him a lesson! Humph----!

There was a smile on his face, but his stomach exploded. But the worst thing is that in the eyes of everyone, Dai Lao, the knight of light, has walked over in a beautiful dress, and very smartly took Walnut's hand that should have been held by an idiot. With everyone’s support, step into the grand banquet hall with grand music!


There was a noise in the banquet hall.

Elegant music circulates with people's dance steps.

The atmosphere there is so wonderful, even if it is far away, you can hear the pleasant sound from there.

Tap, tap, tap, tap...

A person snapped his fingers, stepped on the beat of the orchestra, and walked forward slowly. This is a very tall man, he is in his early thirties, but he is about the height of two idiots. He was wearing a black tuxedo with a white flower on his chest. But no matter how elegant the clothes he wears, it can't hide the strong muscles that stand out under his clothes. On his thighs and his shoulders, the dress was even taut.

The man was tapping and walking forward slowly. At this time, it was noon. As the princess arrived in the grand banquet hall, all the princes and nobles who were chatting in the aisle also entered the dance scene. In comparison, there were not many people in the corridors outside, only a few soldiers patrolling back and forth.

The man stabs past the soldiers' eyes, and the soldiers look at him with such a tall figure, all taking a step to the side. Logically speaking, it would be weird for such a person to act outside, but when the soldiers saw the white flower pinned to the man's chest, they all stepped aside and stood in awe.

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