Demon King Dad

: The third year story 012, time and place

This is the family crest of the Pslonesi family, the flower of loyalty that is still white and blooming on the battlefield. The Pusilones family, which is an earl, can be considered quite famous, and as a family that has appeared as an admiral for three consecutive generations, it is not surprising that even if the bodyguard is so burly. No, to be correct, it should be normal instead.

The soldiers stepped away and let the strong man with his family crest on leave. After sighing for a while, the soldier re-armed his waist and turned and left.


After these soldiers turned a small corner, a figure quietly walked out of the shadows. His gaze was fixed on the figure walking towards the depths of the corridor, quietly, followed...

The bodyguard did not notice such a small tail behind him. There is a smile on his face and he looks very proud. He was very familiar with walking around in the intricate roads. After a while, he brought that little tail to an area that looked a bit like a servant, and opened the door of a storage room next to it. , Walked in.

The door closed.

After closing, the tail came to the door. His eyes were always condensed with frosty cold that could not be removed. The dark pupils looked at the storage room. After thinking for five seconds, he turned around and walked into the servant canteen next to the storage room. . Because this is a cafeteria used to provide supper to the servants, there is no need to worry about someone coming in now.

After gently pulling the door of the canteen, the idiot walked to the wall near the storage room. There was a vent window in the upper right corner of the wall. He stepped on the wall and jumped up gently, pulled the vent window down, and got in. After crawling for a distance of about ten meters, a small window appeared on the left side of the idiot. What you see through the window is the storage room.

"Are you interested? I know, you must be interested."

In the dark air duct, Dim Mi opened his pupils slightly. It sneered and stared at the idiot, and said, "That guy should be the guy who attacked the magic train last time and caused you and the princess to spend the'unforgettable time' for three months in the desert, right? Unexpected, unexpected , The other party turned out to be a member of the empire! Ouch, this is a big deal, shouldn't you leave from here immediately and tell the king that these guys are traitors?"

The idiot was lying in the air duct with all his heart, his heart had become completely cold, and even his breathing was about to disappear. Even a person with a keen sense may not be able to discover his existence. He just looked down and blended with the darkness around him.

In the dark, a few small lights were on in this storage room with an area of ​​about 300 square meters. After counting, twelve people stood in the middle, surrounded by a person sitting on a wooden box. Among the twelve people was not only the tall bodyguard just now, but also the one who was stopped by stealing a dagger from Walnut that the idiot noticed not long ago.

These people are those who resist the organization.

Although idiots don't know what organization they are, it is absolutely certain that the intention is not good for Walnut from previous experience. Since these people would attack Walnut, it is absolutely impossible that the "princess" sent to assassinate him.

"And you happen to take on the job of'slave' and'bodyguard' today, aren't you? Interesting, hey, funny!"

Dim Mie was sneering, not knowing whether it was the "foresight" of Laughing Walnut, or the laughing idiot automatically jumped into such a trap. But the only certainty is that it does not oppose the intervention of idiots. Because if he doesn't intervene, then it will lose the opportunity to lick the blood.

Several people approached the man sitting on the wooden box in the middle with small oil lamps that were dimly lit and unobtrusive. It wasn't until the light got close that the idiot could really see what the person looked like. But it’s strange that the whole body of this man was covered with bandages, and even both eyes were covered with bandages. Except for two holes under the nose to breathe, there was nothing exposed on the whole body. In front of others.

The bandaged man wore a dark black vest and a set of the same dark black pants. In front of this man was a chair with the current head of the Pusrones family, who was said to be the earl, tied to it. His eyes and mouth were sealed, and apart from constant groans and slight struggles, he could not make any resistance.

"Oh~~~Oh~~~! Bandage man? It feels good to me! Hey, how about we jump now and kill the Quartet?"

Annihilation's proposal is always the most extraordinary one. The idiot also firmly believed that he would never believe the crazy words that the sword said. Since it was confirmed that the other party had 13 people and they were enemies, he immediately made up his mind to leave.

Curious, it is not a good thing. Too much curiosity will kill one's life one day. This is the rule that Sennag taught him, and he has been abiding by this rule until now.

"Boss, the explosive stones are all set, as long as the time is up, they can detonate. No one will be able to escape by then."

At this moment, the idiot's retreat stopped abruptly.

Explosive stone? Detonate?

The bandage man nodded, and the face that didn't even show his eyes turned to the other companion next to him, and began to talk about something.

The idiot was waiting...Because of the sentence just now, he had to keep waiting.

What does the explosion mean? It means flames and collapse. For myself and Bread, once this castle explodes, it means that it is very likely to be buried here and die...

When time is up, it can detonate... time... time...? At what time and place will the explosion be able to confine all the people in this castle? If it was in that banquet hall and it detonated in a minute...

In my mind, the dim sneer began to echo. The scene of flames and stumps dancing with each other is organized in the mind of an idiot through the power of this sword. In that sea of ​​fire, the little bread was lying on the ground, that little body had been blown to pieces, leaving only those emerald eyes full of tears for help, looking at himself innocently...

go back.

The most important thing to do now is to go back as soon as possible. Before these people act, leave here with bread!

The idiot held his breath and started to back away slowly. His movements are so slow that anyone who is slow can't detect it. For those below, only air still flows in the upper air duct. It is precisely because of this "freedom" that the content of their conversation has become richer.

"Boss, your action this time can be described as foolproof. At that time, we will not only be able to destroy the Bucks Empire, but we will definitely be able to catch the'Dragon'!"

The bandager didn't answer, but just nodded, and sneered in his nose.

"After this mission is completed, boss, what rewards do you think Princess Garcia will give us?"

"What are you talking about? Last time I assisted Mr. Treite to escape and failed, but he was killed. Princess Garcia not only did not blame us, but forgave us, saying that we had worked hard all the way. Even the one who kidnapped the stag last time. The little female did not succeed, but Princess Garcia did not blame herself for not thinking carefully, and did not say that we were useless. We are too late to make up for it, do you have the face to be rewarded?"

The person who spoke closed his mouth, showing a reflection on his face. At this moment, the strong bodyguard next to the bandaged man walked over, bent down, and asked with some doubts: "Boss, according to intelligence, the royal member of the Bucks Empire we are going to deal with should be the old immortal, and his two Son, and a daughter, right? But just now I saw that the female deer led a smaller female deer into the banquet hall. Is that also a princess?"

The surroundings fell silent. The silence at this moment also stopped the idiot in the ventilation duct.

The bandaged man lowered his head, thinking carefully. After continuous thinking, the man finally raised his head and let out a cold snort: "What does it matter? The old deer is still healthy, even if one is born again, it is not surprising. Train, do you have no confidence in your own mechanism? "

The tall man nicknamed the train straightened up and said with a smile: "Don't worry about that. I have arranged the'detonating device' on the two little princesses. And it will never be affected by anything. The detonating device discovered by people. I bet that even if the soldiers of the kingdom strip these two little princesses from top to bottom, and then search carefully, they will not find the deadly trap I set. Just one action ...Hehe~~~ But thanks to the boss, you can come up with such a great idea."

The bandage man smiled. Compared with the laughter of other accomplices, this person's laughter seemed very calm. He is a person, but in those pupils that are covered by heavy bandages, he exudes a look that can only be seen by the most ferocious beast.


The mouse in the vent pipe stopped moving.

Not only did it not move, some black hexagonal crystals slowly began to form in this small space. He no longer backed away, but continued to lie down in the ventilation duct with his head down.

The members of the resistance organization in the storage room were still talking. It can be seen that they are also waiting for a "time" to come. Before that time, there should be no action, which also means that the bread is still safe. So, there are only two questions before the idiot now-

Where is the bomb, which is said to never be discovered, placed on the bread and walnuts?

Also, when was the last explosion time?

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