Demon King Dad

: The third year story 015, harmony

The train took a breath, and everyone didn't believe the result! They all know that when Vice Captain Cui Te plays chess with this male bandage captain, they are often inextricably killed, and Cui Te has a clear advantage on the board several times! In this case, how could it be possible to lose 99 times in a row without winning? !

"This is not surprising. Indeed, at the beginning, Treite was able to remain calm, deliberate, and perfect in all aspects. But as the battle enters the middle and late stages, he will often be unable to maintain his previous calm and start. Replaced by a kind of madness. He will appreciate the pleasure of the moment when my chess piece is eaten. In order to satisfy this pleasure, his offensive will become more and more fierce. In those 99 times, all because of him The offensive was too fierce and I forgot to take precautions."

The bandage man looked at the ventilation pipes and continued to sneer: "When he has an absolute advantage, he tends to overestimate his own strength and devalue the potential of others. He will not see his own lethal point. Now thinking about it, he should That’s why he has died."

"Since he died, I have been looking for the next person who can accompany me to play chess. But ah... what do you want me to say to you?"

The big guy in the train lowered his head a little shyly, and said embarrassedly: "I'm very sorry... Boss. Your martial art of the heart is a "prophet". No one can hide what you think in front of you. Almost all relying on guessing the opponent's next game, how can a person like us be competent? And now you are even more of a'bulbar' level. Who can hide the secret in front of you?"

"Haha, is it?" A sneer appeared at the corner of the bandage man's mouth, " one can hide feelings in front of me. As long as you are alone, it is absolutely impossible to be'unintentional', absolutely There is some insight, right?"

These words seemed to be spoken to the people around him, and they seemed to be spoken to the bound noble uncle. But for the idiot on the ventilation pipe, these words are undoubtedly announcing the most solemn challenge to him!

"Hey, the other party reported himself and challenged you. So what about you? You shouldn't be thinking about your own identity, right?"

As the bandage man's voice fell, he then raised his voice and ordered: "Come, untie our Lord Earl."

The people around were even more surprised. This earl, who was **** with great difficulty, is now loosening the tie? But the boss said, can these men still not listen?

After the Lord Count loosened his tie, he immediately pulled down the blindfold from his eyes. When he saw the bandage man whose whole body was wrapped in bandages, he was immediately taken aback by his horrible decoration and turned around and fled. But how could those subordinates allow him to escape? One person immediately lifted a kick and kicked his ass.

"Train, come and ask me. Until he reveals the secret about the'Dragon' completely."

The others were taken aback for a moment, and were surprised at why the bandage man suddenly said these words grandiosely. But it didn't take long for them to be surprised that the Earl's move to escape to the door of the storage room brought everyone back to their senses. The train immediately took a step forward, reached out and grabbed him back, lifted it up, and slammed it heavily on the ground. This stretch brought the earl's back and the ground to the warmest intimate contact, and it fell so that he never dared to move again.

In the storage room, everyone watched the train holding a knife there, pushing and shoving, torturing the earl. But the bandage man did not appreciate these performances. On the contrary, he kept looking at the air duct above, as if he was fascinated by the maze!

He sneered, his eyes and mouth hidden behind the bandage gradually revealed the appearance of a real beast. Some weird noises began to sound in his throat. But soon, his eyes returned to normal calmness and the corners of his mouth calmed down.

(Don’t worry, my little boy. It’s not your turn to act now.)

(I know, you must be very hungry, right? But please wait a little longer...)

(As your "container", I borrowed your power and I will never treat you badly. But now...)

(It's not time yet... it's not time yet.)

This tyranny was carried out in an extremely low voice. With heavy soundproofing equipment, the sound from outside cannot be transmitted in, nor can the sound from inside be transmitted. As time passed, the confident smile of the bandage man gradually turned into surprise! Across the cloth strips, he looked at the ventilation pipes, and briefly contemplated, but he sighed.

What kind of child is this? There isn't even the slightest emotional ups and downs? ? ?

Faced with a person being beaten, cruelly, or even a bruised nose and face being beaten up in front of you, you can stay calm and remain calm? Is this... the feeling that a child can have?

And more importantly, the earl used to drill everywhere in the storage room when he was beaten up. The bandage man can absolutely guarantee that he must have penetrated directly under the vent pipe where the child is. According to the mentality of trying to avoid stepping into the dangerous place just now, he who wants to distance himself from people like himself should move immediately. But the wind in the ventilation duct has not changed at all!

This shows what?

It means that in his heart...there is no longer even the most basic rationality and desire for mankind to avoid misfortune and benefit?

At some point, there is no longer any obstruction in the ventilation duct. With those whistling wind blowing without obstacles, he also knew that the little boy had also disappeared from this storage room.

"Will you leave before the outcome is determined?"

The bandage man sneered, stretched out his hand, and called to stop. When the train that was holding the stick in the storage room and stuffing the earl's mouth with tears into his mouth, he stopped immediately and stood aside with his hands down.

The earl screamed, turning over and vomiting. Not only acid but also sawdust came out of his fat mouth. It seems that he had eaten a lot of the cellulose meal just now, and now he has some indigestion.

"You...I... will never... let you go...! You... give me... woo... wait and see!"

The earl raised his head, and vomited some meaningless curses from his fat mouth. But as soon as he raised his head, a man with a full-body bandage was already squatting in front of him, grabbing his chin with one hand, and lifting him up.

"Dear Mr. Earls, I hope you can tell me, among the people you know, is there a boy who is very smart and very strong? Oh, by the way, I am not asking about your school's test scores. Ranking, the question is about real strength!"

The earl who was still swearing and cursing just now was obviously pinched and painful, and tears came from his eyes, and his hands kept fiddle with the bandaged man's arm holding his chin. After he confirmed that he really couldn't break free, he finally hummed and begged for mercy——

"Baby...child?...that...that must be...Delao...Goodsay!"

"Oh? Dylaw Goodsea?"

The bandage man quickly released his hand, and the Lord Earl fell to the ground, clutching his fat chin and yelling.

"Dero Goodsay...? Where did I hear this name?"

The train came up and whispered in the ear of the bandage man: "Boss, this is the man. Three years ago, when he was only 11 years old, he killed the deputy captain Cui Te. Last year because he was making trouble, That’s why our task of holding the princess in the desert failed. And I heard that he was involved in those who fell into the desert and disappeared for three months before finding the princess."

"Oh?! That's really interesting!"

The bandaged man touched his chin, his voice was full of joy and excitement: "Who I thought it was, turned out to be that genius! Now it seems that it is indeed a well-deserved reputation. Very good, Dylaw Goodsey. This name is me. I wrote it down. On the chessboard, I'm on par with you. What about under the chessboard?

The beast inside the bandage man wailed excitedly again. Even with him, a terrible and strange smile appeared again...

Under the chessboard...on the the real fight...

Dylaw Goodsea, you genius... how much excitement... and excitement can I experience? !


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