Demon King Dad

: The third year story 016, the king of warrior


At the evening party, Dai Lao sneezed abruptly.

"What's wrong? Master Dai Lao! Have you caught a cold?" An aristocratic girl next to her said very diligently.

"This can't work, Master Dai Lao, come, please use my handkerchief." Another girl leaned forward.

"Master Dai Lao Master Dai Lao! My personal doctor is Mr. Dockett, his medical skills are the most brilliant. He is also here today. May I take you to see him?"

Needless to say, this teenager who has gradually brought out the unique charm of men is destined to have no shortage of women who admire him. He is now surrounded by five or six girls, and each girl hopes to attract the attention of this young master. Although there are many "sensitive" issues between families, it also includes their own expectations and wishes for Prince Charming.

"Ah, ladies, I am very happy to have your attention. Can you wait until I finish my official duties before I invite you beautiful ladies to have a cup of tea and dance a dance?"

Dai Lao tactfully rejected the crowd. He, who was destined to be one of the protagonists tonight, tidyed up his slightly messy neckline and walked toward the royal seat sitting in front of the banquet hall. There, there is his "official business" tonight.

Walnut has changed into another elegant white dress, sitting at a round table on the royal seat. Unlike usual times, as a princess, there are not too many people who want to cling to the nobles to harass her. I am afraid that in addition to the little princess’s usually angry personality, it is also due to the power of the Goodsey family. Right.


The little bread sitting next to the walnut also changed to the skirt just now, and put on a set of clean clothes and pants. She has been sitting here with Walnut for a few hours.

Little Bread’s small body is out of proportion to the big chair. From the back, I’m afraid no one will notice that there is such a child here. Now, she pursed her brows, and her emerald green eyes looked around anxiously. In the first two hours, she was able to look at the colorful surroundings very happily, but at this moment, her face had long been replaced by panic and anxiety.

"Little bread, don't cry don't cry."

Walnut looked anxious at the uncomfortable look of bread. She quickly pulled a banana from the table, peeled it, and handed it to the bread.

"Come on~~~ small bread, eat bananas~~~ Don’t be afraid, sister is here, don’t be afraid of anything. Ah~~~"

Facing the banana girl who had been handed by Walnut, she glanced. But just such a glance, she immediately turned her head away. Tears began to gather in both eyes, as if they could cry anytime, anywhere.

Walnut knows why the bun is like this. Because it has been seven hours since the idiot put the bread in her hands. Seven hours! What does it mean for a child who is only three years old to not see the person he believes the most for seven hours?


Bun started to sob. The eyes she looked at everyone around her became wary and horrified. Walnut quickly jumped off the chair and hugged the little girl.

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, good~~~Bread good~~~"

Loan's trembling body gradually improved a bit after seeing that the walnut holding him was the walnut that he finally knew a little bit. But this did not play the most critical role. As long as that person does not show up for one minute, the bun will not feel safe for one minute!

"That dwarf... where did he go!"

Walnut made Bun lie on her chest and sobbed secretly, while softly comforting her mouth, she began to curse in her heart. But before she scolded enough, a figure appeared behind her unknowingly.

"Ah!" Hu Tao was overjoyed, turned her head quickly, and yelled at the same time, "You dwarf! Only now knows to come back............?!"

Halfway through, Walnut was stunned. Because what appeared behind her was not the idiot who was a little shorter than him, but the genius of the Goodsey family who was half a head taller than him, handsome, handsome, and neat and tidy in his evening dress!

Dai Lao was obviously taken aback by Walnut's sudden scolding. I am afraid he would never have imagined that this princess, who usually tries to pretend to be a gentle lady, would suddenly swear. But he was surprised, Walnut was even more surprised. After seeing that she was not the idiot behind her, the little bit of joy in her heart turned into resentment again, and she simply turned her head away and stopped talking.

"Your Majesty."

"What are you doing here? I don't know you."

Dai Lao smiled and said: "Walnut, tonight is your birthday. Your Majesty will reward me. I think this will allow me to serve you better."

"I don't need you to serve!" Walnut had been holding back her dissatisfaction with the idiot. Now Dai Lao ran out to serve as her punching bag. The princess didn't wait for Dai Lao to finish speaking, and squeezed the peeled banana into his mouth, and whispered: "Father won't like you, absolutely! Wait a while for me. The one who is really waiting is here, and I will definitely let him shut your mouth completely!"

Dai Lao was taken aback, bit the banana, then shook his head, and smiled: "What is the person who is really waiting. Princess, you are..."

"It's the one who really saved me from the desert! Although I know that I can't let the father revoke this'contribution' you saved me. But when he comes, I will definitely let him show you a good look! It is the strongest, several times stronger than you!"

The smile at the corner of Dai Lao's mouth gradually disappeared, and he was silent, but deep in his heart, he was also angry.

Indeed, Walnut was not saved by him and Tumor, which he knew better than anyone else. But during this period of time, he was also puzzled. Why could the walnut that fell from the train in the canyon come back alone without anyone's company?

The answer, of course, is because someone is with her.

But the question is, who is that person? What is the purpose?

Inferring from Walnut's words, the other party should also be a child. But can a child do this? Even an adult can't survive the desperate situation of the dead desert. If a child can not only survive, but also bring the walnuts back safely, how strong and strong will the other person have?

Dai Lao also thought about himself. He once imagined whether he could stick to it if he fell in that desert. The answer made him feel frustrated.

He could not hold on. In the desert with death everywhere, no water, no food, and even no direction, he felt that he could go crazy at any time! To survive in a difficult situation, perhaps the most important thing is not the physical condition, but the will to survive. At this point, he knew that he was far inferior to the other party.

But... how is this possible?

How can this kind of thing be allowed? !

I am a genius...Everyone has said that there is absolutely no possibility of someone stronger than me among my peers!

That's right... There must be something wrong in this, the willpower is stronger than me? Ha... Maybe, that was indeed someone who was scared to death and went crazy. But only that!

In terms of strength and rank, I am definitely strong! I have reached the level of refining the mind, and I am still a user of the warrior of the "king"! Who can be stronger than me? Impossible... absolutely impossible!

Dai Lao's eyes gradually lost his smile when he looked at Walnut, his eyes were cold, and he looked at the princess condescendingly, like a lofty king looking down at his subjects. Walnut was so scared by him that he couldn't help but shrink up. As soon as the little bread in his arms touched those cold eyes that were completely different from idiots, he finally started crying in fear.


Dai Lao turned around, squeezing his fists slightly. Fürth and Inselton stood behind him from left to right, forming the strongest guard lineup.

Stronger than me...?

As he walked, Dai Lao's teeth kept grinding. Insilton next to him saw Dai Lau's expression, after a little thought, he reached his ear and whispered——

"Master... what are you thinking about?"


After a moment of silence, the king of warrior raised his head again, and his eyes as cold as a knife were once again full of triumphant sneers——

"Is someone stronger than me? Interesting... I want to see who is recognized as the strongest after the prom tonight! Tonight, in front of everyone. Princess, I will Some of your guards are hitting the ground and looking for teeth, and never dare to appear in front of me again!"

Walnut finally breathed a sigh of relief when Dai Lau left. She gently stroked the soft pink hair in her arms, and kissed Bunny's hair lightly. Bun was still sobbing, but when she felt Walnut's kiss, she raised her head blankly, seeming a little at a loss.

"Look, our little girl is crying into tears~~~! Come on, wipe away your tears, or your'little dad' is here, and you're going to slap ass~~~"

One thing to declare, idiots have never kissed Bun. So when Xiao Bread felt the walnut's kiss, he didn't know whether he should be afraid or relieved. But when she waited for half a minute and made sure that Walnut was really smiling at her, the little girl's face finally burst into a smile, and she stretched out her hands towards Walnut...

"Ahhh~~~! Ahhh~~~~!"

"Yeah! Let's hug..."

A icy wind blew past, leaving a few black snowflakes in the air.

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