Demon King Dad

Vol 6 Chapter 23: , Has a long history

In summer, Lie said hot.

The sky in July exudes a disgusting stickiness, and even under such a night, it still makes people feel bored in the air.

On the night of a full moon, drums sounded in the distance.

In the imperial area that has been gradually rebuilt, the annual blood seal ceremony is being held.

Because the idiot was demoted, the ritual of maintaining the seal of the blood family fell on others.

However, this does not mean that this seal ceremony is not lively. Even though it is so far away,

You can still hear the rumbling drums over there, and you can know how lively there is now.

There, the lights are bright. Everyone is immersed in the festive atmosphere. Although this festival represents the suffering of wind and sand, it also represents a victory and a new life.

"Call nnnnnn"

Hearing the drums and noise coming from a distance, Walnut slowly exhaled.

She was sitting on a seat in the library, holding a pen in her right hand, turning her fingertips constantly. With his left hand supporting his chin, he leaned against the back of the chair slightly lazily, looking through the huge floor-to-ceiling glass of the library, looking at the clear lake outside.

The water of the lake was as calm as it was frozen, and there was no ripple in sight.

The full moon in the sky is embedded on the lake, and it seems to be still, forming a painting-like scenery.


Walnut raised her head and looked at the full moon in the sky.

The scarlet pupils stared into those ruby-like eyes, against the pure color of the full moon...

"Fragrant are you now?"

Although I hate, I think that the current situation of Xiangyou is the best result for everyone.

But whenever I think of it, Walnut can't help but blame himself. Well, from a certain point of view, I also harmed her...

"Princess, here comes your tea."

The maid came over, holding a cup of black tea in her hand, and put it down. Walnut smiled and nodded at her. She waited until the maid had left before picking up the cup of black tea and taking a sip.


Sweet and slightly bloody. Obviously, black tea brewed with pig blood is to my liking.

Putting down the black tea in his hand, Walnut retracted his heart, and raised the pen in his hand. Outside, the smoke huā has begun to be released, but even if the smoke huā is no matter how bright, she doesn't want to participate in the festival where the big idiot is not participating. Maybe it was because she was used to living a life like this, but now it makes her feel that being so quiet is not a bad thing.

The quill is full of ink. Walnut lifted up his sleeves, and the pen in his hand fell on the blank paper in front of him, and began to write.

"Aeroville Biography"

A geographical biography full of romanticism, to put it in a bit more popular, similar to a travel guide for some places. It is a book hidden in the former Royal Library of the Bucks. After the entire White Castle collapsed, Walnut relied on memory and copied down these precious manuscripts little by little.

Walnut likes this kind of books very much. Before, when she was fine all day, she buried herself in the library to read these romantic travel biographies. At the same time, she dreamed of traveling to such a place. Experience the adventure full of danger but full of excitement.


As he wrote silently, a smile appeared on the corner of Walnut's mouth. Now, she is dictating the love story described in the book. As a girl, she certainly remembers such stories fresh, and she remembers almost every word and sentence very clearly. I wrote silently, as if watching the drama adapted from the love story was staged in front of my own eyes, beautiful and romantic.

Write, write. Based on the memories of that beautiful love story in my mind, pen and ink began to leave a fragrance of ink on the paper. But at the moment when Walnut wrote that the protagonist in the biography solved the cannibalistic devil and rescued the princess...

Her hand stopped.

Wait a minute... Wait a minute!

Walnut was stunned, she immediately dropped the quill pen in her hand and read the records on the previous pages in detail. Especially, look carefully at any record of the devil in the book in your memory.

That is the most evil thing in the world and the source of all evil in the world. Holding a weapon that symbolizes destruction and ominousness in his hand, this demon enveloped the entire world in a nightmare.

This description... is it familiar?

Does it feel like an idiot?

However, Walnut covered his head and shook his head. Because she clearly remembered that there was an illustration of the demon in that book. As for the devil's style of painting, he can't control himself, and has no interest. But the problem is, the weapon that the demon is holding is...sword?


Walnut pressed his head tightly with both hands, thinking about it carefully. Soon, she finally remembered.

The golden hilt, the sword body engraved with stigmata. The whole body exudes golden light.

So, isn't it the holy sword that Dara Gudsey is holding, the Vatican? !

Thinking of this [Answer] case, Walnut immediately shook his head vigorously. Because this is really an absurd conclusion.

In my memory, although there are not many records about this Holy See Sword, all the records are positive. It is said that this sword is full of sacred power, punish evil and promote good, how could it be in the hands of the devil? And, still so evil, in the hands of a demon who can eat human flesh?

Walnut smiled, and was a little angry at her suspiciousness. She shouldn’t doubt the identity of a Holy See’s sword. Even if the sword fell into Dai Lao’s hands, it was the devil who gave Dai Lao that the sword fell. Blood, if you say this, the culprit who defiles this holy sword is actually himself, not that it is very evil in itself.

Thinking of this, Walnut felt relieved. She drew the last ear points to the "Biography of Airoville" in her hand." Sorted out the manuscript and put it aside for the maid to print. Then, she took out a blank sheet of paper and relied on the memory. Such a record is written above.


First mention the Vatican, about two hundred years ago.

"The Apple of Martoria" "Although the name is not directly written, according to the appearance of the sword described, it is most likely the Vatican.

The Legend of Rodin

About 150 years ago, in the civil war that took place in the Kingdom of Rodin, a Templar knight held a holy sword to quell the civil war. Therefore, the "Holy Sword" is enshrined as the Holy See's holy sword and is admired by thousands of people.

"Aita, the Love of Maria" is ominous for a specific date, but it mentions that the Vatican disappeared from the Kingdom of Rodin.

"World of Warcraft Illustrated Book"

Described about seventy years ago, someone used the Vatican to kill a seven-level monster Crazy Eye and saved an entire village.

In Walnut’s memory, there are books describing the Vatican. Although compared to the amount of reading he read, such a scaly and half-clawed record really cannot be said to be so rich. but,

From such a short record, you can still see how sacred this sword is." It has been held by various heroes all the time.

Walnut smiled slightly, look, the situation is so clear, what else can I doubt?

The fact is that I was wrong or misunderstood.

Fold the paper and throw it into the wastebasket on the side. Walnut picked up the black tea on the side again and took a sip. Savor the sweetness of blood. She raised her head and looked at the night outside the glass and the bright moon, exhaling very contentedly.

Forget it, there is no need to pursue it. Anyway, the sword has been sealed in the moon together. As long as nothing happens...

Dong Dong Dong Dong Dong Dong Dong accident...?

In my ears, the drums of celebration came. It seems that there is still no end to this kind of late night, and it continues to resound through the sky. but……

If you really want to say it, isn't this... an accident? !

Walnut hurriedly put down the tea cup in her hand, and quickly turned around and rushed to the back of the library. Her gaze was constantly looking for something on these shelves, and the worry in her eyes became more and more obvious!

The accident... is that the seal is not complete.

The kind of seal ceremonies being held right now are all useless huā whistles. It is impossible to become the driving force of the seal!

If it is said if. If it doesn’t take much time, that tarnished holy sword will once again accompany Dai Lao, who is already fully wary, to appear again.

It's really unimaginable!

Walnut's eyes swept across the books of the library, trying his best to search for the shadow of various books that might record the sword. However, it is a pity that the books in this library are basically photocopies of the books in the Royal Library, and some of them have been deleted before they can be placed here. There is no book that I need!

How to do? How to do?

Just thinking about it" Walnut felt a little anxious.

No one knows when Dai Lao's seal will be broken. I'm afraid that even the idiot doesn't know it. In this case, for the sake of the country and that big idiot, it is absolutely necessary for oneself to think about "what is the origin of that sword!"

Walnut strolled along the entire library, but she was disappointed in the end. Almost all the books on the shelves are cuts from the Royal Library. Although for ordinary citizens, "this collection of books is pretty good. But there is no key thing involved at all!"

Walnut was worried, she sat back in her seat, bit the end of the quill pen, and thought carefully on the blank paper. Then, relying on her impression, she drew the Vatican in Dai Lao's hand, stroke by stroke, on the paper.

The holy sword... appeared before my eyes.

Although the painting is not very good, there is no way to achieve it vividly, but it can still be seen by people. Walnut put down the quill, stared at the drawing carefully, and worked harder to search the memory in his mind, hoping to dig out some useful information from the depths of his mind.

Walnut thought, remembered...


A soft sound, but suddenly, pulled her back from thinking.

what sound?

Walnut turned his head and looked at the dark library behind him.

In the middle of the night like this... Could it be a mouse?

Walnut shook his head and started thinking again at the drawing paper in his hand. But just when she lowered her head...


The sound of the book landing was extremely clear, and it came from the darkness of the library.

"who is it!"

Walnut yelled, and the sound in the dark stopped immediately.

All around, there was darkness in this silence, and Walnut suddenly felt her heartbeat start to accelerate.

She swallowed, holding the piece of drawing paper in her hand, holding her toes, and walking towards the shadow little by little.

She walked very slowly.

Although under these red pupils, the night of the library is not so deep, but "it can't give her the slightest peace of mind.

Raising the guiding light in her hand, Walnut, when she came to a corner, she took a deep breath, calmed herself a little bit, and rushed out suddenly, raising the guiding light in her hand!

Nothing at all.

The library still maintains that indifference and silence.

Walnut swept again, and after confirming that there was nothing, she finally let out a sigh of relief and turned her head.

A pair of scarlet pupils" stood in front of her at this moment, "Woo! "


The huge monster didn't wait for Walnut to scream, and threw her to the ground! The next moment, the monster opened his mouth and bit Walnut's shoulder directly, dragging her directly into the dark depths!

Walnut only felt that his body was as light as confetti, and within a few moments, he was dragged by this dark monster and threw it to the corner with one bite. His back slammed into the wall hard, "I almost couldn't breathe.

However, Walnut has no time to cry. The moment she straightened up, the huge monster had already put the face on Walnut's nose. Dark flames emanating from the slightly parted lips, pounced on Walnut’s face, it made people feel as cold as an ice cave...

Walnut didn't dare to speak, she just stared blankly at the monster's eyes in front of her.

Fortunately, this monster didn't seem to want to eat walnuts. After quieting the walnuts, it slowly backed away, as if it were a warning.

As its footsteps gradually withdrew" Walnut's original beating heart gradually calmed down. She watched the monster gradually go away in anger, only feeling that the bones in her whole body had been crushed. I can't get up. Even the paper in her hand can't hold it, and it floats down from her palm.

Drawing on the paper of the Vatican, I turned two bodies in the air." Finally, the face turned up and fell in front of the monster. When the scarlet sinful pupils glanced at the Vatican on the paper...

In an instant, this monster's eyes changed! Its originally evil and powerful eyes became weak and cringe at this moment! Its dark body also seemed to have been impacted, and it began to fail to form a form.

Almost instantly" its body disintegrated, turning into black smoke and dissipating in the air. Then, a little golden squirrel fell from the air, snapped and fell to the ground.

The little squirrel got up, and she glanced at the Vatican again. Immediately afterwards, as if she had seen something terrifying, she directly pulled up a book bag next to her, opened her mouth to bite it, and immediately rushed! But maybe she was too excited. She didn't take very good steps in the first step. She slid her paws and fell to the floor again with a slap.

Seeing this little squirrel, Walnut was taken aback for a moment, but the next moment she reacted immediately, went up quickly, and grabbed the squirrel by its tail. The tail was caught, and the little squirrel called out.

It seems that it wants to resist. But Walnut could feel it, and the tail hair in his palm was standing upright, and it was still trembling extremely! The extreme fear made this little squirrel even use the strength to break free of the walnut.

In the darkness where ordinary people can't see their fingers, the two pairs of red pupils are looking at each other.

The vampire princess was panting, her hands tightly holding the little squirrel's tail. It seemed that I was afraid that as soon as I let go, I would break the only clue. And the little squirrel in her hands is also doing her best to adjust her breathing, don't let her hands and feet become weak because of the fear in her heart, and can leave this place as soon as possible.

"What the **** is going on? What does this sword mean?"

Walnut raised her head, glanced at the blade drawn on the paper, and said in a trembling voice.

The squirrel rolled his eyes, took off the headset from his head, and squeaked twice. But Walnut is the headset that grabbed it and put it on again. At the same time, she dragged the little squirrel directly next to her painting and said loudly, "Say! The sword that can make you demons so scared, is it really a holy sword made by humans? Just like that. Are you afraid of this sacred thing?!"

"Just kidding! How could our demons be afraid of this kind of thing? This is just kidding!"

The little squirrel finally called out. However, no matter how she emboldened herself, the fear in her heart still made Walnut see through her eyes. She glanced at the books in the bag carried by the squirrel, which were full of books about famous weapons in history. At the moment, Walnut stood up immediately. She grabbed the little squirrel and returned to her table in the moonlight, and took out the chart she had thrown into the wastebasket and spread it out.

"Then, tell me! Tell me what kind of colleague this sword is? Why did it appear as the Demon Sword in the "Biography of Airoville" about three hundred years ago, and almost two hundred years later, Will it become the Holy Sword of the Holy See again? Also, if you don't accompany An, then you will go to the library in the middle of the night to look up these materials. What is it for?"

The little squirrel said nothing. There was panic in her red eyes, it seemed that the fear was too big, so big that even the answer made her feel terrified.


Walnut lay flat, looked at the little squirrel, gritted his teeth, and said, "You also think this matter..."...Is it far from over? "

In the distance, the ritual drums of dongdongdong were still beating.

And the full moon in the sky is still the same, emitting a pure, dazzling light

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