Demon King Dad

Vol 6 Chapter 24: , Non-existent history

The hair of the little squirrel was upside down, and the man was very nervous. This little guy has never looked like a dog with a nose, and the black flames are constantly overflowing from her ears, mouth, and nose.

Walnut placed the picture in front of the little squirrel and shouted out again: "Say it!

what is the problem? You are so scared, there must be a reason, right? ! "

The little squirrel glanced at the drawings over there, and it seemed that something terrible was recalled in his mind. Seeing that this little thing still didn't respond, Walnut felt anxious, so she stretched out her hand to grab her tail...

"That is, a very terrible history."

The little squirrel hugged his tail and jumped back. Slowly said "terrible?"

"Well. This piece of history may have been out of touch with the world, and it is a history that shouldn't exist. But unfortunately, my sister and I have personally experienced the horror of this history.

Even after so long, it is still like a nightmare, entwining my sister and me. "

The squirrel exhaled and continued: "Princess of Blood, can you imagine how it would feel if one day you didn't exist in this world at all?"

Walnut was taken aback, and the moonlight outside fell on her hair, dyeing her blood-red hair silver-gray.

" mean...?"

"No, maybe it’s not quite right to say that there is no existence. What I really want to say is that although you exist, it is completely indistinguishable from nonexistence. At the same time, you have become very broken, and there will be no past. , Now, and the future sense of time difference. You don't even know where you are or where you should go. That kind of horror... I am afraid that no matter how many reincarnations I experience, I will never forget.

Walnut frowned. After thinking about it, she shook her head after all: "I don't quite understand. Tell me, what is going on with this sword? Is it a holy sword or something that is scary?"

The little squirrel raised his head, looked at the bright moon outside the window, slowly exhaled, and said: "It is a holy sword, and at the same time, it is also an ominous thing. Because the existence of this thing itself is extremely abnormal.

Because of its abnormality, it led to a series of terrifying things later on."

Squirrel's voice is terrifying, even though her voice is a kind of soft voice of a little girl after being adjusted by the microphone. But listening to it still makes people shudder.

Walnut swallowed. Drooling, silence. She held her hands tightly, a little scared, but she was looking forward to...

The little squirrel thought for a while, and after seeing Walnut's eyes eager for the truth, he couldn't help but said, "Princess of Blood, do you know the town of Grief Town?"

Walnut froze for a moment, and then began to search hard in his memory. After a moment, he shook his head.

"You don't know, of course. Because everything started in this small town."

After the squirrel let his breathing ease slightly, finally, his mind went back to the past and started talking.

"Actually, my sister and I left the seal more than five hundred years ago. Although my sister is lazy, she seems to be indifferent to everything. But in fact, in the lifting and imposing of the seal, she is in the The clan can still rank among the top few."

"Five hundred years ago our seal was lifted. After we woke up, the first thing I had to do was to avenge the three angels who sealed us at that time. At that time, we woke up in the town of Grief, but something happened. This incident left our sisters silent again.

My sister was so scared that I withdrew directly into the shell, and I was almost broken and nervous. "

"At that time, the town of Grief was still a very peaceful small village. The population was only a thousand people. Our sisters had just recovered, and I wanted to devour the hatred of the people here to restore some physical strength. But I was too unlucky. It was. The first person I met was someone who was absolutely untouchable."

"Three elves."

Walnut was taken aback, could not help but clenched his hands, pricked his ears, and listened carefully.

The little squirrel shook his head in a sigh of relief, and said, "I don’t know exactly whether that elf came from. But the only thing I know is that elf possesses extremely powerful power. Well, although for our demons, the first The human beings of the three levels can't be strong, but from the perspective of humans and ordinary elves, the elves are already very strong. And this kind of toughness is also my favorite feed."

"I originally thought it would be more difficult to swallow the hatred in this elf's heart. As far as I know, the spirit of the elf race is generally stronger. The long years and almost immortality make it difficult for them to really hate something. What I didn't expect was "I suddenly found a strong hatred in this elf's heart. "

"Unfortunately, I just lifted the seal at the time. I only know what he hates. I don't know what he hates. So, I thought it was very interesting, so after devouring a bit of his hatred, I decided to take a look. What will he do. Then, under my observation, this elf was calmed down in grief."

"Through a series of contacts, my sister and I secretly knew that this elf came to Grievous Town to find something. He lived there for a long time, and we waited for a long time. So after about twenty years, he has been None of them were found, and the hatred in my heart never disappeared.

But my sister and I were a little impatient at first, so we decided to find the three angels who sealed us for revenge. "

"We have been away for about fifty years. In these fifty years, we have gradually learned that the three angels of the year have also been killed. Now I am afraid that we are looking for a suitable opportunity to reincarnate. After all, the last holy war has ended, my sister and I I didn’t have a goal for a while, so I decided to go back to Grievance Town again. If nothing happened, I would go find other fun and wait for the next jihad to begin.”

"But when we came back, the whole town of Grief had completely changed."

"It's a feeling that is completely indescribable, a feeling that makes you feel like you are no longer you."

"Our sisters worked hard, and finally found the elf in the depths of Grief Town. At that time, the elf was forging a weapon. I don’t know where he found some pink The translucent crystals, mixed with the unique runes of their elves, created a crystal clear body, and you can almost see the opposite crystal sword."

"Is this sword what he has been looking for? My sister and I have been thinking this way.

At the same time, we also saw the elf's family. In the fifty years of our absence, he has successfully owned his family. "

"Originally, this wasn't an important thing to us. It doesn't matter who his family is. However, when we thought this harmonious family of elves would continue like this one day, the crystal sword was Finished."

"And the next day, I saw with my own eyes that the elf held the crystal sword in his hand and killed his wife and his daughter by himself."

Walnut couldn't help exclaiming. She seemed to be a little bit unbelievable about what the little squirrel was saying now! However, the expression of the squirrel was so rigorous that she didn't mean to be joking at all!


"Yes, killed. It was also at that time that I suddenly discovered that when his hands were stained with blood from his wife and daughter, the hatred in his heart also suddenly disappeared. Originally, this feeling was only caused by great enmity. In other words, this elf has actually hated his wife and daughter for a full seventy years since he arrived in the town of Grief."

Walnut was silent. For a while, she still could not accept this fact. But the little squirrel didn't care if she was silent for a while, and went on.

"Is this the end of the matter? No. After killing his wife and daughter, the elf began to wrap the crystal sword with a golden coat with great care. The appearance is what you later called "Vatican, the holy sword. But this does not mean that everything is over, on the contrary, it is the beginning of everything. "

"The elf killed his wife and daughter, and when he finished casting the Vatican, he suddenly died one day."

"This is far beyond the imagination of my sister and I. After all, in that small town at that time, there could be no stronger person than that elf. But when my sister saw that his dead soul was soulless,

After the walker took away, we rushed over. It was discovered that it was not someone else who killed him but his wife. "

Walnut opened her eyes and immediately shouted: "Hold on! Hold on! What is his wife? His wife...hasn't he already been killed?"

The little squirrel nodded and said calmly: "We were strange at first. But when we thought of her wife's race, we were relieved."

"His wife is not an ordinary human, but a mermaid. Since ancient times, mermaids have been known for their excellent beauty and super resilience. But at the same time, the danger of mermaids is also a nightmare for almost all men. They can. Let yourself be lurking next to your target for a long time, and you can even have children for the other party. Then, on the surface, you can also pretend to be a pitiful and weak posture that makes people absolutely undefended."

"This is the nature of mermaids and their instincts. Relying on their excellent recovery ability, they can approach you by pretending that you will never think of maliciousness. I wonder if the elf realized that his wife actually wanted It's important for you to decide to act first?

As a result, she was not able to kill her fundamentally, which led to a counterattack? "

"The mermaid squatted in front of the townspeople and ate the remains of her daughter and husband.

Then she picked up the Vatican. I can't remember the things after that. "

The little squirrel lowered his head, looking a little depressed. But such an [Answer] case can't satisfy Walnut at all! After hearing the mermaid's message, her eyes widened, and she grabbed the little squirrel's tail abruptly, and said loudly, "I don't know? Well, what happened? What happened? What happened? ?!"

"The latter...I don't know. I really don't know."

The little squirrel pushed away Walnut's hand holding his tail, looking very uncomfortable. She hugged her tail timidly and covered half of her face with the fluff on the tail.

"I just feel that I seem to have suffered some very bad things. I feel that my soul is even tortured. I don't know what happened, but the only thing I know is that it is very painful, very uncomfortable. It feels a hundred times more painful than death, and tens of thousands of times worse than being sealed. After thinking about it, I still feel that if I was completely destroyed at that time, maybe it would be better."

Holding the tail, the squirrel shook his head slightly. It was not until a long time later that she breathed out again and said, "Just when I felt the most uncomfortable, I suddenly felt a warm feeling enveloping me. Surrounded by this warm feeling, I fell asleep. Wait. I opened my eyes again,

When I could see the surroundings clearly, I was reborn as a squirrel. Well, although I fought in the form of a squirrel in the last battle of the last era, maybe Soulwalker thought I was more suitable for this image. Later, I found my sister, her condition was worse,

Was directly sealed in a walnut. No matter how I call it, my sister’s seal cannot be lifted. "It looks like my sister has imposed a seal on herself, so let’s escape the disaster."

"So, I buried my sister in a secret place and started to travel and practice by myself. After inquiring about the time, I realized that more than a hundred years have passed since I was killed in that town. Although the time has passed If you ask anyone, no one knows exactly where the town of Grief is. I also tried to go back to that place to see." But after I arrived, it was already a bustling city. I asked for a hundred years. In the previous situation, people said that the city stood there as early as 170 years ago. There is no grief at all. "

"I can’t find evidence of my death, nor can I find a town. I don’t even know how I died or what happened at that time. However, I can clearly understand the feeling, the kind A piercing sense of horror. Therefore, when I saw the sword in the hands of the blood king again, I was really scared to move and I didn't know what to do."

After asking for a long time, apart from asking that the sword came from a certain elf's hand, he still didn't know anything.

Walnut sighed and shook her head in disappointment. But what is the solution?

Although I didn’t see the Battle of the Seal at the time, I heard that with that sword, Dai Lao could challenge Tolan’s "Mili, Le, this little squirrel, Quilin" with the help of that sword. The small bread that broke out suddenly can still be defeated one by one. "The power given by the sword must be unexpectedly large.

Walnut rubbed his temples, thinking. But suddenly, she seemed to think of a little, and immediately said, "That's right! Actually, I don't have to worry about the sword at all! Now that sword is sealed in the moon with Dai Lao? As long as there is The method can maintain the seal, isn’t it enough? Little guy, do you and your sister have any suitable sealing method?"

The little squirrel frowned, she let go of her hand, and let her tail rise behind her.

Said, "This is not without it. One hundred children's blood sacrifices, blood princess, do you agree?"

The corner of Walnut's mouth twitched, and after being embarrassed for a while, he said, "Is it okay to use 10,000 pigs instead?"

"...Blood princess, I'm joking, are you serious? The engraving of the moon belongs to the big seal formation. If it is not completed, it may break at any time. If it can be filled afterwards, then what is it? Great Seal Array?"

Squirrel opened his own books and flipped through a few pages. Close it and throw it aside.

"Since the blood princess knows so little about the sword, I don’t have to read these books. By the way, the blood princess. I heard that your father was in the era when you were raised by Feng Chuansha. Is it a mermaid?"

Walnut was confused, but after hearing the words of Squirrel, she gave a sharp slap and raised her head: "You...what do you want to say...say?"

The little squirrel jumped off the table, wagged his tail, and said, "I don't want to say anything. It's just that I am surprised that your father was not completely attracted by that mermaid. After all, this race pretends to be innocent, innocent, and in the eyes of men. The ideal women's kung fu is first-class. I have also said before that in order to achieve their goals, they can lie beside the target for decades, even if it is to raise children for the target. Well, but Those so-called daughters are not real daughters, they are purely an illusion created by some power. Since your father is not attracted, then the mermaid must have already left, looking for other goals."

Patting his paws, the squirrel said to Walnut, he sighed and left. I didn't find the 〖answer〗 I wanted, and didn't make myself feel at ease, making this little squirrel a little anxious. Now, she just wanted to hurry back to her dark hair, and sleep comfortably on top of the sunny girl's head to get rid of the fear in her heart.


Walnut's face at the moment was "..................

, "Lao Mou, we, honeymoon, go?"

On this day, Deviation came to the grove. She still smiled with that slightly dull smile, surrounded by daughters who resembled her.

Smiling, facing the idiot of Wu Jian who was sitting on the grass.

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