Demon King Dad

Vol 6 Chapter 26: ,where are you?

"The town of mourning is stripped, and town of mourning is here. Passengers who get off the bus, please take your belongings with you and get off the bus one by one."

The idiot raised his head and glanced at the broadcast, seeing a harsh sound from the old radio.

He raised his head and scanned the slightly worn carriage.

There were almost no people on the train. A few stops ago, the people in the car had already left one after another. Looking at the entire carriage, there are no other passengers except the idiot group.

, "Dad nnn!"

Xiao Ajiu, who has the same hair color as the idiot, seems to really like her father. She threw herself into the idiot's arms, grabbed the clothes on his chest, and kept pulling away.

Seeing this scene, the little bread on the side pouted and hummed and turned his head. I muttered in my heart (what's the matter, I used to lie on Ba Ba's chest. This is nothing at all. Bread, you should let my sister.)

Bread took his luggage from the shelf and began to walk down. Tolan and Mili from behind also offered to salute, and got out of the car together.

In the melodious whistle, the idiot followed Tolan and Mili with their nine daughters and got out of the car. Standing on the platform, looking at this slightly dilapidated town in front of him, the idiot was silent for a while, then turned his head and looked at the deviation beside him.

, "Take me here, what do you do."

Deviation did not answer.

She just carried her travel bag and walked slowly to the edge of the platform.

At this moment, the siren of the train roared, and the sound of the roaring magical train started to stir up a round of wind pressure, which blew off her deviant hair. She gently covered her long silver hair, which was slightly more visible. The sluggish vision also looked at the village not far away. A little nostalgic color appeared on his face...

"Home, no, change..."

A soft voice, exhaled from her mouth.

, "Fifty, years, now. Here" change, no,


The idiot took Xiao Ajiu and Xiao Aba with both hands and also walked over. He glanced at the expression full of nostalgia and affection at the moment, and then took a step forward.

"Let's go."


The platform was small, and soon a group of people walked out. Slowly moving along the hillside down the mountain, it didn't take a while before he came to this small town called Sadness Town.

Here, it is really a very peaceful village.

The old people in the village sit leisurely on the rattan chairs at the door, basking in the sun and chatting with each other. The children chase, fight, and play on that dirt road. The women have towels on their heads, and they don’t hold them in their arms. Holding the eggs is holding the vegetables just picked from the field, visiting relatives and friends, showing a peaceful atmosphere.

"Wow nnnn!"

There was a pungent smell in the air. Bread's nose caught it immediately, raised his head and smelled it. After that, she rushed to a shop over there like a puppy out of control, putting her hands on the spice basket over there, "saliva was about to drain."

"Wow nnnnnnnn"

Looking at the red hot chili peppers, the look in Bread's eyes was like that of the virgin who had been hungry for too long and suddenly saw a naked beauty in front of him. The drool at the corner of her mouth can no longer stop, it is about to turn into a waterfall!

"Bab Bab Baba!!!"

Bread pointed at these super cute peppers, turned his head and yelled at the idiot.

In this regard, the idiot turned his head away and pretended that he hadn't seen anything. He walked forward obediently" and looked at this girl who was already the same height as herself.

"Hmm, eat?"

Deviated asked, Bread nodded without hesitation, there was no such thing as reserved.

He nodded obediently, turned around and bought some peppers from the shopkeeper "handed it over to the bread. The bread eagerly took it, took out one of the peppers and immediately stuffed it into his mouth" and started chewing. As the red saliva overflowed from the corner of his mouth, the idiot's eyebrows naturally rose again.

"Woo...? Sister, it's delicious"? "

Seeing the bread with relish, the nine little girls were also a bit slanderous, and gathered next to the bread. And the bread is not a very stingy person. Seeing that these little girls like the peppers in their arms so much," he happily took out nine and gave each of these little girls one.

"One breath" chew the whole thing in the mouth"

While holding a card, the bread took out a pepper and threw it directly into his mouth.

Poor little mermaids don't know. They only saw the bread eating happily, so naturally they were very naive to put these peppers in their mouths and chew them.

"Woo...Mom! Mom...!"

"Dad...An cough...Dad"...uuuu..."

Nine crying little girls, just covering their mouths, ran to the idiot and deviated side, crying in pain.

Liliant comforted his daughter, kissed each of them, and bought some water to wash their mouths. She turned her head and saw that the idiot didn't have any action to comfort her daughter at all, she couldn't help but complain a little bit, and said, "Husband, gather, they, mouths. Comfort, comfort."

The idiot glanced deviatedly and lowered his head. I saw the four little mermaids around each open their mouths, crying while waiting for an idiot kiss. In response, the idiot shook his head and said, "You can only grow up if you suffer a loss. It is a good thing to let them know that you can't just ask people for food in the future."


Bread angrily raised the sign in his hand and yelled "What does Ba Ba mean?" Do you mean I killed my sisters? It is obvious that chili is so delicious, I just want my sisters to experience this kind of deliciousness together! 》

The idiot ignored the girl. He turned his head, and said to Mili and Tolan who were dragging their salutes behind him: "Go and find out if there is any place to stay."

After Mili and Tolan replied "Yes" in unison, they turned around, took their luggage, disappeared to the corner on the other side of the town, and went looking for the hotel.

He held his two daughters with his deviated hands, and continued to walk in this small town lightly. After walking for a while, she suddenly seemed to remember something, and said to the idiot beside her: "Husband, we" buy things, okay? I know where the market is. "

Since today is accompanied by deviant, the idiot won't say much anymore. He just looked at the little girls around who were covering their mouths and jumping up and down, and nodded. And the bread has long been silent when he heard the bazaar. "Holding the chili in his arms, he kept stuffing it into his mouth, and his emerald green eyes became star-shaped.

Continue walking along the avenue for a while, and the flow of people around will increase. There are various hawkers everywhere on both sides of the street, some selling snacks, and some selling odds and ends. Although the market does not look big, it is also lively, with the feeling that it can make people go shopping all day without getting bored.

"Wow nnnn!"

Seeing the excitement in front of me, the bread seemed to be uncontrollable, so he pulled his legs into the crowd. Seeing this scene, the look on the idiot's face changed. "I immediately started to stop. But the crowd in front of me was too crowded. With the flat figure of bread, it was almost a blink of an eye, and the girl got in. I can't see it in the crowd.

"Bread? Bread!"

There are many people around.

The idiot tried to separate the people around him, trying to find the playful and greedy bread.

But no matter how he went in and searched," he still couldn't see the figure of that little girl.

Where did she... go?

Didn’t she tell her that as a sewer rat, she must not go to crowded places?

Where... Where is it? !

Bread...Where did you go? !

The idiot shouted the name of Bread, hoping to call the little girl back. But no matter how he called, the bread in the crowd still didn't feel like it came back. Just when the idiots separated the crowd and continued to squeeze inside...

"Husband! Husband!"

The idiot was taken aback, stopped and turned his head. At this moment, he suddenly discovered that the nine little girls who had been following him were nowhere to be seen. And the deviance over there squeezed over in a panic expression. At the same time, he said very anxiously, "Husband! Daughters... Daughters! Daughters!"

What exactly is going on?

After the bread, why are even the little mermaids lost?

The idiot gritted his teeth, trying to get to the deviated side over there. However, when he stretched out his hand, he was about to touch the deviated finger over there...

suddenly! The crowd that rolled up for a while will completely bury the deviant figure! All of a sudden" disappeared into the crowd.

"My husband! My husband! My husband!"

The shouting faded away.

It seems" was taken to a very remote place.

The idiot looked at his hand that was about to touch the deviation, and slowly retracted it. After looking at my palm for about a minute, my heart thumped, and there was an uneasy tremor.

At the moment when this tremor stimulated the idiot's mind, he suddenly raised his head, only to discover something that made his pupils dilate instantly.

The crowds that were originally coming and going around stopped at this moment.

Everyone, whether it is an adult, a child, a man, or a woman, looks at an idiot.

After seeing these people's gaze, the idiot didn't hesitate, and the dimming of his right hand immediately came out! However, he is fast, and the people around him are also fast. Before Xia Lan's storm was completely rolled up, countless sharp blades and knives were in the hands of these people...

Deeply pierced into the body of the idiot.

In an instant, blood stained the sky of this small town...


Bread yawned, and slowly opened his eyes.

She leaned against the glass window and looked out of the magic train.

Outside the window, thunder bursts.

There are so many dark clouds in the sky, it seems that it will rain soon.

"Woo... Baba?"

Bread stretched." Rubbing her slightly wistful eyes, she turned her head. However, when she looked back, everything that happened in front of her made her yawn suddenly stopped.

The carriage...dilapidated.

It's not generally shabby, but very shabby.

Compared with when I got in the car, the level of dilapidation here can be described as scrap iron. The collapsed shelf, only iron seats were left, and there were holes everywhere on the floor.

What's wrong? Why did this train become so broken after I woke up?

Bread's lazy pupils began to converge at this moment. She looked at this carriage and slowly got off the seat.


There was a cry, and the dry sound passed through the corridor of this dilapidated train, hitting an echo in the distance.

No one.

Not only was his babble gone, but Tolan, Mili, Lili, and the nine sisters, and all the passengers here, were also gone now.

Where did they go?


Is it yourself, where did you come?

Bread raised his head and looked at the shelf above his head. The luggage was still there. Seeing this, she fiddled with her luggage, and after a glance at the rest, she carried her backpack and fumbled towards the train exit.

Soon, she came out of the train. "Looking at the rags, she hesitated, but still jumped down.


In the sky, the sound of interlocking thunder and lightning echoed.

Dark clouds have blocked the entire sky and shrouded the entire world in darkness.

Bread looked at the platform and looked at the overgrown weeds, even a platform that could no longer be called a platform. She turned and glanced at the extremely broken train she was riding, took a deep breath, and then began to look into the distance.

There, there is a small town.

A small town that seems to have no people.

This lonely town stands just like that in the embrace of the mountains, silently bearing the dark clouds in the sky and being shrouded by them.

The bread tightened the belt of the backpack in his hand. After thinking about it, she raised her hand and two mud giants floated from the ground and stood beside her. After getting this layer of protection, Bread took a breath and walked slowly towards the small town over there.

The mountain road is steep.

Maybe there was a road here, but that must have happened a long time ago.

Bread grabbed the mud giant beside him and moved forward little by little. Going around many corners and came to the front of the small town.

"Sorrowful Town"

A gray sign hangs above the entrance to the town. Those three characters are now rusty, and you can't even see them if you don't read them carefully.

Bread glanced at this sign, then looked at the town before him. After thinking for a while, he finally stopped hesitating, and stepped in...

The town is desolate.

Desolate and terrible.

There was no sound in the air, and the houses on both sides of the street were all dilapidated and seemed to be crumbling.

A gust of wind blows, and the dust that has rolled up the ground sweeps across the bread, messing up her hair and blowing up her skirt.

where is this place?

Why did you come here?

The bread held his chest and walked forward step by step. The mud giants on the other side also maintained their loyalty and guarded their mistress.

In the sky, the muffled thunder sounded more and more frequently, and the sultry feeling in the air gradually increased.

Looking at the desolate color in front of him, the bread pinched the edge of his skirt and closed his eyes...

Calm...Be calm.

How many times has Ba Ba taught himself? Always keep calm when encountering things. No matter how absurd what happens before your eyes, there must be a reason. Don't be afraid, don't be afraid. Use your heart to find out where you are, and find ways to calm yourself down. Yes, calm down.


Take a long breath, bread, and open his eyes again.

At this moment, her emerald-colored pupils no longer had the panic.

The focal length in the pupil has also been dispersed.

Her expression became cold, and for a while, it seemed that any psychological factors such as fear and surprise disappeared from the girl's face. Only the purest reason is left, encouraging her to take the next step...

All around, it's still so quiet"...

Quietly, I could only hear the whistling wind in the air.

The sky covered by dark clouds turned the world completely into night. But the rain still did not fall.

The dull thunder surging in the air. But he was reluctant to show a little flash to tear through the darkness.

The footsteps of bread, step by step.

Only the mud giants on both sides accompanied her, those slow, heavy footsteps jingle bells... bells?

Where is Jingling? Where did the ringtone come from?

Bread raised his head, and his emerald pupils quickly searched for any movement around him! And soon, her eyes caught something.


A red butterfly, which seemed to be just composed of some lines, slowly flew out from the street over there and landed on the ground. Then, a young girl with her back to the bread appeared in the position of the red flame butterfly. And that silver-white hair, snow-white skin...


The figure of the young girl Jinglingling appeared, and soon disappeared again. Accompanied by the ringing of the bell, the flame butterfly dancing in the dark also fluttered again and flew to the other side of the street. The bread didn't dare to neglect, and immediately followed closely and chased him up!

Turned a turn...the butterfly disappeared.

Even the sound of bells that had been echoing in my ears just now disappeared completely.

Bread looked around and found that it seemed to be a market. But when her gaze fell on the ground, something placed on the ground in front of her attracted her attention.

Human bones.

It was not that Bread had never seen a dead person, and she was not afraid of this skeleton.

She walked over, trying to take a closer look at the skeleton. However, when her eyes saw the bones of the right arm, something that shocked her heart and lost the focus of her eyes instantly condensed into her eyes!

There are injuries on the bones of Mou.

Surrounded by circles, as if being cut by an iron saw, the injuries caused!

Bread knelt down in surprise and picked up this arm bone. However, she still made a mistake after all.

Confusion is paralyzed.

While she was looking at this arm bone, did she also pay attention to her behind?

Behind him, a woman with long silver hair, who did not know when, had already stood there...


A wicked smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

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