Demon King Dad

Vol 6 Chapter 27: , Alive? Still dead?

Blood, as if fleeing, poured out from the body.

The idiot gritted his teeth, and Xia Zhijia also broke out at this moment.

The bodies of the townspeople around were shattered like fragments. Beyond this gap, the idiot tried to resist the pain and rushed out of the crowd.

what happened?

Could it be... the assassination of the key organization?

But this is impossible! I was very careful along the way, and besides a few of my cronies, who else would know about this trip? What's more, even oneself doesn't even know that the final destination is here. Why can the enemy detect this?



Holding the wounds on his body, the name popped out of the idiot's mind.

He gritted his teeth and did not directly deny the possibility. Because anyway,

Now, this is the most likely guess.

After crossing a few streets, the idiot hid in a corner. The blood on his body made his steps gradually heavier, he went into an alley, and let himself rest for a while. At the same time, raise your right hand.

(Dark out, heal me.)

Idiots need recovery and physical strength. However, when he said that (treat you? Human kid, what's wrong with you? Haha, did you suffer from hemorrhoids after sitting for too long?)

(I don’t have time to joke right now. Heal me quickly!)

Dim Mie was smiling originally, but under the idiot's strong tone" its laughter stopped abruptly. In his mind, the blood-red pupil seemed to be closed. After thinking for a while, this The eyes opened again, and the voice said solemnly (Human kid, you said to heal you? But are you hurt?)

The idiot was taken aback, and immediately lowered his head to look at his body. There is no need to count carefully, there are as many as a dozen wounds on his body, and blood is dripping from every opening, which is consuming his vitality! Such an obvious injury. "Can't see the dark?

(Are you sure? You really "can't see the wound on my body? So... what about the... attack?)

Excessive blood loss makes it difficult for idiots to speak. But now he must ask about it.

(Assault? What assault? Just now you suddenly rushed out of the crowd and ran to this place. How could there be any assault???)


The idiot lowered his head, breathed, and started to become heavy. Dim Mie also seemed to notice that the idiot's condition was a bit strange, and the red pupil on his right arm also began to look anxious. The iron chains that "did off at the moment" clasped the idiot's right arm more tightly.

(Human kid, don't worry. With me, I promise you won't die! I will pour the devil blood into your body now. Hold on!)

The blood of the devil spewed out from the tips of the barbs of those iron chains and poured directly into the idiot's [body]. Annihilation instilled very hard, almost spared no effort! but……

Demon blood...Is it poured into the idiot's body?

The idiot looked at his right hand. He could not feel the power entering at all. With the blood flowing from the wound, the lack of physical strength became more and more obvious.


The idiot spread his left hand covering his chest and looked at the blood in his palm.

Damn knowing that these feelings are hallucinations. But why can it be so 〖true〗?

Why do I really feel that I am about to bleed to death?

The idiot gritted his teeth, squeezed his left hand, and gave his chest a hard blow. Accompanied by the splash of blood, he used the pain to recover his sanity a bit, and then "slowly stood up.

leave here……

No matter if this is an illusion or something else, the first priority now is to get out of here!


Find the face...,...

Then, leave immediately...

Hurry up... leave!

With a slight sound, Dimming has been out of her sheath. The idiot endured his increasingly sleepy spirit and carefully probed out of the hiding place. After confirming that there were no people around, he immediately rushed out from the hiding place, gritted his teeth and "leaped to the roof."

Bread...Where is the bread?

One eye has been closed due to fatigue.

The idiot tried to open his other eye and looked around. What's bad is that there are crowds of people everywhere, and the townspeople continue their daily lives as if nothing happened.

Where...the shadow of bread?

She hid?

The idiot continued to scan the surroundings, and it was impossible to see the surrounding situation with just one eye. Could it be that things have really reached the point of irreversibility?

Jingle Bell……

The crisp and sweet ringtone rang at this moment.

This is obviously just a soft sound, but it can penetrate this noisy town and directly enter the mind of an idiot.

His spirit was shaken, and he immediately looked in the direction of the sound. But what you can see is...


A butterfly, which seemed to be covered by fire lines, flapped gently on the window of the building in front. Then, the butterfly disappeared into the window of that building as if it were invisible.

"Time" has no room for idiots to think about how much. The wound on the body is so deep, the body is like being filled with lead, and it is difficult to move.

After gritting his teeth, the idiot didn't care whether the flame butterfly that appeared in front of him was an illusion or a trap, anyway, if he stayed still, then only bleeding to death was waiting for him! Now, I don’t allow myself to think anymore!

With a sword propped up, the idiot panted heavily, and walked towards the window step by step.


He slapped his hand on the window.

A **** handprint was also printed on it.

The idiot violently violently violent his head, raised the sword in his hand, smashed the window with a sword, and jumped directly in!


Where is that flame butterfly...?

There was no one in the room.

However, just when the idiot felt that his body was about to be unsupported, he caught a glimpse of something out of the corner of his eye.

It was a dilapidated medicine box, just like that on the table in this simple room.

The idiot didn't care about other things, and immediately stepped forward to open the medicine box and took out the hemostatic bandage, no matter whether it was useful or not, he immediately applied hemostatic ointment and wrapped it around his body. After waiting a few times in such a mess, he took out the painkillers from the medicine box and swallowed nearly half a bottle.

"Whirring whirring……"

The numbness in the body began to disappear gradually.

The idiot sat on a dirty bed in the corner of the room, panting violently.

As the feeling of powerlessness gradually disappeared, pain began to occupy one's brain again. These pains can be fatal to ordinary people. But for an idiot, it has not yet reached his critical point.

Rest... gasp... breathe back.

The blood on the body gradually stopped. At least for a short time, don’t worry about dying from excessive blood loss.

But my body now feels so tired and painful. If this is really hallucinations, when did I get these hallucinations?


Breathe, finally mix thoroughly.

The idiot opened his eyes and began to observe the room carefully.

At this moment, he noticed that it didn't look like a residential house, but a ward of a clinic. In this case, even if you find medical supplies here, there should be nothing to care about.

Jingle Bell…………


This voice came from that door.

In this dark room, where all sounds were isolated, this soft ringing sound seemed so harsh.

The idiot looked at the door," exhaled, raised Dim Mie in his hand, and walked forward slowly.

With a patter of footsteps, he gradually approached.

The jingle bell is getting louder and louder.

The idiot's left hand gradually rested on the doorknob, and his right hand was pinching Dim Mi, ready to meet any enemy at any time. After taking a breath...

He gently opened the door.

"Ah nnn ah nnn green grass appears nnn white clouds nnn"

"Fairy nnn of Mingyue nn"


When the idiot heard it at first sight, the singing sound matched the sound of the bell. But after pushing open the door, what appeared in front of him was not a singing girl, but a room that looked even dirtier.

"Yoyo yo nnn hoo yo nnn"

"Qimei nnn of the bird Wu nnn"

This room is about ten square meters in size, and in the corner of the room is a writing desk that is almost decayed." On the other side of the corner, there is a chair. On the other side, there is a chair. "Wreck" doll.

However, it is the floor of the room that the idiot cares more about.

On the ground, a large black stain spread from the middle to the surroundings. These stains are so thick that even the walls of the surrounding rooms are stained with these black spots. In comparison, the girl's voice echoing in this room at this moment is so uncoordinated.

"Nnn is nothing more about playing nnn"

"The Fairy of Golden Apple nnn"

"Who are you, what do you want to bring me here."

"Ah nnn ah nnn"


"Ah, nnnnn, nn~nnnn"

The singing gradually ceased.

The idiot squeezed the dark jujube in his hand, "trying to maintain a high level of nervousness. After waiting for a while to make sure that the singing really disappeared" and there was no more sound, he finally started investigating the room and walked over there. In front of the desk.

(My love, if you lose you, what is the meaning of this world.)

There is a small note on the desk. The handwriting on it is beautiful, but it is written in words that an idiot cannot understand. But it doesn't matter, the Dim Mie in his mind is directly reading the words on paper.

(Heh, it seems to be an affectionate elf.

By the way, by the way, isn't your wife a half-elf? )

The idiot thought about it, then he reached out his hand to pick up the note, looked left and right and then "stuck it into his arms. Then, he came to the wrecked doll on the chair over there. The clothes on this doll were completely torn , The hair is almost corroded. Although the idiot has seen a lot of human bones, the remains of the doll still give him some bad feelings.

He stretched out his hand, ready to pet the doll.

But, just when his finger was about to touch the doll.

A pair of hands clasped the idiot's shoulder unconsciously. No matter how fast the idiot's reaction, the speed of drawing the sword back and stabbing it in a timely manner, it will not be faster than the speed of the soft lips.

A kiss.

Silver long Lou, silver pupils. That slightly dull smile. What is in front of you, is deviance?

The deviance in front of me" laughed. Then, without waiting for the idiot to ask. Her mouth opened again, and this time...

But it was tight, biting the idiot's throat.


Idiot, heard the cracking sound of his throat bone, "!!!"

Bread turned his head, the flames in his hands and the stone giants on both sides were ready to go!

But no one.

Behind him was empty, except for the dark sky and the little chain that was almost overwhelmed, no one had any illusions.

Bread's eyes patrolled in front of him. After a while, the pupils of her eyes also slowly expanded, returning to the state without focus. She slowly turned her head back, wanting to study those bones again...


The bones are gone.

Lifting his head, there were no shadows of bones around. Could it be that someone surpassed himself at the moment when he turned his head and cleaned up these bones?

……………………Do not.


Bread absolutely does not believe that anyone in this world can completely clean up the scattered bones on the ground in such a short time. Since this is impossible, what does the disappearance of the bones mean?

Thoughts" began to stir.

Bread slowly stood up, and emerald pupils began to look around.

In that emerald green, the dilapidated houses around, the collapsed street lamps, and the bricks and tiles scattered on the ground are all embedded in her eyes. At the same time, all of this also made her start to form fragments in her mind, and let her organize these fragments one by one.

Now, these fragments cannot form a complete clue. But the thinking and calmness inherited from his father convinced Bread that he would never let himself be lost in a predicament like the previous Forgotten Town incident!


With a flick of his hand, the flame in his palm disappeared. Bread took a step and continued to move along the market. It's impossible to get anything just by standing here, only by walking forward can you get the answer you want.

The dilapidated town stretched back from both sides of the bread, and the sky in the sky had become increasingly dark. The more you go, the less and less you can see. Finally, with a loud bang, the one that had been hanging for too long finally fell down at this moment.


And the water is not big.

It's pattering, intermittent, and it seems a bit uncomfortable, but it is so cold and biting.

Bread stretched out her left hand" into a fist. A whirlwind swirled from her fist and formed an umbrella shape on top of her head. After that, with a flick of her right hand finger, two **** of fire formed beside her. , Surrounded, illuminating her way forward.


…Wow, la la la uh...,

In the quiet town, there is only the sound of water, along with the sound of bread's footsteps.

Patters, steps on the pond, making a sound like glass breaking.

I don't know how long it has been, a crossroad appeared in front of the bread. She stood at the center of the cross heel, looking at the three roads on the left, right and in front, and couldn’t help but stopped.


Jingle Bell"?"

The crisp bell rang again, and the bread immediately raised his head and looked in the direction of the bell.

Sure enough, there was a flame butterfly flying on the road on the left! Bread turned around without hesitation and took a step towards the road on the left!

The flame butterfly turned into two halves, and then went out in the water.


Immediately afterwards, there was a rush of footsteps, rushing toward the bread like a thunder!

The bread immediately threw away the whirlwind in his hand, and the strongest golden defense was condensed in his palm. The mud giants on both sides also stood in front of the bread, ready to go!


The other party...coming.

The golden shield in the palm of the palm has been condensed, and the pair of pupils without focal length also represents the girl's best preparation state! The next moment a male elf, holding a crystal sword, gushed out of the darkness. He rushed in front of her at a speed absolutely beyond bread's understanding.


The golden shield was propped up, and the sky full of rain was immediately blocked!

But when the pink crystal sword pierced out of the male elf's hand, the golden shield that was supposed to be invincible shattered in an instant! Not only the shield, but even the two mud giants on both sides were pierced and shattered by the golden shield!

Bread was startled, and saw that the familiar crystal sword pierced her chest like this, coming in and out. With the splash of blood, her life seems to be confessed here...

The body that has lost its strength is gradually falling down in this rain.

Bread's mind was blank, surprise, trembling, and dying fear instantly filled her mind.

She watched her body sink little by little, staggering little by little to the dark ground beneath her feet. A little bit, a little bit...


Hands, supporting the ground.

Bread closed his eyes, pressed his frantic heart with one hand, and gasped.

She made her breathing steady, and at the same time, her thoughts were steady.

No matter what, no matter any time, any place. Even in the last second before dying, I should remain calm...

Isn't it?

Mou la la la la uh...,


The surroundings are still below.

The bread supported the body that was about to fall to the ground, and slowly stood up again.

She breathed smoothly, and there was no sluggishness in the movement of her body. She didn't seem to care at all about the blood hole pierced in her chest, and she didn't care at all about her punctured and trembling heart inside, looking forward.

No elves, no swords.

And the only one still in the water...

Only the flame butterfly, still flapping its wings, was flying up and down there.

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