Demon King Dad

Vol 6 Chapter 29: , Counterattack

The deviated fingers gradually slid across the idiot's chin, throat, and finally reached the idiot's chest.

The slender fingers slid gently, drawing a circle on the idiot's chest. With her right hand, the crystal sword was still pressing on Dim Mie, making it impossible for the idiot to play it manually.

"My good husband, I really like you. Over this period of time, you have really suffered a lot of grievances with me. But these are things that can’t be helped, because I’m a mermaid. It’s the mermaid who is in the sea, who confuses the sailors on the passing ships and drags them into the abyss of the deep sea nnn"

The idiot stared at the familiar, but very strange face at the moment. He wanted to speak, but the pain in his throat made him unable to speak at all. Seeing this scene, Deviance gave a very soft smile, turned around and leaned his back against the idiot's chest. She raised her hand, which in turn hooked the idiot's neck.

"I know, you must have a lot of confusion in your heart? So, as your wife, it is only natural for me to share the troubles for my husband. Then I don't mind answering a few of your questions."

, "Ga...crack...!"

"Oh, I almost forgot, your physical sensation and speaking ability have been captured by me. Um... let me think about "... Leaning against the idiot's chest very meekly, her silver-gray pupils are slightly After turning around, he smiled and said: "I see. You must be very concerned about the safety of your pink-haired daughter? Husband, you are too much." She is obviously just your adopted daughter, but you care about her so much. Where are our nine daughters? Why don't you care at all? "

The pupils of the idiot slowly widened, because from the floor, the sky and the walls, nine small figures began to appear! Gradually, these figures formed the nine little mermaids. They giggled and began to gather, holding the idiot's hand and yelling.

"Dad, daddy nnn"

"Dad, let's play nnn"

"I like daddy the best nnn"

"I like it the most! I want to be with my dad forever, and I will marry my dad in the future and serve my dad with my mom!" The tender voice sounded so harsh at the moment. The idiot glanced at these smiling faces like huā, as if after the little mermaid who had not changed in any way, he still lowered his head and looked at the deviation in his arms.

, "Hehehe, husband, you are really cruel, nnn, but it doesn't matter. Your pink-haired daughter is fine now.

Although it is difficult to deal with her" She seems to be very special, I still can't completely control her.

But well... it's just a matter of time. "

She gave a deviant laugh, and finally, her eyes turned back to the darkness again. After carefully observing the sword of darkness, she put out her tongue and licked her lips lightly, revealing a weird smile.

"It's been too long. It feels so long. But now everything is over. Soon, I will be able to fulfill my father's wish."

Trapped here, the idiot can't move at all. He fixed his eyes on Deviance, that is, at this moment, when his attention of Deviance was slightly relaxed, the chain on Dim Mie immediately lifted and plunged directly into his arm. Along with the intrusion of the chains, the idiot's right arm suddenly turned into the hand of the devil, and the immense power made him suddenly lift the Dark Devil" with a sword to deviate!

The deviated pupils instantly expanded, but at the moment of the moment, her footsteps moved one step backwards very strangely. Just avoiding the idiot's sword, he jumped out of his attack range.

, "Oh, my husband is really dangerous. He would kill his wife like this at every turn? Looking at you now, looking at you like this"

The smile on the deviated face" gradually disappeared. Instead, there was a very cruel resentment.

"Looking at you like this reminds me of the scene that day. The husband swung the sword at his wife without warning. The fifty-year period was almost like fifty seconds. precious."

The idiot held the sword in both hands, and the loss of blood made him unable to enter the second prison state, but he still stared at the deviation in front, ready to attack.

...Huh, humble garbage man. I will kill you, just like all mermaids killed humans before. However, I will play with you more cruelly. Let you know how humble you are in front of me. "

"And my anger and hatred will gradually burn your body and boil your blood" so that you will be filled with pain and suffering forever and ever! "

After all, the state of the first prison could not be maintained for a long time, but the idiot's footsteps had already stepped forward. The Dark Sword carried the Six Swords at the beginning, and had already pierced the deviation over there!

The sword hit... but it didn't feel like a stabbing.

In front of him, the deviant face with his **** pierced was filled with endless resentment, a little bit, disappearing from the eyes of an idiot...

She disappeared.

The nine little mermaids around also gradually disappeared.

The idiot held the sword and watched the mermaids go away one by one. At this time, I was finally able to breathe a sigh of relief...



The idiot was startled, and immediately turned his head, the sword in his hand was also raised high, ready to stab!

However, what appeared before his eyes was one of the nine little mermaids. She was different from the other little mermaids who had disappeared. There was no smile in her eyes looking at the idiot, but... there was a little fear.


"Woo... chicken..."

Silver-white hair and the same hair color as Deviant are among the nine daughters, it seems that only Ah Ba has this hair color?

The idiot looked at the little mermaid, and at the same appearance as the deviant. but,

Xiao Ba was sobbing, his eyes looked very scared. She shrank back, and then, her body gradually disappeared, and no trace was seen...

The room was quiet.

The idiot clutched his throat and sat down on the side chair.

He panted, looking at the blood on the ground. This blood water completely covered the original black marks, and even the blood water splashing on the wall seemed to be drawn, falling on the black spots, completely covering it.

It is no longer clear whether it is reality or illusion.

In other words, knowing that all the hallucinations are happening in front of me, the idiot cannot let the body's senses come out of these hallucinations.

At this moment, he really felt that he had been trapped in a completely inexplicable place.

Even self-protection is impossible...



The idiot was silent.

Dim off, also silent.

None of them spoke first, they just sorted out their own thoughts, letting their own thinking try their best to find the conditions that can meet the current situation.

My dear...,...a long time.

The idiot finally stood up, dragging his tired pace, pushing open the door of the ward, and staggering down the stairs. When he came to the street outside again, the street that should have been bustling, there was no one at this moment. Even a barking dog disappeared without a trace...

The idiot shuffled and walked forward. Every step he took, he felt that his limited life would be torn off. Using Anmie as a crutch, the idiot moves forward step by step, not knowing where the ultimate goal is...

(…………Dark out.)

(I know what you want to say, but, unfortunately, this time things are really beyond the scope of my understanding.)

The pupils on the sword turned twice and slowly said.

The idiot exhaled and shook his head (then, you are deviant, before meeting, do you have any impression of her?)


After thinking for a while, Dimie replied, Unfortunately, no. In fact, if there is any connection between me and this half-elf, it is only that I once lodged with the queen of the elves. In addition, the relationship between the elves and me has always been a hostile relationship. If you want to talk about contact, I am afraid that there is only that.)


(Human kid, this is really troublesome. I guess you are experiencing hallucinations now, right? But I think the situation in front of you should be more than just hallucinations. It has a kind of truthfulness. Just like It’s just a repeat, just replay what has happened before your eyes.)


(However, this kind of deduction is also a bit weird. Because in this world, the dragon of time has sealed itself. It should be impossible for the passage of time to undergo major changes. Unless there is some very powerful external force, it is impossible to appear in the present This situation.)

The idiot shook his head, agreeing to Dimie's inference. But even if you know that the current situation is not right, how can you change it?

Standing in the empty town of grief, Idiot looking at the sky...

The scorching sun sky enveloped him like a mockery. Uh...,...

Walking out of the mansion, the surrounding rain began to fall again. Bread seemed to perceive something entering the mansion again, but the rain did not stop as before.

She nodded, standing in the rain, thinking about her current situation, hoping to find a solution.

Jingle bell nnn

The familiar bell rang.

Bread turned his head, the flame butterfly continued to loom in mid-air. This time, Bread didn't even think about it, and directly followed these flame butterflies to move forward. At the same time, I have roughly inferred the situation in my mind.

Time has been cut.

Apart from this, bread can't think of any other possibilities. Although I don't know where I am now is the past of the normal sad continent timeline, the present is still the future, but one thing is certain, that is, I am on a timeline different from that of an idiot.

When such an absurd thing was said, even the bread himself thought it was a joke. But unexpectedly, instead of smiling, she felt that this was a completely possible thing. It seems...I have really seen the "truth" of time?

There is no doubt that what the elf man showed just now is the "past". The blood hole in his chest is the "future". The past and the future are mixed together, and at the same time displayed in front of me. In addition to the time being cut, there is another point, that is, the space is also cut, and all are disrupted, pieced together illogically.

With that said, Ba Ba's current situation may be the same as himself.

No... it's possible, Ba Ba will get worse over there.

Bread remembers that when Mr. Mulla taught himself these complicated knowledge, Baba was by the side. But for those intricate nose poses that are enough to write a notebook completely, even if they are clever as babble, they frown directly and can't think.

With that said, the situation at Ba Ba is likely to be even worse. If you can’t understand the formula, you can’t understand the things in front of you, and you can’t use general “common sense” to infer it... Isn’t it really dangerous? !

Bread frowned, thinking. She looked at the flame butterfly in front of her, and the anxiety in her heart had gradually reached a peak! Finally, Little Bread couldn't help it, and rushed up with a stride. "He stretched out his hand and was about to catch the flame butterfly!


The golden flames scattered.

In a blink of an eye, it has disappeared.

With the disappearance of the flame butterfly, the eyes of the bread gradually condensed to a point in front.

On the dilapidated road, a little girl stood.

A little girl with silver hair, about two or three years old.

Her body was soaked in the rain, and the tattered clothes on her body had long been invisible.

The long silver hair fell down, covering her face, allowing Bread to see who she was. But looking at her hair color and age, Bread immediately confirmed that she was her younger sister Xiao Ba, and immediately reached out and beckoned.

(Ba! Little Ba?! Is it really you?)

Xiao Ba seemed scared when he saw the bread running over.

She didn't wait for her sister to come over, but turned around, as if about to run away! When Bread saw that she was going to run away, how could she let it go? At the moment, her hands slammed on the ground. "The huge water wall blocked the little girl's retreat. When she collapsed to the ground in fright, the bread rushed up and grabbed her. hand.

"A Ba? 》

Bread held up the sign and asked cautiously.

But this child is so young, she seems to be only two or three years old, and she may not even understand words at all! After being caught by Erbao, she struggled in panic, trying to get rid of it. After trying several times and failing to succeed, the little girl finally cried, and at the same time, she shouted Elvish language) Mom! Help deviant! I'm afraid of deviance!"

In an instant, the bread was stunned.

Although she could not understand Elvish language, she could hear the pronunciation of the words "betrayed" and "mother".

Normal children don’t call their mother’s name directly, right? So...this "betrayed" is what this little girl calls herself?

Her name... is called Deviance?

Bread’s hesitation was only for a moment, because soon" the girl’s legs began to disappear and her body became translucent! Bread knew her time was limited,

If you don't act immediately, it is impossible to detect any more news! At the moment, without saying anything, her left hand was directly raised, and a "leading force array" emerged in her palm. In an instant," she slammed the guiding force into the little girl's head.

The radiant light made the dark sky all around brighten up instantly. Without waiting for the light to disappear, the little girl's figure has disappeared. In the surroundings, I once again recovered and regretted...,...

(If, I guessed correctly...)

Bread looked at his left hand, and the guiding force gradually disappeared. She squeezed her fists, raised her head, and looked at the direction where the little girl was going to escape. At the end of the road is a ramp uphill. And what is hidden at the top of the ramp?


! ! ! "

In the distance, suddenly there was a scream! For the idiot who was holding his hands in the dark, this scream was so sudden and so puzzling.

This is a deviant voice.

There is no way to imagine that the deviance that was so imposing just now will make such a miserable cry? The idiot gritted his teeth and rushed forward immediately.

The situation cannot be worse than it is now, what else can make him stop?


The idiot clenched Dim Mi in his hand, under the scorching sun, suddenly! A young girl fell from the sky! She suddenly fell from mid-air as if losing control, and with the fall, her body even burned with a raging flame!

"Ah! Disgusting flame Disgusting flame! How dare you burn me? How dare you... dare to invade my domain!"

With a bang, Deviance hit the ground heavily, smashing the ground out of a big hole. Along with this smash, a raging fire also ignited. The idiot looked at the current deviance, the flames that used to be obedient like her arms and legs, but at this moment, they are eating back her body. In this pothole, she kept waving the crystal sword in her hand, seeming to want to disperse the flames.

"Is it you? It turns out that it is the girl with pink hair! You dare to invade my domain! In this case, I want you to pay the corresponding price! I want you to never see your father again, I Eat him now, eat him!"

After all, Deviance rushed out of the pit, piercing the crystal sword in his hand into the idiot’s chest like crazy.

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