Demon King Dad

Vol 6 Chapter 30: , Empty mark

Facing the sudden crazy attack of deviance, the idiot did not dare to neglect. But, with his current body, can he really cope with the completely crazy deviation in front of him?


The crystal sword carries a violent wind, which engulfed flames. With the piercing of this sword, the overflowing flame splashed onto the surrounding ground. The surrounding houses also started to burn,

The ground became a sea of ​​fire!

The look of an idiot, tired.

He held the sword and watched the sword stab at himself. The focus is gradually lost in the black pupils... Maybe, too much blood loss?

The hand holding the sword... squeeze it tightly.

The idiot didn't move at the moment when the crystalline sword carrying the flame was about to penetrate the idiot's heart.

Perhaps, he did not move at all.

But the deviated figure in front of him stopped at this moment. In addition to surprise, there was a touch of "pain" on her face.

Gradually, the clothes that deviated from his chest began to tear, and a huge wound appeared on the chest inside like a natural crack. !

Immediately afterwards, the space behind her also cracked, and a long and narrow black gap appeared. When the blood spurted from her chest, the blood and the surrounding flames seemed to be sucked, and all of them were inhaled. Among the cracks in the black space.


Deviated and clutched his chest, slowly, backing away. The crystal sword in her hand also began to slowly shatter," it collapsed little by little, turning into powder.

The mermaid backed away.

Her chest had been completely broken by that sword, and the heart inside had also shattered into two halves. The corners of her mouth kept overflowing with bloodshot eyes, and as she stepped back step by step, her footsteps also gradually moved towards the gap that still did not merge.

"I hate that I hate you! I hate all of you! Do you think you have won?

But you can never win! From the very beginning, this battle is doomed to end in your failure! "

The idiot's actions are still frozen, perhaps, worse. After starting the falling leaves, the wound on his body began to overflow with blood again." His feet were also unstable again, kneeling on the ground.

The deviance over there is still going back step by step. There was a smirk at the corner of her mouth, mixed with the flames on her body and those bloodshot eyes, slowly, "rushing" towards the crack

"I won't let you leave here, you will be trapped here forever! And your daughter, even if I die, I will let you two never see each other! This is my domain, forever, only I can judge the fate of all of you!"

"Haha...hahahahaha...hahahahahahahaha one by one!!!"

The harsh laughter gradually disappeared in the cracked gap.

The broken body was gradually swallowed by the crack. Soon, the black crack swallowed the broken body, together with the blood and surrounding flames, and closed.


With a plop, the idiot's knees completely knelt down.

He grasped Diamie, the numbness of his body already made him dizzy. Even if the surrounding flames had receded, he could still feel the heat and weakness in his body, and his body was completely out of his control.

(Human kid, are you okay?)

The dimmed pupils looked at the idiot, and there was no previous ridicule and joke in the thin red line.

(…………………………I can't die.)

Gasping for breath, the idiot struggled and stood up again. After all, the burden of fallen leaves on the body is still too great. "If it is not in its heyday, it is a sword of suicide if it misses a hit.

(Damn, what the **** is going on? The things in front of me are completely beyond the scope of my understanding. What is going on with all this? This world looks so crazy?)


You really don't know, anything? )

(Nonsense! If I know, I still need to talk nonsense with you now? Human kid, although I like to joke with you very much. But now it’s a matter of life and death, I don’t want to see you trapped here. You are trapped It means that I am also trapped!)

An Mie is telling the truth. After the idiot rested for a while, he held the sword again and stood up. He doesn't know how long he can last, but he must know that as long as he doesn't see the bread for one day, then he won't fall down like this one day!

Jingle Bell……

Under the scorching sun, flame-colored butterflies were flying in front. The idiot hobbled forward, the sluggishness in his eyes was no longer an unintentional force, but the purest fatigue and fatigue.

Steps, move forward slowly.

Follow the flame-colored butterfly. Gradually, the flame butterfly flew to the edge of the town of Grief. Before a row of stairs that gradually went up along the mountain road, disappeared.

The idiot raised his head and looked at the mountain road.

He didn't think about it either, because he was so tired now. "Being tired, he didn't have the energy to think about anything."

He just supported his already shaking legs and crawled upward step by step.

The scenery on both sides of the mountain road began to change.

The huā grass and trees began to shatter little by little, bursting into flames, and turning into many flame butterflies.

These flame butterflies hovered on both sides of the mountain road. For the idiot, except for the steps on the soles of the feet, no huā grass and trees could be identified in the surrounding space. Looking around, the flame butterflies had covered the entire sky!

Afterwards, these butterflies began to dissipate, and as the flames faded away, some strange scenes appeared beside the stairs of the mountain road.

That is the woods.

But it was obviously different from the woods on both sides of the mountain road. These woods look more delicate and more bizarre. The towering trees cover the sky, and the originally hot sky looks much clearer at this moment.

The idiot drags the dark to die." The sword body kept colliding on the stairs, making a popping sound.

Dimming opened his eyes and looked at the idiot who hadn't reacted to the surrounding situation at all, and then looked at the surrounding scenery. Suddenly, Dim Mie seemed to think of something, that blood-colored pupil instantly expanded!

The idiot still didn't say anything, didn't think about anything, just walked up slowly and walked--

A rumbling dark flame spewed out from the forest. The weird forest was shrouded in the ravages of dark flames in an instant.

Screams began to be heard in the forest, and the cloud of death enveloped the entire forest.

Gradually, the screams slowly stopped and disappeared. Only those dark flames are still devouring the forest. Waiting for all the screams to disappear completely at this moment, a dark light blasted through the forest over there, tearing the surrounding trees. In an instant, the light of darkness stayed in the air, and those dark flames spread out as if surrendered to that light.

The dark bone wings, open.

With each instigation of these two bone wings, dark flames will fall from the bone wings.

These horrible wings of destruction came from a white back. The bare back was in the center, but a black chain was inserted.

Young girl with red eyes.

She held the sword of darkness in her right hand, a symbol of the emperor of the demon clan, and the pupil at the hilt of the sword was shining with bloodthirsty light!

The elf girl's body was pierced by five chains, and her pure white skin was covered by a long skirt made of dark armor. She just hung in the air like a queen who is facing the world, her cold eyes looked directly at the idiot here, as if she was scorning him...

Elvish language) No queen, Devil Emperor Lu Hagang! We have no other way. Today, even if we annihilate the race, we will seal you forever!!!"

Is the female devil looking at an idiot?

Do not.

Because soon, dozens of elven warriors in silver armor rushed out from the side of the idiot.

They either hold swords, or bows and arrows, or their hands contain colorful energy. But one thing is the same, their bodies are all covered with blood and scars. Compared with the female devil emperor who shook bone wings, she was simply vulnerable.

The idiot's footsteps continued to extend to the top of the stairs.

Click, click.

Dim Mi in his hand still collided on the stairs, making a monotonous sound.

Beside him, the battle has already begun. The elven warriors showed a fighting ability that ordinary humans could not even imagine. But they are strong, the female devil emperor holding the sword of darkness is even stronger! Between raising hands and feet, the entire forest has been completely razed to the ground. Under the dark sky, the entire island seemed to be shrouded in dark flames, with no life left.

After full slaughter, the female emperor turned and flapped her wings and left.

She jumped across the ocean and came to a land on top of a continent. When she reigned over a city, she lifted the dark sword in her hand to the sky. The black thunder and lightning directly struck the dark sword from the air, and the clouds in the sky began to spin. The dark flame rain fell from the sky. The dark Mo Nu began to massacre humans, but the beautiful elf devil emperor was still floating in the air, with blood-red eyes coldly looking at the ongoing killing below, without the slightest pity.

The whole continent was caught in flames.

What happened after this, the picture gradually disappeared, unknown.

Dim Mie didn't say anything, but seemed to be silent. After a while, the surrounding scenes were re-transformed into the island that had been burned to ashes. As time passed, I don't know how many years passed, the burned-out forest began to recover again, and the new young saplings turned into tall and towering trees again. The entire island has also regained its vitality.

, Elvish language) That kind of disaster must never be reproduced again."

A corner of the island, where some people live.

Some elves.

In a tree hole, an elf stroked the scar on his chest and said these words sadly. And this talking elf was also the bravest among the elf warriors who fought with the female emperor.

Elf language) Isn’t there? Every appearance of the **** emperor is almost always accompanied by some randomness. Although every appearance is inevitable, the discovery of the **** emperor’s journey is really full of too many accidents. Different Confirmed by that magic sword. If the **** emperor cannot appear in time when the devil emperor reappears next time, what should we do?"

The elf clutched his head, worrying in this tree hole filled with various books. He kept flipping through various books, looking for answers in various books. With the sound of his flipping the book, the idiot's footsteps stretched upward in the same way.

The elf kept watching, rummaging...

No matter how prosperous the world of elves outside has become, no matter how many years have passed.

Many elves kept sending in all kinds of books. The elf was also eagerly absorbing this knowledge, and even after the tree cave he lived in became a big tree cave that could hold almost a hundred people due to the growth of the years, he still buried himself in those books, an obsessed reader.

The idiot still ignored the surrounding scenery, and continued to move his gaze up blankly.

But Dim Mie looked at the scenery very carefully, the boss with eyes wide open.

, Elvish language) There must be any method! It can be used to counter the power of that magic sword before the **** emperor awakens!"

The elves searched, and the long years made his expression look a bit sluggish, but his hungry expression was increasing day by day.

However, the world finally did not live up to his expectations. When he was searching for all possible books, a message suddenly appeared before his eyes.

Elvish language) Valkyrie sealed the magic sword at the end of the second era?"

Holding a new book that had only been printed in the last few hundred years, the elf was taken aback. But then, he immediately thought of a way.

, Elf language) The power of Valkyrie is gone! As long as you can possess the power of Valkyrie, it can definitely compete with the sword of the Demon Emperor! Power and strength wait a minute, I remember there is a record here... there is it! That's it! "

The elf picked up an ancient book, blew away the dust on it, and opened it. This is a biography, written by the current Elf Queen. After seeing the record of Valkyrie in the biography, after seeing the heart-shaped ruby ​​necklace drawn in the book, the elf finally jumped up with joy as if he had discovered a new world.

Elvish) I found it! Power, this is the power I need!

From now on, I can stop the Devil Emperor! I can last until the **** emperor is resurrected. It is even possible to suppress the power of the devil before the **** emperor is resurrected! "

The elf's body trembled a bit, but when he said that he could suppress the power of the Devil Emperor, his body trembled even more severely. The dimming on the stairs shows that in addition to uneasiness in the eyes of this elf, there is more of a joy. Perhaps in the depths of his soul, it is not only so pure, because it wants to suppress the devil emperor. So longing for power...

Abandoning the Book Elf began to plan his own actions. He has done a lot of preparation work, and it seems that he has a clear goal. Finally, in one night, he used his identity as a veteran to sneak into the forbidden area of ​​the elves and broke some cordon lines. At the same time, he also killed some of his own companions. When he finally appeared in a cave looking at a box in the middle of the cave...

The smile on his face gradually began to twist.

Elvish language) Strength my strength. Valkyrie Ji once shattered the fragments that symbolized her strength in the First World War. After that, for some reason, this **** brought some of his fragments to the Elf Island, hoping that we The current elf queen has guarded the seal for generations. Our queen has also agreed because of friendship. But I know that Valkyrie must wait for someone who can inherit her power to appear, and put this power here, right? "

, Elvish language) Hahahahaha, yes, it must be like this. And I must be the successor chosen by the gods!"

The elf picked up the box and opened it. Take out the small red gem fragment inside.

He looked at this gem, and his silver-gray eyes gradually revealed a little restlessness. The pure and flawless eyes of the elves were now turbid because of the reflection of this fragment.

The development of the next thing seemed to be a bit unexpected for this elf. He took away the shards of Valkyrie Ji's power, but was immediately declared a traitor by the elf queen, and sent a large number of elf warriors to arrest him. Regardless of how the elf explained that he took this fragment entirely to fight the Devil Emperor. It was for a lofty and just goal, the Elf Queen still remained unmoved and strongly demanded that the Elf return to the Broken Well, or she would resolutely refuse to revoke his traitor status.

Finally, the elf escaped.

He broke a siege in the siege of his compatriots, jumped on the boat, and sailed to the vast ocean.

But behind him, the clippers of the elves are in hot pursuit, and the queen has also issued a killing order, asking him to use his life to be responsible for his betrayal.

In the storm, the elf's boat overturned.

He and the fragments in his arms "fell into the invisible deep ocean.

This is really a nightmare, and the elves can't understand it. Why can't I get the recognition of my own tribe with the research results I have spent countless years? The power of the Valkyrie is so practical, why the elves who have experienced the catastrophe of the Devil Emperor can't figure it out, and change the thinking that will not work for thousands of years?

Under the deep sea, the elf thought he was about to die. He clenched the fragments in his hands, his expression full of unwillingness and resentment. but……

Even this piece of debris seems to want to abandon him, and he doesn't know where the water rushes, and his hand can't help but let go." The debris in his palm also fell and left his control.


One! ! !

I have gone through an epoch of painstaking effort, but now Jing is in vain? ! The elf disagrees, he won't look down! However, just as he tried to move downstream, regardless of the higher and higher water pressure and the darkness of the environment, when he wanted to grab the fragments that broke away from his fingers, a vigorous figure came from his side. Passing by, swimming quickly to the fragment.

Immediately afterwards, under the faint light from the fragments, a beautiful and moving shadow filled with beautiful curves appeared in front of the elf's eyes.

The Elf’s ally for thousands of years, a mermaid.

This mermaid took the fallen fragments, and at the same time, her chest in the heart began to emit a little red light. The mermaid looked at the elf with wide eyes above, then at the fragments. After thinking about it, she put the fragment into her mouth.


In the elf's wide-open pupils, the red light symbolizing the fragments went down from the mermaid's throat, and finally merged with the light in her heart. The scene in front of him was really beyond his expectation. He opened his mouth, so he let himself hold his last breath and let it go.

The turbulent sea water poured into the chest cavity, squeezing the last trace of the elf's life.

The mermaid looked at the elf about to drown and finally reached out and hugged him. Afterwards, her smooth dolphin-like fish tail moved lightly, and with the faint spirits, she headed towards the sea...

The awakened elves lay on a rock and spit out sea water.

The mermaid was lying on the edge of the rock, looking at the elf curiously.

She seemed a little curious, and it was more like she had never seen an elf. When the elf spit out sea water, he even lifted his fingers and kept poking at his back.

"The alliance between the elves and the mermaid is really too old. Even some young elves don't know about it. Look at the movements of this mermaid." I guess she doesn't know much about this agreement.

After vomiting all the sea water, the elves were more concerned about the fragments that the mermaid swallowed. After regaining a little bit of strength, he immediately rushed up, hugged the mermaid's shoulders, and looked at her white **** that were not covered by any clothing. And his action also frightened the mermaid. As soon as she struggled, she immediately jumped back into the sea. The elf who had not recovered much strength was also lost again by this blow, and fell on the rock.

Sunrise, sunset.

The elf lay on the rock, trying to recover his strength.

In other words, he is now desperate. The idea of ​​betraying his own tribe and wanting to contain the Devil Emperor was so easily vanished. That mermaid probably won't appear again, looking for such a mermaid in the vast ocean is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

The feeling of despair gradually caused the elf to think of suicide. He looked at the water, at his haggard and pale face. Gradually, his body began to slide under the rock, and he was about to fall into the abyss...


But at the moment his body was about to fall into the sea, a head protruded from the sea.

That mermaid? !

I saw a fish in her mouth that was still shaking.” After seeing the elf, she slowly swam over and handed the fish in her mouth to the elf. The elf was taken aback, after reaching out to take the fish, this The mermaid immediately swam a distance away, and she exposed half of her head on the sea, looking at the elf curiously and vigilantly.

Mermaid) Why did you save me."

The elf who reads the book is a natural linguist, and said this when he ate the raw fish in his hand.

The mermaid looked surprised." But soon, most of the vigilance on her face disappeared. She smiled and nodded. Then she turned around and plunged into the sea again and disappeared.

Night came, and the entire sea level became quiet again.

The bright moonlight hangs over the sea, and the entire ocean is as calm as a mirror.

The mermaid once again brought fresh raw fish, and she looked very happy watching the elf eat it. This time, she jumped onto the rock and sat there. While watching the elf eat fish, he sang happily.

Mermaid) Between the sea and the sky n~nbell locks nnn"

Mermaid) Fairy nnn of Mingyue nnn"

The singing is so beautiful.

With her singing, the elf noticed that there was a string of bell locks on her wrist. With her voice, the bell locks also resonated and rang.

The singing on the ocean can float far, and this An Yu's singing calmed down the spirit's original heart full of various desires. He has been nervous for a long time, and now he can finally close his eyes and sleep peacefully.

As time passed, the interaction between the elves and the mermaids began to increase.

Through communication, the elf knew that this mermaid could not speak.

If she wants to express various meanings, she can only convey it through singing.

Why this is exactly what is unknown. But what is surprising is that "the original mermaid should have magical singing voice, but it can't be reflected in this mermaid."

Except for the nice voice and wonderful singing, the elf could not detect any magic in her singing. It's like degraded.

During the exchange, the elf also learned the mermaid's name, Verna.

I also know that when she was young," she could still speak and her voice was magical. But when she got lost under the deep sea because of playfulness one day, she found a shiny red shard and accidentally took it because she was too hungry. After eating it as a shrimp, she can no longer speak, nor can she sing magical singing.

With his veteran status and excellent knowledge, the elves "know the mermaid’s breeding cycle every 100 years. However, when he asked the mermaid if he wanted to eat by himself to reproduce, this one was named Verna. The mermaid shook her head strangely.

She has no desire to eat people, but every spring "will not help but lay a lot of eggs. After laying, she does not care, continue to return to the way it was before."

It seemed that even the mermaid's reproduction method had degraded.

Instead, in the process of her growth, there will always be some fragments gathering around her due to various reasons such as water flow. The first few hundred years are still very few, but as the pieces swallowed more and more, it has been almost every year recently. Ear fragments no longer appeared in the next few decades. Just when the mermaid thought it was over, the elf plunged into the sea with the fragment and let her swallow it.

In order to escape the chase of the tribe, the elf begged the mermaid to take him to land. The two were on the case, and the elf also begged the mermaid to stay with him.

Verna agreed without any doubts, her legs turned into a human form, and even if she went ashore without clothes in the deep sea, she was a little bit resistant to the clothes the elves gave her at first, and didn't want to wear it. She is also a little awkward at walking, lying on the ground at all times, trying to crawl forward.

The pair of "allies" came to the middle of the human world, accompanied each other, and came to a small town.

They live in this small town. Although their lives are ordinary, they seem very happy.

In the beginning, the elves have been trying to find the power gem in the heart of the mermaid. But with the passage of time, he gradually became less persistent. Especially, after their daughter, the deviant was born, the elves had completely forgotten about it, and forgot that there was a mark of a traitor on their body.

But good days cannot last forever. About thirteen years after their daughter was born deviantly, something happened.

Verna, she started to have chest pain.

It was accidental at first, but later it turned into a regular chest pain. She started to roll on the bed in pain. The pain can't calm me down.

The elf is restless, but he doesn't know how to cure Verna's illness. Every time, he could only hold his daughter in a deviant manner and constantly comfort Fona, holding her, hoping that she can calm down the pain as soon as possible. But the longer the delay, the worse. Seeing his wife's heart hurts almost from day to night to night...

He thought of a way and decided to implement the plan he decided to implement more than ten years ago.

He wants to take out the power gem from his wife's chest. This time, not to deal with the devil, but to protect his wife.

The elves began to study all feasible methods, mobilizing all the medical books he had read. He is a genius and a polymath. Soon, he worked out a plan to bring his wife into the hospital and into the operating room.

A 57-hour operation was carried out under the hands of the wizard.

This is an unbearable torment for any ordinary person. During the operation, the nurses changed batch after batch, but the elves who operated the sword didn't want to retreat at all.

Finally, the operation was successful.

The gem that had been oppressing his wife for a long time was finally fully revealed in front of the elf.

It is a very perfect heart-shaped ruby, there is no fragmentation on the gem, it seems complete! The elf took out this ruby ​​that seemed to be drawing blood from his wife's heart, and stitched up his wife's wound. He didn't care about the gem, but until his wife no longer showed the painful expression on his face, and after falling asleep peacefully, he finally exhaled and announced the success of the operation.

In the 〖room〗, the elf accompanied his wife, looking at her sleeping face.

He smiled, took the ruby ​​in his hand, and looked at it.

This gem used to be something I dreamed of, but now I feel that the sheen it emits is not as good as that of my sleeping wife and daughter in her arms.

He shook his head and put the gem in his pocket. After that, he turned around and went to the next door to the ward, ready to pour himself a glass of water.

Mermaid) Between the sea and the sky n~nbell locks nnn"

Mermaid) Fairy nnn of Mingyuenn~"

The familiar singing voice came from behind the elf.

Hearing the singing, the elf smiled. However, just as he was about to turn around, a sense of powerlessness suddenly came to his heart!

There is magic in the singing?

The elf was stunned, he didn't know what was going on, nor what the proximity of these songs meant! However, he couldn't turn a sound at this moment, nor could he move. The whole body is so numb, without any power!

The elf gritted his teeth and tried hard to hold on to the desk, supporting his body. When the singing behind it gets closer and closer!

He suddenly turned his head...


A familiar, but somewhat strange, lips were printed on his lips.

The provocative tongue stuck into the elf's lips and entangled. When the tongue and lips left the elf's lips, his wife, who was in a hospital gown, pointed at him, revealing a charming smile...

Mermaid) Verna? You "..."

The mermaid's lips were printed again.

But this time, it's not lips...

It's the throat of the wizard.

Poof blood, splashing.

The entire lounge is now filled with crimson colors.

The elf's body gradually weakened, and his eyes were dull as he looked at the wife who was showing the evil smile in front of him, and his body also slowly collapsed to the ground. With endless questions, anger, and endless resentment...

Forever, stopped breathing.

The scene on the ladder road ends here.

Those flame butterflies flew up again, completely concealing the **** scenery. After the flame butterfly disperses again, the surrounding scenery has been restored to a mountain road, and the idiot's climbing journey has come to an end.

At the end of the ramp is a cave.

Without any hesitation, the idiot walked straight into the cave and continued along the dark walkway.

On both sides of the cave, torches began to flicker gradually.

These torches are so old, so old. It's like accumulating too many years and being forgotten by the whole world.

In the footsteps of an idiot, slowly moving inward...

Patter, patter,

Finally, he came to the deepest part of this cave...

Here comes the center of a large cave.

The cold hair eroded the surrounding cave walls...

At the end of this last, time seems to have frozen for it.

The idiot raised his head and looked up at the center of this cave, where the source of the severe cold was, erected a huge tomb of ice.

And in this tomb that freezes time and space...

The mermaid is in a deviated form, just like being sealed inside, like a baby, like a deep sleep...


The idiot exhaled. The thick white mist became the breath of his mouth.

He closed his eyes and was silent for two seconds. After opening my eyes again...

There is nothing wrong, it is indeed a deviation.

The deviant who was killed by himself.

My wife, senior sister, the mermaid who controls the flames, half-elf deviated.

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