Demon King Dad

: The third year story 021, balanced nutrition


The idiot looked up and down the tree, then raised his head to see the shameless damage it had caused to his house. After two minutes, he finally turned his head and left the room.

The branches of this tree are shaking more severely. Little Bread lay on the bottom of the basket. After feeling the trembling of the basket, not only did he not feel the slightest comfort, but he cried happily and kicked the basket. In the shaking of the basket, the idiot finally came back from the outside again. After stepping into the wooden house, he walked straight towards the duran tree that was growing in the wrong place.

Rustle--! The branches were trembling desperately... and then...


A bucket of ice water was poured into the roots of the Dulan tree.

"Hey, when did you become a plant peace ambassador?"

The idiot put down the bucket, ignoring the sarcasm of Dimming.

"But... forget it. The weather is too hot. With this tree in the room, it's a lot cooler. I'm afraid that's why you don't take that girl out and sway around? Without these burdens, your steps It will be much faster."

The idiot walked back to the stove, put out the stove, took off the pot of cooked batter, and put it on the table. Then, cut the tasteless batter into small pieces with Dimming, and sprinkle with salt, and the lunch is complete.

"Woo~~~! Ah~~~~!"

The bun smelled the scent of the food and began to cry. The idiot walked over and picked up the girl from the basket. At the same time, he raised his head and glanced at the Dulan tree, then turned and walked to the side table. And the tree stiffened for a minute, the

"Oh, interesting. How long can you live in such a peaceful life? No matter, I have time anyway. Now you are too young and not strong enough. I don't oppose your ‘peace’ to save your life."

Dim Mi closed the blood pupil, but just when the idiot picked up the batter and ate it with salt, and the bun was holding the gnocchi and biting hard with her little teeth...

A person, out of breath, appeared in front of the wooden house.


Princess Buck, Walnut.

Since the last birthday party was attacked, King Bucks knew well that members of the royal family had become the assassination targets of certain resistance groups. No one can forget the last shadow attack. If it weren't for the heroic actions of Dylaw Goodsay, the casualties would have been heavy. So all the walnuts have been kept in the castle by the king over the past few months, and she is not allowed to leave for a moment.

In a way, this image of a princess who is locked in the castle and unable to go out fits some "romantic scenes" in Little Walnut's mind. In the first few days of being imprisoned, she even wondered if any prince would break into the castle and rescue her.

Unfortunately, reality is reality. No one would break his brain and go to the palace. During the period of being "captive", not only did he have no prince, but he didn't even see a horse walnut. But at any rate, it made her understand the mood of the imprisoned princesses in the opera——

This feeling of being locked up and not letting out is really...too bad!

After being imprisoned for more than two months, Hutao finally obtained her "right to go out" from the King of Bucks by virtue of her constant coquetry. But this is also a condition, that is, there must be a strong guard by her side at any time. And today is his first day out, and the strong man responsible for protecting the little princess is the principal of Campa, the old king's most assured.

Seeing Walnut rushing into the idiot's house anxiously, Principal Campa shook his head helplessly. He did not go in, but stood some distance away from the cabin, admiring the growing Dulan tree, with a smile on his mouth.

"This princess, as soon as she came out, she was so anxious to find the idiot. It seems that she is really anxious..."


The scene in the room surprised Walnut. Although from a distance, she felt that the idiot's house was a little different from her impression, but she still didn't expect it to be so serious. But soon, her attention shifted from that tree to the idiot and little bread.

The idiot looked at her with the same cold eyes. On the contrary, after seeing the walnut, Little Bread raised his hands that were holding two pieces of gnocchi happily, jumped off the chair, opened his hands, and rushed towards the walnut.


Walnut knelt down and hugged the bun lightly. After Loaf smiled happily, he suddenly lowered his head and looked at both hands. After thinking for a while, she retracted the larger gnocchi on her left hand, handed the salt-sprinkled gnocchi on her right hand to Walnut, raised her head again, and smiled at Walnut.

To the idiot's point of view, this movement of Bread is too stupid. Why did this girl pass her own food to others? Doesn't she know the preciousness of food? Or is it that this kind of life has taught this little girl how to be extravagant? !

Idiots think so. For him, the gnocchi on the plate is simply the best food in the world. And... it was salted! This is gnocchi with seasoning! It's salty gnocchi! ! !


When these scenes are seen in Walnut's eyes...

"Small bread... do you usually... eat this kind of stuff?"

Those two small gnocchis made Walnut feel appetite at first glance. Perhaps because the flour is not very clean, the gnocchi does not look pure white, but a little yellowish, and even black spots appear in some places. Walnut lowered her head, looked at the gnocchi on that little hand, and then at the little bread who has always eaten these things but now smiles at herself...

Walnut said nothing, and hugged again.




A minute later, Walnut let go. Her eyes were already filled with tears. Compared with her, Little Bread's green pupils were filled with puzzles. Two big question marks crashed everywhere in her eyes. However, this weird scene is over. As the idiot reached out his hand, the little bread was pulled out of Walnut's arms.


"What are you doing..."

The idiot stared at Walnut to prevent the "princess" from assassinating himself.

"What am I here for? Now, you are still asking what I am here for?!"

The pity in Walnut's heart immediately turned into dissatisfaction after seeing the idiot's face. She stretched out her hand and pointed at the two gnocchi in Bun's hand, and said loudly, "I ask you, what do you mean! Bun is growing up, how do you let her eat this kind of food? !"

The idiot glanced at the bread, and saw that she also raised her head, looking at herself with those big watery eyes.

"Precisely because of the long body. Therefore, I will give her the best food..."

"Nonsense! If you really cherish her, you will never give her this kind of food!" Walnut became more and more angry, and gradually got the urge to beat others. But she knew she couldn't beat an idiot, but she still wanted to beat someone.

"………………I have done the treatment."

"Treat it? How did you handle it? Is it made into rock sugar shortbread?"

"…………………………I, salted."





"Then... and then?"


Walnut-like just wants to lift the table! After a long period of trouble, this idiot only added salt, and he only added salt! ! ! It's unbelievable, why can the small bread still feed in his hands? How did this idiot raise it? !

Walnut gave the idiot angrily, but she also knew that no matter how angry she was, the idiot in front of her might not change her expression. If you get angry at him, you can't get along with yourself. Instead of this, it's better to calm down and not to be angry at him.

After some self-comfort, Walnut took a deep breath and finally suppressed the anger in his heart. After she calmed down, she opened her eyes again and looked at the idiot in front of her.

Xia Chan, crying out the window...

The lively atmosphere just now gradually calmed down amid the cicadas' cries. In the room, the dulan tree opened every emerald green leaf, just like countless tiny fireflies, reflecting the green light.

Very quiet...

Once he calmed down, Walnut realized that the cottage was actually so quiet. No one will bother here. In the noisy wind-blown sand city, this place is like a pure world, surrounded by green and cool...

……………………So comfortable.

The wind blows through the leaves, making a rustling sound, and then blows on the shoulders. The feeling is not hot, but like being surrounded by cold water.

And in the center of this cool world, the boy who had saved himself many times, stood there...


Walnut lowered her head involuntarily, and her face also exuded some unknown blushes.

"Okay, dwarf. I'm not here today for anything else, I'm here...thank you."


The idiot still maintained the iceberg face, and Walnut did not look up. She took out a heavy envelope from her arms, put it on the table next to her, and said, "Well... Although my father did not give you a reward, you have saved me several times. Peak of Revelation, Magic Train , Death Desert, and my birthday party. I think...I should still thank you..."

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