Demon King Dad

: The third year story 022, buy my life? You might as well take it yourself

Walnut's voice is very tough. But for some reason, as she said more and more, the voice behind it became lighter and softer, and only she could hear it.

The idiot looked at Walnut, who kept his head down, and then at the envelope next to it. After thinking for a while, he opened the envelope, and inside it was a thick stack of hundred sura bills. Counted slightly...Three thousand Sura.

Money is now in front of idiots. The total amount of three thousand sura is a huge sum for an idiot. The money is enough to buy the fire dragon tongue that treats the throat of the bun. Even withdrawing one of the banknotes was enough for him to spend a year extravagantly. Now, there are a full three thousand Suras given to him.


The moment I saw the money, the idiot's eyes were not filled with joy and excitement. On the contrary, a thicker frost thickened his black pupils in an instant.

Walnut hasn't realized anything yet. She still turned her head away, the blush on her face didn't subside. But if she had time now to stop looking at the idiot in front of her, she might be able to heal the blush on her face immediately.


A voiceless voice came from behind. Walnut took a breath, holding his breath. Is she waiting, waiting for the idiot to thank her? Seriously, she couldn't wait to hear the feeling that the guy who was expressionless all day blushed and said "thank you" to herself~~~!

"Who want me to kill."

Yeah! This is the voice of apology! Well~~~ Actually, you don’t have to thank me. Even if I think it’s your usual hard work, I will reward you.

……………………what? !

Suddenly, Walnut turned around. I saw the idiot looking at herself with a serious face, let alone the gratefulness and apology in those jet-black pupils, there was even a little bit of killing intent that made people feel chilly!

"Kill...who? I didn't let you kill?" Walnut didn't turn the corner for a while.

The idiot's complexion is more rigorous and heavier, but in the midsummer air, people feel a cold breath like a severe winter.

"Three thousand Sura, buy a life. Give your name, and I will solve the'trouble' for you."

The idiot spreads out his hands, and his thoughts on doing business have been confirmed.

"Trouble? What's the trouble? What the **** are you talking about! Why can't I understand at all?!"

Seeing Walnut's repeated "covering", a layer of cold sweat broke out on the idiot's back. If there is a "princess" acting stupid in front of you, then you must be careful! Because next she will throw you either a **** pot or take your life!

"Three thousand Suras." The idiot pointed to the envelope on the table in a cold tone, "If it's not to buy my life, why would you give me so much money. Let's say who the other party is, according to the difficulty of the target, I will tell you the approximate time to complete the commission."

After going through such explanations, Walnut finally understood. Understandably, the anger in her stomach also surged.

" idiot! Who wants you to kill someone! I've said it all! The money is for the hard work you raised the bread, and I will reward you~~~~!"

Because there was still a little bit of dignity in his heart, Walnut blushed involuntarily when she said these words. After listening to these narrations, the idiot bowed his head in silence. then……

He picked up the envelope and slid it back into Walnut's hand extremely quickly. And holding the small bread back three steps, staring at the walnut with a plague-proof look.

No one will give each other money without any benefit. If the other party never tells you his purpose, then no matter how abundant the money is, you must never touch it. Past experience tells idiots that if greedy swallows the money for a while, it is very likely that not only will it be spit out in the end, but also a lot of "interest" will be added.

Pies never fall in the sky-this sentence has been accompanied by an idiot for twelve winters. In the future, it is destined to stay with him.

The look of an idiot is cold and alert. Except for himself, he will never trust anyone. But what kind of scene was his behavior in Walnut's eyes?

"you you you--!!!"

Walnut was holding the three thousand Suras in her hand, and she was so angry that she was almost speechless. After the idiot still stared at her with that pair of eyes, the little princess finally slapped her foot, pointed to the idiot's nose and cursed--

"You idiot! You... you short, idiot, pervert, big badass! I... I saw it today! How could I know you as an idiot? How could there be such an idiot as you in the world! You! Go to die! Why don't you die!!!"


Unlike the dullness of the past, the words frozen by the ice and snow responded in an instant. At the same time, it was not just words that responded, but also a long sword in black. At some point, the sword had already touched Walnut's chest, and the darkness it emitted even dispelled the light in the room!

"You, give me three thousand Sura, is it to buy my life?"

The idiot clasped Diane tightly and took a step back again with a vigilant look.

"But you are too stupid. Give me money and ask me to commit suicide. There is no such stupid person in the world."

For a moment, Walnut's expression became rigid...

"If you want my life, you might as well take it yourself. As long as... if you can kill me."




The cold wind was bleak, and the smell of winter was wrapped in the room. Walnut looked at the idiot blankly, her expression gradually changed from surprise to anger, and from anger to sadness. Facing the idiot who could still point her sword at her at this moment, the little princess finally stomped her foot, turned around, and left crying.


The idiot finally breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Walnut leave. He put the Dim off again, and touched the sweat beading on his forehead due to fear. Regarding Walnut’s request to wipe his neck with money just now, he made such a comment——

"I cried when I refused to commit suicide. It's a weird person."

"Yeah, it's weird indeed. To be honest, I have begun to have nothing to say to you."

Dim Mie had opened his eyes for unknown time, and the blood pupil stared at the idiot.

"......I, did I do something that shouldn't be done?" The idiot lowered his head and looked directly at the blood pupil.

"Oh, why ask me? I only care about whether it is fun or not, and I don't care about what to do or not to do. And I just said that, I have nothing to say to you~~~!

Rarely, Xuetong interrupted the conversation by himself and closed his eyes. Since this sword did not raise any objections like himself, the idiot can assume that his behavior is completely correct. After feeding the buns thoroughly, he put the bread in the dulan tree basket again, walked out of the cabin and picked up the cleaning tools on the side, ready to start the afternoon work.


The idiot has left the wooden house for a year, and started cleaning the campus again under the hot sun. But just now, a crying little girl ran out of the cabin ahead of time. After seeing the principal Campa next to her, she threw herself into the arms of the old man again with a "wow".

"Princess, what's the matter?"

"Woo! Tell him to die! Mr. Campa, you told that idiot to die! Woo...! I...I gave him money, and he actually... said I wanted to kill him! Why! Why does he treat me as a bad person every time I am so kind! Wow~~~~!"

Walnut's cry was also a little difficult to deal with in the eyes of Principal Campa. What should I say? How can I explain so that the little princess can understand the influence of the environment in which the idiot grows up on his character? After thinking for a moment, Campa shook his head and said nothing.

Xia Chan continued to cry for a long time, and the girl's cries gradually ceased in the sound of insects. After crying enough, Walnut poked his head out of Campa's arms. After taking the handkerchief that Campa handed over and wiping her eyes, she turned her head away again and looked at the small bush.

It was also at this moment--

Sand, sand, sand...

The idiot left the room with a broom and cleaning tools and walked to the cleaning area in the afternoon.

Walnut looked at the back of the idiot leaving in a daze. In her mind, the dark figure with the blood-red right eye overlapped with the thin shadow in front of her eyes. They are somewhat similar, but also slightly different. She lowered her head, as if thinking about something.


Three minutes later, Walnut suddenly raised his head and looked at Principal Campa.

"I suddenly remembered, has the idiot been working all this time?"

Campa thought for a while, then smiled: "Yes, princess. To be precise, since he came to this school, apart from being injured and unconscious, he has never stopped working a day."

"What?! Mr. Campa, how can you do this?! You never gave him time to rest?" Walnut's eyes lit up, as if he had found some very good reason. After Campa's promise, she immediately opened her arms and cheered loudly.

"Yes, it must be so! He is too tired... No, it is not that he is too tired, but you! Mr. Campa! I feel very much that you were able to not give a handyman holiday for several years. Angry! Because he has been working like this, he has become so distorted!"

Campa: "Well...Is that so?"

Walnut with his hands on his hips: "Of course it is! So, now as the princess of the Bucks Empire, I order you that throughout the summer I will have that idiot stop working and relax."

"I'm sorry, princess. I can't agree to this request."

"Yes, just relax~~~! I'm going to take that idiot to see the Apple Falls, and have a picnic in the Yoshihara Forest, and... wait a minute, Mr. Campa, what did you just say?"

"I mean, I can't let go of an idiot, Your Royal Highness."

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