Demon King Dad

: The third year story 023, a walk in the park

Originally, Walnut thought that his request would be easily met. After all, she is a princess. In the Bucks Empire, who can defy the royal family?

However, Campa also has its own plans. And those plans were enough to make him dare to confront Walnut.

"Princess, if it's only a week or two, then I can consider giving him a vacation. But the whole summer vacation? Unfortunately, I am not a charity here. I can't raise a guy who can get food without work. Throughout the summer."

Walnut's face turned red in an instant. She puffed her mouth and stared at Campa angrily, but Principal Campa didn't care at all, and always replied with that look in her eyes. After two or three minutes, Walnut was finally discouraged and his eyes weakened.

" or two weeks...just one or two weeks...but on the other hand!"

Her Royal Highness raised her finger again and said loudly: "I want him to act as my bodyguard outside in this two weeks! Moreover, I want Mr. Campa to persuade the father to let me be able to do it alone. Walking outside, there is no need to arrange so many followers anymore!"

After thinking about it for a while, Campa immediately agreed to the request. Although the resistance organization that made a big fuss in the banquet hall last time has not been caught, as long as a piece of "insurance" is added to the princess...

Believe that it is not difficult to convince the Bucks King.



Symbolizes the continuation of midsummer.

Hot air

The breath that softens the ground.

Time has entered July, and the smell of summer has enveloped this desert city, driving people into shady rooms, enjoying the refreshing ice water, and dispelling the sultry heat caused by the summer heat.

A large green park in the northwest corner of Fengchusha City can be regarded as a strange scene in the desert. With abundant groundwater, this man-made park is planted with more plants than other places, and it is basically green when you look at it.

The large lake in the center of the park swayed ripples under the breeze. The undulating lake reflected the fire day, but still used the blue water to welcome all the people who came here to escape the heat.

Compared with other parts of the city, there are indeed a lot more pedestrians in the park, but it is not so much that it is very busy. After all, there are not many people who want to escape the heat in the hot summer. Especially in the sculpture square in the middle of the park, there are fewer pedestrians here.

Under a large stag sculpture in the center of the square...

Idiot, just stand here.

His body is still wrapped in the sweater that he has worn throughout the year, his hands and feet are always bound by heavy chains. Beside him is bread wearing a small white shirt. She was a little wilted by the sun when she was young, and she looked very sluggish and seemed to be able to sleep at any time.

Why would an idiot stand here? I'm afraid he doesn't even know this. He only knows that Campa gave him a job yesterday, and that job is to stand here today and wait. until……

"Hey, have you waited a long time?"

The arrival of a certain princess.

The idiot raised his head, and came into sight is a girl wearing a white wide-brimmed round hat and a plain white dress from top to bottom. After seeing the idiot, the little girl waved her hands while quickly walking to the idiot, standing still with her hands on her back.


"Hey, I asked if you waited for a long time. Why didn't you react at all?"

The idiot lowered his head for a moment, then he raised his head and looked around. In this slightly empty park square, there are only three of him, Xiao Bian and Walnut. Campa was standing in the woods next to him, and there was no sign of anyone else moving. The idiot lowered his head, stared at Walnut and said, "You, there is no guard."

Walnut snorted, "Aren't you my guard? Shorty, didn't Mr. Campa tell you?"

"...He said. I want me to wait for you here, as a guard for your leisure time outside the castle for a week, as a job."

Walnut carried her hands around her back and circled the idiot. She smiled unkindly and said, "Yes, yes~~~! I believe you know that too? Because you made my birthday party dead last time, so Father King has always refused to let me out. Now I finally have such a little time and I have to be watched before I can move freely. But it doesn’t matter! As long as someone is watching, then watch it for you~~~! As long as you If you can guarantee that I will be safe and sound every day for this week, then your work will be completed!"

The idiot lowered his head again and began to think about the meaning of the walnut words. But I am afraid that he wants to break his head, and he will never think of the thoughts of this girl at this time, right? Walnut looked at the idiot's thoughtful expression with relish, looking very proud. After waiting for two or three minutes, she asked, "How is it? Have you thought about it?"

The idiot raised his head and looked at Walnut. After thinking hard just now, he finally figured out something.

In short, this is the "Princess" under the hands of a brothel nicknamed "Father King" and handed over to him. And the pimp who is responsible for protecting the "princess" and assisting the "princess" to complete the "work" more smoothly? ...... Well, it seems that's right.

But there is one more idiot to figure out, and that is--

"You don't dress beautifully today."

Such a sentence suddenly appeared, and the walnut blushed instantly. She murmured--

"This...this is because... if I wear too grandly, I will soon be discovered. If I wear it simpler... it may not be easy for others to find out that it is me..."

The idiot looked at the woods again. At this time, Campa has left. He still has a lot of incomprehension about this task this time. But now if I want to ask again, it seems it is too late.

"All in all! You act as the safety guard for the princess! You must ensure her safety during your working hours, understand?"

Dim Mi let out a sneer, and the idiot closed his eyes. After a while, he finally nodded...


Along the way, there is silence along the way.

The summer sun passes through the gap between the bushes and gently falls on the tree-lined walkways in the park. The lake in the center of the park exudes a slight chill. Walking around this wide lake, feeling the cool and humid wind blowing on your face, which makes people feel very comfortable.

Three people, four feet.

The idiot carried the fainted bread and walnuts side by side. He never said anything along the way, except for the occasional rattle of the chains, he could no longer hear any sound.

Loving couples were sitting in twos and threes on the lounge chairs by the lake, and there were slight sweet talks hidden under the shade of the hills nearby. Walking on such a winding road, the idiot can still hold his face, but the walnut next to him is already flushed and feels bewildered.

"Honey, no... don't do this..."

"It doesn't matter, your father has agreed to our marriage."

"Ah~~~! Don't... Don't touch there... Ah~~~~!"

Listening to the dialogue from those little bushes, Walnut's forehead was already hot and ready to boil water. She began to complain about why she didn't choose other places, but chose such a famous couple park to take a walk? Moreover, he actually followed that idiot in a vague way? Looking around, she had no idea where the park was. Even if this dwarf throws himself here now, he is helpless!

...Throw it away? !

Walnut jumped up suddenly and grabbed the idiot's arm abruptly. The idiot was startled, and instinctively broke free out of danger, but the next moment Walnut hugged the little bread on the idiot's back, hugging her to death and refused to let it go.


The idiot turned his head and looked at Walnut lightly, waiting for an answer. Walnut looked up and saw the idiot's eyes, was slightly startled, and said loudly——

"I...I order you! Immediately...Leave this park right away! Never listen or see! Don't even think about it! And...and..."

Walnut glanced at the dense bush next to him that was completely invisible, blushing, and said loudly: "There is also... Never take me to a place that hides the eyes! Absolutely!!!"

The idiot looked at Walnut stupidly, not knowing what happened to her for a while. Walnut also noticed the idiot's eyes, and felt anxious in her heart. But because of her quick brains, she immediately patted the bun, pointed to her and said: "Look, the bun is still here. You take her around in this place, the influence is not good."


The idiot pondered for a moment--

"She must get used to it."

Walnut didn't know, the screams in the surrounding bushes were really nothing in the eyes of this idiot. Senag’s prostitutes screamed louder than this, and he almost grew up listening to his mother’s prostitutes. These voices not only don't need to be avoided for him, on the contrary, they also let him find some chaotic, cold, and disorderly past feelings.

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